CHALLENGE FOR FEB 2015 -- Say "NO" to Late Night Snacking



  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Feb 15

    Me: 7
    LNS: 8*

    Not been a good few days for me with late night snacking. My husband is on board to want to eat better, so, hopefully, that will be motivation for me. Plus my tummy feels icky.
  • itootdaflute1
    itootdaflute1 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in as lately I've been super guilty with bad "midnight" snacks. Last night was the first night in a couple of weeks that i didn't snack! Go me! :D
    Me:1 LNS:0
  • itootdaflute1
    itootdaflute1 Posts: 11 Member
    *sigh* :'(
    Me: 1. LNS:1*
  • Me:7*
    Last night wasn't easy, but I did it.

  • Lulufifi1994
    Lulufifi1994 Posts: 51 Member
    Just seen this thread, such a good idea. I'm terrible for eating after my tea, especially in winter when I can't really go for a walk to distract myself, or I can but it's a darn sight colder and less pretty. Can only remember as far back as last night so starting from then Me:1*:LNS: 0
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    2/14: Me: 2 - LNS: 4* - Valentine's got the better of me.

    2/15: Me: 3* - LNS: 4 - Had a late dinner at 7:30. Had car trouble two hours from home (luckily, in a parking lot and not on the highway) and walked to McDonald's in -10 F wind chill for hot chocolate. I don't think that counts.
  • ames_ks
    ames_ks Posts: 36 Member
    Me: 14 - LNS: 1

    Traveling this week so challenges ahead for my new strategies... *fingers crossed*
  • Lulufifi1994
    Lulufifi1994 Posts: 51 Member
    Me 1:LNS1* I was packing my lunch for tomorrow and just had to have a couple of jaffa cakes. Damn you for being so tasty!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    ames_ks wrote: »
    Me: 13 - LNS: 1
    Psyched! Thank you for creating this challenge, and for everyone participating! It's really keeping me going!!! Hope to carry all the momentum right on in to March, and add a new challenge! Crunches, anyone?
    Awesome job.... I would be in for an additional challenge!

    Me: 13 LNS:2

  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    *sigh* :'(
    Me: 1. LNS:1*

    One day at a time. No worries.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Just seen this thread, such a good idea. I'm terrible for eating after my tea, especially in winter when I can't really go for a walk to distract myself, or I can but it's a darn sight colder and less pretty. Can only remember as far back as last night so starting from then Me:1*:LNS: 0
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Feb 16

    Me: 8*
    LNS: 8

    Finally no snacking tonight!
  • JustineElizabeth
    JustineElizabeth Posts: 54 Member
    Me: 4* LNS 1 (Saturday night, I gave into the urge :( )
  • jglovicz
    jglovicz Posts: 44 Member
    Me: 3* LNS:1
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Me:14* LNS:2
  • Me: 7
    LNS: 2*
    I'm going to do better tonight!
  • One of my mental tricks to end late night snacking is I close the kitchen down. After dinner I clean up everything, prepare whatever I need to do for the next day and then make some tea. Mentally I tell myself the kitchen is closed, you have no need to go in there anymore. And the tea helps keep my hands and mouth busy.
  • JustineElizabeth
    JustineElizabeth Posts: 54 Member
    Me: 5* LNS: 1
  • itootdaflute1
    itootdaflute1 Posts: 11 Member
    Me: 2* LNS: 1
    Go me! LNS has been a bad habit the past couple of weeks. I'm determined to break that habit!
  • Lulufifi1994
    Lulufifi1994 Posts: 51 Member
    Me 2* - LNS 1 Not too shabby considerinf it's 1am here and I'm still up doing uni work. :D