Help with Breakfast ideas



  • joysdream
    joysdream Posts: 1 Member
    I love my zucchini and carrot bowl with fried eggs on top!

    Grate a zucchini and a carrot. Cook in some coconut oil in a fry pan, add whatever spices take your fancy, put in a bowl once cooked. Cook eggs however they take your fancy and place on top! So filling and nutritious with good amount of protein and healthy fats :smile:

    I can taste this now with cinnamon! Thanks for a different idea!
  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    Love the pictures!
  • rak173
    rak173 Posts: 105 Member
    my go to is nonfat Greek yogurt, granola, berries. It ranges from 180-260 calories and keeps me satisfied for a while. Oatmeal is also good with fruit. Veggie omelettes can be really filling too.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    I go for speed and convenience in the morning as I'm rushing out the door. So i do what a few other people have mentioned and boil eggs for the week and eat those along with a banana, or a serving of Greek yogurt with fruit, or sometimes I'll put cream cheese on a bagel and run out the door with it...they do make bagel thins that are about 110 calories apiece and you could then add an egg to it. I eat a lot of leftovers for breakfast too. I save my oatmeal mostly for night. But everything i mentioned fills me up. (i agree, too, shakes and smoothies don't fill me up for long.)
  • tegancrow15
    tegancrow15 Posts: 12 Member
    I work super early shifts so my breakfast is usually vegemite on wholemeal toast & a banana, works up to 300 cals.
  • jbuck1326
    jbuck1326 Posts: 3 Member
    erin baker's breakfast cookies. Most flavors are around 290 calories. Amazon sells them (Target used to). They are preservative free oatmeal cookies that are very healthy and taste incredible. The oatmeal raisin is awesome!
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    Hello Healthy has a lot of good ideas. Try the poached egg + crispy prosciutto with avocado on toast. Lots of yummy goodness for about 265ish calories. Also oatmeal with fruit is good or just a scrambled egg with chopped veggies or spinach.
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    Or all the things NikonPal wrote. Yum!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Steel cut oats are less processed and have a little more fiber. Tastier too.
    I used to make mine in the crock pot. They can also be put in water or milk in the fridge over night.

  • Ttwyman20
    Ttwyman20 Posts: 1 Member
    carriejod wrote: »
    I have been boiling enough eggs for the week and gave 2 hard boiled eggs in the morning. Easy and I dont have to think about it every day! Plus I stay full from them.

    Two boiled eggs def helps. I usually have a banana as well or mid-morning.
  • Aresende90
    Aresende90 Posts: 70 Member
    I have an egg white Sandwhich in a whole wheat English muffin almost everyday. Or a whole wheat English with PB.

    I pre make the eggs. Two egg whites with pepper and onion baked at 350 for 20 mins In a muffin tin. Each sandwhich has a half slice of 2% american cheese and is all under 250cals . Easy to assemble in the morning too!