fifty shades of grey



  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I have not tried to read it. But my wife has. Keep in mind, she tends to like a lot of the Twilight and Divergent and whatnot that would be generally the same sort of audience.

    She said it was far and away the worst POS she's ever read.
  • jazzine1
    jazzine1 Posts: 280 Member
    missbp wrote: »
    I read the books. Seeing the film this evening with a girlfriend. I am not expecting to be all warm and tingly when I leave the theater.. Nor am I expecting to have my mind stimulated. I am taking it for what it is . . . a fun way to spend an evening with a good friend. I guess either I am a brainless twit . . . or possibly smart enough to not overthink it, and just take it for what it is.

    I totally agree with you on what this movie/book is.
    It is what it is and nothing more. :)
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    edited February 2015
    If its about BDSM, just watch porn or read a few articles from It's all free!! I mean, that's what I heard. *ehem*
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I couldn't get past the first couple of pages because it was so poorly written. I doubt I'll see the movie unless it's on amazon and I'm bored out of my mind.
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    I tried to read it. 15 minutes of my life I'll never get back. And typically I like those kinds of reads. >:)
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    edited February 2015
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »
    If they had it so Predator came in and killed both Ana and Christian I'd watch it.

    and also

    It is a movie that romanticizes abusive relationships , it is utter dumpster filth
    try supporting something that isnt so disgusting for once in youur life
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    I'd rather go see
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited February 2015
    I didn't read the books. I decided to see the movie since everyone was passionately hating it so much I kind of wanted to know something about it. It wasn't good. It wasn't shocking or exciting. It was bland and boring, and laughable. And it was just a movie and will not be the downfall of our society as people are making it sound.

    I would like to say that everyone says, "Just watch porn". But, a sexy movie and porn are two different things and experiences. Porn is about sex with very bad acting, bad storylines, and to be honest it doesn't always appeal to me (sometimes it's ok, but always involves overlooking the blah aspects). I enjoy having sex more than watching other people do it. But, on occasion I do enjoy a movie with a sexy storyline. Movies have better acting, better writing, and it's going into the experience of a story, in a theatre. I like that. We have a nice theatre here for adults only that is also a restaurant and bar (you get served right at the recliner style movie seats). 50 Shades of Grey didn't do it for me. But, I do sometimes like a sexy movie. If I wanted to watch porn, I would. Porn and movies are not the same experience. People don't go to a movie expecting porn. They go expecting a movie. And it doesn't mean they are afraid of porn. It's just different. And I like a sexy element in a movie. The movie doesn't have to be fantastic. But, 50 Shades of Grey wasn't even sort of good at all. I liked the movie Killing me Softly (which also got terrible reviews). It had a weird plot element and particularly the ending. But, Heather Graham is so gorgeous, her clothing was beautiful and sexy and matched with the feeling they were going for in the movie (her sexual awakening), and the storyline was mostly around the sex without a lot of boring in between time, and good sex scenes. All of the main characters were attractive. Secretary is good as well. And probably other movies that I am forgetting or that I didn't see. Henry and June was a good sexy story, I thought.

    Maybe part of the reason I prefer movies over porn is because I have an interest in the clothing and costume design.

    I have read very short story erotica (a couple page long stories) and at times it was good, but it's not really my thing.

    And maybe I should add that I prefer artistic erotica photos over porn. It's just prettier, more professional, more well done, interesting, and successfully sexy, often with dancers.

    I read a somewhat interesting scientific look at sexuality and porn/erotica called A Billion Wicked Thoughts. I didn't relate to the description of the heterosexual women. But, then when they described the bisexual woman I did relate more to that (I am bisexual).

    Here is an accurate review:

    Oh, also. In the theatre the demographics were about half the people attending were couples (I also brought my husband). Then one single woman that sat near me and talked with me before and after. The rest of the theatre was two large groups of lively women. At the end of the movie everyone verbally exclaimed in such a way to express they did not like the movie or the ending.

    This is my very long assessment. Lol
  • lisalips30
    lisalips30 Posts: 1,519 Member
    i still have yet to see it.. anything that will make my body, my mind feel good, why not? regardless of how some people see it, its sex, and sex is good.
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    Sex is good if the person wants it. not when they're forced to it....but I don't mind the sex
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited February 2015
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Sex is good if the person wants it. not when they're forced to it....but I don't mind the sex

    I don't know what the book was like. In the movie Ana was portrayed as sexually boring, and so was Christian. But, every time they had sex she was fully consenting and enjoyed it. There was no rape in the movie what-so-ever. It was all fully consenting.
  • LisaMahlet
    LisaMahlet Posts: 453 Member
    Same here.....not going to see the movie. Just confirms that two adults should do what turns them on.
  • Pangeekon
    50 Shades of Grey originally started out as a Twilight fanfiction. It's pretty obvious, too, if you put them side by side. The plot is very similar. Both of these books glorify abusive relationships. Edward and Christian are both controlling over their victims. Christian is much more violent and openly abusive to Ana, especially during sex. The book is not depicting BDSM but rather rape. It reinforces rape culture.

    Not to mention it's poorly written. I mean, how many times did she write "there" instead of her vag? Can we please move on from the pretentious-pathetic-insecure-but-gorgeous-girl stereotype? There are so many more interesting characters we could explore.
  • Mommaannie2510
    Mommaannie2510 Posts: 67 Member

    Cparent04 wrote: »
    I will be the odd man out.... I loved the books. Not because they are well written but because it was a really easy read which is what this busy, tired momma was looking for. I didn't really find the books any more descriptive than your average romance novel just that the type of sex they were having was a bit taboo. My fav parts of the book was the witty banter in the txt messages and emails :smile:

    ^^^about the texts and emails... That was mine too! It was super easy to read having two young kids. I honestly stated skipping the sex parts once I got to book 3!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    the fact that the book is very badly written is one thing but if you read it with a different mind set..(look at the messages it sends) then it is awful. the whole premise is based round a damaged man with control issues that a woman has to bear with in order to help him despite the fact that he is controlling and uses consensual violence. (he punishes her for misbehaviour according to his controlling rules and she enjoys it!!!!)
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    Cparent04 wrote: »
    I will be the odd man out.... I loved the books. Not because they are well written but because it was a really easy read which is what this busy, tired momma was looking for. I didn't really find the books any more descriptive than your average romance novel just that the type of sex they were having was a bit taboo. My fav parts of the book was the witty banter in the txt messages and emails :smile:

    I'll agree with you. I certainly didn't read it as good literature -- just another 3 romance novels in my repetoire. I'm looking forward to the movie -- and may drag my husband to go if none of my friends are available.

  • FarmallMom71
    FarmallMom71 Posts: 49 Member
    I read all 3 books and couldn't see what the excitement over them was. Really truly a bore read And didn't turn me on at all - hoped maybe movie would be better - didn't get to see it on Valentine's Day like I wanted - so maybe it's a good thing because a lot of people have told me its a dud.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    I didn't mind the books... Mindless drivel to take my mind off mundane normal life. Will I see the movie...'s pro ably terrible. Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy) was originally supposed to play Christian and I totally could have seen him in that role by I think it would have been career suicide dor him. I know nothing of Jamie Dornan.
  • myfelinepal
    myfelinepal Posts: 13,000 Member
    50 shades of grey; what middle aged women do when they're not in Zumba class.