

  • uptownplum
    uptownplum Posts: 42 Member
    Well, I didn't realize I did this until today, but I sleep in on the weekends and skip bfast on purpose … so my meals go something like lunch, snack, dinner, huge dessert. I love dessert.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I love technology
  • Shanairah1991
    Shanairah1991 Posts: 152 Member
    I haven't been counting my calories long enough to have any real quirks. (I lost my first 30 without counting calories, then hit a plateau that lasted months & months so I started here 10 days ago.) I'm getting some really good ideas from reading yours though! Like, logging excess calories the next day! Lmao.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    uptownplum wrote: »
    Well, I didn't realize I did this until today, but I sleep in on the weekends and skip bfast on purpose … so my meals go something like lunch, snack, dinner, huge dessert. I love dessert.

    LOL I do the same thing!
  • Shanairah1991
    Shanairah1991 Posts: 152 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    When I've SERIOUSLY gone over my calories for the day (like a monday) I'll finish logging them and complete Mondays entry on Tuesday. That way I get a little bit more time before I have to face what I did.

    I never log my coffee creamer.

    I weigh everyday because I can't NOT weigh every day.

    I take my food scale everywhere. And I use it. Everywhere.

    I'm afraid to eat bread. The entire loaf is at risk. Even if I don't like it. I'll eat it. ALL. OF. IT.

    Bread is my weakness too! I've been good lately because there hasn't been any FRESH bread but bring home, or bake, a fresh soft loaf of bread (white, rye, whole wheat, doesn't matter) I'll devour it. I try not to eat white but sometimes I can't help myself.
  • marie5282
    marie5282 Posts: 61 Member
    Today instead of drinking water, all I've drank is cream soda…guess I'll need to make it up tomorrow.
  • Shanairah1991
    Shanairah1991 Posts: 152 Member
    Oh, oh, I've got one. I bought 2 bottles of wine (750ml each) and drank one on Friday. Decided I would save the other for a bad day buuuuut here I am, drinking straight out of the bottle as I type this.
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    I was WAY under on my calories yesterday after dinner and huge workout. So, we went to a bakery and bought a cheesecake.

    I had enough calories left over in the day for 3 pieces. I had 2 and feel proud of holding off on that third.
  • AshC1023
    AshC1023 Posts: 109
    I can't keep butter in the house. I eat it.

    Like on its own?

    Yes :/ I love the way it tastes.

    Well then....I do not even think I could do that.....

    I do eat some weird stuff though, one of my favorites is peanut butter and tomato sandwiches

    Or I will make that a whole breakfast by adding bacon, mayo, cucumber and an egg to the PB and tomato....

    Another thing, I eat my roast/steak VERY rare, like blue if I can get it that way.....and even though I have not done it in decades as I know now it is dangerous, when I was a kid, if we had any kind of beef thawing for dinner, I would save the blood from the package and mix it into plain oatmeal and eat it the next day :o

    Blue rare is amazing. As long as it's warm all the way through, even maybe chilly in the center, I'll eat it.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    LizN63 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Salt in oatmeal.

    That's the normal way to eat it if you're Scottish. Or, at least, that's how my gran made it for me 45+ years ago. And it was called "porridge" in her kitchen, lol.

    In our house you either eat oats "sweet or scots" scot's oats being with salt and butter.
    Yes, that's how I eat it. You make it with water and add salt. Then dip each spoonful in milk. And I call it 'porridge'.

    Yesssss! I remember dipping each spoonful in a glass of milk to cool it off, then there were some plump little bits of oatmeal in the bottom of the milk when I drank it.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I'm going to eat Nacho Cheese Doritos topped with melted American cheese (so nachos) for dinner tonight.
  • FEves
    FEves Posts: 20 Member
    My first confession is that my oven broke sometime in the fall, and I haven't got it fixed because I figure this way I won't be tempted to bake. It's amazing how much you can get done with a pressure cooker, crock pot, stove top and microwave!

    My second confession is that I am afraid of Jillian Michaels and have never done any of her workouts, despite owning about 61 workout videos. I guess that is my third confession. I am a videofitnessoholic! So why am I 60 lbs overweight?
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    edited February 2015
    I bought red velvet oreos and then hid them from my boyfriend so I didn't have to share
  • charlcoopx
    i ate kfc today + ice cream as my boyfriends family ate it for dinner and i felt I couldn't say no
    went over recommended cal intake as it's sunday so gym wasn't open :(
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited February 2015
    I had a massive cheat day today and pretty much wiped my deficit for the week. I'm not even feeling THAT bad about it, because I really felt that I needed a day off... I actually thought I was going to stay close to my calories then proceeded to eat 2 rice puddings and 9 Oreos (I already had some cookies, a cheese danish and some ice cream earlier). Some days, moderation just isn't my thing (I should add though... I'm 2 pounds from my goal weight so I don't really care about that deficit).
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I deliberately space out my shopping trips so that I have a reason to go for a walk.

    Today I am going to one store to get soy milk, then I will go to a different store for green onions and eggs. Sales are involved, but mostly I want to get extra steps.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    I bought red velvet oreos and then hid them from my boyfriend so I didn't have to share

    Red velvet Oreos EXIST??

    Well at least I'll be getting extra steps scouring the cookie aisle for them. And they're probably only available in the US. :\
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Troutsy wrote: »
    I bought red velvet oreos and then hid them from my boyfriend so I didn't have to share

    Red velvet Oreos EXIST??

    Well at least I'll be getting extra steps scouring the cookie aisle for them. And they're probably only available in the US. :\

    They do and they are delicious. I think they may be a seasonal item for Valentine's Day. I'm not sure if you can get them out of the US or not. They just put them out at the grocery store today
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    DeliVibes wrote: »
    I was having a huge chocolate binge and was so disgusted with myself I threw the rest of the chocolate in the bin.
    A few days later I was craving chocolate so bad I took it out of the bin and ate it.

    In my defence, the chocolate was in an open wrapper and the bin was shallow and didn't have too much rubbish on top of it.. Who am I kidding it was a totally vile thing to do!

    Reminds me of the "Seinfeld" episode where George takes the éclair out of the garbage can (it was sitting on top). Just as he's taking a bite his future mother-in-law walks into the kitchen! Laughing now just thinking of it!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Troutsy wrote: »
    I bought red velvet oreos and then hid them from my boyfriend so I didn't have to share

    Red velvet Oreos EXIST??

    Well at least I'll be getting extra steps scouring the cookie aisle for them. And they're probably only available in the US. :\

    I get irritated at the things we cannot get in peanut butter Captain Crunch!