I think I've plateaued



  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member

    If you google starvation mode and metabolism decrease most things say its a myth and your metabolism may decrease at most by 100 calories.

    Well I underate & over exercised for a few months a couple of years ago and my RMR was tested at being 800! 5 weeks later after eating 2500-3000 calories I got retested and this time it was 1500.
  • winterWind341
    winterWind341 Posts: 24 Member
    Im not going go say you have an ED 100% but you are heading there. You already have a history with that so you should be very careful. I understand you want to lose those last 10 lbs quickly because im in the same position but please don't risk your health. You are undereating and excercising too much and you know that. Enlarge your portions and snack. Fruit, dryed fruit, nuts are some of the best options if you want to eat 'clean' (i don't like that word nor do i approve of labeling foods good and bad but its your choice) and dryed fruit and nuts are calorie dense. Also don't be afraid of fat. Like it or not you need it. I myself dislike greasy food and fat on my meat but fat in cheese and yogurt is good for you. You are ready on low carb don't do the low fat too its just bad for you on so many levels. Try not to compare yourself to others. We are all shaped in our own way (i will never have small legs for instance but my stomach is flat) yes there are thinner girls but there are also bigger girls than you. If you at any point feel you are getting obssesive and you undereat couple of days in a row (under 1000 cals) stop. Take a break and stop logging. I know that your apperance is important to you but its not worth your health.
  • SammyBlz1
    Im not going go say you have an ED 100% but you are heading there. You already have a history with that so you should be very careful. I understand you want to lose those last 10 lbs quickly because im in the same position but please don't risk your health. You are undereating and excercising too much and you know that. Enlarge your portions and snack. Fruit, dryed fruit, nuts are some of the best options if you want to eat 'clean' (i don't like that word nor do i approve of labeling foods good and bad but its your choice) and dryed fruit and nuts are calorie dense. Also don't be afraid of fat. Like it or not you need it. I myself dislike greasy food and fat on my meat but fat in cheese and yogurt is good for you. You are ready on low carb don't do the low fat too its just bad for you on so many levels. Try not to compare yourself to others. We are all shaped in our own way (i will never have small legs for instance but my stomach is flat) yes there are thinner girls but there are also bigger girls than you. If you at any point feel you are getting obssesive and you undereat couple of days in a row (under 1000 cals) stop. Take a break and stop logging. I know that your apperance is important to you but its not worth your health.

    I guess i really need to go to the grocery store. I'll ask one of my friends to take me this weekend. I've actually been on pinterest all night finding nutrient rich recipes and such.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    edited February 2015
    This thread has been cleaned up a bit….please stay on topic and focus on helping the OP.