How often do you eat fast food?



  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    Oh, and true story, I have found that since the motor on my driver's side window went out, I don't even consider fast food anymore because it would entail parking and going in - making fast food less fast therefore less appealing as a time-saver. However, it has made banking a giant pain in the *a*. :neutral_face:
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited February 2015
    Almost never, but as others have said that has nothing to do with dieting. I hadn't had it for years before I started losing weight, other than on rare occasion, because I don't care for it much. The exceptions, I guess, are that I might have Chipotle if at work on a weekend and I fail to bring lunch, as it's one of the few convenient places that's open, and I get Pret a Manger off and on (or similar sandwich type places) on occasion. I don't put that in the same category as the nutrition profile and taste is different to me, but I suppose there's no clear line so my distinction may make no sense to many.

    The only time I'd go to a traditional fast food place is if on a road trip and there weren't any options. It can be fun under those circumstances, although I'd still rather find a high calorie (even higher calorie) burger and fries more to my personal taste.
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    Very rarely and only if we are traveling
  • deaniac83
    deaniac83 Posts: 166 Member
    Whenever I want. There's no set frequency, but it does all get logged when I do. Unlike my previous experience dieting, I no longer crave fast food, so I don't eat it often. But I love KFC, and I am not going to just give it up. If I want it, I will have it, because the price of depriving myself is always a binge at some point.
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    I used to eat fast food at least once a week or more but now I almost never eat it. when I do I count it and don;t beat myself if I go over my calorie limit for the day. I try to make the best choice I can but most fast food isn't worth it.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    It really depends on how busy I am. Sometimes I can go a month or more without any fast food and then other times it feels like I'm having it several times a week. Jimmy John's is my weakness! But I always fit it into my calories and I need the doctor has me on a high sodium diet.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »

    I'm pretty much a food snob and have always enjoyed high quality food really doesn't fit that's pretty much just nasty slop.

    Yep--if I'm going to indulge, I want to indulge in something GOOD. Generally that involves making it myself or going to an excellent restaurant. Not necessarily expensive, but high-quality.

    I forgot--I do eat hole-in-the-wall Mexican food on occasion. Does that count as fast food? I live in a Mexican neighborhood and can get nice, simple food that is fast-ish. It's something I do maybe four or five times a year. I like veggie burritos and camarones a la diabla.
  • holly55555
    holly55555 Posts: 306 Member
    Maybe monthly but probably less. I do however eat something unhealthy like once a week - I just fit it into my calories. Like a really awesome burger and fries! But I prefer to get it at a real restaurant instead of a fast food place. Probably just as fattening, but tastes better!
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Yep--if I'm going to indulge, I want to indulge in something GOOD.

    Yep. Same here. I have snobby high-quality chocolate almost daily. I'm going to a local cheese tasting event as part of the highlights festival this weekend. I enjoy my foodie events and craft beer festivals.

    We all have our indulgences of choice, and part of a sustainable lifestyle change is making them fit.
  • Mistyfied_MD
    Mistyfied_MD Posts: 62 Member
    About once a week. Though I stretch it out. My husband always laughs that I can make a meal from Panera last three days. But yikes, the carbs and SODIUM. Even eating *conservatively* at a restaurant puts one or two things in the red on my food log.
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    2 or 3 times a month. But I'm very selective about what I get. First I don't like anyone's fast food salads. I usually stick to 4 chicken nuggets and a baked potato from Wendy's. Yummy, filling and warm. The biggest thing for me these days, is I gave up soda (even diet) and it's hard for me to eat that meal without a soda because I always have.
  • segacs wrote: »
    Yep--if I'm going to indulge, I want to indulge in something GOOD.

    Yep. Same here. I have snobby high-quality chocolate almost daily. I'm going to a local cheese tasting event as part of the highlights festival this weekend. I enjoy my foodie events and craft beer festivals.

    We all have our indulgences of choice, and part of a sustainable lifestyle change is making them fit.

    What is snobby high-quality chocolate and where do you get it!?
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    I refuse to let myself have fast food during the week, and I've found that it helps both my weight and my bankbook. I used to eat fast food twice a day, and spending 300+ dollars a month on fast food for myself alone was not a great way to live.

    I allow myself to have fast food on the weekends when I'm with friends/family. I have just accepted the fact that it's a part of my social life. That being said, I do try to get the lighter calorie options and stick to my calorie limit for the day.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Not too often these days, I pack leftovers for lunch. But when I was losing weight, I'd grab a Burger King, McDonalds or a Taco Bell probably 4 days out of the week. It was convenient, and I wasn't cooking much at the time.

    I'll still occasionally grab fast food - maybe once every couple of months if I'm really tired and don't have a meal waiting in the freezer. I usually get a couple of fried chicken strips. Church's makes tasty ones and I need the protein. I can generally fit the biscuit in, too. Bonus that I hate their fries :smile:
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    edited February 2015
    grnice39 wrote: »
    What is snobby high-quality chocolate and where do you get it!?

    Oh, so many places.

    Check out:

    And if anyone is local here in Montreal, visit
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    I went and checked my diary first, to make sure I was being honest :)

    About 2x a week. I've had periods in my life where I've had fast food 5x a week, and periods where I've gone 6 months without it. At this point, I've decided not to vilify fast food, because when I do, it becomes a binge when I'm feeling low. Now I feel okay having it and doing my best to make choices that fit into my calorie budget.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Every Thursday night. I'm in a bowling league that goes from 6-9 (sometimes later), and so it's always been tradition for my mom and I to stop for food on the way home because it's so late and we're too tired to cook. But I have chosen different options than I used to (take last Thursday I got a Jr Bacon Cheeseburger at Wendy's when I used to get a much larger burger and a Frosty). Occasionally I'll have it another time during the week, but not often.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Once a week, sometimes two. During football season, more, as I get out of work and go directly to a game or meeting, stopping before/after.
  • serafinelaveaux
    serafinelaveaux Posts: 45 Member
    I never did FF that much to begin with. About the only time I ate it was if I was meeting my junk food addict husband for lunch. That said I do have a minor addiction to fried chicken gizzards and a couple of times a year I hit Golden Chick for an 18 pack. I always feel like crap afterwards too.
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    I used to eat it on a regular basis, but almost never these days. Switching to being a vegetarian has made it easier to avoid fast food, as there's not that much variety on the menu if I have a look these days.

    Since I've got into eating healthily, I also find that greasy food really doesn't appeal to me any more.