I don't eat past...



  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    abelcat1 wrote: »
    I don´t eat past bedtime. I don´t like crumbs in the bed :) .

    I respectfully beg to differ - a breakfast in bed is totally worth the crumbs :)

    On the topic, no, but then again I tend to be naturally a morning person (yes, even though I like breakfast in bed), so I tend to finish eating by 19h00 tops unless eating out. Nothing to do with any other considerations except appetite.
  • nickielouise36
    nickielouise36 Posts: 38 Member
    im trying not to eat past 7 pm .. only to get myself out of binging in the evenings .. but generally I wouldn't have a I don't eat past a certain time.. although I know a few people who swear by this.. one has nothing apart from water after 6 pm nd the other not past 8 pm xx
  • FRJM
    FRJM Posts: 91 Member
    FRJM wrote: »
    i don't have any time restrictions, don't get in from the gym until late and Im usually starving....I sometimes have tea at 9ish....and then (shock, horror) have supper too!!! :smiley:

    Where do you put it all?? :)

    On my *kitten* unfortunately! :wink:

  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    I don't eat anything high in carbs (read, anything more than non-starchy veggies) after 4pm or so. Its not a weight loss thing, though, its an effort to control my fasting glucose. I also watch foods really high in fiber in the evening, because it can mess with my stomach, which messes with my sleep.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    I know a guy (he's that guy we all know who was in great shape as a teenager so he knows all there is to know about fitness) who decided that what he needed to do to lose weight was stop eating after 8 o'clock. However, his definition of "not eating" was that he wouldn't eat anything EXCEPT popcorn and milk (which is better than a bag of oreos, I guess) because popcorn is healthy and light and because milk is liquid (thus not food, I suppose).

    Well one night a group of us found ourselves at McDonald's around 10pm. He wouldn't order any food because it was after 8. Instead, he went to the gas station next door and bought a half gallon of chocolate milk. He explained to us how that he can't eat past 8 because he needs to lose weight so he'll just have the milk instead.

    He proceeded to drink all 1,600 calories worth of the chocolate milk. My 600 calorie quarter pounder was delicious.

    He's still as big as ever, by the way.

    Makes perfect sense - kidding. Don't they serve milk at McDonalds? And why not a light salad to go with it? I guess it all made sense to him at the time, lol.
  • iceey
    iceey Posts: 354 Member
    I am hungry therefore I eat. Deep thinking eh?
  • Athos282
    Athos282 Posts: 405 Member
    I usually stop once I'm in bed...getting out to grab a snack is just too much trouble even if I didn't fall asleep within minutes from my head hitting the pillow.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I have recently started toying with IF, so right now I don't eat past 9:30 p.m.
  • LavenderLeaves
    LavenderLeaves Posts: 195 Member
    I just try to not eat anything too heavy past 7pm because I'm in bed by 10:30 and hate sleeping with a full stomach. Only reason why.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    When I fall asleep.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Sugarbeat wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    I know a guy (he's that guy we all know who was in great shape as a teenager so he knows all there is to know about fitness) who decided that what he needed to do to lose weight was stop eating after 8 o'clock. However, his definition of "not eating" was that he wouldn't eat anything EXCEPT popcorn and milk (which is better than a bag of oreos, I guess) because popcorn is healthy and light and because milk is liquid (thus not food, I suppose).

    Well one night a group of us found ourselves at McDonald's around 10pm. He wouldn't order any food because it was after 8. Instead, he went to the gas station next door and bought a half gallon of chocolate milk. He explained to us how that he can't eat past 8 because he needs to lose weight so he'll just have the milk instead.

    He proceeded to drink all 1,600 calories worth of the chocolate milk. My 600 calorie quarter pounder was delicious.

    He's still as big as ever, by the way.

    Makes perfect sense - kidding. Don't they serve milk at McDonalds? And why not a light salad to go with it? I guess it all made sense to him at the time, lol.

    Not by the half gallon. lol
    I guess the salad would have messed up his diet since it's not popcorn. lol
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    I know a guy (he's that guy we all know who was in great shape as a teenager so he knows all there is to know about fitness) who decided that what he needed to do to lose weight was stop eating after 8 o'clock. However, his definition of "not eating" was that he wouldn't eat anything EXCEPT popcorn and milk (which is better than a bag of oreos, I guess) because popcorn is healthy and light and because milk is liquid (thus not food, I suppose).

    Well one night a group of us found ourselves at McDonald's around 10pm. He wouldn't order any food because it was after 8. Instead, he went to the gas station next door and bought a half gallon of chocolate milk. He explained to us how that he can't eat past 8 because he needs to lose weight so he'll just have the milk instead.

    He proceeded to drink all 1,600 calories worth of the chocolate milk. My 600 calorie quarter pounder was delicious.

    He's still as big as ever, by the way.

    stories like this make me smile
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    If eating leads to heart burn and you being up all night: pay attention to how your body reacts and adjust your routines accordingly.

    Personally I don't eat past midnight. Except for when I do, I log it as the next day. :)
    YanmiYann wrote: »
    I know a lot of people who have I don't eat past a certain time rule. I'm not one of them. But it got me thinking, is it good to have a I don't eat past a certain time rule?

    If you have one. What time don't you eat past and why?

  • jhall260
    jhall260 Posts: 111 Member
    I don't have a set time, but I don't like eating after 8 or 9 generally. I find it makes me early morning work outs better. I have been known to have a few late night snacks though.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I don't really have a rule but I don't really eat after I brush my teeth and go to bed until morning. I generally have a snack between 8 PM and 11 PM.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited February 2015
    I eat dinner really late, usually after 9, sometimes after 10, because I work late and either work out or have some kind of activity in the evening when I don't. So I don't eat after dinner (which might include dessert, but there's never a break in-between).

    I agree with all of those saying timing doesn't matter unless it does for you personally for some reason. For me it's best not to snack in an unplanned way and because I eat so late anyway I'm never actually hungry after dinner.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    The only reason would be for dietary adherence.

    I don't have a "don't eat after X" rule...but I do have rules in place for myself because I don't log or keep a diary so having "rules" (which are really more like general guidelines) helps me regulate my consumption...I've been able to easily maintain for 1.5 years without logging.

  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    I have a bad habit that I developed after my divorce of eating in bed. (Not sure why. I'm not sad. I just think my ex-h never would have allowed it, lol!) Anyway, it's resulted in a lot of weight gain. So, now, when I lay down in bed, I consider the kitchen closed. Regardless of time. No getting up to get a snack.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I don't have a rule about that unless I am dealing with some heartburn like I currently have been. So right now I try not to eat within an hour or so of bed and I am very careful as to what I eat. However, when I don't have issues I eat when and what I want at night as long as it fits in my calories and I am actually hungry.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    I feel full