

  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    Sylvia! So glad you didn't need the strainer afterall, but sad that it was something much more serious! You'll be back to yourself in no time! Hugs from NorCal.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    take care of yourself sylvia***

    stats for the day:
    ride from hm 2 gym- 13.16min, 13.6amph, 3mi = 113cal
    stairclimber- 20.32min, Eiffel Tower, 100 floors, 4.8 floors per min, 896feet, 181average watts (power) = 199cal
    jump rope fast- 12 minutes, single leg, double, hop backwards = 137cal
    ride from gym 2 train station- 7.24min, 11.4amph 1.4mii = 80cal
    ride from train station 2 hm- 20.16min, 7.9amph, 2.7mi = 181cal
    total 710cal
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif I survived a visit to the dentist, learned a new dance at line dance class this morning, walked the dogs in the rain, and watched some TV while riding the recumbent bike and knitting.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif20,000 steps today

    <3 Barbie from always beautiful NW Washington
  • Socialwacker
    Socialwacker Posts: 30 Member
    edited February 2015
    Holy moly Sylvia!! So glad you are getting the care that you need! Rest well tonite so you will be ready to get on the road to recovery soon! Thanks for letting us know smile:

    Thanks for the cruise input Red and the belly laughs - you too Beth!

    Janet - we leave from Miami for the first one.

    Pip - only been like 5 days and already you are my good health hero!!

    Have a great night everyone!
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Sylvia, glad you went to the DR, feel better soon.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Sylvia~ Rest up and get well soon. Feel our hugs.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did about 40 minutes of Paul Katemi's ASAP Fitness DVD, then went for my injection of Prolia. This afternoon we're supposed to go to lunch with the Newcomers.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do a treadmill workout.

    Hey, what happened to the little star that bookmarks your page? All of my bookmarks disappeared. Maybe it has to do with MFP being sold, I can't imagine why, but who knows????

    - how I WISH they'd have the aqua zumba, there would be much less impact on the knee. I couldn't take all that impact.

    - this month is "national pet teeth cleaning month (or something like that). Your vet might even be running some sort of special. Our vet gives 10% off dental cleaning. Hope you're feeling better after PT and get good hints

    - good hints, thanks for posting them

    Joyce - you didn't give TMI, I found it fascinating!

    Sharon in Alberta - can you get the Arctic Zero ice cream up there? It's for the lactose intolerant. It isn't creamy, but it does have good flavor. Maybe that'll help your hubby get over his loss.

    They weighed me when I got the Prolia. Even tho the weight was in kgs, I have a conversion on my phone so I found out my weight. Boy, it was up. But I'm sure it was because I'd just had 54 oz of water with a chicken patty.

    - good for you having only half a cake

    k2boxlady - After you microwave the potato, do I assume you cut it into fries? I'll give that a try. Actually, cutting a sweet potato up is hard work, but it probably isn't as hard once its been microwaved.

    gma - welcome to a great place for motivation

    farmwifenmom - welcome. You can do this, and we'll be with you every step of the way

    Janet - I don't know about you, but being retired makes me feel "when did I have the time to work?"

    Cynthia - so sorry about your job.

    - I bet the residents at FIL's place love you to death you go so far out of your way for them and I'm sure they really appreciate it.

    Betti - oh, your cruise sounds so wonderful! Have a great time. I'm sure you'll make excellent choices

    Diane - you have a great time on your cruise, too. boohoo...everyone's going away EXCEPT me

    - congrats on the loss

    Went to lunch with the Newcomers today. Got the grilled chicken salad. It's on the appetizer menu so I was thinking it wasn't going to be that large. Boy, was I wrong! I ate the chicken, but couldn't finish the lettuce, carrots, onion, tomato. Oh, well, it's not like I lost a lot. I did have one SMALL piece of the end of the loaf of bread. It just smelled so good. There were probably about 4 small bites in it. I tore that part off the end.

    Heather - I'm impressed that you were doing better than the guide going up Lion Rock. Glad your knee held up

    Terri and pip
    - add me to the group that has to portion things out as soon as I open the bag or else I wind up eating the whole bag.

    Tina from NH
    - welcome! Great loss, but as was mentioned before, don't get discouraged if every week isn't like that. Slowly the weight will come off.

    Karen - welcome! You joined by posting! Come in often. Congrats on beating the thyroid cancer

    - so sorry to hear you're in the ER. What kind of issues are the seizures causing you?

    I also wish there was a "like" button. There are so many things that I like but don't feel it's really necessary to make a special note about basically the exact same thing.

    Sylvia - Vince had an intestinal blockage a few years ago. It's a very good thing you did go to the ER. Glad we were a help.

    - welcome back!

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    Holy moly Sylvia!! So glad you are getting the care that you need! Rest well tonite so you will be ready to get on the road to recovery soon! Thanks for letting us know smile:

    Thanks for the cruise input Red and the belly laughs - you too Beth!

    Janet - we leave from Miami for the first one.

    Pip - only been like 5 days and already you are my good health hero!!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Thanks! U r sweet to say that☺️
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    Sylvia ... so thankful that you went to the ER in time! Rest quietly, heal quickly and be well soon! Hugs!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I am so happy you got treatment in time! I hope you recover quickly and are soon home with your DH and dogs. :heart:

    Barbie: I envy your ability to ride, knit, and watch TV all at the same time. I’ve said that before and will likely say it again. WTG! :sick: (The little green guy is Envy today.) :devil:

    I feel very lucky for so many reasons. This group of women is high on that list. I’m so happy that Sylvia got needed medical attention and is recovering from surgery.

    On a personal level, I met a dear friend for brunch this morning, had a hair trim this afternoon and have had an otherwise quiet day. I have things to look forward to tomorrow and don’t even care that it is raining again.

    Katla in Beautiful and wet NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,859 Member
    Hi all and welcome to newbies.

    Sylvia - So glad you got the needed medical care. Take care and get well soon.
    Best friend's DGD is back in ICU. They put in a port for antibiotics so she could go home but broke off the tip and it is now lodged in her lung. She also started having seizures and they cannot do an MRI because of the metal in her lung. Many prayers still needed. Thanks!

    all of you take care, Sue in SD
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Oh, Sylvia, I am so glad you got to the doctor in time. Prayers for a quick recovery.

    Red - good tips. Your panty story cracked me up.

    Heather - what wonderful experiences! You are definitely having an ADVENTURE!

    I am enjoying hearing about the up coming trips some of you have planned.

    Welcome new friends. This is a great place for motivation.

    I did a yoga stretch class and then a water aerobic class today. I am now working every Thursday from 2:30 - 8:00. The best part about this shift is that I work with a young lady who is a former student of mine. She is just as sweet now as she was at age 9. She won't call me Toni, though. She says she just has to call me Mrs. B--- because she will always think of me as her teacher.

    Well, must say goodnight -

    Toni in sunny but NOT SNOWY middle Tennessee
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    First off Sylvia oh my heavens. So glad you went to the ER instead of trying to strain some silly pee. A burst bowel can be life threatening. Get weel my friend

    Terri in Milwaukee my daughter wanted to be a doula. I think she wanted to be one though because she thought she knew so much about it. She only had 2 children. But her expertise was in breast feeding. Do they ever have doula in just breast feeding? As far as the fit bit. I have the FitBit one. I don't use the rubber clip to put in on my pants or bra. If I set that rubber thing out at night to put on my night time wrist strap my cat will find it and chew it. You should see my Crocs. So I just keep it in my pocket all the time now. I know a lot of the exercise apparel have no pockets. I wore a sports bra and put it in there and it did fine. Or I can just keep it in the provided wrist band that you wear to sleep in. It also costs $99. The cheapest one costs about $79 I think. It does not measure sleep.

    betti you will get a lot of walking just walking around the decks and to and from the different dining rooms. And as far as cruise food and maintaining or losing weight I would suggest not wearing clothes that have an elastic waistband. You don't feel as full with those on. Spoken from experience!

    Allison let those tears flow. It has been a crappy year for you. You carry so much on your shoulders and God isn't cooperating with you right now. Take some of that lovely music you play and play it for YOU. I watched some sort of crime show in TV, I think it was the Mentalist that said that music can calm and often bring a patient with dementia back to some sort of reality

    Judy in Pa some one once told me that MFP didn't put a 'like' button in here for a purpose. They want us to interact with each other, not just click like. The person who wrote the thing you are likking doesn't know if you are just acknowledging you have read it or what. On face book many times I click it just to show to them that I read it. What is this about MFP being sold??????

    calories4tsp I am from extreme southwestern Indiana. Diana is from northern Indiana

    Sue how do they plan on getting that tip out of her lung? Will they have to open her up? That is a tough surgery/

    I did pretty good today as far as my eating. All I had that was illegal was 2 pop tarts. I tild DH he needs to hide them. We had a light dusting of snow last night. It was pretty while it was snowing. DH was 'taking' care of us and laid salt down on the porch and sidewalk. But he puts so much. He went out today and swept what he said was 70% of it off but it still way to much. We track that stuff inside on our hard wood floors

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    k2boxlady - Thanks for the tip for crispy sweet potato fries.

    Red- Thanks so much for the reminders.

    Alison- Yes, they do enjoy your company. Your DFIl is very lucky to have you. Music is so good for all of us, soothes the soul.

    Betti- It sounds like you have a solid plan for the cruise so with that out of the way you can just enjoy.

    Diane - It will be hard to keep on track at an all inclusive. Tiny Tastes for the dessert?
    You have a lot of activity planned so that may offset the calorie count. I am a little jealous because this year our big trip is Newfoundland. Not really somewhere you go in Feb.

    Katla - I'm with you that we need to do self care. I love pedicures and massage. I used to spend my attention on everyone else and reward myself with food. BAD PLAN.

    Sylvia - Sending you healing thoughts. Thank goodness you went to the ER in time. Rest up.

    Barbie - You have so much energy to fit all those activities into one day. As always you inspire me.

    Michele- I'm going to check for Arctic Zero for my DGD but it is looking like DH is actually allergic.

    Sue in SD - Praying for friend's DGD. This sounds like a nightmare.

    Good news I had a loss when I went to the weight loss nurse and I am once again under 200, here's hoping it continues that way. They have a new machine where they can get your A1C in 6 minutes. Brooke checked it and then checked my reading for today. She was concerned because they were both high. So that is how I found myself back at the clinic for walk in. Bad news my metformin is now doubled.
    More good news - I am feeling quite a bit better and am returning to work.
    Good night
    -Sharon in Alberta
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi All

    Runing late this morning, so not much time, I'm going to do a quick walking exercise before setting off for work.
    Thank goodness it's the weekend, time to catch up and relax.

    I've got a few days off next week but going to dentist etc

    I was too tired to go on computer last night but hope to get back with you tonight.

    See you soon

    Viv York UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sylvia: can't express how happy I am that you're doing OK! :flowerforyou:

    In a terrible funk today because of the job.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    Sylvia~so glad you got to the ER in time.. heaven's to betsy ... will keep healing prayer's going for you and a speedy recovery...
    yesterday was my DD 26th birthday she was busy so didnt get to talk to her, but sent her a card... my ex rescued a greyhound around 10 years ago..he was such a sweet dog, when he moved back here he couldnt keep him in the apartment with him so he stayed up at my dad's, how he loved when I came up, I would take him for walks, and I would let him off the leash in the yard and he would race around.. when they moved back out to Ohio , he was able to go along.. he basically spent his last remaining years lying on a blanket in my ex's bedroom..they had to put him down yesterday.. he was the sweetest dog.. will miss him :'(
    working 9:30-5 today and then 7:30-noon tomorrow.. we shall see about monday as it is a prolonged snowstorm starting late saterday night through early tuesday morning. we could get another foot of snow..just what we need..
    told Tom last night I am soooo tired of all this stuff,meaning snow and cold...and he said if it wasn't for our dad's he would quit his job(retire) and we would move.. but we have our obligations so we shall stay.. and do what we need to do... I just have to suck it up lol
    Get better real quick Sylvia sending you lots of love <3
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    So much I want to say and no time to say it all :'( !

    Sylvia :) sending you good thoughts, hope your recovery is easy and fast!!!

    Alison :) I really worry about you, please take care of yourself! You take such good care of those around you, take that care for yourself too!

    Cynthia :) sending you hugs!!!!!

    Red :) Hope your day improved, however the panty story made me giggle!!!

    Sending prayers to all those in need!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!

    DeeDee in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sylvia - sending good wishes for a quick recovery. :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia - so sorry about the job. A better one is coming! :flowerforyou:

    Healing thoughts for the friend's granddaughter. <3

    We are now in Kandy, having seen the amazing painted temple rock caves this morning. More steps! And more bare feet. You also can't wear a hat at the temples. At the spice garden we had an Ayurdavedic massage for five minutes! Just sitting on the bench. Weird to have a strange young man going down your back and up your legs! ! ! ! :laugh: Lovely though - I smell delightful. :bigsmile:
    This hotel has the most stunning views across the hills and valleys. We hope to eat on the terrace tonight. It's a la carte! The only trouble is that it is a smaller boutique hotel and the corridor outside our room can be noisy from time to time. A few years ago I would have freaked out, but losing weight has made me less bothered by that kind of thing. Weird eh? I hope it's quiet for sleeping.
    The pool looks a little small so we may not bother. I will go and have a closer look. Will have some clothes laundered as the price is reasonable. I washed a blouse out at the last hotel and because it was so humid it took three days to dry. :ohwell:

    Tomorrow morning we are off to the Royal Botanical Gardens. Then lunch, then the Tooth Relic. It's supposed to be Buddha's tooth, but it clearly can't be! It is a site of great devotion so gets very crowded. In the evening we are going to a dance programme at the cultural centre, so a full day!
    There are wonderful birds and butterflies here. The driver has lent us bird books so we can identify them. He is studying birds for his next tourism exam.
    Unfortunately his younger son is quite ill at the moment with a fever. He is worried it is Dengue Fever, which is a serious disease spread by mosquitoes. It lowers your blood count to danger levels and you have to go to hospital. It must be such a worry for him. I hope he doesn't have to leave us as we really like him, but, of course we would understand if he did.

    Love from Heather in Sri Lanka x x x
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    Hi all! Finally got the elephant downloaded. The wifi is better at this hotel.
    We had to sit in the cage on top and dangle our legs over the side! :ohwell:
    We handed bananas to her via her trunk as we went walking by the lake.
