Low carb, high fat! Need buddies to follow for support, motivation and ideas!



  • Samanthadee2015
    I know....I'm just starting to really watch the carbs.....I was so worried about calories that my carbs were hi. Working harder at it now.
  • Chena83
    Chena83 Posts: 111 Member
    Please add me
  • type1caveman
    type1caveman Posts: 6 Member
    AJ63736 wrote: »
    I've been doing low carb high fat for 2 weeks and I've lost 15lbs so far :) my goal is to lose somewhere between 90-120 lbs. im not sure of what ratios I should be using for my fat/protein/carbs and I'd be so excited to have help! And of course motivation on my journey! Add me and I'm very open to tips or anything :)

    Check out Google for Keto calculator, the top result has an excellent resource for working out macros. The most common advise I hear is if in doubt (and carbs are definitely low) then increase fat intake and decrease protein. I still can't get my head around drinking olive oil and eating butter - which is what I'm having to do just to top up on fat!
  • DatCzech
    Feel free to add me! I have been on a ketogenic diet for almost 2 weeks now. It can definitely be a frustrating diet when you seek variety in meals. It's also unbelievably high in cholesterol (at least my version is haha).
  • shwatec
    Keto , Atkins, south beach , been there done it and doing it now!! Love low carb diets

    Started yesterday and going they February

    Good luck to all
  • shwatec
    I add olive oil to my whey protein shake with unsweetened almond milk
  • justinfarmer919
    justinfarmer919 Posts: 37 Member
    Good luck with your goals!!!! Sounds like you are doing great!!! I'm trying to lose weight myself and it's nice to read abouts others having sucess!!
  • WillowValley
    Hey AJ, I'm also doing lchf... I started on 1/10/15 and lost about 9 lbs in two weeks, but then I stalled. I either wasn't eating enough, or wasn't getting enough fat.. or a little of both. But I'm back! And ready to really DO THIS!! I'd love to have someone to cheer on/cheer me on!! Add me as a friend if you'd like to. ;) Take care!!
  • edival
    edival Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in the middle of week 5. I love how I'm never really hungry. Lost almost 10 lbs on it. Down a total of 18lbs since I've been at the gym and watching my food.
    Trying to keep my carbs under 25. Still don't seem to have adapted as I'm still very tired (Suffered from chronic fatigue for over 20 years).
    Feel free to add me, my diary has some great foods to have, plus the Mrs. finds some awesome fat bombs to eat :)
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    on day 2 of LCHF/Keto.... feel free to add me. Any tips/advice/recipes to share would be great!:)
    ...I went from a lifestyle of highly processed foods to low fat/low carb/moderate protein and lost 40lbs but stalled so switched over to LCHF this week. hoping to have really good results. already feeling more full & satisfied with the foods I'm eating. currently doing the keto kick start from www.ibreatheimhungry.com because had no clue where to start on this journey! lol....just got Maria Emmerich's keto adapted book & looking fwd to reading it over the weekend.
    All the best everyone!!
  • MelsFitLife
    MelsFitLife Posts: 106 Member
    Feel free to add me:)
  • fatblatta
    fatblatta Posts: 333 Member
    Me too. I've done every other diet you can think of. I loose weight but gain it all back. A few days in and about 3 pounds so far. This looks like something I can stick with, but I'm concerned about elevated cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    fatblatta wrote: »
    Me too. I've done every other diet you can think of. I loose weight but gain it all back. A few days in and about 3 pounds so far. This looks like something I can stick with, but I'm concerned about elevated cholesterol and triglycerides.

    Please go on YouTube and search for talks on LCHF (by credible sources!). There is so much there to put your mind at rest. My favourites are Prof Tim Noakes, Nina Teicholz and Gary Taubes - they have all put many, many years into their research using very credible studies.

  • sheri77
    sheri77 Posts: 3 Member
    fatcity66 wrote: »
    gtmerlino wrote: »
    Hi there you have had some good advise sent to you and yes low carb for long periods is dangerous. Consult your Dr for short periods of no longer than a week. Be careful

    I did low carb for many months before, lost weight, and was fit and healthy, so um......NO.

    but you probably gained it back right? Unfortunately the reason these diets are not recommended is because it's not a realistic lifestyle. Can you imagine yourself eating like this forever? If not, you will gain it back. Fast:(

  • sheri77
    sheri77 Posts: 3 Member
    fatblatta wrote: »
    Me too. I've done every other diet you can think of. I loose weight but gain it all back. A few days in and about 3 pounds so far. This looks like something I can stick with, but I'm concerned about elevated cholesterol and triglycerides.

    unfortunately that's why diets don't work. It needs to be a realistic lifestyle change. Otherwise we gain it back fast. Guaranteed

  • JessDickman72
    JessDickman72 Posts: 26 Member
    Paleo here :) I too have quite a bit to get rid of. Lchf is perfect for me. I too try to stay below 50g per day. In paleo world you can have up to 50% of your calories each day from fat. Try cooking with coconut oil that helps me in that department. Butter sure. Yes nuts and seeds. Cheeses can help too. Good luck to you :)
  • JessDickman72
    JessDickman72 Posts: 26 Member
    Oh and just to add- people on lchf diets do get carbs from fruits and veggies they eat which is perfectly fine. These items are packed with nutrience and vitamins compared to granola and cereals and breads etc that are processed and processed and leave little to no nutritional value. Carbs do have a place in everyone's diet- in fruits and veggies :)
  • fatblatta
    fatblatta Posts: 333 Member
    The best thing about this method, for me personally, is I can keep doing it. I was a chef a long time ago, and know how to make some delicious sauces like Hollandaise and Bearnaise. I just stopped eating them a long time ago because they were deemed fattening and unhealthy. I notice my calorie count stays pretty low too (1200-1400), even though I'm not hungry at all. Now my toughest challenge is no beer!

  • raythrasher
    raythrasher Posts: 26 Member
    I have been experimenting with a grain free diet for several months and have recently been transitionaing to a LCHF diet. I have been studying Paleo, Primal, and most recently Diet Doctor and Eating Academy. All great resources and all have their differences too. I find the Diet Doctor version suits me the best so far (I love cheese). Feel free to add me if you want to encourage each other. I am also doing Intermittent Fasting as well.
  • 2015igotya
    I am on a low carbohydrate diet, as instructed by my physician. I'm insulin resistant as a side effect of my PCOS, so it's really the best option for me. I have a friend who is Paleo, and have been thinking about working some of her recipes into my routine. Anyone can add me, and I keep an open diary to stay accountable to myself and whoever is watching :smiley: