
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,866 Member
    Happy Tuesday, ladies. I am clear behind so this is to mark my spot till I can catch up. We spent the weekend at DS's in Iowa. Had a good time and loved spending time with the DGC. We tried to come home on Sunday, got about 50 miles and the roads were so bad we turned around and went back. Then yesterday morning we left and the roads were better. Saw a lot of cars and trucks in the ditches and some were so wrecked it was scary. Glad to be home. DS here in town went over yesterday morning and cleaned our driveway and sidewalks, which was very nice to come home to. They are calling for 2-4 more inches tonight after midnite. Winter has dicded to show up.
    Weigh in this morning was better than expected and hoping it means I am on the down side. Have a great day ladies and will do what I can to catch up.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    Lestan48 wrote: »
    Doing a happy dance because posty delivered my FitBit Charge HR. Have set it up, exported ALL data from Flex, and will be nice to see heart rate at a glance. Will be good for different exercises. .Will see how I go with sleep as different to Flex. Nice that it is also a watch as mine died ages ago.
    All shopping done and put away
    Lesley in Tasmania

    i'm excited for you.. let us know how it goes!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Today it is 8 above, and we are expecting more snow around 3:00pm, so it will be a long drive home again, since my little car is bad on slippery roads.

    Heather - Thank you for sharing about your trip. I am envious. Please keep us updated with the details.

    Peachstategal - I hate when I feel hungry so early in the day; especially when work is quiet like it is now. I try to get up and walk away from my desk, or hope that I brought a healthy snack that I can eat, or drink a LOT of water and try to find something to occupy my mind. But I've really not yet find anything special that is guaranteed to work. If you find something, let me know. :)

    Everyone talks so much about Downton Abbey. I have been trying to find it in my area, or on my tablet, but have failed so far. I'm sure I would need to start at the beginning. I welcome any and all suggestions, so I can catch up to everyone. Thanks!

    The posting of Sunday's tournament is still not updated, and making me crazy. By the way, my highest bowling score EVER is 101, so my DS got all his talent from DH and his family. It still blows my mind how many amazing young bowlers are in this area, and in my family. Sunday alone my eldest nephew bowled his first 300 game and placed second with his Dad in that doubles tournament in Minnesota, and my youngest nephew won a College tournament (in a different town).

    I would like to say that I am also thankful for everyone who posts on this site. It is not possible for me to respond to everyone on most occasions, but I want you all to know that I read it all, and appreciate everyone. Thanks for being here for me, and each other.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    peachstategirl: I know the feeling. . . maybe try to get out of the house for awhile. . .that may help. Keep on keeping on!

    Everyone have a good Tuesday! My day has started out okay. Pushing through some physical ailments. That's a hard one for me as I usually sleep them off, but I want to start a healthier lifestyle. With that said, I need to get off the computer and move around!

    Thanks for being here for me! Love this group!

    Judy in PA
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    edited February 2015
    I received a really nice nsv yesterday that hopefully will help me to stay on track even though I'm not having much success with the scale or inches lost. But I'm not gaining.

    For the past several months I've been struggling big time mentally, yesterday I decided to go back on one of my meds. I've been on here a year now and I've learned so much, throughout the year I kept adding small changes (habits)that I picked up from the wonderful ladies here. Whenever I wasn't sure how to handle a situation, like last minute eating out. I'd remember someone saying they would order a appetizer for a meal or half the meal as soon as it comes. And going to parties, I would eat before I go and stay away from the food table like Barbie does or go for a walk with a friend instead of having lunch together or make it a walking lunch and it just goes on and on. So even though I haven't been as structured about my food and exercise as I was at the beginning of this lifetime change all the little things that I've read on this sight has helped me to stay on track. Having dealing with depression for 20+ years even the smallest accomplishment means a lot.

    "What you Eat in Private is What you wear in PUBLIC"
    Brenda from Md
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hello ladies,

    Wow, so many new people since I've been here last. Welcome all. I'm at work so only a few minutes here.

    MMinMD - Nice to see someone near me. I'm in Southern Maryland also and will be in your neighborhood on Saturday. I volunteer with an animal rescue group and we are holding a fundraiser at a local business. We are doing Valentine's Day Pet Pictures and it's always fun to see all of the people with their pets posing for pictures. Most do very well.

    Robin - {hugs} for you and Bodi.

    Lesley - {hugs} for Mildred. Please let us know how you like the HRM as I'm in the market for one also.

    Yanniejannie - Hope you have a great time in Williamsburg. One of my favorite places to go. :smile:

    Judy in PA - We'll be heading to PA on Feb. 14. My DH is from Lancaster, PA and we booked a B&B for a long weekend to celebrate his birthday, my birthday and Valentine's Day. Hope to do a covered bridge tour. :smiley:

    Grandmallie - Don't know how you do it. I would have collapsed into a ball by now with that much shoveling and snow-blowing and still making it to work.

    Time to get some work done. Still trying to figure out when exactly I will be retiring this year. I guess I should let my boss know soon that I am going so she has some time to hire someone for me to train. Guess by telling her makes it final in my mind and I'm still struggling with it a little. My DH really wants me to retire so we can spend more time together and a big part of me wants to quit but there is another part of me that is nervous about giving up my job. Just a big final step once I do it.

    Tina in MD

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I hope you are feeling a little better by now. Let us know how the doctor visit goes. The only pain I ever experienced at that level was caused by gallstones and the solution was surgery. I wish you luck.

    Betti in Ontario CAN: No shadows this morning here in Western OR, either, but we do have rain.

    Michele: I absolutely agree with you about the support and accountability this group offers. I owe a lot to you and my many other 50+ friends. My personal friends are really not interested in my dieting success. I think it causes many of them to feel guilty about their own eating habits. Several ladies here and a neighbor of mine seem to get a lot of support through TOPS.

    Kim: I hope you are able to fulfill some of the dreams of your “inner child,” too. It is a LOT of fun and in my case, very motivating. Mom’s ideas and $$ were obstacles for me back then, too. $$ are always a factor for most of us. Luckily, I can afford riding lessons. I can’t afford the time or money for horse ownership at this point in my life. It sounds like your Super Bowl party was a personal and financial success. WTG!

    Heather: I hope to see a picture of you and DH riding an elephant. Have a great time!

    I have a busy day today. I’m going to Zumba with my neighbor in just a little while, then to breakfast. I thought that would be the day, but we got a surprise message from our son’s DMIL and will be meeting her for a late lunch. Two restaurant meals in one day usually only happens when we travel. I’ll make the best choices I can.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    • Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    , I agree that no loss or gain is a win. Good for you on sticking to your guns! Since you have all that spare time(tee hee hee), I’d love a picture of the Avon Graveyard, before you get it cleaned up. Lol

    , welcome to the group. You will find this forum a great place for support and wonderful information and ideas. I’m sorry, but your picture looks like you are way too young to even be married, much less a Granma.  It may not be as easy to live a clean eating lifestyle when you are the only one, but it can be done. My DH isn’t eating like I do and I just feed him the same things, plus a little something else, and more than what I eat. If your family isn’t too picky, it can be done without too much extra effort. Yes, he keeps ice cream and cookies and other junk in the house but I am to the point that I’m not even interested. The trick for me is to just look at the calories and ask myself, “Is there any way it’s worth it?” Good luck on your journey. If you want it, you will get it.

    *Allison, I hope your snow stops soon. I mean really, enough is enough. You are so kind to help your neighbors when you have your own snow to contend with.

    *Red, you sound like Me. Some “treats” just aren’t that good to take in all the calories. I can’t believe you ate that much pie before looking at the calories. I’ll bet you did about have a heart attack!!! If you had been logging the calories the first day, you might not have had any the second day. Good job on choosing what you eat now (and drink).

    *Judy, good job. I hope you feel better soon.

    *Sylvia, OMG, I’m glad you are at least okay. Be sure to give us an update after you see the doctor. I’m sorry you had to go through all that pain. Take care.

    *TNToni, I hate that the scale went up for your weigh-in, but as you said it does go up and down. Just stay with the plan and there will be more downs than ups. I’m glad the back is better. As for the other aches and pains, you know what they say: “Old age ain’t for sissies!” 

    *Leslie, Have fun with your new FitBit thingy. I don’t have one but they do sound interesting to get all that data.

    *Beth, my heart goes out to you and all the ladies in the snow areas. I know how much work it is to just do what has to be done, while trying to stay safe. I pray the snow ends soon and you can all dig out for the last time this winter. Stay safe everyone.

    *Heather, I love reading about your adventures. It was so sweet of you to share your breakfast with that crow in a foreign country.  :o

    *Terri, I had forgotten how big bowling is in Milwaukee. When we lived there, I think I ended up in 3 different leagues at once. It’s a great indoor activity both physically and socially. When my DD was young, they had a nursery for the kids while we bowled. That was nice. I haven’t bowled in years mainly because of fingernails and my back.

    *Brenda, I agree with you. All the wonderful tips and information in this group are so useful. I find myself thinking of different things from here at all different times of the day and night. 

    *Welcome to all the newbies. We are happy to have you join us and learn about you and your journey. If you would, please sign your post with a name (or nick name) so that we can refer to you with if we want to respond to you. It’s also nice to have at least a general location. I love that we have ladies here from all over the world.

    It got down below freezing this morning in SC after being a windy 60 degrees yesterday. I saw that it dipped all the way down into Florida. Today is about preparing for my Cruise on Saturday. I just hemmed a pair of new pants and have to start planning what clothes to take. I’m like a little kid waiting for Christmas, I’m so looking forward to it. I just pray it will be warm in the Bahamas.

    My word for now is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    But, I also like opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • For the second day in a row I won't be making it to the gym because of the snow. Planning to walk the dog just to do something. I'm sure he will appreciate it, but it's only 18 degrees out there so it'll be a short walk. Winter in North Jersey is the pits for staying on track with exercise unless you own a 4WD or have exercise equip in your house. I don't have either. And April 15 is fast approaching. I'd love to be burning more calories than a short walk around the neighborhood will provide, but I guess it's better than doing nothing at all!
  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    Woke up with a plan to work longer hours through Thursday since there is a good possibility I'd be taking Friday off to travel halfway between here and SoCal to hook up with my LLVBFF. Yep, been besties since 5th grade! We settled on a spa by the beach. She's in SoCal to care for her mother after a fall that left her with massive brain bleeds. While her mom is in final weeks at rehab facility, we are going to hook up and get caught up over the weekend. Once her mom goes home, my LLVBFF will be caretaker until they figure things out. The ER was so unexpected and the stress levels are so high. So it donned on me that this weekend will be filled with raw emotions. There will be spa treatments, lots of wine, lots of tears, gourmet foods, and did I say wine? My plan is no longer just about getting caught up work wise, but to save up some calories to compensate! She's a runner, so I'm hoping we can get a run in to the beach to work off some of the extra calories and stress. Win win!

    Sylvia, next time pee through a fine strainer if you can't get to ER. Joyce is right, take your stone in to the doc if you pass another one. Here's hoping you don't though!

    So, question for you all: do you weigh, how often, what are you wearing when you do, and what time of day, before or after coffee, before or after waste removal.... the hubs came downstairs once and caught me with my robe on the floor, standing naked on the scale. He thought that to be weird and threw a fit that the neighbors might see me through the kitchen window! Umm, that's their prob! Anyway, now I change into the same yoga clothes and weigh. Today he asked me why I'm changing from PJs to yoga clothes back to my PJs, and when I told him, he again said I'm weird. Keep in mind, I only weigh monthly, if that. I'm not a big numbers girl, prefer the feel of my clothes loosening up, but sometimes I'm curious as to what that mysterious number might be!

    Dublin, CA
  • Good Morning ladies. I haven't been a yo-yo dieter but I have lost weight (about 20-25 pounds twice before in my life. Nothing that worked then is working now. My calories are at 1500. I'm walking four miles four times a week as well as biking to and from work (about 3 miles each way) and strength training two times a week. Any suggestions?
  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm just wondering where or how to get the MFP weight loss picture a lot of you have at the bottom of your posts!

    Mary from Minnesota

    I was wondering how to do that as well. Thank you for asking Mary.
  • Hello Ladies! I am brand new to MFB. Just got the app 3 days ago & having little trouble navigating/figuring out things. But I know that through positive motivation & encouragement I can lose some weight & get healthier! How go I add this group to my groups? I am 50 yrs old & trying to lose at least 30 pounds by June. My goals are to eat less carbs, exercise routinely & stay positive.
  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    I'm just wondering where or how to get the MFP weight loss picture a lot of you have at the bottom of your posts!

    Mary from Minnesota
    On your home page, click on Apps, then click on tickers and there should be choices about creating a ticker. Once you've created it, there will be a code. You copy and paste that code onto your post.

    I keep my code on a document on my computer along with some other stuff I use for MFP posts and then it's easier to copy and paste it.

    :D Barbie


    Thank you for explaining how to do this.
  • Kalezme
    Kalezme Posts: 9 Member
    This looks like a good place for me, lots of inspiring women. I'm from North Carolina. I log in everything I eat and started a walking group a couple of years ago. I put on 30 lbs that I lost a couple years ago (emotional eating) and am ready to take it off for good. One can exercise like crazy, but found what I put in my mouth is key. You've inspired me to wear a pedometer to see how many steps I take when around the house.
    I'm looking forward to accomplishing my goals this year.
    Determined and intentional. Just started meal prepping.
    Walking 1 hr. 3x week covering 4 miles ea walk on average
    Zumba 1 hr. week
    Working on getting back to the gym.
    New Year --Positive Attitude
    Let's do this!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    I don’t know who posted about a baby with meningitis, but I saw another's comment about it. I had it at 9 months old. My older siblings remember the quarantine period for the household. They swear they don't hold it against me.... ;)

    Meg - I can picture the gathering crowd in the park! Oh, my…. Our dog likes to play a chase game when I get home from work at night, or anytime she has been cooped up for a bit.

    Welcome to the newbies, including Fitgranny56.

    Today was my 2-week post op appointment and I have to go back in four more weeks before being cleared to return to work. All is healing normally and I can start walking more. Glad for that.

    It took me a long time to catch up on the posts – hope ya’ll have a great afternoon!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Yodee
    Yodee Posts: 84 Member
    I began my program the second week of January and I am feeling inspired! I am 53 and I live outside of Charleston, SC. In December I saw my weight at 196 and that was not a good feeling so I decided it was time for me to do something about it! I tried another weight loss program for a week but it made me so nauseous that I wasn't eating at all so I decided to try MFP - I have a good friend who has lost almost 35 pounds in 4 months so she has become my inspiration. I am now into my 3rd week and although I used my weight of 186 (what I weighed when I started MFP) I am down to 180 as of last Friday. The first week I just got used to logging my food, looking up foods to see if I really wanted to use my calories etc. The second week I will be honest, I only got on the treadmill twice but I was able to drop another 2.4! This week my goal is to walk on the treadmill at least five out of seven days and I am anxiously waiting on my standing ab workout dvd so I can incorporate that into my program. What I want to see this week is how much I can lose by not only logging food but also exercising because I believe that is what keeps me motivated. My goal is 145-150 but one week at a time! I am a Type 2 Diabetic and I am already seeing a major, and I mean major change in my blood sugar - my doctor loved hearing my story today! Today I tried on a pair of jeans that is one size down from when I started and THEY FIT (doing the happy dance!). And because I am trying so hard and watching what ends up on the table, my husband is also losing some of his weight so it's a win/win. The discussions and tips and recipes have been a great help - thank you MFP!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    Good Morning ladies. I haven't been a yo-yo dieter but I have lost weight (about 20-25 pounds twice before in my life. Nothing that worked then is working now. My calories are at 1500. I'm walking four miles four times a week as well as biking to and from work (about 3 miles each way) and strength training two times a week. Any suggestions?

    hello and welcome. I am also a bike rider. as you may know, your metabolism slows down the older you get. are you good on your water intake? and I would look into what you're eating too, not just the calorie content, but the other stuff, like salt, sugar, etc... have you considered in your 4 mile walk (which is great by the way), doing like intervals, walk and slow jog? is it on the treadmill or outside....
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! I'm feeling SO much better this morning. Hardly any reminders from what I had yesterday. The doc this morning just did some tests (blood and urine) and said if I have any more symptoms to go to the ER. Once these results come back she may have me go for an MRI or something.

    I had to laugh. I can just picture me trying to pee through a strainer! It was all I could do to stay on the toilet. The only strainers I have here at the studio are the ones I use for straining glazes. Do you think an 80 mesh is fine enough, or shall I use the 120? They fit on the top of a 5 gallon bucket, so they might fit a toilet. I'm really hoping I won't have anything like that happen ever again. My son suggested cranberry juice, but I thought that was for infections. And I hate cranberry juice!

    My studio is not actually open today, but I had to come in to do some drafting. This evening is the kids class, so I'll have to be here from 6-8 pm. It looks like it will be a long day.

    Michele, I had another thought about your praying mantis. There is a fraternity here that has a big sculpture of a gorilla on their lawn, right on the main street. (Our school mascot is Gus the Gorilla) Every so often they paint him a different color. It's kind of fun driving by and seeing what color he is that week. Sometimes they do it every semester. Sometimes, they paint him green for St. Patrick's Day, or red like Santa. Maybe you could paint your mantis a different color once in a while, just for fun.

    Or maybe you could make him a little wardrobe, like people do those cement geese. They have a different outfit for every holiday. Oh, that could be fun. Do you sew?

    Well, I think I will go home for a couple of hours, eat some lunch and do some laundry. Then come back for the class.

    Have a great day if you can!

    in Cold but sunny Kansas
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yodee wrote: »
    I began my program the second week of January and I am feeling inspired! I am 53 and I live outside of Charleston, SC. In December I saw my weight at 196 and that was not a good feeling so I decided it was time for me to do something about it! I tried another weight loss program for a week but it made me so nauseous that I wasn't eating at all so I decided to try MFP - I have a good friend who has lost almost 35 pounds in 4 months so she has become my inspiration. I am now into my 3rd week and although I used my weight of 186 (what I weighed when I started MFP) I am down to 180 as of last Friday. The first week I just got used to logging my food, looking up foods to see if I really wanted to use my calories etc. The second week I will be honest, I only got on the treadmill twice but I was able to drop another 2.4! This week my goal is to walk on the treadmill at least five out of seven days and I am anxiously waiting on my standing ab workout dvd so I can incorporate that into my program. What I want to see this week is how much I can lose by not only logging food but also exercising because I believe that is what keeps me motivated. My goal is 145-150 but one week at a time! I am a Type 2 Diabetic and I am already seeing a major, and I mean major change in my blood sugar - my doctor loved hearing my story today! Today I tried on a pair of jeans that is one size down from when I started and THEY FIT (doing the happy dance!). And because I am trying so hard and watching what ends up on the table, my husband is also losing some of his weight so it's a win/win. The discussions and tips and recipes have been a great help - thank you MFP!

    welcome... I am excited for you... in the beginning, I didn't even do MFP when I was at my heaviest (i'm 5'5" and my heaviest was 198) I started walking... I didn't even weigh myself at all because I was just walking my dog. people that were on my route were saying, "have you lost weight?" that was when I got a scale and found that I did lose 25lbs without even changing my diet (which wasn't terrible to begin with). take it one day at a time... there was a time when i plateaued and i COULD NOT loose the last 35lbs. i HATE measuring food and counting calories and someone told me to try this, and i gave it a whirl and logged EVERYTHING and weighed EVERYTHING, and i gotta say, the last 35 came off. I am 55 now and have been at my goal weight for a couple of years now... I am at a point where I don't even need to be on this or count anything anymore but I do it anyway. I've run a marathon, I bike 5 days a week, workout 7days a wk, done long distance riding and i'm healthier than I have ever been.

    you can do this, just cut out some BASIC things that we all know are not good for you, (junk food, soda, fast food) and you will see results... stay at it...you will get there.