Winter Exercises



  • Ck103084
    Ck103084 Posts: 139 Member
    awolf2011 wrote: »
    I surely hope so. I'm enjoying the workouts since it is definately getting to all the problem areas. I just hope that I can keep it up for the rest of the 90 days. I do have to tweak it though because working out everyday for that many weeks won't be entirely possible. I'm gonna try my hardest though. I've got 2 kids in basketball for the remainder of February, then we have a couple week break, then flag football starts and swimming, so it will get more difficult. Taking it one day at a time :smile:

    Good for you! I'm rooting for you. I think I'll try alternating between kickboxing and yoga. If the weathers...decent, I'll add a walk in. That's my plan anyway. :/
  • Ck103084
    Ck103084 Posts: 139 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    What is this winter thing?

    It's 60F here in Eastern WA.

    lol. Wow! Over here, the wind actually hurts my face. :neutral_face:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Yes to snow shoveling! And it has the added benefit of being able to go inside if you get too cold.
    Jump rope is a great workout if you have a little space. Otherwise, YouTube has lots of workout videos
  • FastOlly
    FastOlly Posts: 12 Member
    Ck103084 wrote: »
    lol. I do that sometimes but it's freaking cold out there. :(

    Than walk faster ;)

    I also hate winter, but I actually enjoy wrapping up and going for a brisk walk when it's freeing cold. It's good motivation to keep going, rather than dawdling...

    Swimming also works for me - lovely, when it's cold outside, getting warmed up in the pool.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    What is this winter thing?

    It's 60F here in Eastern WA.

    It was 7F here in Maine this morning as I was out on site for work.
    Weather forecast shows -12F for my run tomorrow.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I too do Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home videos 6 days a week. Today I did 5 Mega Miles and it is quite the workout. She can be found on YouTube and she has her own website with videos. I lost 22 lbs doing her walks. Good luck!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    What is this winter thing?

    It's 60F here in Eastern WA.

    It was 7F here in Maine this morning as I was out on site for work.
    Weather forecast shows -12F for my run tomorrow.

    One of my favorite places is The Forks up in your neck. I'd love to get a little unabomber shack up there, and post a no trespassing sign.
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    What is this winter thing?

    It's 60F here in Eastern WA.

    It was 7F here in Maine this morning as I was out on site for work.
    Weather forecast shows -12F for my run tomorrow.

    One of my favorite places is The Forks up in your neck. I'd love to get a little unabomber shack up there, and post a no trespassing sign.

    Heisenberg's was pretty cozy.
  • drainqueen
    drainqueen Posts: 30 Member
    If you have a smartphone there are several 30 day challenge apps. I'm currently doing the 30-day butt challenge, 30-day cardio challenge, 30-day burpee challenge and 30-day pushup challenge. The apps are free, tells you what exercise with a video on how to do the exercise, how many reps each day, also has a reminder you can set.
  • Ck103084
    Ck103084 Posts: 139 Member
    FastOlly wrote: »
    Ck103084 wrote: »
    lol. I do that sometimes but it's freaking cold out there. :(

    Than walk faster ;)

    I also hate winter, but I actually enjoy wrapping up and going for a brisk walk when it's freeing cold. It's good motivation to keep going, rather than dawdling...

    Swimming also works for me - lovely, when it's cold outside, getting warmed up in the pool.

    lol. Oh, fine! :wink:
  • Ck103084
    Ck103084 Posts: 139 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    I too do Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home videos 6 days a week. Today I did 5 Mega Miles and it is quite the workout. She can be found on YouTube and she has her own website with videos. I lost 22 lbs doing her walks. Good luck!

    Thanks Pinky!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Do you have a rebounder (mini trampoline)? Might be worth a look as a walker.
    The rebounder, an exercise mat, some light dumbbells and youtube.....You have a whole fitness center then B)

    Oh and the winter walking pants and winter jogging tights, got those too ;)
  • If aliens do come, there is no guarantee you'd be abducted to a warm climate.

    Bundle up and head out.

    In the fall I go to my local thrift store to hunt for wool sweaters and vests. I layer up with the cheap goods and stay warm.

    A more expensive option is heating clothing:


    Since you like an obstacle course in the snow...or a luge or a maze. Create your own little winter Olympic park and play.

    Good luck!

    ~M.C. Turtle

  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Ck103084 wrote: »
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    I too do Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home videos 6 days a week. Today I did 5 Mega Miles and it is quite the workout. She can be found on YouTube and she has her own website with videos. I lost 22 lbs doing her walks. Good luck!

    Thanks Pinky!

    Yes, this! I just tried her 1 mile 15 minutes walk and was surprised at how well it is done and how good I felt afterwards. I'm in Michigan so I understand not wanting to be outside right now.
  • Ck103084
    Ck103084 Posts: 139 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    Do you have a rebounder (mini trampoline)? Might be worth a look as a walker.
    The rebounder, an exercise mat, some light dumbbells and youtube.....You have a whole fitness center then B)

    Oh and the winter walking pants and winter jogging tights, got those too ;)

    Well, I was walking until we got another 6 inches today. Been doing really good with the kickboxing and punching bag. Hopefully, it'll be clear enough to walk by the time I get sick of them.
  • Ck103084
    Ck103084 Posts: 139 Member
    If aliens do come, there is no guarantee you'd be abducted to a warm climate.

    Bundle up and head out.

    In the fall I go to my local thrift store to hunt for wool sweaters and vests. I layer up with the cheap goods and stay warm.

    A more expensive option is heating clothing:


    Since you like an obstacle course in the snow...or a luge or a maze. Create your own little winter Olympic park and play.

    Good luck!

    ~M.C. Turtle

    lol. I did get my shoveling in today. :smiley: