


  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    I sometimes wish MFP had a liver or a set of kidneys to detox these threads from existing.
    True, but you have to think about the fact that though you've seen this question a thousand times, the new person posting it hasn't and is genuinely looking for answers/ feedback.

  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    edited February 2015
    Just a word to the wise - activated charcoal is a non-selective means to absorb... pretty much everything. Everything except lithium, arsenic, iron, ethanol, methanol, strong acids and strong bases.

    It's pretty good at blocking the absorption of micronutrients though. Also blocks electrolytes and any necessary medications you might be taking. So, barring actual poisoning, attempted suicide by pills or poison, and other atypical catastrophes - you might just want to abstain from that stuff.

    Drink water. Take a knee. Don't be a hero.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    lmjannin wrote: »
    Hi! I am really trying to focus on overall health (hoping weight loss will come along with it).... I completely quit drinking almost 2 months ago and I have been sitting in an IR Sauna for an hour a day, drinking detox tea, green smoothies and taking supplements, including activated charcoal.

    Can anyone recommend a detoxification program? I looked for a Kindle book and found way too many to sift through.


    Are you kidding me with this? Activated charcoal? Isn't that what hospitals use for alcohol poisoning?

  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    lmjannin wrote: »
    Hi! I am really trying to focus on overall health (hoping weight loss will come along with it).... I completely quit drinking almost 2 months ago and I have been sitting in an IR Sauna for an hour a day, drinking detox tea, green smoothies and taking supplements, including activated charcoal.

    Can anyone recommend a detoxification program? I looked for a Kindle book and found way too many to sift through.


    Are you kidding me with this? Activated charcoal? Isn't that what hospitals use for alcohol poisoning?


    Interestingly, not for alcohol poisoning. More for rx pill poisoning. Seen everything from ibuprofen to benadryl to benzos.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    lmjannin wrote: »
    Hi! I am really trying to focus on overall health (hoping weight loss will come along with it).... I completely quit drinking almost 2 months ago and I have been sitting in an IR Sauna for an hour a day, drinking detox tea, green smoothies and taking supplements, including activated charcoal.

    Can anyone recommend a detoxification program? I looked for a Kindle book and found way too many to sift through.


    Are you kidding me with this? Activated charcoal? Isn't that what hospitals use for alcohol poisoning?


    Interestingly, not for alcohol poisoning. More for rx pill poisoning. Seen everything from ibuprofen to benadryl to benzos.

    And now, apparently, just everyday living.

    Wowsa. Thanks for weighing in :)

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    lmjannin wrote: »
    Hi! I am really trying to focus on overall health (hoping weight loss will come along with it).... I completely quit drinking almost 2 months ago and I have been sitting in an IR Sauna for an hour a day, drinking detox tea, green smoothies and taking supplements, including activated charcoal.

    Can anyone recommend a detoxification program? I looked for a Kindle book and found way too many to sift through.


    Why on earth are you taking activated charcol? You do realize that is something they give people who overdose right?

    Honestly, those habits don't sound healthy.
  • spiralated
    spiralated Posts: 150 Member

    For your kindle - The Remedy by Supa Nova Slom is a great book if you're looking into investigating better health. While it does offer a "detox" plan the book also focuses on teaching yourself better eating habits, listening to what you body says (like hunger vs thirst vs emotion) and has lots of recipes. I think its a middle ground between the anti detox crowd and the pro detox crowd.

    I read it not for detoxing before the bits on meditation, mindful eating, and suggested stretching and exercising regimes.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Just a word to the wise - activated charcoal is a non-selective means to absorb... pretty much everything. Everything except lithium, arsenic, iron, ethanol, methanol, strong acids and strong bases.

    It's pretty good at blocking the absorption of micronutrients though. Also blocks electrolytes and any necessary medications you might be taking. So, barring actual poisoning, attempted suicide by pills or poison, and other atypical catastrophes - you might just want to abstain from that stuff.

    Drink water. Take a knee. Don't be a hero.

    Thanks for this. It blows my mind that people would willingly put this in their body if there wasn't a medical reason to do so.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    edited February 2015
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Just a word to the wise - activated charcoal is a non-selective means to absorb... pretty much everything. Everything except lithium, arsenic, iron, ethanol, methanol, strong acids and strong bases.

    It's pretty good at blocking the absorption of micronutrients though. Also blocks electrolytes and any necessary medications you might be taking. So, barring actual poisoning, attempted suicide by pills or poison, and other atypical catastrophes - you might just want to abstain from that stuff.

    Drink water. Take a knee. Don't be a hero.

    Thanks for this. It blows my mind that people would willingly put this in their body if there wasn't a medical reason to do so.

    Apparently they sell it in pill form at Walmart? Whodathunkit?

    I'm sure whatever small doses they recommend on this bottle do very little to harm your body - probably dont harm you at all, except marginally and over a long period of time. I mean, many people are already chronically deficient in several micronutrients. Why exacerbate an actual problem with a product that doesn't live up to its claims in the first place?
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Just a word to the wise - activated charcoal is a non-selective means to absorb... pretty much everything. Everything except lithium, arsenic, iron, ethanol, methanol, strong acids and strong bases.

    It's pretty good at blocking the absorption of micronutrients though. Also blocks electrolytes and any necessary medications you might be taking. So, barring actual poisoning, attempted suicide by pills or poison, and other atypical catastrophes - you might just want to abstain from that stuff.

    Drink water. Take a knee. Don't be a hero.

    Thanks for this. It blows my mind that people would willingly put this in their body if there wasn't a medical reason to do so.

    Apparently they sell it in pill form at Walmart? Whodathunkit?

    I'm sure whatever small doses they recommend on this bottle do very little to harm your body - probably dont harm you at all, except marginally and over a long period of time. I mean, many people are already chronically deficient in several micronutrients. Why exacerbate an actual problem with a product that doesn't live up to its claims in the first place?

    This is a just CANT. EVEN. moment for me.

    OP - I hope you read this and take it to heart.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    lmjannin wrote: »
    Hi! I am really trying to focus on overall health (hoping weight loss will come along with it).... I completely quit drinking almost 2 months ago and I have been sitting in an IR Sauna for an hour a day, drinking detox tea, green smoothies and taking supplements, including activated charcoal.

    Can anyone recommend a detoxification program? I looked for a Kindle book and found way too many to sift through.


    Are you kidding me with this? Activated charcoal? Isn't that what hospitals use for alcohol poisoning?


    Interestingly, not for alcohol poisoning. More for rx pill poisoning. Seen everything from ibuprofen to benadryl to benzos.

    And now, apparently, just everyday living.

    Wowsa. Thanks for weighing in :)
    My kitty had to have it when we thought he ate an ibuprofen.
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Welcome to MFP
    Grab your hard hat, this might get a bit rough
    Got my popcorn ready!
  • rebeccalenk
    Ignore the rudeness in the responses, but take the advice.
    I've lurked here for a long time, and the responses can be snarky, but the content seems to be right. Please don't let the snark of their messages discourage you.

    best of luck to you!

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Ignore the rudeness in the responses, but take the advice.
    I've lurked here for a long time, and the responses can be snarky, but the content seems to be right. Please don't let the snark of their messages discourage you.

    best of luck to you!

    I actually don't think people have been all that rude. More like concerned.
  • aplcr0331
    aplcr0331 Posts: 186 Member
    Ignore the rudeness in the responses, but take the advice.
    I've lurked here for a long time, and the responses can be snarky, but the content seems to be right.

    We're dealing with adults here. Adults that deserve the truth, however snarky it may be.

    If they want sunshine blown up their *kitten* they can turn to their Facebook friends and get all the lies they want. They can watch Dr. Oz or read any number of blogs about !!!!!!SHAZAMMM!!!!!! Colon Blow for your *kitten*!!!!!! You'll look like Kate Upton in 5 days!!!!!! ZOMFGBBQLOL!!!!!!! or whatever makes people believe in woo.

    It's work, it's not magic, you can't do it fast, and it's ALL on the individual. If some children cannot stand to hear this, then they need to move on.

    For adults, it helps.

    "Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on"
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Ignore the rudeness in the responses, but take the advice.
    I've lurked here for a long time, and the responses can be snarky, but the content seems to be right. Please don't let the snark of their messages discourage you.

    best of luck to you!

    I actually don't think people have been all that rude. More like concerned.

    Seriously this is one of the tamer detox threads I've seen. It's been like 3 pieces of snark unless you count all of the "this" and "/end threads" as snarky. (one of the most vitriolic PMs I've received was about an /end thread, so I guess some people do.)

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Ignore the rudeness in the responses, but take the advice.
    I've lurked here for a long time, and the responses can be snarky, but the content seems to be right. Please don't let the snark of their messages discourage you.

    best of luck to you!

    I actually don't think people have been all that rude. More like concerned.

    Seriously this is one of the tamer detox threads I've seen. It's been like 3 pieces of snark unless you count all of the "this" and "/end threads" as snarky. (one of the most vitriolic PMs I've received was about an /end thread, so I guess some people do.)

    So true.

    I think this one is tamer because this type of program looks like it could actually do harm (besides being hungry and losing weight that you will quick gain back).
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited February 2015
    elphie754 wrote: »
    lmjannin wrote: »
    Hi! I am really trying to focus on overall health (hoping weight loss will come along with it).... I completely quit drinking almost 2 months ago and I have been sitting in an IR Sauna for an hour a day, drinking detox tea, green smoothies and taking supplements, including activated charcoal.

    Can anyone recommend a detoxification program? I looked for a Kindle book and found way too many to sift through.


    Why on earth are you taking activated charcol? You do realize that is something they give people who overdose right?

    Honestly, those habits don't sound healthy.
    I've mentioned this elsewhere on the forums, but I had a True Believer™ at a local dive bar inform me matter-of-factly that he drinks Hydrogen Peroxide at 4% (the industrial stuff not OTC) because it "raises you body's PH (bogus claim) -- because more acid -- and this means you wont get "Teh Cancer" (never mind that cancers are a spectrum disorder). Besides he said, chemo was all harsh chemicals that doctors profit from. But but you drink Hydro Peroxide .... wtf.

    I asked him where read this. He said he found the information on a website and because he doesn't have cancer yet, this definitely works and I should do it too. I replied hmmm... this must be why I don't get attacked by tigers, because I snap my fingers when going for walks.

    This exchange made my lizard-skin ripple underneath my human skin-suit for the derp.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    lmjannin wrote: »
    Hi! I am really trying to focus on overall health (hoping weight loss will come along with it).... I completely quit drinking almost 2 months ago and I have been sitting in an IR Sauna for an hour a day, drinking detox tea, green smoothies and taking supplements, including activated charcoal.

    Can anyone recommend a detoxification program? I looked for a Kindle book and found way too many to sift through.


    Why on earth are you taking activated charcol? You do realize that is something they give people who overdose right?

    Honestly, those habits don't sound healthy.
    I've mentioned this elsewhere on the forums, but I had a True Believer™ at a local dive bar inform me matter-of-factly that he drinks Hydrogen Peroxide at 4% (the industrial stuff not OTC) because it "raises you body's PH (bogus claim) -- because more acid -- and this means you wont get "Teh Cancer" (never mind that cancers are a spectrum disorder). Besides he said, chemo was all harsh chemicals that doctors profit from. But but you drink Hydro Peroxide .... wtf.

    I asked him where read this. He said he found the information on a website and because he doesn't have cancer yet, this definitely works and I should do it too. I replied hmmm... this must be why I don't get attacked by tigers, because I snap my fingers when going for walks.

    This exchange made my lizard-skin ripple underneath my human skin-suit for the derp.

    Yeah.... I wouldn't have been able to just sit back and listen to that. I would have had to say something about the sheer stupidity of that.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    lmjannin wrote: »
    Hi! I am really trying to focus on overall health (hoping weight loss will come along with it).... I completely quit drinking almost 2 months ago and I have been sitting in an IR Sauna for an hour a day, drinking detox tea, green smoothies and taking supplements, including activated charcoal.

    Can anyone recommend a detoxification program? I looked for a Kindle book and found way too many to sift through.


    Why on earth are you taking activated charcol? You do realize that is something they give people who overdose right?

    Honestly, those habits don't sound healthy.
    I've mentioned this elsewhere on the forums, but I had a True Believer™ at a local dive bar inform me matter-of-factly that he drinks Hydrogen Peroxide at 4% (the industrial stuff not OTC) because it "raises you body's PH (bogus claim) -- because more acid -- and this means you wont get "Teh Cancer" (never mind that cancers are a spectrum disorder). Besides he said, chemo was all harsh chemicals that doctors profit from. But but you drink Hydro Peroxide .... wtf.

    I asked him where read this. He said he found the information on a website and because he doesn't have cancer yet, this definitely works and I should do it too. I replied hmmm... this must be why I don't get attacked by tigers, because I snap my fingers when going for walks.

    This exchange made my lizard-skin ripple underneath my human skin-suit for the derp.

    Yeah.... I wouldn't have been able to just sit back and listen to that. I would have had to say something about the sheer stupidity of that.

    Frankly, I dont even believe that guy. And I would have probably just nodded my head til he shut up.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Welcome to MFP

    Eat at a calorie defecit

    Trust your liver and kidneys to do their job

    Grab your hard hat, this might get a bit rough

    This. ^^^^

    No reason to detox because your body is a detoxing machine already.