My 600 Pound Life?



  • itsnikki2015
    I love the show. I make sure I watch it whenever I start to get off track.
  • JoRolleNola
    JoRolleNola Posts: 152 Member
    I agree. I can only make it thru about 10 mintues of "My 600 lb Life" before I say I just can't live that way. Yeah I have my addiction to potato chips but at some point I had to try some self control or I might end up like that soon.

  • ilovemypeekapug
    ilovemypeekapug Posts: 106 Member
    I've seen every episode, but the latest one ( Amber ) was so sad. I've never seen legs like that. She's so young. I wish her the best. There's a similar show in the UK called Fat Doctor. I discovered that show on YouTube ans watched all the episodes within a few weeks. Seeing my " possible " future is one if the things that caused me to get serious about losing weight. My mom looked at me and said, " you know, they were all your weight at one time." Whoah. That made me put down the Cheetos
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    i have seen the commercials on youtube, but I dont have cable. I think it is sad that they are so heavy, and that their lives are so complicated by their weight. The commercial I saw featured a women named "penny" who seemed very self-centered. I felt worse for her kid than I did for her.

    I don't have cable either. I bought two seasons on Amazon some time back. Damn Amazon prime!! I've spent more money on this "free" service than on paid Netflix and Hulu. Well maybe not total

    Anyway I actually watched the show thinking I was exercising empathy. Like, how does this happen? What is the family thinking? How does this keep getting worse? In at least one case, the family member had previously taken care of maybe a terminal parent and felt like they had a "calling" to be a caretaker. Almost like that was their purpose in life and they felt security fulfilling that function. If that's really the case it almost makes sense that they would work hard to maintain the status quo.

  • alaynavee
    alaynavee Posts: 148 Member
    SuggaD wrote: »
    avalters wrote: »
    I find it can be motivating to watch, until I watched the one last night where the girl was only 23. That pissed me off. To be 650lbs at 23 means her parents allowed her to essentially do and eat what she wanted. That puts the blame on them.

    You do have a point, but when I was 11 and about 125, my mom schlepped me to the GP who put me on a 1000 calorie diet (with cottage cheese on the menu, yuck) and then she made me ride the exercise bicycle for 3 miles every day. Great intentions, no doubt. Don't know what effect it had on my body at the time, but it set me up for a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, unhealthy habits and a lot of self-loathing. My own kids went through "chubby" stages at puberty, and while lean and healthy now, they blame me for that time because I didn't do anything about it. Bottom line: being a parent is a no-win situation because we never seem to get it right no matter what we do!!

    ditto! I think we had the same childhood...I had to eat cottage cheese and something called melba toast :( yuk!!

    This is so true. My child cries that I won't help her lose weight. No-win.

    If your child just has the normal pudginess that comes with puberty, encourage healthy habits and reassure her that her body will lean out and become healthy and strong in time. Getting as much processed food out of the house, keeping regular mealtimes and allowing eating in the kitchen or occasionally in front of the TV as a treat is important too. My kids snacked out of the boxes/bags, and I always tried to encourage them to put a portion in a bowl, to curb mindless overeating. You sound like an active individual, that is the best way to ensure your kids will be too!
  • Indigoblu1
    Indigoblu1 Posts: 127 Member
    I've seen every episode, but the latest one ( Amber ) was so sad. I've never seen legs like that. She's so young. I wish her the best. There's a similar show in the UK called Fat Doctor. I discovered that show on YouTube ans watched all the episodes within a few weeks. Seeing my " possible " future is one if the things that caused me to get serious about losing weight. My mom looked at me and said, " you know, they were all your weight at one time." Whoah. That made me put down the Cheetos

    Oh, wow. I read that and it made me stop in my tracks-what a way to bring it home. They were all our weight at one time! That is so scary to me.
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    I don't normally watch, but I caught the marathon the other day on TLC. What sticks out for me is how many think happiness is contingent on their weight. Yeah, being mobile would probably increase happiness, but ??? I'm thinking specifically of the guy, James (was that his name?). He was engaged to Summer but they broke up because he got mean and stressed out when he couldn't have the skin removal surgery yet. He wanted to go to his high school reunion with the skin removed, but he had lost so much weight and he still wasn't proud of himself!!! I don't know. Happiness is a choice not a circumstance. I didn't say that well, but I hope you understand what I mean.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I don't normally watch, but I caught the marathon the other day on TLC. What sticks out for me is how many think happiness is contingent on their weight. Yeah, being mobile would probably increase happiness, but ??? I'm thinking specifically of the guy, James (was that his name?). He was engaged to Summer but they broke up because he got mean and stressed out when he couldn't have the skin removal surgery yet. He wanted to go to his high school reunion with the skin removed, but he had lost so much weight and he still wasn't proud of himself!!! I don't know. Happiness is a choice not a circumstance. I didn't say that well, but I hope you understand what I mean.

    I understood it. I think the issues and attitudes that contribute to such tremendous weight gain in their cases do not do so in isolation, and often spill over to other aspects of their life. In other words it's possible this guy was just being a petulant douche bag

  • Losingthedamnweight
    I force myself to watch each show, there for the Grace of God. ...they could easily be me. Except for the fact that no one supports me. Work or be homeless! Something to be thankful for, I guess. I can see how severe clinical depression, treated with psychopharmacology that makes people ravenous hungry, I think they should re name Paxil to "Pack It On". But, some doctors don't know enough about psychopharmacology and randomly prescribe meds without proper monitoring. It happened to me. I was depressed, a doctor prescribed me a med, that made me hungry.

    Anyway, side issue. This is important that these people are getting treatment. And Penny, bless her heart...where did she find a man who puts up with her!?

    Ugh...I haven't had a boyfriend in years and Penny is awful and found a man who puts up with her. SO not fair!

    There was this other guy who's wife was murdered and he later remarried and they had an adopted son. I'm trying to figure out what kind of adoption agency was OK with giving a child to a man who couldn't take care of himself?????

    You wouldn't wanf a boyfriend like him anyway.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I force myself to watch each show, there for the Grace of God. ...they could easily be me. Except for the fact that no one supports me. Work or be homeless! Something to be thankful for, I guess. I can see how severe clinical depression, treated with psychopharmacology that makes people ravenous hungry, I think they should re name Paxil to "Pack It On". But, some doctors don't know enough about psychopharmacology and randomly prescribe meds without proper monitoring. It happened to me. I was depressed, a doctor prescribed me a med, that made me hungry.

    Anyway, side issue. This is important that these people are getting treatment. And Penny, bless her heart...where did she find a man who puts up with her!?

    Ugh...I haven't had a boyfriend in years and Penny is awful and found a man who puts up with her. SO not fair!

    There was this other guy who's wife was murdered and he later remarried and they had an adopted son. I'm trying to figure out what kind of adoption agency was OK with giving a child to a man who couldn't take care of himself?????

    You wouldn't wanf a boyfriend like him anyway.

    Agreed. Without a doubt this is not down to editing on the show; you can tell he is an enabler. No way a bedridden woman at 600+ lbs could get to that position without someone feeding her. But I have no doubt that she is a manipulator, and knows how to get what she wants. It just seems like a very unhealthy relationship dynamic.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Oooooh jesus...the ENABLERS. Yikes. Hopefully this shows educates family and friends who may be in a similar situation. Feeding their loved ones to death is not love. Ever.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Note on James, at his wedding he was drinking a Coke, with sugar.

    Weight loss surgery is not a cure all. I know, because I had it, and ate my way back almost to what I was before. If James does not keep constant vigilance, he will get large again.

    Which is why MFP is so important in maintaining your weight.

    It would be interesting in a longitudinal study on people with severe morbid obesity to do follow ups in five years, ten years and twenty years. Because you can lose weight, but if you don't develop better emotional coping skills, they will get back to their previous weight. It is more than having a smaller stomach.
  • NotGnarly
    NotGnarly Posts: 137 Member
    I watch the show and find it inspiring. I'm always cheering them on especially when they are making the changes and following the docs orders. It makes me want to lose weight and gives me hope.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    I see they don't support with real dietary help, yeah a diet printed out, BFD, is useless for people who are unable to say no to food. And they can't exercise…so even a once a month/week check in with a dietitian (who pays? some fitness/nutrition folks?- Weigh Watchers? a group donates the help, like in Hoarders they get mental therapy after?)

    So it is OBVIOUS food is the main component to help them, and the show seems to focus on seeing them suffer and bravely some succeed DESPITE TLC cameras in their face.
    We see more and more bizarre human behaviors from this show, it's not reality TV it's purient interest in the worst behaviors in all of us as humans. OK I am ranting now<grin>

    It's not Dr. N's job to teach patients diet, he did his job. TLS should fund the help (what do they pay the 'reality stars' anyway?
  • murphyraven
    murphyraven Posts: 163 Member
    I normally find the show inspiring when the patient is a success story. The most recent episode I watched with Pauline made me so angry. Her complete denial and constant excuses were awful. Her son takes care of her and you can just see he is completely under her control with no will of his own.

    Seeing the patients succeed with so much weight to lose helps me in my own weight loss journey. If they can overcome the odds I have no excuses.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I normally find the show inspiring when the patient is a success story. The most recent episode I watched with Pauline made me so angry. Her complete denial and constant excuses were awful. Her son takes care of her and you can just see he is completely under her control with no will of his own.

    Seeing the patients succeed with so much weight to lose helps me in my own weight loss journey. If they can overcome the odds I have no excuses.

    She's just delusional. She never really accepted that she needed help, and I was surprised she was even approved for the surgery because it was clear she couldn't lose anything without being restricted to a hospital bed or really come to terms with how much she was eating
  • jessiethe3rd
    jessiethe3rd Posts: 239 Member
    edited February 2015
    Whatever motivates you, I suppose. I never found looking at TV motivates me. But that's just me. I feel cheap when I watch it and think I would be getting ripped off if I actually paid for it.

    Cable should be free of charge given how much junk is being sold to you.

    As far as the concept behind the show, if it's anything like hoarders it's meant to make you feel fat psychologically.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    I watch my 600lb Life, Fat Doctor on BBC and recently MBFFL.
    All of those people got that size for different reasons. Some had a traumatic life experience and used food to cope, some had parents who used food as love, some had a food addiction. Regardless of how they got that size, none of them were happy. Almost all of them said that they tried all kinds of diet and weight loss programs with no help. I watch it because that was about to be me. I watch it because I get their struggles. I watch it because I recently had weight loss surgery and it is a reality for me. I have PCOS and a food addiction. My husband was an enabler without even knowing it. So I get it. After the surgery they all had a choice to make, to have the surgery work for them or not. Unless you have dealt with that struggle you won't understand.
    As far as MBFFL, I love Whiteny! I don't understand why anytime they show a happy overweight person, we are "glorifying fat"? This may be a crazy concept but fat people are people too and are allowed to be happy. Do I think that it's a bit over the top? Sure. But it's still her life. The episode where the guy called her a whale as he drove by broke my heart. I know what that's like. I bawled my eyes out. And as far as the fat=lazy.... Some people are just sloppy, regardless of what size they are. My fiend who is 115lbs is so messy she is one pop can away from being on Hoarders. I think that she is great, and it awesome to see her have the friends she does, especially Buddy. Size isn't everything.
  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    slovie64 wrote: »
    Most of the people succeed. Except for Penny. Everyone should watch her story - part one and two - to see what denial really looks like.
    - I couldn't believe how much the medical team did for her and she thought she "knew" so much better then them. If she was that smart why was she over 600 pounds in the first place. I really felt sorry for her son, however, that should be a wake up call for him too!
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I am obsessed with watching this show.. even though it usually drives me crazy, especially the people who are in such denial and refuse to listen to the doctor. And the enablers, they make me sick, the fact that they are literally killing their loved one by buying they fast food, etc. Just tell them no, what is the worst that's going to happen? they're going to yell at you? give me a break.