So for those maintaining below 2000/day, is this a lifetime commitment?



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    edited February 2015
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    cloudi2 wrote: »
    Actually it wouldn't be healthy to maintain intake at 2000 calories unless you are under 4' 5" and an adult.

    Source? Also, given that the calculated TDEE for someone of my stats (at 5'3) is under 2000 even with 6 days of exercise or 5 days of intense exercise, you are basically claiming that the only way I could be healthy is to be gaining weight (which is not healthy). Indeed, even if I assume my body weight is 145--which is slightly overweight unless I manage to build my muscle mass to more than it was last time I was there and not a weight at which I feel as healthy as I do now--my TDEE is still going to be below 2000 with 6 days of week of exercise.

    This OP seems to believe (based on the two threads I've seen her start) that it is in fact healthier to be overweight than to be thin.

    It seems from this thread that she is postulating it would be healthier to gain weight to get up to where you can maintain on over 2000 calories than it would be to maintain on less and have lower BMI.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    @lemurcat12‌ which site did you get that calculation off? If you exercise 6 days that sounds wrong. My TDEE is 2600 for same amount of exercise and I'm 5ft 2.

    I'm 5'4" 123 lbs, 18% body fat. My tested maintenance on lifting days is about 1900. That's with lifting intensely for an hour. I can burn about the same amount walking for an hour. So if I lifted 3 days, walked 3 days, and took one rest day (that would be too much exercise for me in my current condition but let's assume it wouldn't) it would make my average daily maintenance less than 1900 calories.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited February 2015
    @lemurcat12‌ which site did you get that calculation off? If you exercise 6 days that sounds wrong. My TDEE is 2600 for same amount of exercise and I'm 5ft 2.

    IIFYM, either M-SJ or K-McC. Scooby is more (nowhere near 2600, though, more like 2200), not sure if that's because they calculate exercise differently or use H-B, which I don't think is reliable.

    It depends on how much you exercise on those days. When I was doing the max exercise I have, including 2.5 hour long runs and lots of other running and biking I think my TDEE was about 2200. Now, with less cardio and more weights but 6 days of hard workouts still I think it's about 2000 or less--I'm losing less than .5 lb/week on 1750. I know I gained weight initially eating less than 2000 (pretty rapidly too), which is consistent with what my sedentary TDEE would be.

    Clearly there is going to be some real life variation between people, but my numbers have generally lined up pretty well with the K-McC and M-SJ calculators.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Oh, what the heck. I haven't been in a good train wreck thread in a while...

  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    I have a friend who is 5'1" and a programmer, so about as sedentary of a job as exists, and she can maintain a consistent weight on something like 1200-1400 calories. It's part of what bugs me (and drives her slowly insane) when people say "oh, you absolutely have to have more than the magical number 1200) Lots of people of smaller stature don't need 1500 calories to maintain, much less 2000.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    tigersword wrote: »
    Oh, what the heck. I haven't been in a good train wreck thread in a while...


    I love this gif. :laugh:
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    cloudi2 wrote: »
    I'm curious to know if those who maintain at lower than 2000 a day are happy with that and are you planning to continue it for life. If not what is your plan and do you think that low calorie maintenance will have an impact on you health?

    I find the phrasing of this really confusing. Besides exercising and gaining/losing weight, and excluding any uncontrolled medical conditions like hypothyroidism or something, how could you actually change the number of calories your body needs to maintain? You can't really 'decide' to have a maintenance number below 2000, and not everybody can realistically exercise enough to get up to that fairly arbitrary figure i.e. if you're a very small woman and sedentary with a lot of other things which occupy your time. For me, I'd maintain on about 1700-1800 if I didn't do much, and I'm pretty confident I could eat a very nutritious diet within that limit, and regularly accommodate treats and such. I see that as very sustainable. I don't think that deliberately gaining a stone or two which might give me a maintenance level closer to 2000 would really have much impact on my health either way, if I'm honest.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member

    Lets see just how small you have to be to maintain at 2000 calories/day, using the middle of the BMI scale because weights were not given in this thread,

    (Formula for BMI = weight (lb) / [height (in)]^2 x 703
    Also, 21 is often considered "adult" age, so I'll use that age.

    IIFYM TDEE Calculator:

    Sedentary: 5' 8" @ 148 lbs = 2019 calories
    Exercise 3x/week: 5' 8" @ 119 lbs = 2002 calories
    5x/week: 5' 0" @ 111 lbs = 2019 calories

    Now, for 4'5", in order to maintain at 2000 calories, with a mid-range BMI (87 lbs), and 21 years old, you need to exercise twice a day in maintain at 2000 calories.



  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I love maths and science. :heart:
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    edited February 2015
    Lets do some more maths!!!

    In order to maintain at 4'5", age 21, and living a sedentary lifestyle, you'd have to weigh 240 lbs.

    I'm 6' and I'm 240 lbs.

    Being 4'5" and 240 lbs, you'd probably be wider than you are tall. Not kidding.

    That's a BMI of 60.1. 30 is considered obese. I think 60.1 would equal dead.

    Do you want to live a life like that?

    Sorry, that was a redundant question. You can't live a life like that because you'd be dead.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Most women need between 1600 and 1800 calories a day for maintenance. Eating more will just cause your body to store it as fat. It's excess food.

    2000 calories is just a rounded down average of the requirements for women AND men. The average is actually 2350 but they were afraid that women would see this and overindulge. Also they don't have room for multiple listings on food labels so they picked this one number. Most women don't need this much food.
  • Arysta
    Arysta Posts: 4 Member
    If I ate 2000 calories a day, I'd eventually not be able to walk through doors.
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    No I don't mean nutrient deficient, although that is probably likely. Actually it wouldn't be healthy to maintain intake at 2000 calories unless you are under 4' 5" and an adult.
    Eating enough calories for your needs, including repairs of muscles, nerves, bones -- those hidden things that need attending to, plus needed effective mental energy and especially generating those all important hormones, not just for reproduction, but digestive hormones, leptin, dopamine to calm, opiates to lighten, requires over 2,000. All those things are made possible if we have plenty of caloric intake, not just attention to nutrient intake. Plenty of calories sre necessary, not to merely sustain life, (which we are designed to do on even severe caloric restriction for short periods of time for survival ) but also all the extras as I mentioned!

    Its our choice, individually what we decide to do with our health and bodies. I'm not demonizing people who value thinness. Its just a question I have about how many of us are willing to take the chance of living at a calorie deficit for longer periods of time as if in survival mode. Some of us might plan to do so for the rest of our lives and ignore the possiblities of losing bone mass, muscle and even digestive functionality to sustain that lower bmi.

    So for myself, at one time I was willing to do that, but now I'm not. :-)
    How about you?


    sounds like someone is looking for an excuse. uh, you realize that your body uses as many calories as it needs and stores the rest as fat. if you're overweight, it's because you're eating more than you need to energize all the functions you've mentioned, even if you're eating say, at 1800. we tend to highly overestimate what our bodies need to function. And strange, when folks eat fewer calories in order to lose weight, the result is often more energy, better concentration, less sleepy feeling after eating. And when you eat a calorie deficit to lose extra weight, your body is not calorie deprived. It does not suffer a deficit. It's getting as many calories as it needs in addition to what you're eating by burning off the fat you've stored. that's how weight loss works. we're not primitive humans that needed fat storage to make up for times when there was food scarcity. To get to the point where your body doesn't have enough calories to burn for proper functioning of all of its processes, you're going to have to literally be starving. My maintenance calories are below 2000 and I eat 3 nutritious meals every day. that's not starving. It's a nice idea that extra calories could somehow supercharge your body processes, but it's a myth. It takes as many calories to run a body as it does to run a body. It won't utilize extras to boost anything. It turns them into fat.
  • dontjinxit
    dontjinxit Posts: 82 Member
    edited February 2015
    *scratches head*
    Doesn't being obese cause health problems?

    Also, I'd like some of those super charged calories in strawberry flavor, please.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    @lemurcat12‌ which site did you get that calculation off? If you exercise 6 days that sounds wrong. My TDEE is 2600 for same amount of exercise and I'm 5ft 2.

    IIFYM, either M-SJ or K-McC. Scooby is more (nowhere near 2600, though, more like 2200), not sure if that's because they calculate exercise differently or use H-B, which I don't think is reliable.

    It depends on how much you exercise on those days. When I was doing the max exercise I have, including 2.5 hour long runs and lots of other running and biking I think my TDEE was about 2200. Now, with less cardio and more weights but 6 days of hard workouts still I think it's about 2000 or less--I'm losing less than .5 lb/week on 1750. I know I gained weight initially eating less than 2000 (pretty rapidly too), which is consistent with what my sedentary TDEE would be.

    Clearly there is going to be some real life variation between people, but my numbers have generally lined up pretty well with the K-McC and M-SJ calculators.

    @lemurcat12‌ you were more active than me, I run 6 days a week for an hour, plus 3 miles walking on top of that plus strength train x 3/wk ...I currently am reverse dieting and maintaining on 2200. I figure in a few months if I wanted I could maintain on 2400-2500. I'm 45 and range between 133-136 lb which on my medium frame is slim.
    I realise everyone's metabolism is different. What works for some doesn't work for others. Just find what works for you and stick with it :smile:
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited February 2015
    I have been on maintenance for 15 months. I have found that if I go above 1700/day I gain, so I generally limit it to around 1600. I am 5' 2-3/4" tall.

    I have found, that as in most things related to losing and maintaining weight, it is something you have to experiment and find what works for you. General guidelines are just that, general.

    I am pretty sure that I will have to continue this for my lifetime. I don't think this is a "low calorie" plan. It is the correct amount of calories for me to maintain my current healthy weight. I think that for me 15 months, with less then 5# fluctuation confirms this for me. Unless something drastically changes, that is unforeseeable, this is the way it will be for me.

    The amount of calories I consumed when I was morbidly obese was enough for two people. If this is what it takes for me to be at a normal weight the rest of my life, I am happy to stay at this calorie amount and continue to monitor myself.

    And yes, it does affect my quality of life. I am happier, healthier and have more energy than I have been for most of my adult life.

    Also, my age enters into it (63). Older people, generally, do not need as many calories as younger people.

    A lot of factors enter into this. It is not exactly the same for everyone.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Golly, did I say something inflammatory or what? Sheesh! Sorrrrrrrry!

    Ok. Lets just say you are all correct, and I am vewy vewy wong and that eating under 2000 calories per day is proper caloric intake for maintaining your desirable body weight, or, no, as I understand it here from the most authoratative posters on this thread, that real maintenance for a women, is more like, under 1800.

    My question IS: are you able and willing to undertake eating below that caloric amount of 1800 and do the physical formal excersize if that is part of your plan, FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, AND do you feel that might have ANY impact upon your health? Or quality of life?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm 45 and range between 133-136 lb which on my medium frame is slim.

    This may be part of it. I'm 45 too, and not especially slim (fine, though) at 125, which is probably because my frame size is smaller, sigh. I would like to reverse diet and build up my LBM, however, so am hopeful that I can increase the numbers somewhat. (This is part of why I'm doing less running and more weights, plus just being increasingly interested in weights and tired of the stupid cold--but I digress.) ;-)
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited February 2015
    cloudi2 wrote: »
    Golly, did I say something inflammatory or what? Sheesh! Sorrrrrrrry!

    Ok. Lets just say you are all correct, and I am vewy vewy wong and that eating under 2000 calories per day is proper caloric intake for maintaining your desirable body weight, or, no, as I understand it here from the most authoratative posters on this thread, that real maintenance for a women, is more like, under 1800.

    My question IS: are you able and willing to undertake eating below that caloric amount of 1800 and do the physical formal excersize if that is part of your plan, FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, AND do you feel that might have ANY impact upon your health? Or quality of life?

    yes, I plan to for the rest of my life, however I can't predict the rest of my life. I'm not psychic. At this point, I'm eating too little and have to figure out what that number actually is. I doubt it's over 2000 though. If I can maintain a reasonable weight on less than 2000 calories, why in the world would that have a negative impact on my health or quality of life?
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I'm 45 and range between 133-136 lb which on my medium frame is slim.

    This may be part of it. I'm 45 too, and not especially slim (fine, though) at 125, which is probably because my frame size is smaller, sigh. I would like to reverse diet and build up my LBM, however, so am hopeful that I can increase the numbers somewhat. (This is part of why I'm doing less running and more weights, plus just being increasingly interested in weights and tired of the stupid cold--but I digress.) ;-)

    The cold is a bummer for sure. I got to where it hurt worse than a toothache.