2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • Couchtocurves
    Couchtocurves Posts: 6 Member
    betharin wrote: »
    I can mentor 1 or 2. I have been on MFP for a couple of years. I've lost 40lbs, log everyday and and have learned a lot along the way.

    Hey there... I am just starting to take MFP seriously and would love a metor who has made as much progress as you. Please let me know if you're interested! -Alisha
  • Couchtocurves
    Couchtocurves Posts: 6 Member
    AntonioP23 wrote: »
    Hi All,

    I am Antonio, 26 based in London. I have been exercising for 5+ years and have done reading on most methods of dieting/biology etc

    I'm currently on a 121 day logging streak :) and have been using MFP for a couple of years.

    I have returned from some knee surgery and have lost all of my weight I put on.

    I am happy to take on 2 newbies :)

    Hey Antonio!
    I would love a mentor with as much experience as you. I am new and my goal is to lose 50 pounds. I'm ready to be pushed and push myself. Please Let me know!
  • Hondo_Man
    Hondo_Man Posts: 114 Member
    I'm open to mentoring. I am 50 years old and live in Germany. When I was 20 I weighed 124kg. Today, I weigh 78kg. I am semi-retired and very active. I lift weights 5 - 6 days per week, hike into the mountains, bike ride (depending upon weather) and study nutrition.

    I would be happy to assist one or two people. Send me a message and we'll get started.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I have started parting my hair on the right in order to have more in common with more of you. I don't play video games and am not the perfect height or lifestyle for some of you so hopefully my hair parting choices can bring us together in weight loss. If not, I beleive in moderation, cico, and iifym, generally. I also beleive in muscles and chocolate.

    If you want me to mentor you with my 100+ lbs of weight loss experience and 5+yrs of cheering-on experience you know what to do, cross those legs, light those candles, and tink those thawts!

    Don't delay though, times a wasting... this offer will sunset at the end of the first quarter. Which means March, for those of you unfamiliar with calendars and math, because after that I just won't be feeling New Yearsey anymore.
  • nanh15
    nanh15 Posts: 3 Member
    edited February 2015
    Looking for a vegetarian mentor. I ama 43 yr old mom of three. I find that I rely on carbs too much and have never been able to shake these 40 lbs :( Is there anyone out there that can help?
  • bigjack69
    bigjack69 Posts: 12 Member
    Im jack.
    Im 45 years old and ive been working out and watching what i eat all of my adult life.ive converted my garage into a gym and i train in there 7 days a week.i mainly train with weights but also do a fair bit of running, walking and cycling. im more than happy to mentor somebody new to diet and exercise.
  • I am 25 with two babies :-) I have polycyclic ovaries and find it hard to lose weight I am constantly gaining and losing weight. I lost 3 stone last year but I have put half of that back on would love a mentor :-)
  • Winterlover123
    Winterlover123 Posts: 352 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hello, my name is Jennifer, 20, 135lb, and I need help keeping accountable for my workouts and my food, much like everyone else. I do not go to the gym but much rather work out at home. I have the Beachbody 21 Day Fix and would love a mentor who is willing to message me every day and make sure I do my workouts and keep me away from burgers and fries :)
    My goals include losing around 10 pounds, learning how to resist emotional eating, and learning how to get that workout in despite the excuses! :)
  • SidonieElodie
    SidonieElodie Posts: 21 Member
    I'm going to make this short a sweet. Noob: yes. I would love the support of a mentor to reclaim my body. I want to hear your experiences and am happy to share the ups and downs of mine in Australia. I'm currently on the tail end of the couch to 5k. I would like to drop 10kg but my focus is on athleticism rather than a quick shift of weight.
  • Jordon513
    Jordon513 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone(: I've been using MFP for just over a month and have lost 10 lbs. I just joined a gym and am loving it. But I could really use a mentor. Someone who has been at this for a while. I'm 20, from Utah, married, and a mom to one. Let me know if anyone is willing to help. (:
  • kookykrazee
    kookykrazee Posts: 23 Member
    I am not sure where to start, here, so i am posting. I would be interested in finding a mentor, preferably in the Seattle area, as this makes me be more accountable. My biggest thing is someone who wants to get out, enjoy the Seattle rain, for a walk, moving up to faster walking/jogging/running, possibly biking, Greenlake loops, other places. I am not much of a gym person due to costs and such and have not lifted weights much, though I am not against them, so to speak, but am more focused on healthy eating and exercising. Would love any help someone can suggest :)
  • kristinsnm
    kristinsnm Posts: 67 Member
    Not new to MFP, but new to wanting some sort of mentor or fitness friend or accountability partner/supporter. I have well over a hundred pounds to lose, actually more like over one hundred and fifty pounds to lose! It is a super daunting thought. I am looking for someone to lean on, talk to and be accountable with throughout my journey. Building a support system is so key and I would love to find someone compatible to add to mine! I am 32 years old, female, 5'6 and 312lbs. I am friendly, a little sarcastic and I love to laugh. If anyone feels up to it, I'm ready to work!
  • jtpolitte
    jtpolitte Posts: 1 Member
    This sounds fun! I'd like to take one or two noobs under my wing.

    I'm 29, married, with a 3 y/o boy and a new baby due in June. I work part-time at my gym, and am a full-time dietetics student at my local community college. My long-term goal is to learn all I can about fitness and weightloss, and help others lose weight and reverse/prevent obesity. So mentoring sound like great practice!

    I've been a member of MFP since early 2012. I joined to shed my 40lbs of baby weight, kept it off, and learned that I loved working out and being fit. I competed in my first bikini competition this summer in July 2014 and took 6th place. I plan to compete again after baby #2.

    For exercise I lift heavy weights, and prefer the stair climber for cardio. I believe fitness is at least 80% diet, so eating right is the first step toward a positive change. I follow a flexible IIFYM approach, and am a fairly strict calorie counter. I realize calorie counting is not for everyone, but I had/have such smashing success with it, and as it's pretty much a guaranteed success if you do it right, I don't really know what to do with you if you are unwilling to commit to it. :blush:

    I've had setbacks, slipups and lazy days, but the important thing is to not give up and get back on the horse as soon as possible. Giving up is the only true failure!

  • I would love a mentor. I am really stressed about how much I should be eating, and fear gaining or no longer losing. I am 22 years old 5'4 SW 252 CW 185 GW 150
  • HI, everybody! My name is Katherine. I've lost only 6.6 lbs during my first 2 weeks with myfitnesspal, but I should admit I feel much better! I've started controlling (constantly!) my eating habits. I've begun enjoying my jogging/walking now, which I hated before. That's wonderful!! can't wait until 27lbs more!!! B)
  • SidonieElodie
    SidonieElodie Posts: 21 Member
    Unfortunately, looks like the number of noobs out weigh the number of mentors. No pun intended.
  • BatCola
    BatCola Posts: 64 Member
    Looking for mentor prefer female...someone to just keep track of my food and motivation...I tend to get down ALOT so someone who can put up with me would be great :3.
  • theflyingpelican
    theflyingpelican Posts: 42 Member
    I'd love to mentor 1 person, preferably female.

    I'm a 28-year-old mom of 1 and special education teacher / aerial enthusiast. Fitness journey started during my pregnancy - lost 30 lbs and 3 sizes post-partum and am now in maintenance mode. Big advocate of strength training for weight loss and fitness - calisthenics, aerial fitness, and weight lifting.

    Ideal noobs for me would probably be other mamas - I got pretty good as multitasking and fitting in exercise in creative ways with kiddos. =)

    DM me and let's chat!
  • allisongwilson
    allisongwilson Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I'm 19 years old, 5'6 in height and 153 pounds. I'm a decent size, not overweight or anything. But not very toned. I want to tone up my whole body with strength training, counting calories and little bit of cardio. Any mentors speacializing in this area would be greatly appreciated! :smile:
  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 307 MFP Moderator
    Thank you to all our new volunteers! This list has been updated.
This discussion has been closed.