100+ lbs to lose!!!



  • kt_simms
    kt_simms Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 33 and have 100+ to lose. I'm always happy to have new friends.
  • spoonwalker
    spoonwalker Posts: 40 Member
    All you are amazing!!! As you can all tell by this post you are not alone!!! We are going to succeed at this! Feel free to add me on Facebook ( Kaitlin spooner) or on my Facebook group as well ( Getting healthy tips tricks and motivation )!!!

    Wwooooooo! We got this everybody!!!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I'm 45 and have been fighting with myself over losing weight now for about 12 years or so...I first was horrified at being 206 when my youngest was about 3. She is now 15 and I am 244. I have spent many years losing only to invite it all back.

    I hate when people say "I lost weight then it all came back" as if it snuck in one night and just pounced on you saying "Ha! You thought you lost me but I found you!"

    No, the weight didn't just come back. I threw the door open (many times) and said "LET'S PARTAY!!!!" :expressionless:
  • alicaramik2
    alicaramik2 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi, I would guess I have at least 100 to lose. I say "guess" because I have no idea what I currently weigh. I don't own a scale and, to be honest, I'd be terrified to get on one. I wear a size 18 (sometimes 20) at this point and I'm shooting for a size 12. It would be so nice to have someone to talk to that understands what it's like to go through this. My best friend is a size 4 and has never been overweight in her life. She's supportive, but doesn't really "get it ". My husband walked out last April because he said he didn't want to be seen with someone my size. So, I'm raising my son alone and I need to be healthier for him and for me.
  • inekestorms
    inekestorms Posts: 12 Member
    I have 100 to lose also. I'm a stay at home mom with a just about 2 year old lil girl. With a wonderful husband that can eat everything and does without gaining an ounce. Making the transition to a lifelong healthy lifestyle change as best as I can. I could use motivation and support from others! And to give back some too! Feel free to add me please!
  • WayneBradt
    WayneBradt Posts: 69 Member
    My recommendation would be to set some intermediate goals that you can achieve. Even some daily goals, doesn't have to be big. For me there's nothing more upsetting than never reaching the top of the mountain, but if I only have to get over that next ridge it builds me up and motivates me to make it the next peak. Good luck, you will do great.
  • teresaryan67
    teresaryan67 Posts: 71 Member
    I lost over 100lbs about a year and half ago. Still have about 50 more to go. Watching my eating and lots of exercise. I have hit a brick wall and need to shake it up. It can be done. :)
  • spoonwalker
    spoonwalker Posts: 40 Member
    Positive attitudes are the best!!

    I also agree with smaller goals to get to the bigger ones! I sit down every night before I go to sleep. Write on page in my journal and then make a small list of goals I want to accomplish the next day. Simple things as eat 3 different fruits or clean the tv. It makes me feel a lot better about myself and my days and all help me reach a bigger goal!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Same here - taking it one day at a time is the best way to go. I ask myself "what can I do today to make me feel good when I lay my head on that pillow tonight?"

    After a successful weekend I pushed myself to get on that treadmill at 5am. My goal this week is to increase my distance for my 30 minutes walk/jog. It felt great to push myself and I started my work week with a boost of energy.

    Good luck TODAY! What will you do TODAY to be successful?
  • sosoangel
    sosoangel Posts: 20 Member
    Wow this thread is absolutely amazing! Loved reading everyone's posts. Good job everyone and keep it up! I myself am looking to lose 100lbs as well. Am down 20lbs. It's a start. Feel free to add me :)
  • Hello to all! I'm here in search of some motivators and "butt-kickers" :) My name is Chelsie and I have about 135 pounds to loose. I would love to make some new friends and help anyone and everyone that I can! Please add me, if you'd like.
  • melx123
    melx123 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi there! 28 here and I also need to lose more than 100. I was off track for a while, gained a bit back but im back on board, 3 weeks in and just taking it a day at a time.
  • Buu_kz
    Buu_kz Posts: 89 Member
    I am still on my journey because its a never ending battle but it does get easier at some point. I lost over 200 pounds and have kept it off for the most part for over 7 years. The key is never losing the consistency of counting calories and working out even when you get to your goals!
  • spoonwalker
    spoonwalker Posts: 40 Member
    Welcome! !!!!! Where are you all from?
  • Khalstead0517
    Khalstead0517 Posts: 42 Member
    I have 175+ to lose...feel free to add me. I am down 80 so far and am committed for the long haul!
  • cal0rina
    cal0rina Posts: 111 Member
    Yes for small goals, I have achieved first one by getting my BMI under 40! And logging every thing ideally before I eat it to be sure I really want it
  • SamLyons12 wrote: »
    I have been on and off again for couple years now, I am 26 yrs old and recently had to have a hysterectomy, I let the depression get the best of me and ate my way through it.. I am now about 80lbs over weight, but would love to lose 90-95. I am at the biggest I have ever been in my life and something has to give. I have two children which makes it even harder when all they want to do is eat :( I started my journey yesterday by watching my 1200 calories and going to the gym, I did 1 Mile on the treadmill and 3 miles on the bicycle. Today my kids had a snow day and of course wanted to eat everything and I am a little over my calories today :( but I would LOVE someone to help me beat this journey!
    It's ok just don't give up or become discouraged ,you have a amazing journey ahead
  • melx123
    melx123 Posts: 39 Member
    Texas here ^.^
  • hezemakiah
    hezemakiah Posts: 157 Member
    I just started too. I am 48 years old and have 90 lbs to lose. I am happy to share in this journey with any of you. Feel free to add me.
  • spoonwalker
    spoonwalker Posts: 40 Member
    I'm from Wisconsin! 11 inches of snow in my driveway lol