Lose 5 Pounds a Month May 2011 Challenge



  • leslieanna15
    Bad week for dieting, two birthday parties and a bridal shower. Needless to say, no loss. BUT at least no gain!!! Here's to a better week. I'm starting 30 day shred today, maybe that will give me a boost! Great job everyone!!!!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey, can I get in on this challenge???

    May 1: 164
    May 8: 162.5 :bigsmile:

    OK Mr. Scale....you are going dowwwwwwwwwwwn! :laugh:
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    Forgot to post Friday, sometimes I just do not understand my body, Thursday AM I was 187, great! Friday AM 189??? wth? I'm going with 189 for consistency and will weigh daily to see if I can find a pattern in weight fluctuation as related to other "stuff"
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    I have a new to me recipe that is awesome as a dessert. You can change the flavors to whatever combinations you might like but my fav is one container of Dannon Light n Fit Cherry yogurt with 1/2 scoop of chocolate protein powder - it tastes just like chocolate covered cherries!! If you mix n eat it right away its a bit gritty/powdery so today I mixed it this morning and just finished it - nice n smooth, awesome!!
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Happy Moms day to all the moms here:)

    Check in 5/01: 177
    WK #1 5/08: 176
    WK #2 5/15:
    WK #3 5/22:
    WK #4 5/29:
    Final weight 5/31:
  • moyyster
    moyyster Posts: 37 Member
    Ok, so I'm a little late but I'm in! I will just have to go a little bit past June!!!
  • WyoRed
    WyoRed Posts: 64 Member
    Great week, nice to see the scale moving after a couple weeks of little movement!

    SW - 148.7 5/1
    Week 1 - 145.1 5/8 (lost 3.6 lbs)
    Week 2 -
    Week 3 -
    Week 4 -

    GW - 135
  • moyafigura
    moyafigura Posts: 140 Member
    My weight loss so far:
    May 1- 150.4
    May 8- 148.2
    2.2lbs lost
    Hope this continues :)
    Good luck to everyone else!!!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    omg Im so behind worked doubles all weekend wow missed my weigh-in concidering changing it to monday lol concidering getting up at 6 30 in the morning after getting to bed at 12 every saturday to work another double after just finishing one and getting 6 hours maximum on sleep then I don't think that a weigh- in would be that accurate on sunday but I eat really well at work lol so monday weigh-ins scare me and i have monday through thursday off work so friday weigh-in is a possibility since I don't have to be in untill 3 pm on fridays and work pretty much nonstop untill sunday night

    so feedback please! changing weigh-in to either monday or friday...... Monday after eating 3 full meals 3 days in a row? or Friday after eating maybe 2 full meals a day 3 days in a row?

    eh I feel like I will be heavier on a monday than a friday but its not like im eating crap over the weekend I do have salad with lots of my meals cereal for breakfast and one percent milk and vegetables with most dinners

    editing to add.... oh and i don't know how realistic this is but I'll be moving more since I will have the 4 days off and will hopefully spend a lot of it on cleaning my house and going for walks so ya hopefully realistic with english that I have to do online starting now and math starting at the beginning of next month but hopefully the fridays would be after some movement
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms here! :flowerforyou:

    My diet has been whack. Honestly, it has been ever since my birthday (April 5.) I also have not been exercising. I do not want to see the damage on the scale but I cannot avoid it--- I can FEEL it! My stomach is cramping, and I have been really uncomfortable the past couple of weeks. My energy is so low, and I am feeling all around BLAH. :frown: It amazes me that we do this to ourselves when it makes us feel this bad! How can something like exercising and eating well be so difficult to stick to when it makes us feel so much better? Baffling!

    Anyways, I have a friend who is having a lot of success with Weight Watchers. I am going to give it a shot. I already know how to eat well and do not expect to take much from the eating plan. I am really getting in it for the meetings... in hopes that they will help me STICK to eating well!
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    Well, I took the challenge and found myself eating my way throught this weekend...eating, eating, eating.
    Started saturday with my granddaughters 2nd birthday party which was a cookout with the best darm pulled
    pork barbecue and all the sides and of course, birthday cake. Then, sunday it was out for Mothers Day
    dinner with family and yes, another piece of cake. I have to say I enjoyed all these wonderful foods and
    do not feel guilty, as I was aware that I was eating dishes I normally do not eat on a regular basis and
    normally do not eat desserts--so, I endulged!! So, tomorrow morning when I weigh in (for this challenge)
    I am not expecting a weight loss--but will be happy for no weight gain. Will post tomorrow.

    Want to give a 'shout out' to all of you guys who posted for the week and are well on your way to having a
    5 pound weight loss this month.

    Weight as of 5/1/2011 = 129 lbs.
    Weight as of 5/9/2011 =
  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    Wow, I am a little surprised, I didn't track my calories for most of the week, still had some emotional eating going on and didn't want to know how much I screwed up, I wasn't able to get to the gym because of no vehicle, but I did stick to drinking an 8 oz glass of lemon water in the morning and before bed, and drinking at least 8 glasses of regular water during the day. And I have to say I am impressed with the results, I lost exactly 2lbs, probably all water weight, but the scale went down. My goal for this week is to track everything that goes into my mouth and now that my vehicle is working again, hit the gym at the very least 3 times this week. And hopefully have a nother surprising weight loss next monday. lol

    Congrats to everyone on here for either losing or maintaining their weight. Reading other peoples stories really helps to keep me motivated.

    May 1- 233
    May 9- 231
  • zimzim23
    zimzim23 Posts: 43 Member
    Yesterday was crazy so I forgot about this!
    Alright my
    SW 157
    5/9 155

    2lbs gone, yay!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Hopefully the TOW pounds drop off as fast as they come on

    5/01~ 176
    5/09~ 178 TOM :huh:
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    5/1 132.2
    5/7 131.2
  • Curry0724
    Curry0724 Posts: 51 Member
    Well that was a frustrating week on the scales! At one point, it was 156.3... then it went right on back up on weigh-in day. I am not exactly sure what this is due to! I was under calorie goal everyday except for one day too!! So ridiculous! Anyway, here is to a better week hopefully!

    5/1: 158
    5/9: 157.8
  • racharla
    racharla Posts: 92 Member
    Four days of over the cals .. no work outs and traveling ... thought I would be gaining more than two pounds .. This week I am gonna kick some cals ..
    5/1 : 213.8 lbs
    5/9 : 214 lbs
  • lisafrancis629
    May 2 - 176.6
    May 9 - 172.6
    May 16 -
    May 23 -
    May 30 -

    4lb. loss but realistically this was after a couple weeks of being off the plan and gaining 3.6 lbs. I am glad for this loss but what I'm most proud of is that I got back on track. In the past, I would have just thrown my hands up and said "what's the use" and kept right on that unhealthy track until I was right back where I started. I have to keep reminding myself that this is a lifestyle change and a few bad days doesn't have to mean failure.

    Hope everyone has a great week. :smile:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I am glad for this loss but what I'm most proud of is that I got back on track. In the past, I would have just thrown my hands up and said "what's the use" and kept right on that unhealthy track until I was right back where I started. I have to keep reminding myself that this is a lifestyle change and a few bad days doesn't have to mean failure.

    @ Lisafrancis - AWESOME job getting back on track! I'm finding that I have to remind myself of this lifestyle change as well. I allowed myself to be out of control for many, many years. The mindset & approach to eating won't change overnight but as long as I continue working on it each day...IT WILL CHANGE!!! Nice Work!!!
  • Curry0724
    Curry0724 Posts: 51 Member
    I forgot to mention this because I was frustrated, but on a good note I did loose a 1/2 an inch around my hips which is awesome!