
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    Cherrys – Welcome! I love this group of women! Lots of inspiration and encouragement. I too am looking forward to losing the 20 extra pounds that I have put on in the last few years. Hang in there, you can do it!

    Mo2go – I am hypothyroid and during the last three years have gained about 20 pounds… don’t mean to get you depressed! I have a great doctor who has been really working on getting all of my levels straightened out. Now that I’m back on MFP and REALLY watching and logging EVERYTHING the scale seems to be slowly moving (down!). :)

    DeeDee2211 – Love the pic!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Wow! It looks like I've missed a lot. I had to read back to find out what happened to Sylvia, but can't catch up on over 300 posts. I had a stomach bug last week and am totally out of the loop.

    I hope things are going well for everyone.

    Carol in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    just got back in from snow shoveling and snow blowing, went out before 7 and got inside at 8:45, and took a shower and got dressed for work,,,it is snowing to beat the band, and looks like I did nothing out there :#
    none of us can afford to take anymore time off from work.. so I shall go very slow and get down there, I will be shoveling alot at work also..
    will get the dogs out one more time before I go.. and hopefully Tom will get home on time.
    Sylvia - glad your home with the fur babies are so thankful... Rest and relax with them as I am sure they will love to snuggle
  • mo2go
    mo2go Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks SuzyH, glad others are in the same boat as me. Still I have to get this sorted, will have a long take with him tomorrow. Last time he offered slimming tablets but I refused as I dont want any more side effects. It just takes time and an awareness of what I should be doing.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    I have been consistetly averaging a loss of a pound a week since July 1. My Drs and I are very happy. Other than my cardiac issues, my labs look great.

    I will be going back up to 60 mg of Cymbalta this week, as the drop to 30 made a huge negative difference in controlling my chronic pain. This just means I have to be even more focused and determined to keep shaving off these pounds. I CAN DO THIS.

    I am half way to the goal weight my doctors and I agreed upon.

    SW 221
    CW 181
    GW 141

    great job!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    Well, now I see I can't spell. Please forgive.

  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    edited February 2015
    Needed a bit of a distraction this morning. Though my retention is iffy.

    PiP & Sylvia I'm so glad your both feeling better!

    Pip dont worry so much about hitting the numbers right now. Eat what your body is telling you to, and do what you feel youre able to do. You got this in the bag youve been doing this for so long it's Auto-magic. ;) Plus you know as well as I do that over the course of a year it will even out in the end.

    Sylvia What a horrendous hospital stay! Our hospitals here are fantastic! We still have designated smoking rooms plus in the cafeteria they sell beer, wine and jager meister!

    BarbieHere in Austria they only sell 4 different kinds of bottled salad dressings. Most of us make our own or dress our own salads IE; I adore pumpkin seed oil and vinegar with some garlic powder, onion powder, & cracked black pepper toss n serve.

    I messaged you 2 of my makes the Catalina and Busy day. They are super easy and hopefully your husband will enjoy them too.

    to the lady who lost 7lbs in 1 week eating under 1200cals Everyone covered how bad it is to eat under your calorie limit, especially when exercising. So I wont add but I will say too is that, when we drop big amounts like that in a week our bodies might need a weel or 2 to adjust to such a loss. So keep that in mind for future reference too.

    HeatherYour trip sounds amazing. Keep those travel-blogs a coming.

    YannieI am so happy for you and your daughter! Vet school how wonderful. Takes a special person.

    I fall on the Moderate eating side, Tell me I cant have something and I obsess over it until thats all I want along with eating all I want of it... I would much rather have a piece of cake then the whole cake.

    Okay I started writing this this morning got distracted and found it again. I havent read anything beyond Pips: "Feeling better, still need to eat more, barely had 606 calories today, I had 200 calories more when I felt worse, and I burned 300+ more calories today. I gotta do better tomorrow." So will post this ( finally ) refresh and see If I am moved to speak again...

    Hugs to those ( like me ) who need & high 5's to those who are succeeding.

    Goals For Febrrrrrrr-airy:

    Get to 4,000 steps daily/comfortably.
    Lose 4 lbs
    Ride my stationary bike 30 minutes daily
    Stair climb every other day, I am at 4 trips (432 stairs total ), want to make it 5trips ( 540 stairs)
    Get to know all of you better. :flowerforyou:


    Sassy aus Austria

    • Make the Effort not an Excuse.
    • Nothing to it but to do it!
    • Stuffing isn't bad...Stuffing yourself is.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Good morning.

    Peachstategal ... I do not like Hibachi seating either! And the food is never as good as proper seating ... or maybe I'm just not a fan of the fast grill/show ...

    Heather ... sounds like you're having a great time!

    Alison ... I'm looking out the window and realize I have quite a bit of snow removal to do before I head out today. It rained yesterday, then sleet, then 6 inches of snow. Got stuck in the driveway when the rain turned it into mush ... sigh ...

    I had a good week last week 4.5 pounds down (mostly bloat I'm sure from weeks of junky eating). Logged everything. Upped the fluids. Hoping to continue on this track this week.

    But I'm very disappointed this morning. Migraine son went back to school on 1/30 and had a beautiful week last week too! All caught up with his work. Enjoyed his days. Had some personal milestones and revelations. Report card received and maintaining a B+ which is great with all the school missed. Migraine-free! He was on the mountaintop.
    And bam ... today he's out with a killer migraine! He's devastated. Waiting to hear from doctor because migraine is not responding to any of our rescue drugs. Rats...

    The wheelchair van situation is bizarre. In the State's wisdom, they changed the procedure for getting assistance with the wheelchair equipment. Too long of a story, but just believe me when I tell you they truly screwed things up. We have to buy the van first (we used to buy it after approval). Wait 6-8 months to see if the state will approve a wheelchair lift. So van sits in our driveway depreciating while we pay for it. And IF approved, then we have to get it to the conversion company(vehicle dealer used to ship from plant) who takes another 6-8 weeks to complete. If they don't approve of the conversion we either come up with the money ourselves (but your financing is already done) or you sell your depreciated vehicle that you don't want. Something's wrong with this.

    Husband can no longer transfer son. Chronic back problems are being aggravated. So I'm doing the transferring into the vehicle. We're using lift equipment in the house. DHs pride is having a hard time with this. But I can do it without injury so that's the way it will be! Men!

    Busy, busy week ahead ...

    Beth in WNY

  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    mo2go wrote: »
    Thanks SuzyH, glad others are in the same boat as me. Still I have to get this sorted, will have a long take with him tomorrow. Last time he offered slimming tablets but I refused as I dont want any more side effects. It just takes time and an awareness of what I should be doing.

    Hang in there! See what your levels are.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone. I've been sleeping off and on all day, and listening to an audiobook. Boy, am I sore. But I think I can see improvement. I got a nice shower and washed the bed-head out of my hair. Of course, now it's back a little bit. Hubby came home between classes to check on me. My son called to visit and a couple of friends checked in. The dogs have been behaving themselves pretty well.

    I'm somewhat bummed by the fact that I GAINED more than 20 pounds!!! I know it is from sodium and water weight, and hope that it will be gone soon, but looking in the mirror is really hard. My swollen belly looks like I swallowed a watermelon. I had to dig to the bottom of my underwear drawer to find my biggest underwear, so for the first time in five days at least I'm wearing underwear. And I found a big pair of sweat pants. It's a good thing I didn't throw it all out.

    Sassy, next time I need surgery I'm flying to Austria!

    Beth, have you ever tried crowd funding? I have read about some really successful efforts to fund medical stuff. Maybe it could help?


    Later, ladies.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    DH took it upon himself to go home early, since DS is home with stomach virus. I must say, I'm shocked. He is not a "natural dad", so I usually have to tell him what to do and how. Like, he will drink the last of the milk without guilt, and without plans to get more.

    Anyway, I made it 15 minutes on the bike at lunch, and plan to do it again after work.

    It took me all morning to catch up on all the posts, and it's been pretty busy here at work, so I was unable to take notes. Everyone suffering with too much snow still - Hugs and Strength. Sylvia - glad you are continuing to feel better. Showering sure can make a body feel better. It's still time to take care of yourself, so don't worry about all the water weight just yet. I have confidence in your ability to get it under control once the time is right. Hugs ! ! !

    Someone asked for a picture of my "Avon Graveyard", so that is posted a few pages back. I bet it's worse than you expected. I am NOT a good housekeeper - AT ALL ! ! ! My laptop and desktop computers are having attitudes (probably viruses), and I finally figured out how to post it from my tablet (bought it Black Friday for $89, so you get what you pay for).

    Welcome to everyone new. I have only been around a few months, and I LOVE the support and advice.

    I'm looking forward to tofu/cocoa for dessert tonight. DS made 3-2-1 cake Saturday, and says he will definitely be making it again. He loved how easy it was. He doesn't need to lose weight, so he spread peanut butter on top like a frosting. He is a silly kid.

    DH looked at the link I sent her about the FitBits, and chose the least expensive lime green clip one ($69 maybe?). I will order it in 2 more weeks if she is still going to work-out at her new Health Club.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Sylvia- glad to see you are back home. That goes a long way toward feeling better in my book! My surgery was 3 weeks ago today and I'm still puffed up. I thought it was not possibly still from the surgery, but my nurse friend at church said otherwise. Only a few of my slacks fit right now, which will be problematic if not resolved in 3 weeks. The other weird thing is how the first couple weeks were really good, but last week I was so tired - even with sleeping 10-12 hours each night. At this rate I'll have to start going to bed right when I get home, once I go back to work!

    Wow - it just started pouring outside. I was planning on walking outdoors on the few little rises in our neighborhood, but clearly that is not happening. DH says I'm wearing a path in the carpeting with my walking! ;)

    Spent a good bit of time on the phone with the doctor's billing office and the hospital billing office this morning. I don't know why they bother to ask you for your insurance card and then apparently never actually look at it to confirm they are sending their claim to your actual carrier. Sheesh! I had even double-checked with the doctor's office to be sure they had the correct info. So, now all those claims are being sent to the correct place....hopefully. I'd be fired if I did stuff like that at work!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good afternoon dear ladies!

    Sylvia: So glad to see you home. Take good care of yourself.

    Pip: You take care of yourself, too. Hope you feel better soon enough to eat your regular food. 600 is not going to do it for someone as active as you are!

    Heather: Please keep up with the travel posts. It sounds like so much fun.

    Cherys: Welcome to the group. This is the sweetest, most kind group of people you can every hope to find. Lots of folks are just starting, some have been in maintenance for a long time, and some (like me) are just starting to figure out how to do the maintenance thing. Hang here. Post about your day, if it helps. Ask questions, if that helps.

    Another busy weekend for me. Mostly I learned a lot about myself. First: Always walk the dogs in the correct order or turn about will be fair play. Saturday is my “long” dog walk day. Talga gets over 4 miles and Zedd gets over 2 miles. Talga usually goes first, but Zedd was completely body blocking the door, so I took him. We had lovely walk. When I got back, I immediately switched dogs. Talga set a blistering pace. (13 to 13.5 minutes/mile) and kept turning around – come on Mom you are being pokey!! (Pretty much what I end up doing about midway through our runs!) Lesson learned. The second thing I learned is that there are restaurants and ways of eating that can work for me. Mostly emphasizing the protein. Friday was out for sushi. I was full after only about 9 slices of samishi and two mussel appetizers. Saturday was date night and we went out for Hawaiian BBQ. If you sub veggies for the macaroni salad and rice, you can do pretty well with the meat. Last night was pho. Pho is easy. I do that as a take out, and split it into two meals adding a bunch of chopped spinach to the bowls to fill them up. Sodium is a killer on this one, but worth it. The last lesson, I can no longer wear even slightly low-cut, v-neck dresses. Basically “the girls have left the building” and that look is no longer the least bit flattering.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.





  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
  • Hello. I've used fitness pal before but this is all new to me. Over the past year I've put on weight so it's time to get it off !! I received a nutribullet for Christmas. Does anyone else use smoothies or juices in their plan ?? Thanks for any help and support.

    Jerseynana. ( a jersey girl living in Scotland )
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday and Mildred beagle slept well last night
    Today is second day of 2 juices a day.
    Yesterday was Fresh Start and Full Immunity juices. I slept realyl well as Full immunity is for my asthma.
    Today is Apple Crisp (1 L of yummy) and Summer melon (asthma again)
    Making juice for tomorrow morning which is Eye Opener.
    I have the first juice before my walk and second juice in afternoon and LOVE it

    Training: 3.3 mile walk and Jillians BR Weight 1 = 969 cals
    Food = 1707 cals
    House: Wash clothes to iron tonight, tidy house, walk the doggy

    Lesley in Tasmnia
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    im my jammies, and took 3 tylenol arthritis .. I can barely move.. 80 minutes of shoveling,and almost 2 hours snow blowing.... worked 6 hours, and shoveled there too.. when are we gonna catch a break?
    gonna go to bed now
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    OregonBekah: There are a few of us from Oregon and a lot of nice women from all over the world. Welcome.

    Barb from S Louisiana: When you’re feeling unwell it is a good idea to give yourself extra rest. Congratulations on staying within your calories including a meal at Texas Longhorn. WTG!

    Sylvia: Congratulations on being home with your loved ones. I’m glad you’re home. I’ll bet anything your weight gain is all water retention. You’re probably going to get really familiar with the inside of your restroom. I hope you have good reading material in there.

    Newbies: Welcome! You join simply by participating. To find us again click on the star at the top of the page. It will turn gold. Then you can simply click on the gray star on the MFP homepage and it will get you here.

    Carol in GA: Congratulations on cooking a feast for everyone and making healthy choices for yourself.

    DeeDee: Gorgeous sky photo. Did you take the picture?

    Heather: Congratulations on your successful adventure hike! Isn’t it great to have proof you’re getting stronger and healthier?!

    Margaret and Joyce: I wasn’t aware that antibiotics can cause ligaments to be less supple. My doctors have been declining to prescribe antibiotics as freely as they once did. If it is a viral illness, they don’t prescribe antibiotics now.

    Carol in NC: Welcome back. Sorry to hear you were sick.

    Sassy aus Austria: I’ve never seen pumpkinseed oil in our grocery stores. I’ll start looking for it. Your salad dressing sounds wonderful.

    SallyW: I’m finding maintenance as big a challenge as starting to follow the MFP program. Keeping the right balance between calories and exercise is a new skill for me. That is why I’m here for the long haul. I hope you’ll be here, too.

    I’ve been going to the fitness club since mid January and am starting to get to know people. I still miss my old yoga teacher and my fellow students, but I’m making friends and like the variety of options at the fitness club. The yoga where I’m going now is one size fits all and I find it pretty challenging. My previous teacher was very good at helping beginners do as much as they were able. I don’t know if my old friends would be happy at my new place. I’m happy there.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Gail, I had forgotten that you had surgery so recently. Remind me what it was for, again? On the one hand I'm sorry to hear that you are having such a time recovering, but on the other hand it's nice to know someone is going thru this with me. Surgery sisters?

    And insurance!! I got released on Sunday afternoon, and today there's a letter in the mail from Blue Cross saying they won't pay the Bill because it wasn't "pre-certified" to verify the "need" for the procedure. It was 3:30 am and a life or death emergency. We were supposed to wait till we could get it pre-certified?! Nuts! So, we have that to deal with too.

    Katla, yes, the bathroom is now my favorite room in the house. I have lots to read in there on my ipad.

    Alison, please be careful! You're going to kill yourself working so hard with shoveling, on top of everything else you do.

    Jerseynana, welcome! Tell us all about living in Scotland! My son just got a juicer and started using a plan he found on Facebook. He's lost a large amount of weight in just a few days, which worries me sick, but he claims he's feeling a lot better and happier, so maybe it's ok. It doesn't seem sustainable to me in the long term, though.

    Sally, I love reading about all you do with your dogs.

    I'm feeling queasy tonight for some reason. I'm planning to have a baked sweet potato for supper, but hubby is having frozen pizza and the smell is about to make me run to the bathroom. But I'm having strange food cravings today, like cashew chicken and Milky Way candy. Things I haven't thought about in two years.

    Well, time to go. Good night.


  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello to all. Had pt today and the daily valet parking story is that none of the valet guys could drive my stick shift! So they just left my car on the drive! My therapist thinks I need to just have the total knee as does the PT instructor at the college. No way am I ready for that but I’ll get a second opinion.

    As predicted by me, DD#2 had her fist car crash within three months of getting her license. No one was hurt and damage was minimal to both cars, but she pulled through an intersection and t-boned a car driving on the main road from her right she didn’t even see. She does not pay attention and does everything too fast, so I’m sure her glance to the right took all of about 1 nanosecond. Good learning but she’ll pay for all the damages herself because her deductible is too high to claim it.

    The jeep club meeting was more enjoyable than I thought. Very family friendly, there were kids of all ages there too ranging from infants to teens. Lots of events coming up that sound fun. The people were nice although the women had more tattoos than the guys and seems to have lots of blue hair. Kind of a rough crowd, but seems like they will be fun to do things with. They are planning a charitable event for veterans and a ST. Patricks day parade up in a little town north of here they always go to and meet up with other jeep clubs. They have very strict rules about only four-wheeling on designated trails; you lose your membership if you “go rogue”.

    Vicki: too bad you have to endure those neighbors.

    Sue: wish I had been with you at the concert

    Pip: glad you are better! Take care of yourself!

    Sylvia: so glad you are finally home! Sorry though about the insurance issue. I hope it gets straightened out soon

    Rori: I know; the good weather is sort of scary!

    Barbie: you reminded me I have a heart association cookbook! I’ll dig it out.

    Michele: those detached retinas can be really bad. My husband’s boss is losing his eye because he had one and it never could be fixed. He’ll have to have an artificial eye soon.

    Joyce: do you take anything for your neuropathy?

    Carol: sitting with people you don’t know can have its good points but I know it can be bad too. We had two people at the jeep meeting we didn’t know sat with us and we had an enjoyable time.

    DeeDee what a great pic!

    Heather: I agre with Rori; you should be a travel writer

    Beth: my goodness you are trapped in the crazy medical world again. I’m so sorry your son had another migraine and getting a new van is such a problem. Sending you hugs!

    Well dinner is about ready, so I’m off. Welcome newbies! Come back often. Meg from gloomy Omaha