

  • noexcuses118
    Hi, guys - I've been swamped at work, but wanted to give an update on my Biggest Losers 4th weigh-in this morning. I lost another 3 pounds! That's 13.6 pounds total. I am PSYCHED! (And that's another $45 into my dance fund jar ... Yippee!)

    The bad news is the 3-pound loss wasn't enough for me to come in 1st this week - I came in 3rd. But, I have 3 weeks to go before the contest is over. I can still be the overall winner if I try really hard, I'm sure of it. My strategy is to continue my food plan and to ramp up the exercise. Wish me luck and have a great Friday the 13th.

    CP in So. Fla.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Katla, you have no idea how much better you made me feel about that surgery. Somehow my pride is restored all of a sudden.

    I just had lunch with the kids. My son called and asked if I wanted to go to Pizza Hut with them (translation-can you pay) so I did. It was really nice. The three of them were out of school because of parent teacher conferences and they were all telling me how well their reports were from their teachers. The oldest, who has had the most trouble in school due to emotional issues, got A+'s in four different subjects, including math (her hardest subject). She was so proud of herself! The middle child who never lets anything bother her did equally well, and the little guy just floats through life without a clue. Sadly, he's probably the smartest of the three.

    I didn't do too badly at lunch. A dry salad and two thin crust slices of pizza.

    Now I'm at the studio waiting for another potter who is bringing some bowls to donate for Empty Bowls. He's driving about 80 miles to bring them, which is awfully nice.

    At 2:30 I will pick up hubby and he's going with me to see the surgeon for my follow-up appointment. I think it will go well.

    Well, I should go do something constructive while I wait. Hope you are having a great afternoon.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    Hi, guys - I've been swamped at work, but wanted to give an update on my Biggest Losers 4th weigh-in this morning. I lost another 3 pounds! That's 13.6 pounds total. I am PSYCHED! (And that's another $45 into my dance fund jar ... Yippee!)

    The bad news is the 3-pound loss wasn't enough for me to come in 1st this week - I came in 3rd. But, I have 3 weeks to go before the contest is over. I can still be the overall winner if I try really hard, I'm sure of it. My strategy is to continue my food plan and to ramp up the exercise. Wish me luck and have a great Friday the 13th.

    CP in So. Fla.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    started eating 1 serving of 32oz (10 chips) of snack factory pretzel crisps honey mustard & onion on 12/31/14. ate 1 serving a day or every other during the work week. just finish it today 2/13/15. back in the day that sucker would have been gone in 2 days!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
    Pipcd34 - good for you! That's the way to do it. You still get to eat what you like you just ration it out. I do that with pistachios and peanuts.

    Red - I'm sorry to hear about your trouble with the D word. My husband and I just got through taking the art of marriage classes at our church. This is our third time taking some type of marriage class and we've only been together five and a half years. We want to make the most out of our life together. This is my third marriage, I hate to even admit that. My greatest regret is that my first husband the father of my children, would not you go to counseling with me. We were married for 23 years at that time. Hang in there!

    Jsuebdew - my exercise Zumba and Kenpo X are both DVDs. I love doing both of those workouts.

    CP in South Florida - you are an inspiration! You go girl!

    I love looking at all the puppy pictures! I can't have an animal because my husband has asthma. Thanks for sharing!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Happy Friday. Can you tell I have the weekend off? It is up in the 50's today and then back in the 20's for the weekend. DH surprised me and sent me flowers at work this morning. It has been years since he has done that. He must be listening as I told him the other day that I didn't want a ring this year, but would like some romance. Usually when the Riddle jewerly puts their sale book out I will circle several things I like and he picks. So feeling special today.
    Last evening at the women's Bible study the leader had roses on the tables, red wine glasses with frozen rassberries and sparking cider, chocolate dipped strawberries, popcorn with strawberry jam over it. Was a nice. I am enjoying this study and learning God made us and we should be proud of who we are.

    Sylvia--I have the same pop addiction. I am tappering off and plan is to be off my next Wednesday. I have the headache today, but hope it gets better. Drinking alot more water which is good. I do not think your surgery is cheating.

    pipcd34-- Thanks for sharing the pictures of Yogi, He is a keeper.

    Ginger--Welcome and you have come to a great place for support and friendship. Come often and just jump right in.

    Allison--Please take care of you. (((HUGS)))

    Joyce--Glad to hear your DS is better. That takes a big load off your mind.

    Red--sending hugs and prayers.

    Sharon--Sounds DS is doing the right things, sending prayers for the 24th. Is he saving the texts for the lawyer?

    Linda--Glad to see you posting, Missed you.

    Guess we are going to Kansas tomorrow to DH's sister, they are having a family party for his other DS that is so sick. A nephew and his family are coming as a surprise from NC. I have met his wife, but not the kids. The oldest is 12 so been along time since we have seen them. Then his DS tells my DH's ex is there for the month. So get to spend time with her. Then Sunday DGD's birthday party. Her birthday is tomorrow, but having a bowling party Sunday afternoon. She will be 6 and thinks she needs a phone. DS and I say no, but would not be surprised if the other grandma gets her one. She is the one that gave her a tablet for Christmas.
    Take care ladies. One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good afternoon dear ladies!

    Pip: Teaching your own class is a rockin’ idea!! You will have so much fun. The boys are so cute all snuggled up together. I’m pretty sure my two have never, ever done that. They have never particularly cared for each other.

    Red: So sorry about the spat. Hope things have cooled down and you two have made up by now.

    Diana in NE IN: Salmon… yum…. Of course in live in the PNW and odds are my middle DS caught it. Just be careful not to over cook it. When you think it is done, pull it off the heat and cover it, letting it rest for at least 5 minutes (treat it just like a good steak). That will go a long way to keeping it moist.

    : Yeah that the weight is coming off!! I’m pretty sure that shortening the colon doesn’t count as weight loss surgery. (They will shorten the small intestine to minimize absorption.) So glad you are feeling better. How did the kid class go last week or was that just a one time shot?

    Katla: The bike is really cool! I bet your dog loves to help pull that. My Talga would think it was a blast to take your hubby for a ride it that. Have fun riding tonight! It should be a lovely afternoon.

    SelenaP63: Yeah for you. That was so clever portioning out some dip for yourself! I’m filing that trick for future reference. There are some days when I am just STARVING! I’ve been logging my food long enough, that I can usually see that I either didn’t eat enough the day before (logged stuff, but forgot to eat it – yeah that really happens) or I worked out more than planned (blank-blank cows got out and I needed to chase them down) or my calories were not very well balanced through the day (you have to have more than 120 cal for breakfast even if you are not hungry). If I can’t focus after 30 minutes, I will eat 7 almonds (40 calories). That usually does the trick and will not break the bank. Eating more “bullky” foods will help, too. At least two of my meals a day start with 100-200 grams of kale or spinach. That is a pretty big bowl.

    CP in So. Fla: Yeah for you!! More $$ in the dance jar. Enough for the first class yet??

    Michele in NC: Because you asked:
    3.40 miles running 35:38 (320cal: 10:35/10:51/9:55/ 10:28av) with Talga
    1.28 miles walking 18.52 (90 cal: 14:42/14:46/ 14:47av) with Zedd
    Yoga (Vinyasa) 1:00:00 (155 cal – from UP) Class at work

    Tomorrow I am going to try a PiYo class. I have no idea how I will log that. I normally hate marketing/gimmicky things, but a friend is hosting the class and the concept sounds interesting. After that I will hit the grocery store. Then walk the dogs. (Talga will get his 4 miles, then Zedd will get his 2 miles.) That should buy me lots of extra calories for a nice V-Day dinner.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.





  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, ladies. Sunny here but cold; tomorrow a bit warmer, then frigid expected and possible power outages. (???!!!)

    DH is off today, tomorrow is his birthday (yes, Valentines Day). Doesn't want a cake, wants me to make him a sweet potato pie. He'd been major shopping at the Radio Shack sale and brought me flowers and candy to "make up" for all he's spent on himself...........but it's his day, so he does deserve a treat.........thanks but could have done w/o the candy........stashed it in DD's room. We went out to eat to celebrate both birthday/Valentines Day for a very late lunch today because tomorrow will be soooooooo busy.

    Looked at a dog possibility yesterday, spent an hour with her. Had DD stop by between her jobs to see it today with me. This one is a possible maybe. Advertised as a basenji.......well, it's a basenji like I am Beyonce. Has basenji in it for sure; that I would believe........all in all, maybe will do. There certainly are black and white basenjis but this is almost totally black, muzzle too broad, forehead wrinkles not pronounced enough, and I heard it yip (not a bark, but certainly not the breeds typical baroooo)... Tail curls fine, ears look good and legs are basenji. Overall size is right, coat maybe just a tiny bit long. DH is holding out for a pure bred. DD loved it (of course). Hmmmmm......we'll see. Also, supposed to be only a year old; b's only come into season once a yr. and this has already been bred. But I know I don't want to do the puppy thing ever again so older would be good.

    jane.......love the baby's name!

    Red........Hope you guys can work it all out (((((hugs))))) Best to you both.

    Carol.........Oh, I so feel for you and your DD. I felt myself getting teary reading your post; hit close to home, I guess. Hope she can resolve her issues and get back to her norm. (((hugs))) to both of you.

    Loved all the dog and flower pics, thanks!!!

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday and 14 February.
    Today is the day I OFFICIALLY join Tom Venuto's "Love Your Body" challenge.

    I weighed 95.8 Kg yesterday and realised I had to eat one meal yesterday, so weight is 96.4 Kg. YES water weight bah! NOT doing a whole day of juices again

    Today is 2 Juices ( Red Dawn before boxing, and Australian Gold this afternoon)plus breakfast, lunch and dinner = 1774 cals. Going to try this for challenge

    Training: Wii Gold's boxing and BFFM day 2 weights

    Mildred beagle did NOT sleep well last night. Tried putting drops in eye but "snarl", I do not know how long she can stay well Lots of tears for beautiful, faithful doggy

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Doctor visit went well. He says I'm doing great, but still shouldn't do any lifting for another FIVE weeks! Something about the tensile strength of the connected tissue and avoiding herniating it and requiring more surgery. Ok, I'm sufficiently scared to comply. So no pottery for now. You can't do pottery without lifting more than five pounds. I can get back to drafting though, as sitting at a desk is fine.

    He said that this surgery shouldn't impact my weight loss one way or the other, so that's good news.

    Jan, what is the dogs personality like? That's the most important thing, but if hubby is set on a purebred, will he resent the poor little thing if it's not? Are they selling it or giving it away? It sounds adorable, but then, all dogs are adorable.

    Sally, the kid class is going on without me. Another guy is doing the teaching, so he really doesn't need me. One more week of instruction, then a break for drying and firing, then another class for glazing, and a big Raku party at the end. Raku is fun for the kids. You put the pots in the kiln, let them get red hot then pull them out and put them in a can full of combustibles, like sawdust and newspaper. They get all crackled and metallic looking. It's pretty exciting, but I can't do it because of the smoke.

    Gotta go make dinner. Later!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Margaret - I am horrible about remembering names. When I worked at the Y and would have my annual review, I always got high marks for everything except remembering member's names. On thing that was told to me (this wouldn't work in your situation) was to ask someone their name. When they say (for example) "Jim", just say "no, no, I meant your last name". Jim didn't know that I didn't know his name.

    Diana - I do hope you like the salmon now. I can't think of any fish that I *don't* like.

    pip - I have these downloadable workouts from cardiocoach.com. They're really for any aerobic exercise (like treadmill or elliptical) but I use it for spinning. He'll say things like "sprint then we're going to climb the hill". Don't know if you can still get them. I know I got mine off the 'net. Good luck if you decide to teach that class. What beautiful doggies you have there!

    katla - Vince had to have a part of his colon removed a few years ago. Now whenever he goes for a colonoscopy, he asks if he gets a discount since they don't have to go as far up. Never happens....lol

    sue in TX - we leave for FL the 19th. We'll (unfortunately) stay only one week this time.

    jolenc - my grandmother was a FANTASTIC crocheter. Me being the "know it all" teenager didn't want anything to do with "that old lady stuff". I regret it to this day. I'm trying to learn to crochet on my own. Having problems doing things in the round. Say, I need to crochet a Christmas tree skirt. Do you happen to have any patterns that are EASY? I made one and it was nothing but dc the whole thing. It's pretty, but a bit boring.

    Carol in NC - (((HUG)))

    thiavalee - remember that there are refined sugars and sugars in fruits, etc. Those sugars are good for you, not the white sugar in pastries.

    CP - fantastic loss

    Gotta run. We need to take the TV over to Jessica (don't want to leave it in the car). Wish I had more time to respond to people. Not sure how this works on my laptop.

    Michele in NC
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello friends,
    I get so behind if I don’t check in more than once a day. I so enjoy reading all your posts. I think it is so wonderful how we live all over creation and have many different experiences but share this bond. I’m caught up through page 22 and will check in later.
    Barb – I am so sorry about your friend. ((hugs))
    Katiebug – 87 miles GREAT!
    boxlady – loved the cartoon
    Mary – congrats on shrinking out of your clothes and getting the compliments
    Heather – I love the wildlife pictures and hearing about your yummy curries
    Sally – enjoy hearing about your dog “work” so interesting. My sister has a Corgie. She has to herd us upstairs at bedtime with lots of barking and body language – a frustrated farm dog gone city girl. Congrats to Zedd for the award!
    Diana and Sally – going in the right direction! Congrats on your weight losses!
    Vicki – 28 grandchildren!?! Wow, how special!
    Cherys – good tip about using the timer and spending spurts of time doing what you are putting off.
    Pip – and others - as always I love the doggie pictures. So cute! We cat lovers need to get some pictures up, too. We are all proud of our fur babies!
    Allison – don’t fret about that IRA money. Talk to your credit union about where it came from and if you want it in something tax sheltered you have time to do it.
    Sylvia – you are doing more errands than I can handle healthy. Slow down and take care…. Don’t you credit that weight loss to a stretch of missing colon. You earned that the hard way, girl!
    Barbie – such a special time with your friend. It’s so uplifting to be around someone like that. I enjoyed hearing about the episode with the dog and the deer. Glad you didn’t end up with a dilemma.
    MN Margaret – lovely flower picture. THANKS!
    Steph – I bet you are excited about that new puppy! It will keep you busy and HAPPY!
    Red – so sorry to hear your struggles. Any woman that can leave a garage full of Girl Scout cookies alone is a STRONG gal in my book. We are all thinking of you.
    NEW LADIES - Welcome to each and every one of you!

    TNToni (Must go get dinner in the oven. Catch you later!)
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Just dropping in before supper and bed to give a status update. Mixed emotions after seeing Rheumy today. She says my knees are ready for replacement, and that my thumb will never be better without surgery, but my hip should be better with a cortisone shot (I didn't know the clicking meant damage). She suggested a splint while I sleep for my finger that is twisting. She didn't give me pain meds, but did give me a mild sleeping pill (not ambien, yay). The good news is she will not be changing my meds, because plaquenil still seems to be working pretty well, and neither of us is in a hurry to put me on a biologic, especially because I was so sick last month with Influenza followed by pneumonia.

    DH is here with supper - from our favorite local Mexican restaurant. I will put 1/2 in the fridge before I start eating.
    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sylvia............I'm happy that the dr. really stressed to you the absolute need to take it easy!!!

    OK....on the dog...My friend told me about it when I stopped in her tack store yesterday as she gets city emails of all types, including new additions at our SPCA and animal control. The dog is at the local SPCA, where I have had a not so great experience in the past. But I went up there. She had just been brought in Tues. from a humane society on the other side of the state.......they did spaying Wed. and the only info on her cage was that she is a one yr. old basenji (semi wrong). I sat with her in a visit room, even got on the floor with her: she was not interested in me at all, just wanted out of there. Agitated, almost frantic, avoiding me, even when I was completely quiet. One snarl; seemed scared to death. Now, basenjis can be aloof and independent but generally they are curious and friendly. I chalked some of the behavior up to the noise, the new environment, and possibly still anesthesia effects and decided to put an interest hold on her and revisit. This am I called the humane society she came from, learned she was part of small a seizure (too few to be a puppy mill), had lived at their facility since early Nov. and has shown no behavior issues according to them. This afternoon she seemed friendlier and calmer.........but, with DD there in her rather filthy Carhart overalls straight from the stable on the way to her other job and smelling to the high heavens, it was not great (but better than yesterday) in the visit room, however, quite good in the outside exercise yard. DH has never been interested in or had any part in the care of either dog we've had although he occ. played with and spoke to them. In the end, he won't care as long as he's not expected to do anything.........as usual. He's very allergic to cats which is how I ended up with a basenji in the first place; it was the closest dog to a cat I could find.........I had always had cats. So.....that's the story so far.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member

    This is Bernie at the top of the sisal climbing pole at the Cat's Pajamas where he stays when we travel.


    This is Bernie in his cat condo at our house.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    stats for the day:
    bike ride hm 2 gym- 12.46min, 13.9amph, 3miles = 101cal
    jog - 28.22minutes 9.09minute mile, treadmill speed 6.5-7.5, 5k = 325cal iw53nqodrcvk.jpg

    exermom - i've taught spin classes, i am going to be doing floor aerobic classes.. the routines are things that i've made up to the music i have. thankfully, i have beat lololol

    ask and ye shall receive, here's a older pic of boots, giving a kiss to a younger bullwinkle
    051.JPG 929.8K
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Oh my word! I've been trying to catch up and every time I'm near finishing I have to stop. That's when I log on again the next day and there's three or four more pages! Let's face it. I'm slow! LOL! It so good to read everyone's posts. I enjoy it.

    My friend's funeral was today. The services were beautiful and so was she. I asked her DH if they were getting together somewhere afterwards and he said they were going to his house. I offered to get chicken from Cane's (local franchise) and he was appreciative but was worried they might have an over abundance that would force them to throw left overs away later. So, I bought the food and bought containers (ziplock plastic kind) so that if there were leftovers they could send them home with family members. I, also, bought paper plates for easier clean up. Everyone seemed to appreciate it. One of our little group was having a tremendously hard time. She and our friend were extremely close. It's just always so hard. Good thing is that I feel good because I was able to go to the funeral and I was able to bring food. I don't know why, but it made me feel better! I cannot thank you all enough for your wonderful support, prayers, and hugs! It made such a difference.

    Mary from MN: Thank you so much for your kind support. I really appreciate it!

    Tshoop2015: Welcome! I think you will find this a very welcoming, supportive community.

    Madierdorf: Welcome! I’m an RN as well, but I no longer practice at the bedside. I now work in Information Systems. Congratulations on your weight loss. That is really awesome!

    Joyce from Indiana: Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it! Hope you get to do something really nice for yourself with that extra refund. You deserve it!

    Cherys: Have you read about Vitamin D deficiency? One of the symptoms is being tired. I had my doctor run the test and mine was pretty low. In addition, when was the last time you had your thyroid checked? I’m by no means a doctor, but these are a couple of things that can cause extreme exhaustion. About running alone in the woods, I’m not sure how anyone else feels because I know there are many who walk and run alone, but even though I walk alone sometimes, I try to make sure there are street lights and that it’s not dangerous. I know how important to exercise, but your safety is more important. Please stay safe. You are too important to risk your safety.

    Peachstategal: Thank you!

    Barbie: Your thoughts regarding peanut allergies really puts everything in perspective! Thank you! I don’t always like going out to a restaurant, but I generally like the company. If I didn’t like either one, it would be difficult to attend.

    Lillian: Thank you for the hugs!

    ReNae: I have those talks with myself all the time going home. Unfortunately, once I get home, they many times just don’t work out!

    Heather: So happy that your vacation is going well and that you are sharing the details with us. I don’t think I’m brave enough to travel to such exotic places, but it really is nice to read about your stories. Thank you for your condolences.

    Cuyanne674: Welcome! I think you will find a lot of support in this community.

    Terri: Thank you for the hugs and the prayers.

    Twhitehead7: I am generally so busy doing what I’m “supposed” to do that I often don’t take the time to do what I would like to do. I rarely get together with my friends or neighbors and just have fun. I need to remember that we don’t always get a second chance.

    Yanniejannie: Thank you! You are so sweet! Ok, about moving a rattlesnake…uh, from where to where?

    Carol in NC: Hope you catch up with all that work soon and you don’t have to work so late!

    Pipcd34: I’m so sorry for the loss of your sister and that talking about my neighbor’s passing has brought back some of the pain to you. I’ve lost my parents, who were elderly, but I lost three brothers and a sister as well. (I come from a large family.) It’s so difficult. I did take your advice though and the next day, I was off of work and managed to walk over 5 miles (13,000+) steps. That was the longest I’ve done (except when I sat in my rocker and won three awards!) LOL! Today, I walked at work and then my DH walked with me when we got home. I managed 10,000 steps today. I really appreciate your wonderful compassion and you long hugs! Sending some back to you!

    Drkatiebug: Thank you! I’m going to call the day a NSV, too. About your DH, I didn’t realize that you could tear the retina multiple times. Geez, that’s rough. I hope the drops keep it under control. Has he lost any vision as a result of having multiple tears and surgeries? Congratulations on how well you are doing with your walking. I hope you get to that 1000 mark!

    Dogbydog123: Don’t give up even though you’ve hit a plateau. Like you, I have a certain weight where I always stall. This time though, I kept doing my diet and walking and after a few weeks the scale started moving in the right direction. I know it’s frustrating, but you can do it! Drinking lots of water seems to help as well.

    Katla in NW Oregon: Thank you!

    NMMargaret: So glad that you found the issues with your gums before they became a serious issue.

    SelenaP63: Welcome! I had the same questions about abbreviations when I first logged in. DH is dear/darling/dumb husband (depends on the circumstances!), DS is son, DD is daughter, DDIL is daughter-in-law, DSIL is son-in-law or sister-in-law (you can generally tell by the rest of the conversation. DFIL is father-in-law and DMIL is mother-in-law. As for following along when not at home, do you have the app on you phone? I have a windows phone and I can log my food and see the comments on my home page, but I cannot get to the communities. I’m not sure what can be done with an Android or Iphone.

    Syliva: Thank you for your condolences. I’m so glad that you were able to get out a little. I will take a while before you have the energy you did before. Please take it easy and don’t overdo it. I’m so happy to hear that the water weight is coming off so quickly. Take care of yourself. You are very important to all of us!

    Stephv710: I think that looking at this as a marathon and not a sprint is a great perspective. Thank you for your condolences, too.

    Suebdew: Hope you enjoyed your lunch. You’re right, my friend lived a good Christian life.

    Gardengail: It sounds like you are ready for a DIL! How wonderful if you DS#1 marries one you really like!

    CynthiaT60: How did you break your molar? So happy they didn’t have to put a crown!

    CrazyDogLady61: What great advice to SelenaP63! I do have a question though, if you log your meals in advance, does it still count that you logged in that day? I’m wondering if it keeps your running count? What an honor to have Zedd invited to the Collie Club of America’s national show! Congratulations! I’m sorry you’re not going, but I agree that it sounds like a huge honor! I love the picture, too. Thanks for the link. It was really interesting!

    Bwcetc: Thank you for your kindness. I really appreciate it.

    Jane: Is that precious bundle listed as your picture your new granddaughter? So precious! Congratulations! I’m so excited for you. Grandchildren just have a way of making so many things better! How far away do they live from you? I’m glad you had such a great visit!

    Pipcd34: I’m sitting here laughing out loud at your abbreviations!

    Alison: Did you get a new phone?

    Lesley: Good luck with the juices! How long do you stay on just juices?

    Barbie: I, too, absolutely love your tag line. It speaks to me as well. I know that I’ve been known to do it frequently in the past…and sometimes now to be honest! I’m working on it!

    Michele: Thank you for your kind words and your support! I really appreciate it

    Dragonfly74d: A lot of ladies here have hired fitness trainers and seem to do well as a result. Good luck!

    Patceoh: You sounds like you’ve had a really rough time. I certainly pray that you will be up to par soon! Thank you for your sympathy and hugs!

    Marywetterlund: Woo Hoo! Congratulations on the pants not fitting. Finding out when you’re ready to go somewhere…not so exciting, but it’s a great victory! You look like you have an awesome exercise routine as well!

    Dreamwriter: Thank you for your kind words! I really appreciate it! I hope you start to feel better

    Socialwacker: Have fun on the cruise!

    Stephv710: Congratulations on the weight loss! I agree that logging EVERYTHING is the key! Pain in the tush sometimes, but important!

    Carol in NC: I must have missed what’s going on with your daughter. Is she going to be ok?

    Vicki: Sorry you are feeling uncomfortable in one of your Bible studies. I hope you get a lot out of the one you are comfortable with. Wow! I can’t imagine having 28 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren! That is just awesome…all that love!

    Diana of NE Indiana: Arrrggg…windchill of 4. I’m so happy for you that your DH is interested in doing MFP and FitBit. Makes it much easier when you can share!

    Jolenec1: No shame…welcome back! We’re all here because it isn’t easy doing it alone. That’s what I love about this group. No one judges!

    Pip: Your fur baby is precious! My daughter has a chocolate lab. She is so big that my grandson wants to ride her as a horse! She’s got a great temperament, but I think she still thinks she’s a pup. Until recently she was still trying to sit on my lap! Doing your own class sounds like fun and you already have followers! Awesome!

    Not2old2move: Welcome! There is lots of motivation on this community. Glad to have you here!

    Alison: I do hope some of the stress you have from job, DFIL, and remodeling would lessen for you. You deserve a break! You do so much for so many. Sending lots of hugs!

    Red: Sending big hugs and prayers! Vent all you want!

    LadyDi632015: Welcome! I think you will find a lot of support here.

    Sylvia: Woo Hoo! Congratulations! You are doing such an awesome job. So happy for you! It sounds like you are feeling better, too! Just one thing…would you please give yourself credit for all the work you have done! You have busted butt for this! Shortening the colon may contribute to the diarrhea or maybe the gut just isn’t working properly yet. I for one think you are awesome and that you deserve ALL the credit!

    Terri: Laughing at your eel story!

    Thiavallee1: I’m doing ok with the sugar, but I really stay away from most breads, I occasionally eat 40 calorie bread, potatoes, pasta, cereal, etc. I do use artificial sweeteners (mostly Stevia), but I’m diabetic and I try to limit my carbs. Even before I was diabetic, if I ate a lot of carbs, I would crave more.

    CP in So. FLa: Whoopie! WTG! That dance fund is getting bigger!

    My seven year old granddaughter is here tonight for a "just Nana, Papa, and me" night! I need to go and spend some quality time with her! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

    Love to all!

    Barb from South Louisiana

    Goals for 2015:
    * Continue to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day
    * Do something nice for someone every day, even if it's just to give a compliment
    * Exercise at least 3x/week. Start out slowly and work up gradually
    * Focus on eating healthy one meal at a time/one day at a time

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :D Pip, I teach a beginner line dance class. I've been teaching the class by myself for about a year but before that I started by volunteering to teach a dance in the class and then I started doing more as the teacher's health got worse until she turned the class over to me. I love teaching, dancing, and music but every Friday morning when I get up, I feel apprehensive. :'( One thing I learned was that all the students were amazed that I was able to get up in front and teach. My students are very supportive. I wish the same fun and joy for you.

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    My stats got cut off:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 12.46min, 13.9amph, 3miles - 101cal

    jog - 28.22minutes 9.09minute mile, treadmill speed 6.5-7.5, 5k - 325cal

    bike ride gym 2 train station- 6.19min 13.4amph 1.4miles 108cal

    bike ride train station 2 hm - 18.43min, 8.6amph, 2.7miles WINDY- 180cal
    Total cal- 714
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi Friends,

    Red: There is a special place in heaven for the volunteers who help our girls sell those cookies. (Full disclosure here: I work for Girl Scouts national office.) May you find peace in spite of the D word swirling around you.

    Barb: I am so proud of you. What a wonderful gesture to bring plastic take home containers as well as food to your neighbor in his time of need to deal with unexpected abundance of food and visitors.

    Jane: Congratulations, Grandma. Jaelyn is a beauty.

    All dog owners: Love your pictures.

    Jolenc: Beautiful crochet … fit for a diva!

    Lesley: Hoping Mildred beagle is comfortable and stays around long enough for a few more paddles.

    Barbie: Looks like Bernie has a great place to stay when you travel. Such a cutie.

    Michele: Have a great trip. I know you’ll find a way to get in your exercise.

    Terri: Hope the new sleep med does the trick.

    Made butternut squash soufflé tonight using eggs, soy flour, greek yougurt and applesauce. Yum! DH loves this as a main dish with a big green salad. I’ve been home for over two weeks, and cooking really healthy almost every night and the scale has rewarded me. Now, I’m about to embark on three solid weeks of business travel with the perils of restaurant eating causing a tiny bit more stress in my life. Will do my best and remember all the inspiration I get from all of you.

    Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    Feb Goals:
    1) Keep to under net 100 carbs per day
    2) 80 oz of water per day
    3) Add a few minutes of hand/wrist exercises every day
    4) Meditate for minimum of 10 mins per day
    4) Savor more, guzzle less. This aligns with my word for 2015: Mindfulness