Maintaining yet eating MORE calories than ever :)

Am I among the seemingly few who want to eat as MANY calories as possible yet maintain my weight?

I was thinking about a post I made on my newsfeed last night about eating 2200 calories that day, yet still being hungry (it was a high cardio day). I realised to some that I really must sound like a greedy gorb (and maybe I am! lol)

I have become very active since I started my journey with MFP in May 2012, its been a huge factor in me being able to stay trim.

I know for everyone its different, but do people like restricting themselves so much IF they don't actually need to?

For me its fabulous to be able to eat more calories and maintain :smile:

(ps I have been reverse dieting for the past 5 months and having incredible success - btw I'm 5ft 2", 45 yrs old, active and maintain currently on 2100-2300 calories.)

Penny for your thoughts? :smiley:


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited February 2015
    someone once unfriended me because i 'ate too much' and it made her jealous that with similar stats she couldnt eat as much as me... and that was only net 1700 cals...

    ETA net 1700 to lose 1/2lb per week.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Come join us at Eat More 2 Weigh Less - we're all about eating as much as you can while either maintaining or losing weight. I'm losing on 1925 and maintain on 2350. I'm in my 40s as well.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @mymodernbabylon Thanks for the invite, I didn't remember but I am part of that group :smiley: Today I just feel guilty that I can eat so much, and of course as much as I eat well balanced food, I eat a lot of cr*p too lol :smiley:

    @TavistockToad If I get unfriended it will be no biggie, I have more friends than I can actually cope with anyway! I can lose 1/2lb eating 1700-1800 cals as well. :smile:
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    I dont feel guilty at all - I have earned it!

    2 years ago I was eating about 1800 a day and GAINING a pound a week (for 4 months = 20 pounds!). Then dropped to about 1200 a day and maintained for awhile. Then started weight lifting and my trainer insisted I up my calories every month... I did and kept losing weight very easily. Food=calories=energy... every time I bumped up my calories by 100 I swear I burned another 200 just from the increased energy :) I kept losing more weight despite eating more! Lost the 20 pounds plus 15 more in just a few months. Working on muscle ever since. I was 165 pounds and nearly 40% body fat.

    I am now 43, 17% body fat (DEXA scan), about 130-135 lbs at 5'5" and I maintain on about 2100 in the winter months (too cold/dark) and about 2400 in the summer (cant sit down)!

    My goal this summer is to maintain on 2500 :) Just finished a 3 month "bulk" to get another pound or two of muscle to help, and I cant weight to get back outside !
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @aylajane how right you are about having more energy from being able to eat more :smile:
    I am the same as you, as much as I'm active all year round in summer I'm never 'off the batter' as we say in Northern Ireland lol (it means I just don't stop)
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited February 2015
    Some days 2500 some days 3000 some days 1750. That's gross calories. I like those days. The hard days are when I'm on a cut and netting 1650, but if I have done loads of exercise I've been busy and eaten ssoooo much that my body doesn't notice the missing 100 calories. Today will be one of those days, as I overate by 1000 calories yesterday. Yum!
  • PennyHartz
    PennyHartz Posts: 49 Member
    I'd love to hear more about the approach you took to reverse dieting to get to this point. I'm nearing maintenance, and once I've been able to maintain for a bit reverse dieting is definitely a goal for me. You said you've been doing it for five months- how many calories have you added back in from your original maintenance and how much did you add at a time/ how long did you wait to add in more?
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    someone once unfriended me because i 'ate too much' and it made her jealous that with similar stats she couldnt eat as much as me... and that was only net 1700 cals...

    ETA net 1700 to lose 1/2lb per week.

    Well, their problem, not yours (you know that already though ;) ). I *was* that sort of person a year ago--ate a modest calorie amount, but was gaining because I was uber sedentary (like 3,000 steps was my active day, and my sole activity).

    But I listened to folks like you--the "high" calorie women of MFP showed me I, too, had/have the potential to raise my TDEE!

    Instead of being jealous, I learned what I needed to do activity level wise to get in the calorie zone I desired. Find a strength program I would stick with, some moderate cardio I enjoy (jogging it is!), and the TDEE numbers went up, up, up!

    And yes, OHHHH the energy I now have! I feel like I "smash" it during my workouts and am much more productive doing so. My kids like their "new" upbeat and active mum, too :D
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    someone once unfriended me because i 'ate too much' and it made her jealous that with similar stats she couldnt eat as much as me... and that was only net 1700 cals...

    ETA net 1700 to lose 1/2lb per week.

    Well, their problem, not yours (you know that already though ;) ). I *was* that sort of person a year ago--ate a modest calorie amount, but was gaining because I was uber sedentary (like 3,000 steps was my active day, and my sole activity).

    But I listened to folks like you--the "high" calorie women of MFP showed me I, too, had/have the potential to raise my TDEE!

    Instead of being jealous, I learned what I needed to do activity level wise to get in the calorie zone I desired. Find a strength program I would stick with, some moderate cardio I enjoy (jogging it is!), and the TDEE numbers went up, up, up!

    And yes, OHHHH the energy I now have! I feel like I "smash" it during my workouts and am much more productive doing so. My kids like their "new" upbeat and active mum, too :D

  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    That is my ultimate goal, to be active enough with a good balance of strength training and cardio to be able to eat a decent amount of food. I'm on a calorie deficit and aiming for under 1600 at the mo, but I am looking forward to the days when I am aiming for 2000-2200 to maintain (hopefully by the end of the summer if all goes well).

    I wonder is it a NornIron thing for us to want to have our cake (crisps and sweets) and eat them too?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    someone once unfriended me because i 'ate too much' and it made her jealous that with similar stats she couldnt eat as much as me... and that was only net 1700 cals...

    ETA net 1700 to lose 1/2lb per week.

    Well, their problem, not yours (you know that already though ;) ). I *was* that sort of person a year ago--ate a modest calorie amount, but was gaining because I was uber sedentary (like 3,000 steps was my active day, and my sole activity).

    But I listened to folks like you--the "high" calorie women of MFP showed me I, too, had/have the potential to raise my TDEE!

    Instead of being jealous, I learned what I needed to do activity level wise to get in the calorie zone I desired. Find a strength program I would stick with, some moderate cardio I enjoy (jogging it is!), and the TDEE numbers went up, up, up!

    And yes, OHHHH the energy I now have! I feel like I "smash" it during my workouts and am much more productive doing so. My kids like their "new" upbeat and active mum, too :D

    @williams969 - loving your attitude :smile:
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @superJo1972 I used to eat at 1600 to lose, then when I upped my exercise I found it was more like 1800 - when I decided to maintain I thought I might have to be happy eating at that amount but other friends were reverse dieting so I gave it a go, only upped them 100 cals a month and so far so good :smile:
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @Springfield1970 when I talk about calories its gross calories I mean as well.
  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member
    Am I among the seemingly few who want to eat as MANY calories as possible yet maintain my weight?

    I was thinking about a post I made on my newsfeed last night about eating 2200 calories that day, yet still being hungry (it was a high cardio day). I realised to some that I really must sound like a greedy gorb (and maybe I am! lol)

    Penny for your thoughts? :smiley:

    Sounds reasonable to me. The goal should be to be able to enjoy food and eat when you are hungry, even as we are trying to lose weight. Why restrict more if you are able to maintain your desired weight and stay healthy? Good for you. Why do you care what others think?
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    She means gross calories... same here. I dont think it would be possible for me to net over 2000 :) Just the volume of food would be ridiculous.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've been maintaining on 2200. Will probably find out this month if I can maintain on more, lol!

    But I hear you. I keep seeing people younger and more active than me eating 1700 gross to maintain and it makes me shake my head - honestly I just think they are way underestimating what they eat (and overestimating calorie burns).

    I'm now on my way to lift weights, lol.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I'm 64 and still eating at a deficit to lose the last 10 lbs. I eat about 1800 cals/day average and should be able to maintain at about 2100-2200. I had a trainer in Sept help me up both my exercise and calories at the same time to get up to these numbers. Now I lift weights in addition to my calisthenics, dog walking and swimming. It's wonderful to eat again. I was pretty restricted for the first year at about 1350-1500 calories.

    This morning I did 155 lb deadlifts and 80 lb bench press.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I'm 5'7", always weigh between 132 and 135 for the past 3 years. I maintain at 2040 + calories a day. I have a active job working in a busy Hospital ER. I lift heavy weights at the gym 2 to 3 days a week, and do HIIT exercises 3 to 4 days a week. For me 2040 calories is more than enough and I'm never hungry during the day.