When have you lied about your weight?



  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,835 Member
    Not on MFP but have in the past on my Driver's license!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,592 Member
    i really cant think of a time when i lied about it
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Only when I wanted to donate plasma for food money, and I was about 5 lbs too light to be eligible. o:)
  • Revonue
    Revonue Posts: 135 Member
    Hmm, I usually round up or down depending on what mood I'm in. As someone already said, most people don't really have a good idea of what different weights can look like on people, so I feel like it may as well be any random number for most people. However, I am usually no more than a few pounds away from my actual weight. I agree there's no point in lying significantly as anyone can see what you look like.
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    I've actually never ever lied about my weight. I've just never been ashamed of it. When I weighed myself at work at my heaviest and my co-worker asked me, I told her what it was.

  • mamameaof2kiddos
    mamameaof2kiddos Posts: 6,611 Member
    Never... But I prefer not to answer if anybody ask how much my weight is huhuhu!!
  • SwashBlogger
    SwashBlogger Posts: 395 Member
    Outside a medical situation, I don't think I've ever been asked. It's a rude question, isn't it?
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've never lied about my weight (not more than give or take 5 pounds).
    Outside a medical situation, I don't think I've ever been asked. It's a rude question, isn't it?
    I think it depends on the situation. I've been asked a couple times. In one instance the other person was also skinny like me and putting on weight. In another instance I was in a conversation in which the discussion centered around someone (who wasn't present there) who had lost a lot of weight due to medical reasons, and the person who asked me was wondering how I stacked up in comparison.

  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,255 Member
    Driver's license.
  • wilkimania
    wilkimania Posts: 42 Member
    Maybe in my early teen years when I wasn't comfortable with myself (Who is at that age?). But in recent years I've been accused of lying about my weight, but never actually have.
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    edited February 2015
    My class at uni did a research project a couple of months back and we needed to give our BMIs for it. I gave mine as if I weighed a stone less than I actually did. It was actually then that I realised I need to sort this out...
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Today at the chiropractor's office. And at the DMV when I got my license renewed. F* it. Depresses me enough without having it published on my driver's license.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    "I weigh, like, 110" --95 lbs and not fooling anyone
  • Tisiwa
    Tisiwa Posts: 46 Member
    MY license has the incorrect weight.. They never requested I change it. It started out right.. and increased over the years.. it's WAY OFF..
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    I've never understood this behavior. It's not as though I look at a girl and think "wow, she looks great," then hear her weight and reassess. Same goes for the other direction, it's never "hmm, that guy could stand to drop a pound or two. Oh wait, really? he's only 170? In that case, mea culpa ."
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    For what it's worth, I've done a TON of guessing over the years. I don't know if that counts as lying, but a lot of times, it would have been months since I'd been on a scale, and I was probably kind with my estimates.
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    I think I probably lied to my boyfriend about my weight when I first met him but it soon fell off anyway. You guys just made me look at my license though out of curiosity and I weigh 15lbs less than that! YAY! :) Thanks for making my day better! Haha
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    last time I got my driver's license I am now much lower than that lied about weight
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,476 Member
    Never. Even was I was fat I was honest about my weight.
  • undergloom
    undergloom Posts: 531 Member
    My mom once remarked that I looked like I wasn't eating enough and asked how much I weigh. She sort of freaked out when I answered and started sending me grocery coupons in the mail every week. After that, I started adding 10 lbs to my answer whenever she asked.
    And now I have to bump it up to +15.