

  • Socialwacker
    Socialwacker Posts: 30 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning everyone! Woke up to a beautiful (but very chilly) sunny day! Always make things nicer when the sun is shining!

    Thanks for the many congrats on my NSV yesterday.

    I am gearing up for our Caribbean cruise that we are taking next week. Looking forward to WARMTH outside! I am a fairly frequent cruiser but this is my MIL first cruise at 83. She is a wonderful trooper and is game for just about anything. We are also taking a family friend so that we can all enjoy different parts together and alone.

    The ship has a wonderful gym and a great walking track so I have no issues with being able to keep up with my exercise quota. Food of course will be a challenge, but I do have a plan that I hope will keep my in line. Breakfast and lunch will be easy to manage, it really is the dinner's that will be the challenge - especially portion wise. The personal waiters are the best though and they will pretty much get you anything you want to ensure your complete satisfaction. That's where I hope to "cash" in big time by special ordering extra steamed vegetables, skipping sauces and enjoying half portions of excellent protein options. I feel pretty confident that I can succeed at this and I am quite excited at doing it! For me it is all about managing expectations. At this point already I don't feel like I am missing out on anything food wise so it is easier to stay on track. My whole life has been food focused - where to eat, what to choose, rewards, celebrations - all food based. In the last year I have tried to look for other areas to focus on not food related. It hasn't been easy. So next week I am not really looking to loose anything, but maintaining will be the order of the week! The results from this cruise will have big implications for the Mediterranean cruise DD and I are taking in April. This one is much longer and much busier as we have alot more excursions planned and will do quadruple the walking etc. We have a "bike" day planned in Malta where we rent bikes and travel the island. We did this last year in Helsinki and loved it! It worked out really well.

    Well today I have a few things to get done in town and a pedi at 4. Good luck to everyone and I hope the sun is shining where you are!

    Betti in Ontario
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just checking in. It is very rainy today. My feet got soaked on my half mile walk in from the parking lot this morning. Oh well.

    Bodi's tail was wagging this morning. I hope that means it will be a good day.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    Rainsoaked in the PNW
  • BJRDmom
    BJRDmom Posts: 21 Member
    Socialwacker your plans sound good for keeping on track during your cruise. I will be going to an all inclusive resort in the Caribbean next week and am also concerned about food. I don't want to come home heavier then when I left. It will be difficult to estimate the calorie content for logging. Exercise will not be a problem though as we will do lots of walking, boogie boarding and snorkelling. Like you my goal will be to maintain. I will try to eat half portions of food and only a bite of desserts. My hubby laughed at this intention as I have always had a sweet tooth. I intend to really buckle down again when I return home. I have some healthy meals in the freezer so we can start again right away with no excuses. Promptly returning to the good habits developed during January will be key.

    Diane in Ottawa
  • ddmoes
    ddmoes Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good Morning everyone, I have returned to my fitness pal with a renewed commitment and excitement for this weight loss. My goal is 55 lbs weight loss. I started in Jan/15 and today I logged 4.4 lbs weight loss.
    I turn 55 this year and I want to look and feel fabulous!
    Mostly looking forward to better health and more energy. I have fibromyalgia so I am hoping for less pain. I am from Cold Lake Alberta Canada and looking forward to chatting with others
  • ddmoes
    ddmoes Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2015
    I would love to add a ticker as well. How did you add this ticker?
    I got it :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    this morning was a nice and wet ride to the gym.. glad I have all the rain gear to keep me dry underneath. takes me about 9 hrs to take off all the crap once I get to the gym, that's a workout in itself..lolololol.... b back later, have a good day all.

    remember - all the little successes you do today; you will look back on as achievements tomorrow!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    just a quick observation:
    at Costco, I bought a big bag of on 12/31/14.
    Pretzel crisps - Honey mustard, 28 grams
    - 1 serving is 10 crackers for 110calories.
    i'm still on that same bag! who the hell eats 1 SERVING (except me that I know of) in one sitting!! the old me would have had that bag wasted in 2 days!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rori: I also go for pedis, but not manis any more. I used to get acrylic nails regularly but discovered that my real nails were getting thinner and thinner, so I quit that. They started out weak and thin to begin with due to genetics. My “treatment” made things worse. The massage sounds divine. I think we need to do nice things for ourselves on a regular basis.

    Sue: We did just check the ticker and it worked UNTIL they did a total program upgrade. Some of the changes were good, but not that one.

    Cutec527: Five pounds in three days is amazing, and probably can’t be sustained at that level. Be patient when the loss slows down or appears to stall. Keep doing the right thing and you’ll be rewarded. Sometimes we wind up on plateaus and eventually we get another weight drop.

    Red: Great advice, especially to log every bite and swallow every day. Congratulations on your January miles.

    Joyce: It is challenging to live a healthy lifestyle any season, but winter is the most challenging in my opinion. Don’t give up on yourself, and keep posting.

    Viv: The board has been very busy lately. We have a lot of new women and it is hard to keep up. I enjoy your posts each time we hear from you. Congratulations for your self-control during Paula’s going away celebration.

    Farmwifenmom: Welcome. Most of us recommend a slower pace of weight loss so that it is sustainable. 30 pounds is a lot to lose between now and May. It took me quite a bit longer to lose that much, but I did manage to drop one size in the months before my son's wedding. In the process I learned a new way of eating and now I'm working to maintain my new habits and continue to improve my health. This group has been my mainstay. I hope you’ll stick around.

    Cynthia: I’m sending good thoughts your way. Change is difficult for many of us. I hope it all turns out well when the changes are made and the dust settles.

    Betti in Ontario: You have a wonderful plan for your cruise ship eating. I’ll bet it works very well.

    I’m skipping Zumba with my neighbor this morning to go out for brunch with my dear cousin in law. I haven’t seen her in months and I’m looking forward to more than a little facebook time. I’ll do my best to make good choices at the deli, and may bring home a “to go box.” The restaurant is famous for enormous portions.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    Good evening all!
    Just had dinner and I'm stuffed! Luckily most of it is healthy veggy curry and fruit. I think I overdid it on the beetroot though! Must rremember not to panic when my wee turns pink!
    Burnt off a lot of calories today. This morning we went to the 2nd ancient capital of Sri Lanka. Fascinating assorted ruins of temples and palaces. The rain held off while we stumbled round. I found the gritty floor quite hard on my bare feet! Resorted to socks. Wonderful rock carvings of Buddha in three poses. One palace was 7 stories high.
    I had no idea what a complex and advanced civilisation this one was. It thrived on agriculture and the king held power by creating a massive water technology, including reservoirs, canals, aqueducts. This supported a huge population of monks and temples. Beautiful wall paintings etc. We are talking 600 - 1300 AD
    - This afternoon we went to the Lion Rock and that is how I burnt up the calories! ! ! ! My driver thought I would not be able to do it, but I managed all but the final metal staircase to the top of the rock. That was because of vertigo, not running out of puff! I was less puffed than the guide. DH went up to the summit. It was all absolutely beautiful there with amazing granite boulders and saucy cave paintings. Lots and lots of steps and my knee held up. I came down very slowly as that iis the hardest bit.
    - Leaving here tomorrow morning and driving to a painted cave site with many staues of Buddha. Then its a spice garden before lunch. Arriving in Kandy in the afternoon. Got to get checked out first thing and get someone to move our bags. It is still raining on and off, but we have been able to do everything in the gaps between showers. Very lucky this afternoon. This very morning 18 tourists were stung by hornets at the Lion Rock. A swarm. Ambulance job.

    So, another early start. I was going to pack tonight, but I think I'd rather get up a bit earlier. Feeling lazy.
    Oooohhhh thunder outside! Better get ready for bed.
    Love Heather in rainy Sri Lanka :heart:

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Toni - I love the sticker idea. I did a fruit/veggie challenge at work once, and put the stickers off the produce on the calendar I downloaded to help me keep track. I still do that at home on my kitchen calendar. Great motivation. It is also proof to DS that I eat fruits and veggies, which I am always "pushing" on him.

    Sylvia - while DD was diagnosed Oppositional/Defiant at a young age, I feel for you with the coffee-guzzling kid. I also had a foster daughter the same age as my daughter, and that child thought it was okay to drink coffee all evening and stay up all night and skip school the next day because she was tired; until she got put in my care, and that came to a screeching halt. I have also had a patient here at work, who's parents allowed her to have hot cocoa every time she was here, and she would add as many creamers and sugars as I had available, then had the nerve to ask for more (and parents never corrected her). I simply told her I only had 2 left, and I needed them to share with other people since my next order doesn't get delivered for several weeks. She pouted, but that's just too bad. If parents can't take care of their kids, I don't feel bad about keeping them under control. I expect others to do the same for my kids (sometimes it makes them listen better).

    Joyce - I'm with you regarding the TMI. I was raised in a very open-minded home, and could talk to my parents about anything and everything. While my kids were young, I worked as a Labor Doula, so my kids knew all the "right" words for everything, and we still talk about anything and everything. Plus, working at a clinic, we talk about anything at any time, so I often forget that some people could get embarrassed (or grossed out) by certain things. So, to anyone - If I cross that line, I would like to apologize right now for anything I have said in the past, or may say in the future. I guess I just don't have that filter.

    Cynthia - Hugs for the job. And lots of good resources and luck for the future ! ! !

    Pip - I'm with you about only eating 1 serving out of a huge bag. If I don't portion out food as soon as I buy it, I have no control whatsoever. I even ask for a to-go container as soon as my food is served when we eat at a restaurant.

    I did multiple seaches for Downton Abbey on my local PBS stations, and there is nothing. So, thanks to the link, I downloaded it onto my tablet, and hope to watch at least a few seasons during my El Paso travels (airplane, airport, etc). However, I did notice a program called "Sit and Be Fit". Hopefully it is on my Dad's Cable, too, and he can DVR it and save it to a flash drive, so I can work on that a little on my trip, too, and when my RA is in the bottom 1/2 of my body.

    DD bought a Health Club Membership with a few friends and her boyfriend, and asked if I would get her a FitBit. Since she is about 100 pounds overweight, 24 y.o. , and this is the first time she has tried to work-out, I would love suggestions on which one I should get for her. I'm sure you "get what you pay for" with this product, but . . . Should I start at the bottom, to make sure she will even benefit and stick with it? Or start at the top, so she gets the best product possible, hopefully solidifying the chances of her succeeding? Or does none of this make sense, since I don't own one, and I'm clueless what I'm talking about?

    Tonight DS starts lifting weights with the H.S. football team. I hope he enjoys that more than when he does it alone at my work while I ride the bike. And hopefully it will convince one or more of his friends to want to do it at my work on weekends, so he can lift more often and better. His personal trainer said lifting with kids his age that are the same or stronger will be better for him. I guess I better get myself to Big Lots to buy him more Muscle Milk.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (only 2 degrees today, but thankfully no snow)
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thanks Barbie.
    I am doing really good on water and steps (usually over goal) but not so good on f/v.

    SueBDew - TX

    February Goals:
    1. Drink at least 6 cups of water a day. This has been hard for me this winter but I will do it
    2. Eat at least 5 fruits/veggies a day. This is something I must do!
    3. Begin strength training. Do 2x a week.`

    February word: Choices (Thanks Joyce!)

    27854289.pngSueBDew – TX

  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    edited February 2015
    terri_mom wrote: »
    DD bought a Health Club Membership with a few friends and her boyfriend, and asked if I would get her a FitBit. Since she is about 100 pounds overweight, 24 y.o. , and this is the first time she has tried to work-out, I would love suggestions on which one I should get for her. I'm sure you "get what you pay for" with this product, but . . . Should I start at the bottom, to make sure she will even benefit and stick with it? Or start at the top, so she gets the best product possible, hopefully solidifying the chances of her succeeding? Or does none of this make sense, since I don't own one, and I'm clueless what I'm talking about?

    Terri I recommend a FitBit Flex. it is about $99 US. You wear it on your wrist and never have to take it off except to charge it once a week. The others with the heart rate monitor etc are great if you need better accuracy about your calorie burn. But if she is just starting out then then she would probably benefit from the step counter, sleep monitor, and the challenges with friends. I love the challenges! (You can only see challenges on a smart phone though and not on the computer). I see I'm only 500 steps away from someone so I get off my butt and march around the living room! Syncs easy with MFP too.
  • susi88star
    Tara, I like the Leslie Sansone walks on YouTube. You can find a one mile and a 3 mile walk there. I like it because she is very calm and encouraging and it isn't too overwhelming. It burns about 100 calories per mile (per her Q&A that I found someplace on the web).

  • susi88star
    Good evening everyone, I am new to MFP. I have been logging for 5 days and have already lost 3 pounds. This is my first post and I am looking forward to reading everyone's posts and celebrating everyone's success with them. I am working on setting some goals for myself and will post those soon. I'm hoping with everyone's support we can can all move closer to meeting our goals! :)

    Tina from New Hampshire

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Janet – my DH was the same way about cruises as your DH until he set foot on the ship for our first cruise. When I received my Master’s degree he gave me a cruises to Alaska. We’ve done 9 0r 10 now. He loves it and is all over the ship doing things. We’re going to Normandy, Scotland and Ireland this summer. I lived in England so have spent some time in Scotland but didn’t get to Ireland.

    SueBDew - TX

    February Goals:
    1. Drink at least 6 cups of water a day. This has been hard for me this winter but I will do it
    2. Eat at least 5 fruits/veggies a day. This is something I must do!
    3. Begin strength training. Do 2x a week.`

    February word: Choices (Thanks Joyce!)

    27854289.pngSueBDew – TX

  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    The ship has a wonderful gym and a great walking track so I have no issues with being able to keep up with my exercise quota. Food of course will be a challenge, but I do have a plan that I hope will keep my in line. Breakfast and lunch will be easy to manage, it really is the dinner's that will be the challenge - especially portion wise. The personal waiters are the best though and they will pretty much get you anything you want to ensure your complete satisfaction. That's where I hope to "cash" in big time by special ordering extra steamed vegetables, skipping sauces and enjoying half portions of excellent protein options. I feel pretty confident that I can succeed at this and I am quite excited at doing it! For me it is all about managing expectations. At this point already I don't feel like I am missing out on anything food wise so it is easier to stay on track. My whole life has been food focused - where to eat, what to choose, rewards, celebrations - all food based. In the last year I have tried to look for other areas to focus on not food related. It hasn't been easy. So next week I am not really looking to loose anything, but maintaining will be the order of the week! The results from this cruise will have big implications for the Mediterranean cruise DD and I are taking in April. This one is much longer and much busier as we have alot more excursions planned and will do quadruple the walking etc. We have a "bike" day planned in Malta where we rent bikes and travel the island. We did this last year in Helsinki and loved it! It worked out really well.

    I head to a Moms weekend cruise every other year and have a great time and have never gained weight from one. I truly don't care for the food on the ship. Am I crazy? My weakness is sugar, plain and simple. The desserts are really not worth the calories compared to some fine and scrumptious desserts I've eaten, so I just don't eat them. As for the dinners, Im usually dressed in something that if I overeat, the entire ship will see that I did, so I just don't. Everyone has X-ray glasses you know!

    I'd prefer to feel non bloaty when I'm laying out in the sun, sitting in the jacuzzi, working out in the gym or enjoying what the spa has to offer. I'm on the cruise to get away from daily stressful things and I just won't let eating get in my way. I may have a few extra drinks, but I compensate by drinking a glass of water for every drink I have, and I walk the track every couple of hours, and I take stairs, never the elevators no matter how hard it is.

    Just remember when you're on that cruise that you deserve it and nothing is gonna ruin it for you, and that includes the stress of eating the right things. If you are too tempted, remove yourself from the table and take a walk around the ship, or get up and dance with a waiter (always helps me). Just remember that the disappointment you may feel after the fact is worse than the stress in making the right choice to begin with.

    You're gonna do great!

    Dublin, CA
  • susi88star
    Good job Tina! It's so great your jogging. I'd like to encourage you by saying if you happen to fall off, don't let it get you down. Even if several days go by, get back on the jogging wagon! I'm walk/jogging. I do 30 minutes. I start the first 5 min at a walk at 3.0 mph, then the next 5 at a jog at 3.5 mph, then back to 5 at a walk and so on, and so on. Then, it's over! Yay!! I sure feel good after its over. I'm so glad we are doing it!
  • tobytigger
    Hi all,
    I am new to MyFitnessPal and to blogging but am 58 and would like to lose some weight and improve my lifestyle. Originally from Maine, I live in New Jersey, and gained 30 pounds over the past two years while successfully fighting thyroid cancer. Now I need to take off some of that weight! May I join your group? How do I do so? Karen
  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    So I'm working out on the Eliptical and I'm feeling quite fat and uncomfy. I'm thinking that the biscotti I ate at 10 last night and which put me over my calories made me gain weight!!! I persevered....

    Umm, just went to pee and noticed my panties were on backwards. :o

    Yeah, that's my day today.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    I am sitting down for right now and practically in tears.... I am just soooooooo tired of this cold weather and shoveling and snow blowing.. did get the linen closet organized.., then I had to go out and shovel and snow blow.. I was out there for over an hour and a half, thank goodness it was the fluffy stuff, but it supposed to go down to 0 tonight and the wind is blowing so as im snow blowing the snow is blowing right in my face...
    It just wipes me out.. I need to do it, as the DH leaves the house at 3:30 in the morning and gets home 12 hours later... so try and have dinner ready, laundry done, and anything else that need to be done around...