100+ lbs to lose!!!



  • shemama1
    shemama1 Posts: 30 Member
    add me to the list! my goal is to lose 100.
  • njridley
    njridley Posts: 2 Member
    Add me please. I need some motivation
  • sarah72085
    sarah72085 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a 29 year old mother of 2. When I started almost 2 months ago my goal was to lose almost 110 pounds. I'm 32 pounds down but still have a long way to go. I'm always looking for active friends. I log every day, even when it isn't pretty.
  • shmelzy
    shmelzy Posts: 29 Member
    i just started 2 weeks ago but have to stick with it this time. i know i will so please add me! i have about 100 lbs to lose still.
  • jessiex21
    jessiex21 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, Would love some more support and motivation. 2 years ago I managed to lose around 60lbs but due to extremely difficult family situation I kind of of gradually lost my way and have over time regained all I had lost. I got back in the zone at the beginning of this year and had been doing quite well although at the moment am confined to bed with labrinthyitis. I am continuing to log (even though the diet is not good) cause i dont want to get out of the habit again but could do with a push and support for when i am able to move again. Having done this before I know how a good support network can help and am happy to try and motivate in return
  • spoonwalker
    spoonwalker Posts: 40 Member
    Ladies and gentleman we got this!!! I know it's hard when you live most of your life eating unhealthy it can be a transition. I started with watching my portions and eating slower. I became fuller faster because by eating slower the food would hit my belly and I'd end up being able to tell when I was done compared to chowing down and then feeling like I was going to explode lol
  • RockstarMomma84
    RockstarMomma84 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am 30 years old. I have always been plus sized, but after my daughter was born I went way up and never came down haha.
    I have broken my 80lb loss goal into increments. 10lbs by end of March would be good.
    Definitely looking for motivation and a group to track with : )
  • Cannotpickname
    Cannotpickname Posts: 9 Member
    Anyone can add me too! Have 100+ to lose and share my diary with friends. Looking for new recipes... chicken breast and veggies with different herbs is getting a little tired. Anyone have any good websites they can suggest? I go to skinnytaste.com, laaloosh and can you stay for dinner. Prefer lots of flavors and meals that stay away from my trigger food CHEESE! Thanks! :)
  • Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm 30, full time college student and single mom. I'm engaged but I still have 3 years to reach my goal. I have about 140 lbs to lose ultimately. I may not always eat the best. I am focusing right now on getting in shape (working out a minimum of 4 days a week). Always willing to give support and an "atta boy" when small goals are met. :) Good luck everyone on your journey.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    So excited that both of my teenage daughters are now on MFP! They are both fit and athletic but have joined me in really eating healthy. This makes cooking so much easier! I'm loving it!!!!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Having your family on board is a big part of the battle!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    @Cannotpickname‌ you don't have to be a slave to chicken. It is perfectly fine to eat other types of meat. I had 3 Oz of porketta the other day and stayed well within my goal...mix it up. There is more to life than chicken! :)
  • Hey y'all, so I guess here's my story. Need to loose about 120. Some of my hurdles are my job (retail management), it causes weird and odd hours. That in turn causes non consistent eating habits and sometime super late when I get home, non regular sleep schedule and difficult to get in any sort of workout. Anyone willing to add me for support would be awesome and I will do everything in my power to do the same. Also, anyone else get embarrassed going to the gym, yea so how do you overcome those insecurities?
  • Hi there!
    I'm a 27 year old teacher from Australia with 135lbs to lose (60kgs), 3.3lbs(1.5kgs) down in my first week. I've been on MFP before but didn't take it this seriously. I think I've finally got the frame of mind to do this. I also have a healing broken leg and tendons at the moment, so the best I can do is physio and watching my cals, no normal exercise yet.
    Feel free to add me, I'm super regular on here due to not working at the moment :#
  • silver12176
    silver12176 Posts: 70 Member
    @astro_katie‌ there are arm exercises. You could probably do crunches. Lol
  • Feel free to add me I have lost 78lbs since last March and have another 50 to go
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    So I really wanted to scoot down the road at lunchtime and get something yummy instead of eating my homemade veggie soup. It was such a temptation, but I took 5 minutes to talk to myself. Yes ... a little self talking is good for the wasteline - remember that. You can talk yourself out of things as easily as you talk yourself into them.

    Lunch = under 300 calories
    I'm feeling pretty satisfied too :)
  • spoonwalker
    spoonwalker Posts: 40 Member
    I've been drinking lots of water. It's been keeping me full. I've been having to force myself to eat! But sometimes the only thing i crave is sweet chocolate. Ugh the struggles
  • Hey all :) I am 25 year old full time student who is also a single mother to an amazing 1.5 year old boy. I am just starting out my journey to lose 100-120 lbs. I know it's going to be a long tough road and could use all the support, motivation and weightloss journey friends I can get, so add me and hopefully we can help keep eachother on track and motivated! :)
  • Hiya Everyone! I'm Tricia, I just turned 30. I used to weigh about 350, down to about 240 now. I'd like to lose about 100 lbs, but right now, I'm happy to see -5lbs a month!

    Feel free to add me! I'm gunna scroll through tomorrow and add friends! For now, I need beauty sleep, it's about 10pm California time. ✌️