Gotta Move it to Lose It (Closed Group)



  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I would like to continue the challenge if you dont care ! I enjoy them and they motivate me to do better with getting my water in exercising and being under my calories !
  • manenuff21
    manenuff21 Posts: 63
    I would definitely like to get in on this, I'm super competitive so this may just be the kick in *kitten* I need to get in gear.
    SW as of Friday is 318.4 to be exact.
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    I'm still in! Gonna totally kick *kitten* this month!!!
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    ************ WEEK 4 RESULTS ***********

    Ok so alot of us seem back on track, and most of us have taken up the May's challenge, we have a few new members who will be introducing themselves soon but its not too late to add people in so if you have a couple of people who want to join just get them on here (please not your whole friend lists lol, i can handle about 30 ppl TOPS lol!!)

    Officially i won this again this week with a 2.9lb loss, the board shows some bigger losses, but over 2 weeks, so i took the averages of these.

    Exact losses are on the webpage:
    as well as the hall of fame (complete with trophies!!!!!) so do check it out!

    Were going to be challenge free for the first week, so we can all get back in the swing of things, good luck all!!

    Monthly results to follow shortly!


    weigh ins need to be given between friday morning, and sunday evening uk time, (unless you've agreed otherwise with me) i'm sorry but if you miss 2 weigh ins in a row, i will remove you, if we drop below 10 members, i'll advertise out to the boards again for more members at the beggining of the month.
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407

    i'm not sure if any of you are looking at the hall of fame on our site, so instead of posting the results here, i'm just going to link you to there!!

    This will show you our 4 weekly winners this month, as well as our month end results, along with trophies!!!

    Well done everyone this month, we had some incredible losses, I met my month end goal so that makes me very happy, if any of you want month end goals added, let me know x
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    Lovin' the Hall of Fame...

  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    Lovin' the Hall of Fame...


  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    Today's weight is 228 lbs, so no loss this week (but no gain from my over-indulged holiday either!).

    Here are my goals for May:

    Friday 13th May: 225.5 lbs

    Friday 20th May: 223 lbs

    Friday 27th May: 220 lbs

    I REALLY WANNA HIT 210 BY JULY !!!!! :happy:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I weighed in this morning at 199 so i lost half a pound .
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    well done guys, these bank holidays have been hard, but they are gone until the end of may now!
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    well done guys, these bank holidays have been hard, but they are gone until the end of may now!

    ... but its the wife's Birthday on Monday (groan).
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    well done guys, these bank holidays have been hard, but they are gone until the end of may now!

    ... but its the wife's Birthday on Monday (groan).

    but you remember that its her birthday, extra brownie points for you!!
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    Come on everyone, we need the weigh-ins! :smile:
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    ************ WEEK 5 RESULTS ***********

    Some GREAT Losses this week Guys.

    Its not only showing on the scales, but your motivation over the last week (in spite of the leftover Easter eggs) has been incredible, you all inspire me daily, I hope you inspire each other, and its great to see people adding realistic goals for themselves (if you haven't and want to add month end goals, let me know!)

    This week our winner has lost …...dum dum de dum dum dum.... (needed a drum-roll for this incredible loss!)

    6.4lbs!!!!!!! So a BIG well done to Ladychi306!!!

    Exact losses are on the webpage:
    as well as the hall of fame (complete with trophies!!!!!) so do check it out!

    The challenge this week will be chosen by the lovely, inspiring Andrea, and we will keep you updated on this!

    Have a fabulous week guys, I may not be around as much as I start my gruelling 3 sessions a week at the gym this week, lets see how I go with it.. (wish me luck LOL)

    weigh ins need to be given between Friday morning, and Sunday evening UK time, (unless you've agreed otherwise with me) I’m sorry but if you miss 2 weigh ins in a row, I will remove you, if we drop below 10 members, I’ll advertise out to the boards again for more members at the beginning of the month.
  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    Mini Challenge for this Week: Try to find a new workout video to use at home and do it at least three times this week.
    And if you like, please post the video you used so others can try it out.

    Have a good week everyone!!!
  • neensmarie
    neensmarie Posts: 2 Member
    I want in! :-D Please? LoL. I normally weigh in on Sunday mornings my time (EST)... Would that be enough time for you???
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    I want in! :-D Please? LoL. I normally weigh in on Sunday mornings my time (EST)... Would that be enough time for you???

    unfortunately we only take new members at the beginning of the month, because otherwise its so hard to keep track of it all, you are welcome to join at the end of the month though ready for june.

    Awesome challenge Andrea!
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    6.4lbs!!!!!!! So a BIG well done to Ladychi306!!!

    I am so JEALOUS!!! Well done Andrea! :happy:
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    Incredibly, my weight is still the same as last week (228 lbs). I am beginning to question the accuracy of my scales as I have been exercising like a madman and have been under my net calories every day. I have ordered a new set of digital scales which, according to the reviews, offer extreme precision and measure in increments of 50 grams. These new scales should allow me to monitor my weight loss more closely and as a result I think I will get weighed more frequently.

    Keep up the good work everyone – hopefully you have had more success than I have this week!

  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost half a pound this week to be at 198.5 this morning .
This discussion has been closed.