Starting Insanity

Zelsawaf Posts: 111 Member
Hey everyone, I'm gonna be starting up with Insanity this Monday, May 9. Reply on here or friend me (or both) if you'd like to join up!


  • sarahmay25
    sarahmay25 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm starting insanity this weekend or next monday toooo! I'm so excited, but one of my friends is loaning me the dvd's and she lost one of them so I hope it still works all right! If anything I'm just going to have to do lower/buns region myself. Let me know how you process is going with it!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Already doing it... Starting month 2 on Monday... There is a thread on here with people doing Insanity... Here's the link.

    Feel free to join in...
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey! Yeah going to start insanity on monday too! Really looking forward to it :happy: Would be good to have some people to do it with :smile:
  • currlygirrl
    currlygirrl Posts: 82 Member
    I started Insanity on Thursday...had to rest today as I'm almost too sore to walk! So far I love it though.
  • Zelsawaf
    Zelsawaf Posts: 111 Member
    Ya, the first week is always rough. But once you get going and feel the improvement, its SOOOOOO addicting!
  • currlygirrl
    currlygirrl Posts: 82 Member
    I really thought that I was in pretty good shape...I workout 5-6 days a week at with my heartrate at about 90% of my max and I do stregnth training as well. I needed a new challenge so this will definately be it.:smile:
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Hi, I'm starting Insanity tomorrow. Definitely wouldn't describe myself as fit, so a little apprehensive now, but really stubborn and tenatious and love a challenge. Hopefully that will spur me on, along with this forum. Kicked off the eating regime this morning with a yoghurt bowl and protein powder, never used protein powder before and not keen, but know it won't work properly without. My motivation is to tone. Happy with my weight but still feel bigger with untoned wobbly bits. Taking pics and measurements tonight. Good luck all x
  • Zelsawaf
    Zelsawaf Posts: 111 Member
    Good luck to you as well. It's certainly a challenge, but once you start feeling the results it becomes REALLY addicting! Have fun!
  • Zelsawaf
    Zelsawaf Posts: 111 Member
    Just a reminder to everyone we're getting started tomorrow and a last chance shout out for others to join. Good luck tomorrow to those of you already getting started!
  • sarahmay25
    sarahmay25 Posts: 27 Member
    I just took before pics and measurements... for added motivation. I'll post before and after's as I start to see some results! I can't wait till tomorrow after class (when I'm starting).
  • Zelsawaf
    Zelsawaf Posts: 111 Member
    Lol I just did my pics as well. I do my weigh-ins and measurements on Tuesdays, so I'm just gonna stick to that. Should be fun, cannot wait to finally try and get back into shape. I'm getting decent results sticking to a stable diet, I can only hope to get even better results by getting my lazy butt in shape!
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Day one and still alive. Took pics and measurements last night. Got up at silly o'clock this morning to do the fit test, managed as follows:

    Switch Kicks 58
    Power Jacks 60
    Power Knees 82
    Power Jumps 30
    Globe Jumps 10
    Suicide Jumps 13
    Push Up Jacks 22
    Low Plank Obliques 40

    Looking forward to a workout tomorrow, hoping won't be too sore in the morning.

    Good luck all :)
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Took photos and measurements last night. Can't wait to see the improvements!

    Well done on the fit test results Mbeforethes :smile:

    Did the fit test this morning, these are my results:
    Switch Kicks 88
    Power Jacks 40
    Power Knees 86
    Power Jumps 23
    Globe Jumps 7
    Suicide Jumps 11
    Push Up Jacks 20
    Low Plank Obliques 46

    How did everyone else do?
  • Zelsawaf
    Zelsawaf Posts: 111 Member
    Finally got around to it:

    Switch Kicks = 90
    Power Jacks = 45
    Power Knees = 80
    Power Jumps = 32
    Globe Jumps = 8
    Suicide Jumps = 14
    Push-Up Jacks = 20
    Low Planque Oblique = 30

    Also took pics last night, gonna do weigh in and measurements tomorrow to keep up with MFP. Great work today ladies and gentlemen!
  • sarahmay25
    sarahmay25 Posts: 27 Member
    Results are in: I could've done better, but I almost threw up... So thats good LOL! And on the low plank obliques I was doing them wrong, so I divided half of the ones I did wrong (before correcting them).

    switch kicks-69
    power jacks-32
    power knee-92
    power jumps-40
    globe jumps-10
    suicide jumps-7
    push-up jacks-18
    low plank obliques-21

    And way to go you guys!! I can't wait for two weeks from now when we do the fit test again!! :) Happy workouts!
  • ratajck
    ratajck Posts: 4 Member
    I started on the May 2nd! First week was tough.....but I am loving it!
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    I started today too! Nice to find other people starting the 60 days together!

    switch kicks-65
    power jacks-52
    power knee-109
    power jumps-36
    globe jumps-9
    suicide jumps-16
    push-up jacks-17
    low plank obliques-54 (Each side counts right? Or is it like the swtich kicks where 2=1?)

    The fit test had me gasping for air, the recoveries did not feel long enough!! My quads are feeling it already, going out for an easy 2 mile run to shake it out.
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Well done to everyone for the fit test results yesterday, we're on our way!!!

    I got up at 6am again today and did the Plyo Circuits - O......MG!!! Had to stop several times, but tried to push on through as soon as I could and get back into it. Not sure what I can do to get my energy levels up first thing :yawn: , it's the only time I know I'll do the workouts but doesn't give me chance to fuel up. Had an energy drink yesterday during the fit test but it just made me feel sick :sick: , so diluted my recovery drink down today and drank that instead which was better. Not sure if it's energy, muscle fatigue or mental barriers making me stop. Hopefully will work itself out.

    Struggled with the press up type drills :noway: as press ups definitely my weak point, will keep at it tho, day two done, yay!!!

    Can feel my body starting to tighten a little now, hoping not too sore tomorrow!!!

    Good luck everyone with plyo, keep up the great work :happy: xx :drinker:
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Well done all on those great fit test results!

    Just did the Plyo circuit thingy (My face is bright red :blushing: i hope it goes away :tongue: ) I am going to HURT in the morning lol.

    Mbeforethes: I had to stop several times too, my heart rate was going through the roof lol. But if we keep on pushing eventually we'll get through it all :smile:
    I'm not sure how to get more energy in the morning. Might just take a week or so for your body to get used to the routine? and they do say that exercise gives you more energy.... :smile:

    Good luck all :happy:
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    mid week 2 and loving it!

    Feel free to join: