Fifty plus (or so) support group



  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Sounds yummy Butbygrace! Where do you get sweet potato rolls? Just have to get it in~ Go Seahawks :D

    Welcome to fold Fitgranny! It's definitely harder for all us now, but we all seem focused on slow but steady!

    Hope you all are enjoying your Sunday ❤

  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Sounds yummy Butbygrace! Where do you get sweet potato rolls? Just have to get it in~ Go Seahawks :D

    Welcome to fold Fitgranny! It's definitely harder for all us now, but we all seem focused on slow but steady!

    Hope you all are enjoying your Sunday ❤


    I made the sweet potato "rolls". I am constantly looking for new things and found them on Pinterest. They are really not rolls but they served the purpose and were good. And agree with GO SEAHAWKS
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Sounds yummy Butbygrace! Where do you get sweet potato rolls? Just have to get it in~ Go Seahawks :D

    Welcome to fold Fitgranny! It's definitely harder for all us now, but we all seem focused on slow but steady!

    Hope you all are enjoying your Sunday ❤


    I made the sweet potato "rolls". I am constantly looking for new things and found them on Pinterest. They are really not rolls but they served the purpose and were good. And agree with GO SEAHAWKS

  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Sounds yummy Butbygrace! Where do you get sweet potato rolls? Just have to get it in~ Go Seahawks :D

    Welcome to fold Fitgranny! It's definitely harder for all us now, but we all seem focused on slow but steady!

    Hope you all are enjoying your Sunday ❤


    I made the sweet potato "rolls". I am constantly looking for new things and found them on Pinterest. They are really not rolls but they served the purpose and were good. And agree with GO SEAHAWKS

  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Sounds yummy Butbygrace! Where do you get sweet potato rolls? Just have to get it in~ Go Seahawks :D

    Welcome to fold Fitgranny! It's definitely harder for all us now, but we all seem focused on slow but steady!

    Hope you all are enjoying your Sunday ❤


    I made the sweet potato "rolls". I am constantly looking for new things and found them on Pinterest. They are really not rolls but they served the purpose and were good. And agree with GO SEAHAWKS
    Sounds yummy Butbygrace! Where do you get sweet potato rolls? Just have to get it in~ Go Seahawks :D

    Welcome to fold Fitgranny! It's definitely harder for all us now, but we all seem focused on slow but steady!

    Hope you all are enjoying your Sunday ❤


    I made the sweet potato "rolls". I am constantly looking for new things and found them on Pinterest. They are really not rolls but they served the purpose and were good. And agree with GO SEAHAWKS
    How do I erase post. LOL. I keep adding things I don't mean too. Sorry
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    I can't figure it out either LOL...... But I'm definitely going to hit up Pinterest for that recipe! Have to say I got a little bored with the game and apparently missed a fight or something?!?! Next thing I knew they were handing the Patriots the trophy! Oh well.... Maybe the Seahawks will have another chance next year :)

    Uugh.... Weigh~ in tomorrow! Filled up on a huge salad so I did good with snackies but I had a cocktail or two. Oh darn ;)
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    I can't figure it out either LOL...... But I'm definitely going to hit up Pinterest for that recipe! Have to say I got a little bored with the game and apparently missed a fight or something?!?! Next thing I knew they were handing the Patriots the trophy! Oh well.... Maybe the Seahawks will have another chance next year :)

    Uugh.... Weigh~ in tomorrow! Filled up on a huge salad so I did good with snackies but I had a cocktail or two. Oh darn ;)

    The fight was good :). The loss hurt and I'm a sore loser ;). I have lots and lots of recipes ( south beachy ) if any one is interested.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm 50. Can I get in on this?
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    katnat14 wrote: »
    Hi all, Glad to find this group. I'm a 53 yo woman in California and want to lose 25-30 lbs at 2-3 lbs per month and then maintain a healthy weight. I'm starting today and am new to MFP.


    Good morning! I Have almost the same goals, am 55 and want to lose about 20 pounds at 3-4 pounds per month, but I think it is going to come off closer to 2-3 pounds per month! I love reading all of the encouragement here!
  • 56, down 100 since May, 80 to go. Logging food to MFP in advance has worked for me. If it's not on the list I don't eat it. Has helped me a lot. Started exercising yesterday, but I'm trying to find a workout buddy in my area. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  • unigoop
    unigoop Posts: 12 Member
    Love the add on here this morning. The stack back all you can eat pancakes at IHOP.
  • Hi gang. I am 55 and have had the gastric sleeve done October 2014. So far I am down 35 pounds. I still have another 100 to lose. The thing I struggle with the most is breaking 55 years of bad habits. I know what I must do but doing it is a totally different subject. YIKES.
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    unigoop wrote: »
    Love the add on here this morning. The stack back all you can eat pancakes at IHOP.
    Okay, you just have to laugh at that one! My ad is flowers! :smile:

  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Flakes09 wrote: »
    56, down 100 since May, 80 to go. Logging food to MFP in advance has worked for me. If it's not on the list I don't eat it. Has helped me a lot. Started exercising yesterday, but I'm trying to find a workout buddy in my area. Any suggestions are appreciated.

    Wow!!! 100 pounds since May!!! Awesome job! Where do you live?
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi, I'm Amy and I have 141 lbs. to lose. Oh, and I'll be 51 in less than 2 weeks. <3

    I have diabetes and now I'm having some heart problems too. I'm looking to do this for my health and life.
  • lgmorgansb
    lgmorgansb Posts: 27 Member
    Hey Dave. I'm in the same boat almost exactly. I've actually always been thin genetically speaking but the smallest amount of weight gain went to my stomach. I hit 180 lbs last June and had to go up to a 33" waist size but was carrying a good 20lbs of belly fat. I've done really well with My Fitness Pal and have lost 26 lbs. I still have a small pooch so I'm going to keep going till it's all gone. I'm like you in that I'm doing well with cardio and walking 4 to 5 miles a day but I've been losing muscle mass really bad over the past few years and once I get rid of all the fat I want to start strength training. Would love to have a friend for motivation if your interested? Take care and hope to hear back from you. Larry
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Sorry I've been a little MIA, but busy busy the last couple of days getting one of my homes ready to go on the market. I don't think I've ever met a couple who hung everything on the wall with wall anchors and 50 nails! Yeesh!!!!! It wouldn't be so bad but those 12 wall anchors per room leave half inch holes that require 2 fills, sanding, texture and then a full interior house paint..... The good news is that means up and down the ladder over and over and over :)

    This morning I took my youngest son with Down Syndrome and Graves Disease (among other things) to his 6 week visit with his endocrinologist in Beaverton. He's such a great guy! (Both of them actually! ) One hour minimum each direction but on the way back, we stopped at the rebuilding center which is a non-profit in Portland. So excited because I found the two light fixtures I needed for the kitchen for only $25 total! Woohoo! A little spray paint and I'm golden! Perfect match for what is already there!

    Today I was so busy I didn't even think about food! Hope that doesn't bite me in the hiney but feeling so positive about everything today when just as couple days ago I actually felt incredibly overwhelmed! But, I didn't resort to food so THAT is a good thing.....

    Hey Butbygrace... I'm in on the southbeachy recipes! To Mostlywater and SuzyH welcome! To Flakes09.. Where are you from?

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!!

  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Oh my gosh, now I'm home my phone app finally caught up... To everyone I missed earlier welcome, welcome! You are so inspirational to me! My short term plan is up and the ladder lol ... AND I'm going swimming again on Friday! ❤
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Oh my gosh, now I'm home my phone app finally caught up... To everyone I missed earlier welcome, welcome! You are so inspirational to me! My short term plan is up and the ladder lol ... AND I'm going swimming again on Friday! ❤

    Congrats on all the exercise. LOL. And also on the great deal you got on the lighting fixtures. And hi to all whom have joined. :). I'm MFP challenged so I'm not sure how to email you recipes.

    I live in Ohio, so no swimming for me :)
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    51 and would love to be part of this group