Online Dating



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    Had some pretty bad ones.

    Met one guyin a pub. He drank a pepsi, said "nice to meet you" and legged it to my bemusement. I did wonder what I had done but as far as I could work out...nothing...

    Fair few that didn't look like their pictures.

    Some marvelous freaky messages. Best being the guy who was on medication that allowed him to apparently have sex for hours...yep...that was his first message.

    Just a note to guys who are sad they get no replies...I once tried to be nice and reply to all my was impossible, the sheer number of messages I got just made it totally unrealistic.
    Unless you can do something to catch attention and stand out you may just get glanced over!

    And POF haters...thats what I used. I also used Match in the past. Same amount and quality of freaks on both!!

    The last internet date I went on was POF, I'd been sorta putting the guy off. I'd cancelled twice with lies. I wasn't that impressed with the pitcure. Said he was 5'10. Wasn't that impressed with the conversations. But he sorta railroaded me into meeting for a drink... It was a sunday and I was bored.
    Turned out to be a damn hot, 6 foot person who was awesomely entertaining, engaging and interesting.
    The second date we went to dinner and the following one I met his entire family!
    Boyfriend for almost 3 years now...buying a house in the summer.

    Love that!!!! Glad he kept trying even after you blew him off twice. Most guys wouldn't :smiley:

    Exactly I know I would not. Although the girl I am taking out tonight blew me off the first time last weekend. I almost said f it after that.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Had some pretty bad ones.

    Met one guyin a pub. He drank a pepsi, said "nice to meet you" and legged it to my bemusement. I did wonder what I had done but as far as I could work out...nothing...

    Fair few that didn't look like their pictures.

    Some marvelous freaky messages. Best being the guy who was on medication that allowed him to apparently have sex for hours...yep...that was his first message.

    Just a note to guys who are sad they get no replies...I once tried to be nice and reply to all my was impossible, the sheer number of messages I got just made it totally unrealistic.
    Unless you can do something to catch attention and stand out you may just get glanced over!

    And POF haters...thats what I used. I also used Match in the past. Same amount and quality of freaks on both!!

    The last internet date I went on was POF, I'd been sorta putting the guy off. I'd cancelled twice with lies. I wasn't that impressed with the pitcure. Said he was 5'10. Wasn't that impressed with the conversations. But he sorta railroaded me into meeting for a drink... It was a sunday and I was bored.
    Turned out to be a damn hot, 6 foot person who was awesomely entertaining, engaging and interesting.
    The second date we went to dinner and the following one I met his entire family!
    Boyfriend for almost 3 years now...buying a house in the summer.

    Moral of the story is you gave him a chance and it seems he is your NEO. I surprised after you cancelled twice that he was more persistent and kept trying.

    Me too!! Glad tho! :smiley:

    He's not so good with the non face to face interraction...we live 50 miles apart n only see each other at weekends and don't actually text or call that much at all!

    The second date he stayed in my spare room, got home after dinner n a few pubs, i was making tea and managed to pour boiling water on his hand. Apparently he found that endearing!! I was the disaster date!!

    Have any spare luck, that you'd like to share? Since you obviously don't need anymore because I do!

    It not luck. It never is luck. Just be yourself and you will find someone who likes that.

  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    Had some pretty bad ones.

    Met one guyin a pub. He drank a pepsi, said "nice to meet you" and legged it to my bemusement. I did wonder what I had done but as far as I could work out...nothing...

    Fair few that didn't look like their pictures.

    Some marvelous freaky messages. Best being the guy who was on medication that allowed him to apparently have sex for hours...yep...that was his first message.

    Just a note to guys who are sad they get no replies...I once tried to be nice and reply to all my was impossible, the sheer number of messages I got just made it totally unrealistic.
    Unless you can do something to catch attention and stand out you may just get glanced over!

    And POF haters...thats what I used. I also used Match in the past. Same amount and quality of freaks on both!!

    The last internet date I went on was POF, I'd been sorta putting the guy off. I'd cancelled twice with lies. I wasn't that impressed with the pitcure. Said he was 5'10. Wasn't that impressed with the conversations. But he sorta railroaded me into meeting for a drink... It was a sunday and I was bored.
    Turned out to be a damn hot, 6 foot person who was awesomely entertaining, engaging and interesting.
    The second date we went to dinner and the following one I met his entire family!
    Boyfriend for almost 3 years now...buying a house in the summer.

    Love that!!!! Glad he kept trying even after you blew him off twice. Most guys wouldn't :smiley:

    Exactly I know I would not. Although the girl I am taking out tonight blew me off the first time last weekend. I almost said f it after that.

    So why did you agree to another date?
  • AJL_Daddy
    AJL_Daddy Posts: 525 Member
    One online date. Married her. Sorry to ruin the fun.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited February 2015
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    Had some pretty bad ones.

    Met one guyin a pub. He drank a pepsi, said "nice to meet you" and legged it to my bemusement. I did wonder what I had done but as far as I could work out...nothing...

    Fair few that didn't look like their pictures.

    Some marvelous freaky messages. Best being the guy who was on medication that allowed him to apparently have sex for hours...yep...that was his first message.

    Just a note to guys who are sad they get no replies...I once tried to be nice and reply to all my was impossible, the sheer number of messages I got just made it totally unrealistic.
    Unless you can do something to catch attention and stand out you may just get glanced over!

    And POF haters...thats what I used. I also used Match in the past. Same amount and quality of freaks on both!!

    The last internet date I went on was POF, I'd been sorta putting the guy off. I'd cancelled twice with lies. I wasn't that impressed with the pitcure. Said he was 5'10. Wasn't that impressed with the conversations. But he sorta railroaded me into meeting for a drink... It was a sunday and I was bored.
    Turned out to be a damn hot, 6 foot person who was awesomely entertaining, engaging and interesting.
    The second date we went to dinner and the following one I met his entire family!
    Boyfriend for almost 3 years now...buying a house in the summer.

    Love that!!!! Glad he kept trying even after you blew him off twice. Most guys wouldn't :smiley:

    Exactly I know I would not. Although the girl I am taking out tonight blew me off the first time last weekend. I almost said f it after that.

    So why did you agree to another date?

    I like her is the short answer. I can say a lot more because we have been talking for a while now.
  • lkilton
    lkilton Posts: 105 Member
    Just started this. Want to read later when not at work.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Wow. I feel really lucky. I have a profile up on PoF. I get really good responses usually. And so far, every guy I have met has been a nice, polite man. But then again, my profile is fairly clear that I think online dating is an introduction not a date; and that I am classy. Only a few guys try to ask if going for a movie equals them getting lucky. Maybe its my area of the world.

    Not all dates have resulted in immediate attraction, but every face-to-face interaction has been fun and positive. If the goal is to meet someone new and interesting, you will be successful every time. I do call guys on their profile *kitten*. I had one guy message me and when I read his profile it basically indicated that he thought women who didn't respond were judging him on his looks and that by failing to respond, I was shallow and a b*tch. He did reveal some personal stuff too soon and we didn't progress to meeting.

    I do some screening before meeting someone, red flags especially for safety I pay close attention to. I need to think that I might actually enjoy time with the person to message back and forth. Otherwise I try to be open minded. No limits on looks, careers, height, etc. After all, not all men find me attractive or interesting and that is not personal.

    I don't even have a profile pic with my profile and I still get contacted. One of my "dates" told me that that there is a stat out there that women with no pic are actually more likely to respond them profiles with pics. Who knows. :smile: I've been told that my profile is brilliant and that I come across as being not being needy. So YAY me!
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Does it count as online dating being that I met my now wife on Usenet (let's see how many of y'all know what this is)? We didn't 'date'; just in a Usenet group of people with similar interests. We didn't become an item until after we met in person at a group gathering.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    jnichel wrote: »
    Does it count as online dating being that I met my now wife on Usenet (let's see how many of y'all know what this is)? We didn't 'date'; just in a Usenet group of people with similar interests. We didn't become an item until after we met in person at a group gathering.

    I have never heard of Usenet.
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    jnichel wrote: »
    Does it count as online dating being that I met my now wife on Usenet (let's see how many of y'all know what this is)? We didn't 'date'; just in a Usenet group of people with similar interests. We didn't become an item until after we met in person at a group gathering.

  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jnichel wrote: »
    Does it count as online dating being that I met my now wife on Usenet (let's see how many of y'all know what this is)? We didn't 'date'; just in a Usenet group of people with similar interests. We didn't become an item until after we met in person at a group gathering.

    I have never heard of Usenet.

    I think it's what causes the machines to become aware and wage war on humanity
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    jnichel wrote: »
    Does it count as online dating being that I met my now wife on Usenet (let's see how many of y'all know what this is)? We didn't 'date'; just in a Usenet group of people with similar interests. We didn't become an item until after we met in person at a group gathering.


    We prefer the term, "Geeks". :p
  • MomOfRose
    MomOfRose Posts: 89 Member
    edited February 2015
    My worst date was set up to be great! We got along well online, chatting for a few weeks about normal life - even talked about what furniture I was buying for my house and still stupid people at our jobs. We decided to meet for a movie and then drinks after. He told me to pick the movie and time. I sent him my choice and he said he'd meet me there

    I texted him when I was leaving my house (movie was less than 3 miles from my place) and didn't hear back from him. Just as I parked my car he told me he'd fallen asleep and his clothes were still in the washer. I asked him if the next showing would work and he said he'd be there for it. Luckily, I didn't purchase my ticket - just in case.

    I went to the restaurant across from the theater and chose a patio seat so I could see him coming, got myself a sangria and waited. 5 minutes to showtime I still don't see him or hear from him. 10 minutes after showtime and I finally get a text that he just pulled into the parking lot and he'll see me soon. 25 minutes after showtime he finally arrives - looking like Forrest Gump after he ran across the country those few years! Unshaven (and unkept) facial hair, tattered ballcap, stained and too-big sweatshirt, and jeans that he'd probably owned for 15 years!

    He asked me if I wanted to wait for the next showtime.

    Uh, no thanks.
  • jenjencin78
    jenjencin78 Posts: 4,415 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    This wasn't online but my current bf...our first date was the most awful experience I've had date wise. We went to dinner and when we were seated he asked me to switch seats with him. I didn't get why at first, but there was a table of young girls (bachelorette party) and he proceeded to ogle them the entire meal. He didn't say a single word to me the whole time lol! After dinner (we split the check) we went to grab coffee and it was pouring rain so we settled for the Dunkin drive through. He ordered himself a coffee, didn't offer me anything and then as we pulled out of the lot said "oh did you want something?" It was the worst date I've ever been on and yet I went out with him again.

    lol wth????

    My sentiments exactly. I replied earlier without realizing this guy is the current boyfriend. Who she agreed to go out with again. Oops. I'm going to stop skimming and start reading word for word.

    Yup...I used to beleive in second chances. I thought maybe he was just super awkward but as it turns out, he was a lying, cheating, *kitten* and as of today I'm happy to say that he is no longer my problem to deal with.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Online dating requires a huge amount of patience. I met my husband on, but I met several losers before him and a couple of nice guys that just weren't right for me.
    Before online dating, I met a lot of men at bars. At least online, I could weed out the worst offenders before meeting them in person.

    Some of the ones I remember:

    - I'm 5'8" and had gained a few pounds from my norm at the time. I was a size 8 and had my body type set to "athletic" because I was. Guy had a photo and profile that said he was 40 (I was 32 or 33 at the time). When we met (first date was hiking), it was clear his profile picture was at least 10 years old and he was closer to 50-55, but he had the nerve to tell me I didn't look very athletic.

    - Guy fell in love with me after one dinner and movie date. He texted within an hour after the first date and said he'd already talked to his family and they can't wait to meet me. No thank you.

    - Dated a guy for 2 months, thought maybe he was a keeper. He was very low maintenance. We lived about 50 miles apart and only saw each other 1-2 days/week. One night, he told me he was disappointed I hadn't asked for details about why his marriages ended. He had only told me he'd been married once. Apparently, they had ended because he can't keep it in his pants. And, oh by the way, he'd been cheating on me the entire time we were dating. He texted me a few months later and said he'd made a huge mistake and wanted to marry me. No thanks.
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    So I messaged a guy earlier today on match and just said hi and stuff like that. His response "Thanks for messaging me, but I can't date someone who is a Celtics fan. Hope you understand" I am a Celtics fan, and proud of it...but I'm not hating on him because he's a Lakers fan! So I responded "That's okay, but I can't date a guy who has no intelligence whatsoever. I hope you understand, and good luck on your search."

    Too mean? :smiley:
  • BigBadWolf__
    BigBadWolf__ Posts: 158 Member
    Responding with anger only validates his opinion. The best you can do is just delete and move on.

    Online dating can be fun. I've met a few crazies. One told me she had picked out every detail of her wedding... on our first date.
  • healthyinpink
    healthyinpink Posts: 87 Member
    Online dating can be fun. I've met a few crazies. One told me she had picked out every detail of her wedding... on our first date.

    That's the worst lol.
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    Responding with anger only validates his opinion. The best you can do is just delete and move on.

    Online dating can be fun. I've met a few crazies. One told me she had picked out every detail of her wedding... on our first date.

    I had a guy tell me on the second date as he casually walked to his car that he was going to put a baby in me. Also relevant: my profile specifically said I do not want kids. I think he was under the mistaken impression that's a romantic thing to say; he would terribly wrong on that point.

  • BigBadWolf__
    BigBadWolf__ Posts: 158 Member
    Online dating can be fun. I've met a few crazies. One told me she had picked out every detail of her wedding... on our first date.

    That's the worst lol.

    No... them talking about their past rapes... that's way worse.