May-Day by Day Challenge-Part 9 OPEN GROUP



  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    bump :)

    ill be back later :flowerforyou:
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Sunday goals:
    1. Water. YES
    2. Body attack and total body workout classes. YES AND YES
    3. Do my list of jobs no excuses. YES
    4. Get to bed early. KIND OF

    Completely forgot to post for Monday but I went training before work, got all my water in. Had dinner out and apart from dessert I did quite well!

    Kim sounds like you're enjoying your time off! You're a better woman than me stripping the wall paper yourself! Have you got your paints ready to go once it is all stripped?

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Combat and Tri.
    3. Get off MFP in 5 mins and DO SOME WORK!!!
    4. Plan my dinner before I go off to my classes.

    Right now I have 4 mins left before I have to log out so I'm off for now!! Have a good day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 9:
    1. WATER!!!!(I always have a hard time with this outside of work!)--Better.
    2. Log my foods--healthy choices and check portion sizes!--Yes.
    3. Finish the yardwork--reseeding the grass, etc.--No, forgot!
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    My ankle has been really hurting so I am taking some time off from an AM workout. I'm going to try to find something that doesn't involve too much footwork--maybe a seated or a floor routine.

    Goals for May 10:
    1. Water.
    2. Log my food and watch choices and portions.
    3. Remember to buy the grass seed!
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm back!!! Haven't been doing the best BUT my not the best is about 50X better than my old not the best so I'm a little ahead. I'm going to post goals for tomorrow tonight so I have them set.

    1. Wake up and run.
    2. Clean and work on getting my stuff moved in.
    3. Try to get outside and weed for mom.
    4. Water (only iced tea with meals)
    5. At least 1 glass of milk
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Water. YES
    2. Combat and Tri. YES AND YES
    3. Get off MFP in 5 mins and DO SOME WORK!!! WAS ON FOR ABOUT 10 MORE MINS.
    4. Plan my dinner before I go off to my classes. NO COMPLETELY FORGOT.

    Kathy hope you're ankle gets better quickly. You're a trooper working out before you go to work given how physical your job is.

    Nicole welcome back!!

    Wednesday goals:
    1. No training no matter how much I want to. My poor legs are screaming at me so I have to give them a rest.
    2. Water.
    3. Eat more veggies.
    4. Laundry when I get home.
    5. Start putting things aside for my trip.
    6. Make a list of things I need to pick up.

    Have a great day!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Tuesday goals
    1) L2D9 30DS Done
    2) Go to belly dancing class Done! Great fun but a fab workout
    3) walking to class tonight Done! 1.5 miles at 4mph
    4) don't get the nibbles because of TOM! I did get the nibbles but reached for healthy snacks :)
    5) 100 press ups Done! 250 crunches and 100 squats done too

    Wednesday goals
    1) L2D10 30DS
    2) c25k w1d1
    3) walk to work and back from rehearsal
    4) have an early night
    5) strength work - not decided what yet

    Well done everyone on keeping to their goals! :)
  • rivera_72084
    So Im not sure if Im doing this correct but here are my goals for today
    May 11-2011 :flowerforyou:

    1) Walk on treadmill for 30mins
    2)Drink 80oz of water
    3)Stay under calorie Goal
    4)Take my Kids for a walk

    Sooo How do I come back and post if I completed my Goals?
    XLMKX Posts: 86
    This is a brilliant idea!!!!
    My names Lisa-Marie from the UK.
    I keep coming and going from dieting to not caring and this is a brilliant idea for a little step at a time!!

    Can I join?

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So Im not sure if Im doing this correct but here are my goals for today
    May 11-2011 :flowerforyou:

    1) Walk on treadmill for 30mins
    2)Drink 80oz of water
    3)Stay under calorie Goal
    4)Take my Kids for a walk

    Sooo How do I come back and post if I completed my Goals?
    Absolutely, they all sound like great goals and we'd love to know if you accomplished them. Welcome to the group!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302

    May 10's goals:
    1. workout in the morning. YES
    2. eat what's already cooked before cooking anything new. YES
    3. no soda, just water and tea. FAILED...BUT I DID DRINK 14 CUPS OF WATER. I HAD SODA, BUT NO TEA

    I'm keeping them simple for tomorrow!

    May 11's goals:
    1. workout 20 minutes before zumba.
    2. zumba
    3. meet with personal trainer.
    4. go to physical therapy.
    5. follow the menu that I planned around my busy morning/afternoon.
    6. Replace water bottle in the freezer with another water bottle, so I'll always have an iced cold one.
    7. go to wal-mart (if time permits)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    This is a brilliant idea!!!!
    My names Lisa-Marie from the UK.
    I keep coming and going from dieting to not caring and this is a brilliant idea for a little step at a time!!

    Can I join?


    Lisa-Marie, welcome! Of course you can join! We have a few ladies on here from the UK. I'm sure you'll fit in well with everyone. And you're right, its one step at a time, that's how we'll get to the finish line and beyond!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Nicole, wb!! Is the school year just about over?
  • rmeadows71
    rmeadows71 Posts: 99
    Work was so busy yesterday, I forgot all about setting my goals! So here are today's goals:
    Wednesday, May 11, 2011
    1) Water, water, water!
    2) Keep carbs low/protein high
    3) Stay within calories
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 10:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Log my food and watch choices and portions.--Mostly logged but portions were good!
    3. Remember to buy the grass seed!--Yes! And pulled up the dead weeds and reseeded the bare spots.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Welcome, Rivera and Lisa Marie! Some of us copy and paste our previous post but some of us click on the 'quote' near the bottom of each post. It's up to you how you want to report in!

    Over all, yesterday was a pretty good day. The overindulgences of the weekend kept me from losing this week but I also didn't gain so that's okay. I hope to see a loss next week, though!

    I am going to try a yoga routine (as soon as I am done here) that I found on Netflix. It's called Yoga for Aches and Pains and I am hoping it will help with my morning aches.

    Goals for May 11:
    1. Water.
    2. Yoga.
    3. Log my food and be careful of portion sizes.
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Rivera, I find it easiest to just find the thread under My Topics when I want to come back!! It's easy to find! Welcome to you and LIsa-Marie! Glad to have you!

    And Leela, yes it's finally over!!! I have summer classes starting in a week but it won't be nearly as hectic! I'm just waiting on one more grade. Thank goodness.

    Just a little update! I woke up and ran today and it felt soooo good (even though I couldn't run very far... yet. haha)

    have a great day everyone!!!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Wednesday goals:
    1. No training no matter how much I want to. My poor legs are screaming at me so I have to give them a rest. YES RESTED
    3. Eat more veggies. NOT REALLY
    4. Laundry when I get home. NO
    5. Start putting things aside for my trip. YES
    6. Make a list of things I need to pick up. YES

    Welcome Lisa Marie and Rivera!

    Today was a strange sort of day. Had to dash to my brother's after work to collect my wellies from my mum as she was babysitting my nieces. Was fun seeing everyone but by the time I got back home it was too late to put the laundry on. Had dinner with them which was lovely. Have pretty much got everything sorted for my trip. Just have to pick one thing up and actually pack it all but it should be fine (I hope)!!

    Thursday goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Combat.
    3. No chatting after combat get straight home and pack.
    4. Laundry on before I go to combat.
    5. Eat healthily all day.
    6. Pick up one item on shopping list.

    I'll share with you all where I'm going tomorrow night when I post goals for Friday. I'm dreading it but trying to embrace it! Let's just say I'm a city girl but I'm going to have to embrace my being at one with nature side!!

    Have a great day!
  • rivera_72084
    May 11-2011 Goals :flowerforyou: Thanks for allowing me in the Group

    1) Walk on treadmill for 30mins-Yay I actually did 45 Min on a eliptical
    2)Drink 80oz of water-Almost made it, I will keep trying, never noticed how much water that is when Im not at work
    3)Stay under calorie Goal-Whooooo Hooooo I did and Im very proud of myself, I feel back on track already
    4)Take my Kids for a walk-Since the weather got nasty , we walked halfway to the Y and my workout buddy picked us up, Kids enjoyed swimming while I worked out!

    Hopefully I did this right ;0)

    Thursdays Goals,

    1) Drink Drink Drink at least 80oz of water :drinker:
    2)Do 45 mins either treadmill or eliptical
    3)After walking...25 Push ups <~~ Small amount but I havent done push up in Yyyeeeaarrs lol
    4)Prepare My Weekend meals for work to Help me keep up on my calorie Intake

  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm new!

    My goals for 5/12/11:

    1. No diet soda...I have made it 10 days without it so far
    2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    3. Log all my food

    Good Luck Everyone!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Morning Everyone,

    Welcome newbies!

    Kathy - I hope he yoga works for you.

    Nam - Lol, can't wait to hear where you're going!

    I had far too much fun yesterday. I went up to London to meet a friend and see the new Miro exhibition at the Tate. I had a brilliant time, rather too many drinks though and I'm really feeling it today. The prospect of standing up a ladder and sanding walls down with a power sander didn't really cross my mind last night. Muppet. Ah well on the up side my friend uses this site too (she called cuttingandsticking) and she was looking really lovely. It really reminded me of what's possible and inspired me to keep trying.

    Thursdays goals:

    1. Healthy choices
    2. Nip to the supermarket for so can actually make healthy choices
    3. Water. Lots and lots of water, maybe the first with a paracetamol
    4. More on the walls

    Have a lovely day!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Morning everyone!!

    Wednesday goals
    1) L2D10 30DS Yep
    2) c25k w1d1 No - just didn't have time
    3) walk to work and back from rehearsal Yep
    4) have an early night No - didn't get to bed until after 12
    5) strength work - not decided what yet Yes, 50 push ups and 50 crunches

    Thursday goals
    1) L3D1 30DS
    2)Healthy choices for dinner tonight even though we're having a dinner party
    3) have an earlier night
    4) walk at lunchtime/home from work
    5) start learning lines for the tempest!