Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Slytherin



  • CrisUndies
    CrisUndies Posts: 40
    Hey! I think partners are a great idea! I live in Ireland so its in the same timezone as the UK but I'm not picky on who'd I get.
    I leave my food diary open so feel free to add me.

  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Since cris and pixie are the same time zone, it looks like we had a match!!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Sorry I forgot to update my weight yesterday! I barely ever get online on the weekends; I mostly stay on MFP during the day at work, though!

    My SW was 154.2 (I think) and my CW is 151.0. I can't get to the spreadsheet at work! :(

    What's this about partners?
  • lmv88
    lmv88 Posts: 12
    I updated on the spreadsheet. How cool and convenient that is!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    I am in the US, but also willing to partner up at this point. Missed the post asking for volunteers... I haven't been sitting on my butt at the computer much the last few days, which is unusual for me!

    I would love to partner up if you are interested! Friend me.
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    Good Monday Morning (or afternoon/evening depending where you live)! I hope everyone is ready for the new week! I know I am! :)
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,179 Member
    I'd like to have a partner if it is not too late.
  • good job everyone. As a whole we lost 0.97% of our weight. Thats about 50 pounds

    now I am still missing weights from


    If your name is here and you are still apart of this group please update the spread sheet ASAP

    Again, great job everyone, keep working hard..

    and for today a quote and a pic

    "Voldemort uses people his enemies are close to. He's already used you as bait once, and that was just because you're my best friend's sister. Think how much danger you'll be in if we keep this up. He'll know, he'll find out. He'll try and get to me through you."

  • lovezumba
    lovezumba Posts: 26
    Sorry for not posting yesterday but I did not lose anything this week. I didn't get to exercise 3 days this week due to my mom being hospitalized but hut I'm gonna double my efforts this week. And hopefully be able to lose a few. I have a wedding to go to june 4th
  • no problem =). I gave our percent to uno, but i'm going to check back tonight and update our percent from late weigh ins
    Food Challenge: Try at least three new recipes this week.
    Exercise Challenge: Try to get outside and do some kind of exercise for at least 20 minutes at least 5 days this week..
    How about we have everyone post their new recipes here. It doesn't have to be anything really fancy, but at least try and mix things up a bit. We want to eat healthy, but it can definitely still taste good lol.
  • lovezumba
    lovezumba Posts: 26
    OOH!!! My boyfriend shot a turkey so I am gonna do something with the turkey breast, maybe marinate it and grill it????
  • CrisUndies
    CrisUndies Posts: 40
    Hmm...just had a look at the main topic and it looks like Slytherin are in the lead. We just have to wait for Gryfindor to post theirs. But even if we don't win well done guys. REDUCIO!

  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I guess I'm in? Hey that's really cool but I have a question. When did we "start", what date is the "starting weight"? May 1st?
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Yep, May 1st was the starting weight...yesterday the end of week one. Welcome!
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    How about we have everyone post their new recipes here. It doesn't have to be anything really fancy, but at least try and mix things up a bit. We want to eat healthy, but it can definitely still taste good lol.

    I actually tried two "new to me" recipes tonight.

    I just recently found the Laughing Cow thread here and went out to buy some last week. Tonight I tried cauliflower & laughing cow.
    1 cup of steamed cauliflower
    1 wedge Laughing Cow ( I used herb & garlic)
    Mashed together (pop in the microwave if the steamed cauliflower isn't melting the cheese). It was pretty good and low in calories! :)

    The other recipe I had was, Homemade baked potato chips. I've tried them a few times since joining MFP and finding the recipe, but I still consider it a new "treat" for me :)
    1 medium potato sliced thin
    1 - 2 tsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    I use my fingers to rub oil on each chip, and arrange in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Bake at 400 until starting to lightly brown (about 10minutes +/-) then flip over and brown the back (about 3-5 minutes +/-) there really is no set time since ovens vary, so just keep an eye on them. Sprinkle with a little salt right away once cooked and then remove from cookie sheet. You can then top with any flavor you like. The powdered popcorn flavors work really well, tonight I had regular salt & vinegar on half, and the other half I sprinkled with Franks Red Hot.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    My weight on Sunday was 234.8 slight lost but not bad for a tough week. Hope to improve this week.
  • Melk967
    Melk967 Posts: 55 Member
    I just recently found the Laughing Cow thread here and went out to buy some last week. Tonight I tried cauliflower & laughing cow.
    1 cup of steamed cauliflower
    1 wedge Laughing Cow ( I used herb & garlic)
    Mashed together (pop in the microwave if the steamed cauliflower isn't melting the cheese). It was pretty good and low in calories! :)

    I LOVE Laughing Cow cheese! Never thought to use it in cooking!

    I have a basic recipe (not very technical, haha) but it's really tasty, easy to make, and easy to adjust to your liking :)

    I buy Uncle Ben's Whole Grain Brown Ready Rice and mix it with pineapple chunks (I buy the Dole canned kind) and red bell peppers. Just dump in the whole can of pineapple (juice and all) into a pan on low heat, add the chopped up pepper, heat up the rice in the microwave for 90 seconds, and then mix it all together in the pan. Very tasty and filling :)
    I also tried it with pineapple, orange, and red pepper flakes. Interesting mix of spice and citrus haha.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,179 Member
    New recipe for me from back of Zatarain's Spanish Rice box. It was delicious & my son (20 yrs) & husband liked it, too.
    "Authentic New Orleans Recipe Creole Chicken Recipe" -- Serves 4-5
    1 pkg. Zatarain's Spanish Rice Mix
    1 (15 oz) can diced tomatoes
    1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce
    4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
    Zatarain's Creole Seasoning
    2 Tablespoons Margarine (next time I will try it with just 1 Tablespoon)

    In medium skillet heat 2 Tablespoons margarine, brown chicken breasts seasoned with the Creole Seasoning. Remove & set aside. To skillet, add first four ingredients. Stir and add browned chicken breasts. Bring to boil, reduce heat to low, cover & simmer for 25 minutes.

    I ate 6 oz. of chicken (yes, I weighed it) and about 1/3rd or less of the rice mixture. It was quite a lot and I will reduce my portion next time.

    I also tried something that I've never had before: Can of Ranch Style Pinto Beans with jalapenos. We all liked that, too!
    I had 1/4 cup of the beans.

    Total calories for my serving of that meal was 381.
    I hope that I figured that right.

    Hunt's - 100% Natural Tomato Sauce, 0.33 cup 27calories
    O Organics - Organic Diced Tomatoes In Tomato Juice, 43.96 g 8calories
    Blue Bonnet - Margarine- 53% Vegetable Oil Spread, 0.33 Tbsp 23calories
    Blue Bonnet - Margarine- 53% Vegetable Oil Spread, 0.33 Tbsp 23calories
    Chicken Breast - Chicken Breast - 6 oz. - Boneless and Skinless, 6 oz 185 calories
    Zatarain's - New Orleans Style Spanish Rice, 0.33 cup prepared 60calories
    Ranch Style - Pinto Beans With Jalapeno Peppers, 1/4 cup 55calories
    Total = 381calories
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Not a recipe as such but today I am trying kohlrabi for the first time. I've grated it up with some carrot, cucumber, apple and lemon juice and added a sprinkle of fennel and caraway flavoured mixed seeds. Hopefully it will make a delicious lunch! Will let you know later
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