Starting a juice re-boot!



  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Bowing out too.

    OP: When you need us for advice again....we may or may not be here. Good luck.
  • Shauna2626
    Shauna2626 Posts: 196 Member
    I will add that I just watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead 2 a few days ago, and sadly, Phil regained a lot of weight. I think that's likely due to the fact that while juice fasting might help people LOSE weight, it doesn't help them learn a healthy, moderate way of eating that they can sustain over time. I have found that losing weight is one thing, but maintaining the loss is a challenge of its own, too. So keep that in mind - after your 15 days of juicing, you should start logging your foods as accurately as possible in MFP and staying within your calorie goal :smile:
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    Eh. So she tries a 15 day juice fast. Maybe she'll like it and it'll be whatever "re-boot" she feels she needs. (psychosomatic? probably.) Or maybe she'll hate it and come back and say "You guys were right!" Either way, it's not really a big deal. I don't think juicing for 15 days is going to hurt anything. So, OP, go try it and let us know what you think.
  • neurex
    neurex Posts: 58 Member
    Why not track calories during juice fast? After the juice fast, you may want to try to maintain for a while before of continuing to lose weight. Good luck!
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    trixieloo wrote: »
    Eh. So she tries a 15 day juice fast. Maybe she'll like it and it'll be whatever "re-boot" she feels she needs. (psychosomatic? probably.) Or maybe she'll hate it and come back and say "You guys were right!" Either way, it's not really a big deal. I don't think juicing for 15 days is going to hurt anything. So, OP, go try it and let us know what you think.

    Pursuing a VLCD without doctor supervision for two weeks doesn't seem like the best idea.

    Hopefully we see you back here in 16 days, OP. There will still be plenty of people around willing to offer help and support for calorie counting and exercise.
  • Ellischase
    Ellischase Posts: 15 Member
    That's a deal trixieloo - I'll come back in about 2 weeks and let you know as honestly as I can what I think of it. Maybe it'll be pure torture and completely unfeasible for a normal person, or perhaps it'll give me a decent re-start and motivate me. I have no doubt part of it is psychosomatic :)

    But I promise to be forthright in every way.
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    trixieloo wrote: »
    Eh. So she tries a 15 day juice fast. Maybe she'll like it and it'll be whatever "re-boot" she feels she needs. (psychosomatic? probably.) Or maybe she'll hate it and come back and say "You guys were right!" Either way, it's not really a big deal. I don't think juicing for 15 days is going to hurt anything. So, OP, go try it and let us know what you think.

    This was more or less what I had wanted to say. I don't think the juice fast will hurt, it may just be an exercise in self-control. OP: Since you seem to be set on doing it, go for it. But when you are done, and I hope you get the results you want, come back and apply all the advice you've been given here. The reason you are not finding the support you had hoped for is because (and I believe you know) this is not a long term option. That's why long term changes have been advocated, because they actually work. We're just trying to warn you that you may end up disappointed. Good luck. Download some Kindle books as I understand you need a lot of reading material during a 'juice cleanse'.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Good luck OP.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    In two weeks you will be back very excited about the weight you lost. In four weeks you will be back wondering why you gained it all back.

    Eat at a deficit. Lost weight. Enjoy your life.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Ellischase wrote: »
    Thank you Charlotteyan75 and Gail2424!!! This is the encouragement I'm looking for. I'm only doing this for 15 days so no medical supervision needed (no medical issues here), and I'm following the 80/20 rule (80% veggies, 20% fruit). I'm motivated to kick my diet coke and sugar addictions, and when it's over plan to still juice every day with healthy food included.

    From what I understand people feel great during and afterwards, and start to crave the juice - even the mean green one, that'll be the challenge for me :)

    Thank you again!! You've lifted my spirits.

    Yep. You only want to hear what you want to hear. It's like dealing with my newly hormonal pre-teen.


    And I think I have a bingo, because I was duabing my card from the get go.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    edited February 2015
    Running the risk of attracting (more) ridicule, I tried a 10 day juice fast because my yoga teacher did it and lost 10lbs and I thought, why not.
    I lost 2lbs total and I think 1lb of that was bodyweight and the rest was water because of the diuretic effect of some of the veggies and fruits being juiced. I didn't feel toxic before so I didn't feel any better after because I already felt pretty good anyway.
    What it did for me was sort out my evening snacking habit because I went to bed early instead.
    So as a detox and a way of losing weight it didn't work, but as a way of tearing down bad habits and replacing with a new routine it did the trick.
    Incidentally, Ellischase, you said that Mr Joe Cross didn't stand to make any money out of you, but "JuiceMasters" including Joe Cross and Jason Vale etc do endorse juicing machines on their websites - do you think they may be receiving commission?
    - in addition, I think my teacher lost 10lbs because he doesn't drink a lot and a lot of the juices run through the body much quicker than the foods themselves, so I think it was mainly water weight he lost.
  • Ellischase
    Ellischase Posts: 15 Member
    Yogicart, you mention "tearing down bad habits" - and that's one of my primary goals. I'm not expecting a miracle, and I'll bet a lot of what is lost is just water weight. But if I get off of diet coke and processed sugars, then I'll consider it a success! Anything else will be a bonus. Thank you for your post :)
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Ellischase wrote: »
    Yogicart, you mention "tearing down bad habits" - and that's one of my primary goals. I'm not expecting a miracle, and I'll bet a lot of what is lost is just water weight. But if I get off of diet coke and processed sugars, then I'll consider it a success! Anything else will be a bonus. Thank you for your post :)

    I have no idea why I'm still commenting...
    Why not compromise and replace one meal a day with juice? This is just replacing one bad habit with another, and you will regain weight once you've completed this and return to normal eating habits. Replace your Coke with water every day. You can still get the same outcome, without pursuing a VLCD.
  • aSaltandBattery
    aSaltandBattery Posts: 82 Member
    Ellischase wrote: »
    Yogicart, you mention "tearing down bad habits" - and that's one of my primary goals. I'm not expecting a miracle, and I'll bet a lot of what is lost is just water weight. But if I get off of diet coke and processed sugars, then I'll consider it a success! Anything else will be a bonus. Thank you for your post :)

    I have no idea why I'm still commenting...
    Why not compromise and replace one meal a day with juice? This is just replacing one bad habit with another, and you will regain weight once you've completed this and return to normal eating habits. Replace your Coke with water every day. You can still get the same outcome, without pursuing a VLCD.

    This sounds like a good compromise. Choose one bad habit and make juice out of it.

    I couldn't imagine functioning on just drinking juice all day long. I'd get hangry after the first 12 hours.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited February 2015
    Ellischase wrote: »
    Thank you Charlotteyan75 and Gail2424!!! This is the encouragement I'm looking for. I'm only doing this for 15 days so no medical supervision needed (no medical issues here), and I'm following the 80/20 rule (80% veggies, 20% fruit). I'm motivated to kick my diet coke and sugar addictions, and when it's over plan to still juice every day with healthy food included.

    From what I understand people feel great during and afterwards, and start to crave the juice - even the mean green one, that'll be the challenge for me :)

    Thank you again!! You've lifted my spirits.

    i started grilling a huge pile of spinach with onions and mushrooms topped with blue cheese and teriyaki sauce lately and i crave it because it tastes awesome. no juicing necessary.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Ellischase wrote: »
    Yogicart, you mention "tearing down bad habits" - and that's one of my primary goals. I'm not expecting a miracle, and I'll bet a lot of what is lost is just water weight. But if I get off of diet coke and processed sugars, then I'll consider it a success! Anything else will be a bonus. Thank you for your post :)

    What's wrong with diet coke and processed sugars? Sounds like you're dead set on juicing, if so, go nuts, you'll be doing it wrong, and you'll fail, but it's your choice. I can only say that you should set a moderate deficit, track your calories meticulously, and win, if juicing is a part of that, that's fine too, but a juice fast is not the same thing, and it's a sure way to a miserable failure.

    That is all.


  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Ellischase wrote: »
    Yogicart, you mention "tearing down bad habits" - and that's one of my primary goals. I'm not expecting a miracle, and I'll bet a lot of what is lost is just water weight. But if I get off of diet coke and processed sugars, then I'll consider it a success! Anything else will be a bonus. Thank you for your post :)

    You are welcome. You may find just three days would be enough to throw out the bad and adopt some good habits and feel much more positive about your future eating.

  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »

    i started grilling a huge pile of spinach with onions and mushrooms topped with blue cheese and teriyaki sauce lately and i crave it because it tastes awesome. no juicing necessary.

    oooo this sounds lovely. I'll just be over here scarfing that down with some Diet Coke.

  • Babe2309
    I went on a 80 day juice fast and lost 80. I am maintaining at 70 loss gained 10 back. As an obese women with diabetes and heart problems in my family I needed a drastic change to get better and feel better. I have changed my eating habits and feel a lot better. My doc is very happy with me and said I am off my thyroid meds. It doesn't matter what anyone says I believe in juice cleansing and more people should do it. There is so many bad things we put into are body's that say in our body's and our body's slow down. Juice cleans to make everything work optimally.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Babe2309 wrote: »
    I went on a 80 day juice fast and lost 80. I am maintaining at 70 loss gained 10 back. As an obese women with diabetes and heart problems in my family I needed a drastic change to get better and feel better. I have changed my eating habits and feel a lot better. My doc is very happy with me and said I am off my thyroid meds. It doesn't matter what anyone says I believe in juice cleansing and more people should do it. There is so many bad things we put into are body's that say in our body's and our body's slow down. Juice cleans to make everything work optimally.

    Is this why your profile says you have 51 lbs to go?

    Nice first post