I can't believe I used to eat that!!



  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    eddied91 wrote: »
    I remember one day I ate 23 big mac burgers. That was a bad day
    That is seriously epic.

  • I use to eat a whole family bag sized of Doritos accompanied with a steak and cheese and cookies for dessert.....lowest point
  • kelseymallen
    kelseymallen Posts: 85 Member
    A whole box of blueberry waffles at one sitting....
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    As a kid I would eat an entire can of Pringles also I've eaten half a package of.oreos
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Candy mostly. I could eat an entire bag of circus peanuts...even though they taste nasty after the first 2 or 3.
  • w_canary
    w_canary Posts: 10 Member
    Whole jar(500g) of peanut butter at once. I released I have a problem and stopped buying it its a banned food I even asked my roommates if they buy it to keep it in their rooms good thing they're not PB fans. I'm also quite addicted to chocolate and once in a while I buy a whole jar and eat it at once just to get the craving away and it works fine for me
  • DiscePati
    DiscePati Posts: 55 Member
    gle8442 wrote: »
    Macaroni and cheese mixed with a can of beef chili
    Chili-Mac. I used to eat that in college. Stuff was bomb.com

  • lecanto1
    lecanto1 Posts: 13 Member
    A whole box of entenman's doughnuts with multiple glasses of milk.
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    When I was a kid I got one of those solid huge hershey kisses for Christmas (this was when they first came out with them) and my brother got one too. My brother isn't a chocolate fan so he gave me his. I ate them both in one day and spent the next 24 hours puking it all up. The first thing I ate once my stomach felt better was a chocolate bar...

    As an adult my husband would bring home bags of those mini reece's peanut butter cups or fun size chocolate candy bars. If he was lucky, the bag lasted 24 hours. I haven't done this since I decided to get my *kitten* together last January, and to this day he still comments about how nice it is to actually be able to keep candy in the house whenever he is enjoying a piece.

    I still have chocolate in my life though (and I always will). It's really the amount of it I can't believe I used to eat...
  • kourt_phx
    kourt_phx Posts: 25 Member
    For me, it use to be pepperoni and sausage hot pockets and for dessert chocolate Haagen Daz ice cream and I added marshmallows...I ate so much of it years ago that I wouldn't go near it today
  • be_patient
    be_patient Posts: 186 Member
    Maccas, Hungry Jack's
  • daniellebearuk
    daniellebearuk Posts: 23 Member
    2 x 500 cal refridgerator cakes in one sitting...every day...one day i stepped on the scale and knew i had to get a grip before it got out of hand (i was 65kg...at 5"3 it was the largest i'd ever been and essentially, 8kg had gone on in three months...i could see it escalating v easily...)
  • Mech9
    Mech9 Posts: 252 Member
    My two biggest things have been fast food and candy.

    I don't know if I never noticed it before, but my teeth hurt something fierce when I eat candy now and it gives me a gnarly headache.

    I went to Burger King not that long ago and (excitedly, gleefully, without guilt!) ate a tendercrisp sandwich. It was so greasy to the touch that I couldn't finish it. It upset my stomach terribly and I ended up hrrrrk'ing on the drive home. I can't believe that in the past I've eaten that plus another burger plus dessert!
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited February 2015
    When I was in college, my sister worked at McDonald's. Friends and I would have a Big Mac breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Then go to Katz' deli for a late night snack for pastrami on Club. At that time they put damned near a pound of meat on a sandwich.

    Every. Day.

    To top if off, a case of Surge when it was available here (24 cans - tons of sugar and caffeine), in 2 days.

    I haven't been back there in years (and I hear they got cheap anyway ;) ) Haven't touched McDonald's, Burger King or the like in like 10 years. Five Guys and local burger joints I make an exception as it's better, just in moderation.

    More recently, but no less than a year and a half ago, I would eat a half pound (I think once or twice even managed a 3/4 pounder) angus burger at Cheeburger Cheeburger topped with guac, peppers, and a bunch of other stuff. That, with a side of onion rings and fries.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    When I was a tween and we'd go to Belgium to visit my grandmother... I'd start the day with 6 huge slices of 'cramique' (sweet bread with sugar pieces in it - I miss it soooooo much), sometimes with butter... Then lunch would be more bread and random salmon and tuna spreads and salami... then we'd have rice pie and cherry pie for dessert. For snack I'd eat some rice pudding and a coke or two.

    When we went to Brittany for vacations (I grew up in France), and we'd go to the crepes restaurant, I would have 2 savory crepes and 2 or 3 sweet ones. And always a donut on the beach. There's an ice cream place that sells like 200 different flavors and I'd buy 5 at a time (I did 8... once). I had pound cake for breakfast, cookies for snacks, and their delicious cake specialties for dessert (2 or 3 slices total).

    Yeah, I was an overweight kid...

    When I worked in Paris, croissants for breakfast typically meant two croissants of some sort (often the 400+ calories kind). Then I'd have lunch at a restaurant (ok, portions are not huge there at least) and a pastry for dessert. Sometimes another croissant for snack. And dinner was high calorie, easy to prepare meals, typically (chicken cordon bleu, fish sticks, bread and cheese etc). And dessert, of course (some kind of pudding usually... ok, typically 2 or 3 of those).

    I walked a lot though, so I guess that's why I was only 180 pounds despite it all (I gained the rest in the US when I stopped walking).
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    edited February 2015
    belimawr wrote: »
    When I was in college, my sister worked at McDonald's. Friends and I would have a Big Mac breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Then go to Katz' deli for a late night snack for pastrami on Club. At that time they put damned near a pound of meat on a sandwich.

    Every. Day.

    To top if off, a case of Surge when it was available here (24 cans - tons of sugar and caffeine), in 2 days.

    I haven't been back there in years (and I hear they got cheap anyway ;) ) Haven't touched McDonald's, Burger King or the like in like 10 years. Five Guys and local burger joints I make an exception as it's better, just in moderation.

    More recently, but no less than a year and a half ago, I would eat a half pound (I think once or twice even managed a 3/4 pounder) angus burger at Cheeburger Cheeburger topped with guac, peppers, and a bunch of other stuff. That, with a side of onion rings and fries.

    Haven't had a burger since I started losing, I just got a coupon for a free burger at ruby Tuesdays and I love their smokehouse burger. 1,600 calories but I'm going to eat it since its this one time. I'm contemplating eating half or removing the bun but the day I'm going I have to fast for blood work so no breakfast and this as my lunch. Plus if I go to the gym. I won't be so bad lol
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    Robbnva wrote: »
    Haven't had a burger since I started losing, I just got a coupon for a free burger at ruby Tuesdays and I love their smokehouse burger. 1,600 calories but I'm going to eat it since its this one time. I'm contemplating eating half or removing the bun but the day I'm going I have to fast for blood work so no breakfast and this as my lunch. Plus if I go to the gym. I won't be so bad lol

    I have not had a burger since as well, but I plan to, just to show myself I can, and enjoy it. I have to go for blood work soon as well, so maybe I'll take your idea. Just not Ruby Tuesdays'. Perhaps Five Guys minus the five pounds of fries they typically pack per order.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I don't know...I think the worst thing I would ever do is drink a lot, come home and munch on a bag of chips until they were practically gone, and then get a bacon, egg, and cheese for breakfast.
  • DeliVibes
    DeliVibes Posts: 67 Member
    A gigantic bowl of cereal.
    Weetabix, Shreddies, All-Bran, Special K topped with milk and a big spoonful of sugar of course.

    I used to eat so much Special K I had to stop buying it.
    I also used to add a spoonful of sugar to my cereal which I'd never dream of doing now. I sometimes chop in a banana if I want the sweetness and it's so much tastier than sugar!