I can't believe I used to eat that!!



  • TheTiagooo
    TheTiagooo Posts: 53 Member
    There was a period in which I ate mcdonalds 2-3 times a week. Not great.
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    When I was in high school I learned how to make peanut butter fudge in the microwave (mixing powdered sugar, salted butter, peanut butter, and vanilla extract) and soon was able to do so without exact measurements in "individual" (entire bowl) servings, and got in the habit of eating it every night.
    It was pretty bad.
    Within a year I managed to gain close to 20 pounds, probably mainly as a result of this.
  • lenaroberts
    lenaroberts Posts: 6 Member
    Pop, Bagels and Eggnog. -> I STILL have a strong sweet tooth but I've been able to cut down.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    10-12 See's candies/truffles in one sitting. I'd polish off the whole box in a matter of a couple days. A 1/2 gallon of ice cream (12 servings) used to be 3 servings for me and was gone in a day and a half. A batch of chocolate chip cookies - I would eat 6 cookies worth in dough before the cookies even hit the oven, and 4 or 5 more with milk after they came out. Don't even get me started on the Halloween candy...
  • scorpiophoenix
    scorpiophoenix Posts: 222 Member
    One of those massive "novelty" lollipops. Thing was the size of my head and took me almost a month, but I ate it!! XD
  • smandymail
    smandymail Posts: 40 Member
  • IIGuardian
    IIGuardian Posts: 24 Member
    I used to inhale eight chili cheese dogs so fast that I've been told I should enter the Nathan's contest. No regrets though. It was fun eating whatever I wanted without accountability, but I'm getting older and need to look out for my health now.
  • flabby2fit2018
    flabby2fit2018 Posts: 9 Member
    I must say I haven't "cut out" any specific foods/food groups as that's what I did before, and always failed.

    But I used to manage a whole SLAB of chocolate by myself without feeling sick or anything!! Also a family size bag of crisps was an easy target. I can now manage to just have a handful of crips and haven't actually had any chocolate/not craved it at all. A slice of pizza?? noooooo I ate the whole thing and actually waited with baited breath to see if my son finished all his food.... now thats shameful!

  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    One of those massive "novelty" lollipops. Thing was the size of my head and took me almost a month, but I ate it!! XD

    who hasn't eaten those :p
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    gle8442 wrote: »
    Macaroni and cheese mixed with a can of beef chili

    That sounds really yummy O.o
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    My two low points: One eating so much junk until I felt my stomach "tear" and it hurt for about 1-2 years after that. And the second was a more recent one: 2 medium pizzas in one sitting (yep...I'm pathetic....)

    Wow, really? That can happen?
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Surely we have some man v food sort of dieters on here?
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    edited November 2014
    A guy on Atkins diet that I know ate pork rinds dipped in mayonnaise. (Just seeing this makes me turn away)

    I backed way off the 4 piece dark meat fried chicken plate.
  • Allelito
    Allelito Posts: 179 Member
    Trimi wrote: »
    An entire chocolate in one sitting. I'm talking 100 grams, or close to 600 calories.

    Sounds like me, except I did this with 200 gram bars. AT LEAST once a week, and had no problems eating the entire thing.
  • Well, not me, but a friend of mine used to take 2x200g chocolate bars and spread nutella in between and eat as a sandwich!

    I try to save calories for the things i start craving, seems to work well :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Not really anything, just less. Although I haven't had Chinese food since I broke up with my last boyfriend last year. Wow! it's been a year.
  • CamilleNoemi
    CamilleNoemi Posts: 28 Member
    Allelito wrote: »
    Trimi wrote: »
    An entire chocolate in one sitting. I'm talking 100 grams, or close to 600 calories.

    Sounds like me, except I did this with 200 gram bars. AT LEAST once a week, and had no problems eating the entire thing.

    Haha, 100g chocolate bars are nothing. I would feel a bit sick afterwards, depends on the chocolate, but I don't think it's really that much. If I really want chocolate, I just eat less at lunch and dinner time and make room for 600kcals of chocolate.
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    I still LOVE mac and cheese but would eat almost an entire box in one sitting! One serving is 400 calories, and the entire box would make about three servings! That's 1200 calories! What was I thinking?
    Now I can eat about half to three quarters of a serving and some yummy raw vegetables and feel full.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited November 2014
    You said as a veggie you served cream corn, corn isn't a veggie, its a grain!
  • emma1982
    emma1982 Posts: 5 Member
    edited November 2014
    I grew up eating very healthy food until I was 23- I was put off by butter as a kid, so the first time I tried it, I was 15, and did not go near cheese until I was 18 or so (it smelled "funny"). I put on a lot of weight during my master's just by not looking at labels, and that changed as soon as I had to change my entire wardrobe. It was a one-trial-learning experience.
    Since then my cooking skills have gone out the roof, I make restaurant quality food at home. About a year ago while watching Top Chef, I came to a realization: I can make ANYTHING taste amazing if you give me sugar and butter as staples in my pantry. And the fatty parts of animals. And cream And carbs. Using fat and sugar, I can make miracles in less than 20 minutes. In fact, I have done so- for pot luck dinner parties: I go to the store, and buy really good quality ingredients and make lemon-curd cream cheese cakes- 7 layers and all. Compared to the healthy food I cook, that is ridiculously cheap (butter, eggs, creamcheese, i can make a 20-slice cake for 7 or 8 dollars).
    Now try making something really good for you and really tasty:
    A-) price goes up (at least where we live).
    B-) It is far more difficult (IMO challenging is always more fun).
    Now when I watch Top Chef I kind of sneer. I think- sure your soup tastes amazing in 30 minutes, you added a pint of cream in there, and butter, and bacon...Try building up flavors dammit!
    Needless to say, DH has lost 20lbs, and does not feel he ever compromised on food, just with the cooking challenge.