

  • Dragonfly74d
    Hello just starting recovering from knee surgery in Saratoga NY this crazy snow is not helping much. Hired a fitness trainer to help with the getting back on line. We are doing a lot of core training which for me is really helping the legs
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    stats for the day:
    bike ride hm 2 gym- 10.34min, 16.8amph, 3miles = 125cal

    spin class- 45min, 95 average revolutions per min (how fast I was pedaling), 113average watts (power), 11-12gear, (1-24 gears) 21miles = 380cal

    bike ride gym 2 train station- 8.25min 10.1amph 1.4miles = 95cal

    bike ride train station 2 hm - 16.32min, 9.5amph, 2.6miles = 182cal

    total cal. 782
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good eve. Don't think I have enough of interest to post.Last wk included a night of being sooo sick.Woke me out of deep sleep & spent rest of night in bathroom & recliner chair. Had Dr appt the next morn & he agreed it was some type of food poisoning. Whatever.......the off/on tummy ache lasted 4 days. Had no appetite,ate nothing for 2 days & near nothing the following two days.

    Still not losing. Weight on Dr scale was exactly the same as 3 mos ago.Kind of tired of the subject.Will just keep on keeping on.

    YannieJannie.....so happy for your DD.Keeping on worked for her!

    Sylvia,glad you are back among your home & family. Think I could write a book about hospital mistakes.....no,not mistakes,just not doing things right.There would be a whole chapter about IVs.They are my particular bug a boo.On the other hand,I have been blessed with great DRs. Only one rude so & so dentist ....plus a really bad eye Dr.Can't complain...

    No way I remember much from skimming thru. Welcome newbies. We have the fireplace ready to go if the temps actually get down to the numbers mentioned.My plans are to stay home & enjoy some reading,sewing etc. Stay warm,Pat in Oh

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Yeah! I was getting ready to go to my DH food show at the school where I help sign people in. Probably like most of you I have a closet full of clothes. I took all my black skirts and pants out that I wore for work 2 years ago and looked for the smallest size that I thought would fit. I was shocked to find that everything was too Big! I finally settled on a pair of pants that was tighter then the rest
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Yeah! I was getting ready to go to my DH food show at the school where I help sign people in. Probably like most of you I have a closet full of clothes. I took all my black skirts and pants out that I wore for work 2 years ago and looked for the smallest size that I thought would fit. I was shocked to find that everything was too Big! I finally settled on a pair of pants that was tighter then the rest
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sorry I keep getting cut off!

    When I got to the school the first thing I heard from people was how great I looked and then the questions of how I lost the weight. This was the first time that people really noticed and said something!

    Now my DH sells food for a living and there were 5 different brokers there with samples to eat. Since it is school quality food it is quite healthy and I did snack on some of the different types of chicken and breakfast burritos. One of the brokers sent me home with 50 burritos. 100% whole wheat with egg, cheese, green onions and chirizo sausage mmmmmmmm! They really are very good and healthy since the school standards are so high.

    Someone was asking about us sharing our exercise routine, here is mine,
    Daily 6 times a week Sunday rest
    Kenpo X 58 minutes 340 calorie I do the Kenpo X because I have a bad back and arthritic joints and this loosens up my body and I can move. If I go longer than 2 days between I am in extreme pain from not doing it.
    M W Friday
    Zumba Activate 45 min 340 calorie
    100 push ups
    100 touch the ground squats
    100 leg lifts
    5 - 40 second planks
    Hula hoop 50 minutes 400 calories
    Tuesday Thursday Saturday
    Zumba Exhilarate 60 min 480 calories
    Tuesday Thursday
    45 minutes of swimming laps 340 calories

    Life in Minnesota makes it hard for me to go out for a walk so I like to exercise at home. I just started swimming with my DSIL which is very fun.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Wow Mary! That's some routine! I thought mine was pretty good at 600 cals, but you do masses!
    I am not a natural exerciser so I do it purely for the results. I like the way I look these days and I like to eat, so exercise is essential. I have a rower, an elliptical and a recumbent bike in a spare bedroom and every dsy I total 536 cals on those. The rower over reads, but it's near enough. Then I do 20 - 21 mins strength training, which consists of body weight exercises and also dumbbells. I do believe the dumbbells have made all the difference to the way I look and given my arms and shoulders definition. I also include knee strengthening exercises, which proved invaluable on this holiday as I could manage lots of steps and scambles. On top of this, and not included in the calorie count are my face exercises and pelvic floor and foot exercises to strengthen my arches. I do get most of this done when I sm at home because I can do them when I am doing other things. I do my face ones when I am on the machines and the others when I'm reading or watching TV.

    Well ladies, I'm glad some of you are enjoying my travels with me. I'm going to try to post a grey heron for Alison. I only took it with my tablet so it's not brilliant. My best effort was a monitor lizard, sunbathing up a tree. We saw eagles, wonderful Painted Herons, hornbills, and nearly caught a crocodile eating a stork. He only just saw it coming! The butterflies were wonderful, massing in crowds on the red soil and creating clouds to drive through. Then it started to get HOT and I had had enough after five hours! But wonder of wonders, I then saw my first leopard! ! ! ! :D it was a very long way away, but I could just see it and through the binoculars I could see it reposing high in a tree, just resting with its head and paws facing us.
    That success means I won't go on the afternoon safari today. It is very hot and incredibly bumpy and I have seen everything now. :bigsmile: I think a swim is in order and a nice relax without DH. :laugh:
    Now I am reclining on my huge bed with the air conditioning blowing. I will eat a bit more of the breakfast box for my lunch, but leave out the croissant! :noway: DH has put on weight this holiday with the beer and bigger portions than normal. Also not his usual amount of exercise. I'm not sure, but I don't think it can be much. I look the same. Clothes fit still. Our driver has put on weight as well. He eats masses! He has been excellent though. So lucky to have him.

    Bye for now. Love Heather
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited February 2015

    Alison - I don't know if you can make this out, but it is a grey heron. X
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather - awesome picture! You are so fortunate to be able to see all those beautiful creatures. As a retired life and earth science teacher I am very excited for your updates on your adventure. You are a lot like me, I love to eat and that is why I exercise so much. I also do face exercises I call them smile exercises. I noticed about 15 years ago that I started to get druppy corners on my mouth it looked like my lips were frowning. I knew that it takes more muscles to smile and gravity works against you. So, I started to consciously smile through out the day. It had positive side effects in that people smiled back and I was happier. I saw an immediate improvement with my face. I have higher cheeks, my lips are where they are supposed to be and I don't have very many wrinkles. Now when I exercise I purposely smile Big and I do that throughout the day.

    Have a great night!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Katla - Victoria is such a beautiful city. Vancouver Island is a great place to vacation. You should check out Chemanus for the murals.
    Tina from MD - I share your DH's love of brussel sprouts but I usually use too much butter. They do stink up the house though.
    Barb S.Louisiana - It is not weird to send back food that is clearly not what you ordered.
    My heart felt sympathy on the the loss of your friend. It sounds like she was a special person.
    dogbydog123 - Gabepentin has weight enhancing properties? How did I not know this? I have been on Gabapentin for a number of years because of the pain relieving qualities.
    Jane - Glad you had a good visit. So nice that you could be for some of your DGC's milestones. Baby time, snuggle time, love time.
    Heather - Thank you for the photos and description of your trip. We will all be sad when your trip is over.

    I returned to work on Friday but am not feeling the best yet. Hopefully that will improve.
    I have been cooking good meals every night but starting to feel like I would enjoy a meal out even though I know the dangerous waters. I think it's mainly because I hate cleanup although DS has been very good about that.
    Another visit from police, this time because there was a concern that the minor child was being left unsupervised in the home. They asked where DGD was and I told them that DS was taking her to my DD's where she would be cared for while he was at work. Really? Good grief! I was late for work and once again the report will show no reason for concern.
    We were hoping she wouldn't be returning to Alberta for the court date but we understand she is going to Go Greyhound from Brampton to Alberta. I think that is 3 days on the bus. She is trying her best to guilt DS but she had a plane ticket and could have used it.
    I haven't been doing much exercise this past week but when I do it is not so precise or detailed as some of you.
    I try to swim 1x/week
    I have a recumbent bike that i use 1x/week
    I use WII dance 1 -2x/wk
    I try to go to the gym at the YWCA 1x/week. I have to have my back fully supported to do any strength exercises.
    I walk outside 3x/wk although sometimes the weather makes that impractical
    Sharon in Lethbridge
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    I am really inspired by all you 50+ women doing so much exercise. Going to look up Kenpo X.

    Barbie, I agree about cutting the moaners out of your life. Not in a cruel way, but if all people do is whine, well that's another kind of extra weight we don't need! I did this a few years ago and have far fewer friends now, but the ones I have lift my spirits whenever I see them and that makes such a difference.

    Does anyone run outside alone? I used to run and want to get back into it but have no running partner right now and am not yet brave enough to run in woods alone. Is this wise or cowardly?
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hot damn,figured out how to contact you all on my phone..Still at work,so will check in later <3
    Do tell!

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody. Got the molar fixed this morning; he was able to do it by removing the old filling, putting in a new one and building it up to the width of the tooth. So I should be good to go.

    Have a good day,
  • Cellothere118
    Cellothere118 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning :D Up earlier than usual, and taking a few minutes to convince myself to take advantage of this time before work to exercise. At least 30 minutes. Ive got 10 minutes to get on the gear.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Heather,thank you so much for the picture of the great blue heron..how sweet of you to think of me from so far away..I so enjoy hearing all about your trip..and I would be in heaven seeing all those birds....
    well I have been trying to eat better, but i am squeezed into my size 14 jeans..
    I want to find some type of exercise equipment to have hear at the house, because it is frigid cold out and very hard to get out and walk...
    well today is my unpaid day off,dropping Chester at the groomers,going to see if my DFIL will eat breakfast today,then I have to drive an hour away to our old credit union to close out accounts there, then come back and we have someone coming to give us an estimate on refacing our kitchen cabinets.. then make dinner ..
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Enjoying my third cup of coffee as I read all the posts. We make 12 cups and use 3 measures of decaf and 1 measure of caffeinated. Tried to switch to totally decaf but found I couldn't get going.

    Made myself get out in the beautiful day and walk for 30 minutes yesterday. It's supposed to get very cold this PM and I just hope I can be motivated to put on the down coat and go again.

    Sharon, so sorry to hear of your son's custody problems. At least that's what I surmise is going on. Hope all works out.

    Everyone have a great day.

    Carol in GA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    On Tuesday morning I had the house to myself. Jake had gone to breakfast with a friend and my friend who was supposed to come over had cancelled so I told myself that I had a perfect opportunity to do the weight training that I had been somehow not doing all month. There were no roadblocks. That's when I noticed that I am my own roadblock. I kept noticing something else that needed to be done until I finally had to have a good talk with myself and tell myself to stop avoiding doing the weight training. I have no trouble walking the dogs for hours or riding the exercise bike for several 40 minute sessions or going to line dance classes, so I was really surprised at how I was avoiding the weight training. I have made It one of my resolutions every month and not met my goals. It was a huge eye opener for me.

    smiley-cool05.gif now my breakfast is finished and I'm off to walk the dogs.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington where every day is a good day for a walk
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited February 2015

    Here is the monitor lizard we saw up the tree. I think he was sunbathing!
    Alison - glad you enjoyed the grey heron. I think of you a lot. (*)

    DH went out on safari on his own with the guide this afternoon and a leopard ran right in front of the jeep and up a tree after some monkeys! Just my luck. It didn't catch the monkeys who made quite a chatter! He also saw a ten foot python. :ohwell: I stayed inside and I'm afraid I didn't feel like swimming. :embarassed: it was thundery in my defence and had started to rain and cool down, but really I was just toooooo comfortable playing with the internet and finishing my detective novel. I did refresh myself with the Happiness Project's Secrets of Adulthood and the 13 things healthy people don't do. All good stuff.
    When DH goes out I always have an urge to eat. I limited myself to the 99 calorie pack of mini pretzels I had brought from England and I had one tiny measure of Arrak - a local coconut spirit that we bought, washed down with lots of water. I consider that an NSV. Once upon a time I would have been raiding the chips in the mini bar and emptying the Campari. I probably would have got through the peanuts as well. I did open and close the mini bar several times, but I must have learnt something ftom you all on this journey. One of the learnings is to be conscious of whst is driving me to want to eat. Like Barbie, I can see my blocks and learned behaviour these days. :bigsmile:
    Off to the restaurant soon for dinner. Wise choices I sincerely hope. I am good at just having a little of things I like. Mostly vegetables!
    Off at nine tomorrow.

    Joyce - we are off to Galle. Pronounced gaul.

    Speak soon. Love from hungry Heather in the jungle. :laugh:

  • Socialwacker
    Socialwacker Posts: 30 Member
    Good morning everyone from Miami! We will board the ship today to start our cruise. The warmth is wonderful when you have left the bitter cold. It has been so easy to track everything and stay on top of it all as there is wifi every where here. They have a wonderful gym in the hotel and I have been able to get the exercise in morning and night. No time to go through the 704 posts here since Monday I just hope you are well or getting better keeping warm if need be and believing in yourself everyday! You are worth it! Coming days may be sporadic wifi is never free on board! Take care everyone!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Good Morning,

    Heather love the pictures! Thank you for sharing.

    Cynthia sorry about your tooth. Glad you did not need a root canal.

    Mary love the idea of the smile. I notice I am starting to have those corners droop too. I will have to start smiling more too. Smiling does improve your mood. Love that you found your clothes were too big.

    Jane so happy for you. Great to spend time with daughter and new grand baby.

    I still have all my teeth except the wisdom teeth. I have had mild gum problems for years. This is the first time a I have had to go in for an extra treatment.

    Barbie I agree it is worth the extra time and effort to take care of your teeth. My goal is to to be much more consistent.

    :heart: MNMargaret