How to respond to family members who disagree with weight goal



  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    I really hate this whole mentality in western society where weight is a big social faux pas.

    I'll be honest, i have no problem whatsoever being honest and leveling with the person whether they're family, friends, coworkers, elders, etc.

    Here are the facts:
    1.) Your family is overweight and probably has no idea whatsoever how a "HEALTHY" and proper weight person looks. Their vision of what is and is not "fat" or "overweight" is very skewed.

    2.) Because their view on what is and is not a normal sized person they probably have no idea how to judge the amount in pounds you need to lose. I cannot even begin to tell you how many people i have helped get started who think they only need to lose "10-15 pounds" and realize very quickly it's more like 40 to be where they want.

    3.) It's a natural response for people who have low self esteem to compare themselves to others instead of focusing on themselves. By losing weight you may be inadvertently raising their own insecurities about themselves. This is why you'll see people say "You're not fat! If you're fat i must be a whale! heh heh" and it's like... well... you said it not me! :wink:

    4.)The most important fact is that it is your body, your health, and your future. No matter what anyone says you are ultimately responsible for your health, wellness, and looks. You have to do whats best for you no matter what!

    Now that we've gotten that out of the way... the best way to respond in these situations knowing the above information would be:

    "Quite frankly, i don't think my weight is your business." *flips Sh908 * "I'm sorry, but my health is incredibly important to me. I'm going to do whats best for me and my future no matter what you say"

    and just leave it at that. No room for argument/discussion. It's not their business, and no matter what they say you've made it clear you're gonna do you!

    Well said!
  • Honestly with some people it's just not worth the argument. Most people don't have the ability to look at someone who is a healthy weight (especially if they are overweight themselves) and say they weight this amount. Rather than argue with them smile, nod and don't correct their assumptions about how much you've lost, or how much more you plan to. Let your mom believe that 20 more pounds is your end goal, then just keep doing what your doing. If she comments, say those last 10 pounds are hard to get rid of.

    Yes, I agree with this!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i haven't run in to that problem but have plenty of other issues with my family ;)

    after 37 years, I've learned the best way to handle them is to smile, say thanks- I'll think about it (or maybe in your case say talk about it with my doctor) and change the topic.

    family sucks.
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    This is why I generally don't mention it to people that I'm trying to lose weight. I can't tell my mom because then it's all she wants to talk about (because she herself lost 100 pounds, gained 30 back, and has been struggling to re-lose that 30). So I tell her that I'm not even worrying about my weight too much.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Does anyone else have family members that don't agree with your weight goal? If so, what do you say to them/respond?

    I made a thread a while back about someone commenting that I was on the road to anorexia with my weight loss (mind you, I am a very healthy weight; as is my goal weight; I have never had an ED, and I've been at .5lb/week since I began a year ago).

    After getting input from that thread, I have decided to just say: "I am approaching this in a healthy way, thank you for your concern, but this is my decision. If you don't agree with it, that's fine, but please respect my decision."
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    edited February 2015
    Back when I last lost my weight, I didn't even tell anyone I was trying to lose weight. Im just a really private person in general, but also, I didn't want to risk anyone being negative and sidetracking me from my goal.

    Not that I think anyone would purposely try to be mean about it, I dont perceive it that way..just that we all see from the inside its just hard for them to understand my point of view and my relationship with my body, without comparing it to them. It happens..I just felt it was in m best interest to avoid the conversations that would occur because of that.

    When the weight loss became noticeable, which was when I hit about 30lbs loss (Im 5'10" so it takes awhile to notice anything lol) It was a range of omg you look great! to omg, you look too thin! to omg, are you depressed? you should eat something!!! And I was just barely at the top of my healthy weight range, so yeah I definitely was not frail by any means.

    I did want to lose another 10-15lbs, but never told anyone..if anyone asked what my goal was or if I planned to keep losing, Id just say...oh Im just focused on eating healthy right now. Its the truth, and a total side-step to having to answer their question. Most people seemed satisfied with it...Im polite about it, but thats not to be confused with being obligated to tell anyone my personal business just because they want to know it.

    Bonus..I did gain the weight back..since I didnt make a big deal out if it that I was losing weight, it wasnt a big enough deal for anyone to say anything when I gained it again. I make myself feel bad enough as it is, dont need everyone I know helping me out there lol
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    Back when I last lost my weight, I didn't even tell anyone I was trying to lose weight. Im just a really private person in general, but also, I didn't want to risk anyone being negative and sidetracking me from my goal.

    Not that I think anyone would purposely try to be mean about it, I dont perceive it that way..just that we all see from the inside its just hard for them to understand my point of view and my relationship with my body, without comparing it to them. It happens..I just felt it was in m best interest to avoid the conversations that would occur because of that.

    When the weight loss became noticeable, which was when I hit about 30lbs loss (Im 5'10" so it takes awhile to notice anything lol) It was a range of omg you look great! to omg, you look too thin! to omg, are you depressed? you should eat something!!! And I was just barely at the top of my healthy weight range, so yeah I definitely was not frail by any means.

    I did want to lose another 10-15lbs, but never told anyone..if anyone asked what my goal was or if I planned to keep losing, Id just say...oh Im just focused on eating healthy right now. Its the truth, and a total side-step to having to answer their question. Most people seemed satisfied with it...Im polite about it, but thats not to be confused with being obligated to tell anyone my personal business just because they want to know it.

    Bonus..I did gain the weight back..since I didnt make a big deal out if it that I was losing weight, it wasnt a big enough deal for anyone to say anything when I gained it again. I make myself feel bad enough as it is, dont need everyone I know helping me out there lol

    Wow. I am sorry about the weight coming back. The way you handled it sounds perfect so may adopt your method.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Wow. I am sorry about the weight coming back. The way you handled it sounds perfect so may adopt your method.

    Thank you so much! It's alright though..Ive had a rough time of it over the past few years and have been trying to pull my life back together, have come pretty far and getting my weight back on track is just one of the things left for me to do...tackling it :blush:

  • agulamali
    agulamali Posts: 44 Member
    I think if your weight loss goal is healthy, you should go for it under the radar and actually avoid the topic of conversation with people who won't support you.

    I wrote a blog post addressing this issue last year:

    Hope this helps!
  • MBL512
    MBL512 Posts: 32 Member
    I think weight goals are a personal and private matter unless you decide to share. People are afraid of change, both in themselves and others. My family is voicing concern regarding my weight losses over the years, and I refuse to further discuss with them. I know where my body is comfortable, and I know what my goals are. I will not discuss this with anyone IRL, period.
  • LITtlerMeCO
    LITtlerMeCO Posts: 130 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I find a good, terse, "Fark off" gets the point across without much dilly-dally.

    If it were anyone else, I would, and would also use the actual profane word, but not with them.

    Can you politely tell them that you are working on being healthy and not mention numbers or do they push?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    edited February 2015
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Does anyone else have family members that don't agree with your weight goal? If so, what do you say to them/respond?

    Ignore them. It's your body and your goal. So long as you approach it from a healthy place, it's none of their business.

    And this quote is really important because yes it is no one's business until you got the people out there who unfortunately have an eating disorder.

    To answer the OP's question, i just laugh if anyone says anything about my weight. No one said a word when i was obese, so not sure why me losing weight is up for discussion
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Does anyone else have family members that don't agree with your weight goal? If so, what do you say to them/respond?

    Ignore them. It's your body and your goal. So long as you approach it from a healthy place, it's none of their business.

    And this quote is really important because yes it is no one's business until you got the people out there who unfortunately have an eating disorder.

    To answer the OP's question, i just laugh if anyone says anything about my weight. No one said a word when i was obese, so not sure why me losing weight is up for discussion
    This is so true!! Next time I will point that out to them.
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    I wouldn't talk about numbers with anyone. Maybe body fat percentage but not an actual weight.

    I've lost 23 lbs in four months and still have 25-30 ish (depends on a variety of things not just the number on the scale) to go. My parents are fine with it, for now, but my SO's mom and grandma will tell me they see I'm losing and not to get "too skinny." I don't get it because they were both under 100 lbs in their twenties. I just let it go or mention that I'm going to do whatever is healthiest for me. I have hypoglycemia, so talking about blood glucose levels usually shuts them up.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    This is likely going to come off as really rude, but I can't think of another way to say it (plus I'm exhausted right now). It kind of annoys me that a lot of people just keep saying "don't bring it up/talk to them." Did you all miss where I said I am not the one who brings it up? They are. Just changing the subject doesn't work that easily because they will just continue to talk about it- even when I steer the conversation a different way.

    So please people, stop suggesting that I just shouldn't bring it up.
  • FlashMorehouse
    FlashMorehouse Posts: 138 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Does anyone else have family members that don't agree with your weight goal? If so, what do you say to them/respond?

    My literal answer--this is what I actually tell them--Go take a Sh**. It will help you feel better about yourself.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    In my instance i told all my close people i was losing weight. to others it was obvious when they saw me as the change was very noticeable. anyone who talks negatively, i.e lollipop head, or skinny i just laugh cos actually it is funny. You cant have a conversation with someone who is laughing and not discussing back with you.

    but anyone who wants to have a normal serious conversation about weight loss i will discuss.
  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Does anyone else have family members that don't agree with your weight goal? If so, what do you say to them/respond?

    Yes, and it is just as bad when multiple people are trying to diet and exercise and everyone has their own plan and think that everyone else should follow their plan. In both cases, what works for me is:

    "This is my body and I have to live with the choices I make for it. I'm glad you are happy with the choices you have made for your body but I have to learn about the different choices I make and how it effects my body and how I feel with that choice. You can keep doing what works for you, but I have to find what will work for me. It is not something I will be able to figure out over night but when I do much of what you seem to think is 'obsessive' won't be there because I will have learned what I needed to take care of me. It would make things easier if you would be supportive and not derogatory. I consult with my medical doctor to make sure I am not going to any unhealthy extreme and my body is getting all the nutrients it needs to do its job. If it bothers you so much, then please let's not discuss it at all because I don't need a fight."
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    This is likely going to come off as really rude, but I can't think of another way to say it (plus I'm exhausted right now). It kind of annoys me that a lot of people just keep saying "don't bring it up/talk to them." Did you all miss where I said I am not the one who brings it up? They are. Just changing the subject doesn't work that easily because they will just continue to talk about it- even when I steer the conversation a different way.

    So please people, stop suggesting that I just shouldn't bring it up.

    If you're not willing to tell them you aren't discussing it with them anymore, because doing so only causes issues, ...then you're just going to have to deal with their negative remarks concerning your goals.

    There isn't a magical thing to say to people who are ignorant when it comes to weight loss and healthy goals. Your parents will always be concerned about you. So either say "these are my goals for becoming the healthiest person I can be..if you don't like it tough" or deal with them not agreeing with your weight-loss goals.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    My family is the exact opposite of all the people who's family think they are losing too much. My mom will compliment me on my loss and then ask how much more I still need to lose...she knows I'm still fat. lol