

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.31min, 14mph 3mi = 111cal
    spin- 50min, 80ar 96aw, 11-15g, 19.8mi = 386cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 8.04min, 10.5amph, 1.5mi = 77cal
    ride dome 2 hm- 21.25min 7.4amph 2.7amph = 188cal WINDY!!
    762cal total

    to review, i get people curious what the abbreviations mean.
    i am a year round bicycle rider, so i ride ever day from home to the gym then after the workout, i ride to the train station then to work, then when i come home, its a ride from the tacoma dome to home.

    spin class explanation-
    AR means average revolutions per minute. so for 50 minutes, that is the average on how fast i was pedaling
    AW means average watts, think of a light bulb, that is how much power i am giving out.
    G or AG means the gear i am using on the average, there are 1-24 gears, so i was starting on gear 11 and the highest was 15.
    MI means of course miles.

    hope that helps.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Ok, friends. I'm no expert, and I won't bore you all with the gruesome details, but I believe that I must have passed a kidney stone this afternoon. I have had hints that something wasn't right for a couple of days, but all afternoon I had horrible pain. Went to the bathroom and thought I was dying. Would have called an ambulance but my phone was in the office. It was the worst pain I think I've ever felt in my life, including childbirth. After it finally passed, I felt a little better. Called the doctors office and have arranged to go in tomorrow morning for some tests. I'm still walking gingerly, and it hurts to do #1, but not as much as earlier. It's going to be a long night.
  • Socialwacker
    Socialwacker Posts: 30 Member
    Happy Ground Hog day everyone! He certainly didn't see any shadows in my neck of the woods so no early spring for us. -29C with wind chill today Brrrrrrrr
    After the snow storm last night most everything was shut down today - no school buses, etc. Just meant a relaxed, warm and cozy day inside for me! Got both sets of cardio in and the dreaded core. Had a great eating day, enjoyed every bite and still came in under calories. I will wait til I return from the cruise but I think its time to drop the daily calorie limit. After almost 3 wks I am under every day so I think I am good to go and what is more important is I don't "feel" like I'm being deprived.

    Much like many of you, this group is so large that I am having a tough time keeping up with you all individually, but know I read all your posts and take something positive away from everyone of you! Many thanks for that! Have a wonderful rest of your evening.

    Ontario Canada
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi all,
    Hope your Monday was marvelous!
    I had a good workout today at 6:00 then to TOPS where we had a good meeting. There were only 8 or us there today and for the first time ever we all gained weight! Ugg! I am up just .6 of a pound but I hate that up and down thing. After TOPS I did a run to Target. On a whim I bought myself a coloring book. Thought it might be a fun way to motivate me to get off the computer. It is a Minnie Mouse book. I loved to color as a child and think this will be a relaxing activity for me. After lunch it was time for my study group. We began a study on Explorers. I love history so I think I'll really enjoy it. Hubby and I went out for Mexican tonight - first eat out in more than a month. Did pretty well but I am over for my calories.

    Today was packed but Now I have nothing planned for the rest of the week but workout, work, grocery store and laundry. My back is better and now my shoulder hurts. ARGGGH! Sometimes I feel like a crumbling cookie - not aging very gracefully this week.

    It is great to have new ladies with us. Interacting here is a great motivator for me.

    Sylvia - how scary. I hope you find out what is going on with your health. Praying for you.
    Michele - what a beautiful pool!

    Sea Hawks fans - so sad

    Snow Bunnies - I'll take about 5 inches of your snow but you can keep the rest! Stay warm.

    Thinking of all of you tonight and so grateful for you, friends!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :D I raised my daily step goal this month so I've been getting away from the computer and walking in place or around the house so I meet my new goal.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did 2 segments of the "Fit in a Flash" DVD (that's 14 minutes). I finished this DVD so I know that there isn't any problem with it. Then I held my plank for 2 min 40 sec, then the extremepump class.

    Tomorrow I take my friend to Charlotte for the follow-up visit from her eye surgery today. No idea what time the appt is. If it's early, I have a walking DVD ready that I can do. If I can get to the Y because the appt is later I'll probably do a workout on the treadmill.

    - take care of yourself! You're wise to allow the healing. Be sure to get enough protein.

    auburn - welcome! Personally, I would think you'd have better success at accountability by coming in here. If you only have a few people that you are accountable to, they might very well lose interest. On here, even if someone loses interest or goes on, there's always someone new to be accountable to. (Did I properly confuse you?)

    - mammos are no fun, I agree. But it's certainly better than the alternative!

    Carol in NC
    - WTG getting off the bp med! I suspect that perhaps my friend talked the doc into letting her drive. Money is tight with her and she needs to work. Hopefully, this time around she'll take it easy.

    After exercise came home, boiled some water for my tea, then Vince and I went to the post office so he could ship some packages. He's selling things and the people were paying him so he needed to send it out. Then went to senior bowling. As usual, I'm Miss Consistently Inconsistent. The second game I had a 91 then the third game I had a 156! Now home to make dinner, then mahjongg tonight. It's REAL windy here today

    Sylvia - Ooohhhh...I like the colors of the chamelion. Thanks for the suggestion. We put riverrock all on the inside of the pool area so that we wouldn't have grass to cut (and thus clippings in the pool)

    Heather - I just love how you let me live vicariously thru you. Thank you

    Welcome to anyone new that I may have missed

    Smith - what a shame that your hubby won't help you, but come here often. You've got great motivation

    k2boxlady - great post

    barbie - I'm like you on the matter of decluttering. I do something for short periods of time and then it gets done. Now Vince is the total opposite. He'll put something off and then do the whole thing at once.

    Well, I don't know about exercising tomorrow. Just came back from mahjongg with Nancie, she needs to be in Charlotte at 9. Which means we should leave the house around 7 since that's rush hr traffic. So I'll get up around 5, get Nancie up around 6, have breakfast and then we'll leave. Perhaps when I get home I can do that walking video but maybe not. Tomorrow night we have Mexican Train. I have some of these pizza bites that I was going to make to take with me to Rummikub last month only we didn't get back from Charlotte until 6. There was no way I could cook them and be at the lady's house by 6:30 so I didn't go. I still have them in the freezer, so I'll make them for tomorrow night.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Rori – when you are done, want to come redo my bathroom?

    Renny – what a beautiful picture!!!!!!!!

    Celticred – welcome, visiting here regularly helps keep me going, hope to see you often

    Tina – welcome!

    Red – congrats on the run!

    Katla – you have me thinking about things I wanted as a young girl… so many were eliminated as my Mom had ideas about the “proper” activities for a girl, and there were $$ issues too. I will have to see if anything special comes to me that I could do/would like to do now…hmmmm

    Sally – sounds like a fun shopping trip – great job on finding “special” dresses early..

    Michele – great thing to do for your eye surgery friend… I cook for just one, most of the time, so I love to divide stuff to share (or freeze – depending on what it is)

    Alison – good luck on finding the kitchen bits you need, I love the “second hand” stuff, so would have a hard time with only getting new.

    Sweepypie – 11 pounds!!!! Excellent!!!!!!!!!!

    Gettingweightof – no need to be added, just join in --- welcome

    Sassy – Wow, made me overwhelmed just reading that…

    Robin – take care, sorry to hear Bodie is having a hard time.

    Auburn – welcome

    Carol – do you have any consignment furniture stores near you, we have some here and there are some great deals… Great to be off the med !!!

    Michele – Sylvia’s chameleon is a great model!!!

    Celticlass – the goals for 2013? LOL fun typo!

    Heather - So fun to know you are in SriLanka.. have a great time

    Smith – welcome

    Sylvia – sorry to hear about the situation, hope it is a kidney stone that is now gone… take care.
    So I meant to get here after the Super Bowl party I worked at, but by the time I had served drinks, snacks, a full dinner, dessert (Man those folks packed on the calories) then cleaned up and did the dishes, it was 9:30pm and I got home about 10pm exhausted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I did well financially - did not have any way to measure or log what I ate but I had mostly raspberries as a snack.. they are a BIG treat for me as they are out of my price range this time of year. Had salad for dinner and a 3x3 piece of chicken enchilada casserole. Then had a thin slice of cake that everyone was raving about – 2 bites –it was dry and not very tasty… dumped the rest. And was on my feet caring a tray for 3-4 hours and then doing dishes and clean up for 1-2.. there were 164 people in this house.. it was crazy; and LOUD - 6 TVs with the game going, most of the folks were in their 70’s and 80’s so the volume of the TV was a bit much.. Came home had a small (3 oz) of Baileys, put my feet up and then went to bed.

    Today is a long work day, as I am taking a few days off; to go visit a friend, so need to get a bunch of stuff done, so no-one misses me too much. But I will sit and watch Downton ( online) as I missed it last night; and since I now know there is a Robert/Cora scene, I have to see it to have the “rest of the story” . I’ll be around tomorrow, but don’t know as though I will have access on Wed., Thur, or Friday…


    January goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Doing a happy dance because posty delivered my FitBit Charge HR. Have set it up, exported ALL data from Flex, and will be nice to see heart rate at a glance. Will be good for different exercises. .Will see how I go with sleep as different to Flex. Nice that it is also a watch as mine died ages ago.
    All shopping done and put away
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I'm just wondering where or how to get the MFP weight loss picture a lot of you have at the bottom of your posts!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    sassy your day with your husband organizing astounded me. Well just to have a husband that would do that with his wife astounded me. Especially since he went out and bought the white board and some cute decos to go with it. It is amazing what you are all doing. Could we get our government to do it also???

    Carol NC the best way to take a B/P is to wait 5 minutes after you finally sit down. And during that time the nurse or tech could be getting info from you so it is a good medical practice. and you have a right to ask her/him to wait several minutes until your body adjusts itself. I wonder how many people could go off of their medicines but the tech/nurse takes the blood pressure wrong.

    Sylvia and Michele those were the exact kind of colors I was thinking of for your praying mantis, Bold neon colors, they would just match you so much Michele

    Terri in Milwaukee my girls were like that also although they have the same Dad. All during high school and middle school I would go to a completely different part of the school for them. Arts and humanities for one and sports for the other. Christina loved music, choir, piano, musicals and plays and Michelle liked to play basketball, soccer, softball. When Christina was in college I called her and was so excited. I told her that Michelle had made a basket. She said she didn't know that the school offered basket weaving. When she did the college tour she asked us, and I am glad it was quietly what that big off shaped H thing was in the field. She didn't recognize a football goal post.

    Smith0116 I live fairly close to you. I am in southwestern corner of Indiana

    Terri your son would be ashamed of my bowling. My husband is just like your guys. He wasn't satisfied if he had less than 200. He wanted all of his team mates to have the same kind of attitude. His average was about 180. The first time I went bowling I made a 7. Yes, a 7. Lots of gutter balls. I didn't bowl again until I joined a league and my starting average was 37. I think I ended up that year with about a 70. We did end up in last place. But one year all of my husbands team had quit and so had mine. So I joined his. One thing he hated about tournament bowling was giving up that ****handicap. Well with me on the team we would get one sometimes. And we won 1st place that year!!! And we both got most improved for male and female.

    Sylvia so sorry about that pain. Your self diagnosis might just be correct. The pain is worse than labor pain. It is writhing, rolling on the floor type pain. To bad you didn't actually catch it so it could be examined to see what it was made of.

    We didn't get our snow or wintery mix yesterday. It did rain and as the day went on it got colder. Today the high was 26. They are saying we might get snow by the end of the week though. But here in Indiana one inch can paralyze the city. I don't think they realize that most of us older folks used to walk to school in much worse. Going to spend the afternoon with my sister. It seems the older we get the less time we are together. And she lives probably 5 miles from me. She hasn't been feeling well and hasn't gotten out yo the Y and she isn't as able to get out in the snow and ice or even the rain like I do. She is finally getting used to her tablet she got for Christmas. She has found out that since her husband really gets upset if she talks on the phone when he is in the living room watching TV, now we can just get on our tablets and message each other.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Exercises done but very late now, better get to work, I'll catch you later <3

    Viv cold and frosty York UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Hello my friends!

    Lying here on the bed at 2.45 in the afternoon with DH snoring beside me! We drove here in the rain! At one stage it lashed it down like a monsoon. Warm though. The journey took 5 hours as there was a lot of roadworks, but we stopped for a tea and toilet break.
    I would have gone for a swim, but I have no idea where the pool is and this hotel is a collection of lodges under the palm trees. Very spread out. Lots of wildlife and a lake.
    We have a elephant ride this afternoon at 5pm. The rain seems to have eased a bit, but I am resigned to getting wet! :laugh: Might clear up in time. I will be well dosed in insectiside!
    At breakfast I took a couple of hard boiled eggs to the table and left them there while I went to get fruit. A crow swooped down and made off with the egg! I also saw one steal a packet of sugar. Then a staff member came out with a catapult and they all vanished!

    Sylvia - sounds horrendous! Let's hope that is the last of it! :flowerforyou:

    Kim - you certainly earnt your money! I try to be very aware of how I treat people serving me and see them as people just like me. We have a very nice driver who has done a long training course and can also act as a guide. He will get a good tip at the end. :bigsmile: Normally on these trips the guides are separate and you tip them individually. I think you have to have endless patience and tolerance to work in a service industry. DH used to run training courses for tourism and devised the curriculum and exams. He taught it all over the world before I met him. In England it was difficult to get high quality applicants to do the course, but abroad it is considered a high staus job.
    I just love good service! ! ! ! :bigsmile:

    Still raining! Oh well. :ohwell:

    Love Heather in the jungle x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning kids~
    Oh my am I sore today.. I have to go snowblow the ends of the driveway and dont think I will be able to get down to see my DFIL , just to much to do here..,have to hop in the shower and get my lunch together.. I work at 9:30 and work until 6,I will only lose one hour this week hopefully
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning!

    Kim ... 165 people in one house? I would've needed more than 3 ounces of Bailey's!

    Sylvia ... sorry you went through that! Hope it's nothing serious.

    Sassy ... that kind of marathon organization would send my husband and I to prison as one of us would be guilty of murder! We were happy this weekend to just organize and inventory our chest freezer!

    Heather ... continue to give us your daily reports and insights on Sri Lanka when you can! I am fascinated and know I will never have the opportunity to visit such an exotic place personally.

    Schools closed yesterday due to blowing snow ... probably an additional 14 inches. In this we had to take DS#1 to an important medical appointment. It was a debacle. Husband stayed in town ... usually commutes out of state to help me. Transferring son from a manual chair into a truck (only thing we trusted in the storm) and then taking chair apart to put in truck ... all in blinding snow ... several times wore us out! Moving as fast as I can on wheelchair van! Tired of the snow blowing and shoveling too!

    Today it's just bitter cold.

    Doing better with eating/logging last few days ... want to get rid of these creeper pounds and get back to more weight loss.

    Have a good day!

    Beth in Western New York
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    I'm just wondering where or how to get the MFP weight loss picture a lot of you have at the bottom of your posts!

    Mary from Minnesota
    On your home page, click on Apps, then click on tickers and there should be choices about creating a ticker. Once you've created it, there will be a code. You copy and paste that code onto your post.

    I keep my code on a document on my computer along with some other stuff I use for MFP posts and then it's easier to copy and paste it.

    :D Barbie

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    It's just 9 AM and I am hungry even though I had breakfast! Ugh!

    25 degrees here with bright sun! It would be nice to have at least one snowfall. With as much rain as we have had, it seems a possibility at some point.

    Grandmallie, I continue to admire your work ethic....snow plowing, etc. You must be very sore.

    Sylvia, my son had 2 or 3 episodes of kidney stones in his twenties. It was very painful for him. Hope you come out OK when you visit the doctor.

    Heather, your trip sounds amazing! Please keep us informed.

    Kim, my son's wife put herself through college waiting tables/bar tending. My dad had a successful restaurant for about 30 yrs. I tried waiting tables there for a very short while. I absolutely stunk at it.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    good morning everyone!

    I have a very busy day today, mostly exercising! Kenpo X, Zumba activate, and then off to swim. My main goal for February is too move more and sit less.

    Barbie - thanks for the information on how to get the Ticker. I will play with that this afternoon when I get back from swimming.

    have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning all,

    Bodi is still struggling but he is such a love. Yesterday was better as I burried myself in coding work on a database I am working on. I put on my music and ignored the office politics going on around me. I love being so focused on a task that the day flies by.

    I love coming here every morning and being motivated to get thru the day. I really appreciate all the hugs. It means so very much to me.

    Have a stellar day!
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    North of Seattle
  • renaeevarner418
    renaeevarner418 Posts: 3 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    **Thank you Barbie. (*)

    *Yannie, how nice of you to volunteer to be out in the cold. By the time you read this, I hope you have warmed up.

    *srclark, welcome to the group. I have 3 dogs but only one of them is our garbage disposal. We never have food go to waste and it doesn’t have to go in my mouth.  We’re glad to have you join us. Hope you visit and post often.

    *SueBDue, we used to shop at HEB a thousand years ago where I grew up in Texas. I haven’t seen them in any of the other states that we’ve lived in and your post sent me on a trip down memory lane.

    *fatchimom, welcome and good for you…No chips at a Mexican restaurant> Wow, not sure I could do that.

    *Barbie, nice handiwork! Enjoy the game. (I’m wondering where do you find the time? You are always on the go.)

    *Shanyn, isn’t it nice to know you are getting better each day. It will eventually become natural to eat right. And yes, most of us have some days harder than others, but they just make me enjoy the easy ones more. Keep up the good work.

    *Mary, it must be wonderful to look good in a swim suit. Good for you!!! I’m looking better in my pants, but have a ways to go before I look good in a suit.

    *Leslie, I’m so glad to hear that Mildred is still enjoying life even though she has her ups and downs. I guess that is all any of us can ask when we get really old. What fun for dogs that love the water. 

    My wish is that we all have a wonderful and successful February, whatever our goals.

    My goals for February are:
    Exercise 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week.
    Drink 8 or more glasses of water a week.
    Stay reasonable with eating on cruise.
    Lose at least 6 pounds from current weight.

    My word for now is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    But, I also like opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and then choose them. Life is full of options and I want to take the good ones.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC

  • renaeevarner418
    renaeevarner418 Posts: 3 Member
    My goals for February are to record everything, exercise for at least 30 minutes per day 5 days a week, drink at least 5 glasses of water daily, and lose 4 pounds.