What should my daily caloric intake be?



  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    Hey seraphinos, I don't know why everyone's giving you *kitten*. You missed a step in registration, know it now, and can move on. Good luck on reaching your goals and don't let the uptight folks scare you away.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    I'm pretty sure you did know that thouhg, because this is what the website does as you are creating your account. The entire set up of your account is basically putting in your stats and your weight loss goals. Which then spits out your caloric intake goal.

    Yes it did! But I didn't know it would suggest what calories to eat...or at least it didn't for me.

    .................... it sets everyone's calories. That step is not skipped by anyone creating an account here because it's the entire set-up before being able to use the account.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    I'm pretty sure you did know that thouhg, because this is what the website does as you are creating your account. The entire set up of your account is basically putting in your stats and your weight loss goals. Which then spits out your caloric intake goal.

    Yes it did! But I didn't know it would suggest what calories to eat...or at least it didn't for me.

    It does for everyone. You bypassed it, deliberately set a low caloric intake, then wondered why you lacked energy.

  • seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    Remember; however, that no matter what this, or any other, program says you still need to listen to your body. Fatigue from lack of caloric intake is easy to fix and I would avoid it if you are trying to workout at the same time. No need to kill your fitness level just to hasten your weight loss. Health is more than a number on a scale so remember that what you do can have lasting effects on your body.

    Good luck to you.

    Very true, thank you!!!!
  • ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Knowing something isn't right and knowing what to do are two different things which is why I asked. If you can't be positive then please don't post. Thanks!

    You don't get to tell people not to post if they aren't going to blow sunshine up you bum. That's not how this works.

    Again, saying "I am thinking maybe I'm not eating enough???" means you at least suspect that could be the problem. The obvious solution would be to eat more, and at least at the caloric minimum recommended to you when MFP is properly configured.

    "But am also scared to eat more and gain weight?" And that sends up a red flag. Understanding that you're likely under eating, but fearing weight gain is leaning towards disordered thinking about food. You might want to consider seeking help for that if it's enough to make you not want to eat at a proper level to fuel your body.

    You sound like a ray of sunshine! Thanks for your "helpful" advice.

    Imo her advice WAS helpful. To be fearful that eating more than 1000 calories would make you gain weight is not a healthy mindset.


    Your winking response just demonstrates to me that you are not taking this seriously and that you are ignoring any advice that isn't sugar-coated to the nth degree.


    Sounds like you need a snickers.

    Nope, not a fan of Snickers. I also already had chocolate this morning so I'm good. I simply do not have time to be tactful with users because that is now how shite gets done.

    Oh I see... Well then to get it done sister. And get off my thread with your negativity.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    edited February 2015
    seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    I'm pretty sure you did know that thouhg, because this is what the website does as you are creating your account. The entire set up of your account is basically putting in your stats and your weight loss goals. Which then spits out your caloric intake goal.

    And when you go in and edit your goals it looks like this...


    Those red letters sure are hard to miss. Or this little warning .. "While MyFitnessPal does allow you to set your own customized fitness goals, we do not recommend that you do so without the advice of a health professional."

    It in fact didn't do that for me, but curious what does it matter to you? Why is everyone concerned with what I didn't know and not concerned with helping me get there? Wow! I'm done with answering to you as I am trying to just keep positive! Hope you have a great night. You and Ana can continue the feud between yourselves being nasty about someone you do not know.

    Well, you did post on a public forum for input... then got pissy when you didn't get the hand holding and rainbow unicorn farts you wanted to hear, and tried to tell people they were not permitted to comment if they were not doing as you say. Which I will assume you have realized is NOT going to happen, so feel free to get over it at any time.

  • seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    I'm pretty sure you did know that thouhg, because this is what the website does as you are creating your account. The entire set up of your account is basically putting in your stats and your weight loss goals. Which then spits out your caloric intake goal.

    Yes it did! But I didn't know it would suggest what calories to eat...or at least it didn't for me.

    It does for everyone. You bypassed it, deliberately set a low caloric intake, then wondered why you lacked energy.

    Ok thanks for "knowing" what I did or didn't do.
  • seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    I'm pretty sure you did know that thouhg, because this is what the website does as you are creating your account. The entire set up of your account is basically putting in your stats and your weight loss goals. Which then spits out your caloric intake goal.

    And when you go in and edit your goals it looks like this...


    Those red letters sure are hard to miss. Or this little warning .. "While MyFitnessPal does allow you to set your own customized fitness goals, we do not recommend that you do so without the advice of a health professional."

    It in fact didn't do that for me, but curious what does it matter to you? Why is everyone concerned with what I didn't know and not concerned with helping me get there? Wow! I'm done with answering to you as I am trying to just keep positive! Hope you have a great night. You and Ana can continue the feud between yourselves being nasty about someone you do not know.

    Well, you did post on a public forum for input... then got pissy when you didn't get the hand holding and rainbow unicorn farts you wanted to hear, and tried to tell people they were not permitted to comment if they were not doing as you say. Which I will assume you have realized is NOT going to happen, so feel free to get over it at any time.

    Wow---I asked a freakin question and y'all are going nuts. Haha this is quite comical. Good night!
  • JimFsfitnesspal
    JimFsfitnesspal Posts: 313 Member
    Even if you use it correctly, MFP can give you some seemingly bad numbers.

    I calculated you at at least 1582 calories, so I think you are under-doing it. Use a BMR calculator online.

    There are some help files on MFP that explain it more. One key is that it is 1200 minimum for women.

    One thing helpful for me is that I carb cycle. I allow myself more carbs / calories the day of my lifting workouts and much less so on my cardio days. I have a creatine drink and half a protein bar about an hour before my workout when I lift and that gives me the energy to lift heavy and to failure.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    seraphinos wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    I'm pretty sure you did know that thouhg, because this is what the website does as you are creating your account. The entire set up of your account is basically putting in your stats and your weight loss goals. Which then spits out your caloric intake goal.

    Yes it did! But I didn't know it would suggest what calories to eat...or at least it didn't for me.

    It does for everyone. You bypassed it, deliberately set a low caloric intake, then wondered why you lacked energy.

    Ok thanks for "knowing" what I did or didn't do.

    It's a guided setup. During setup it asks for basic info ... height, weight, birthdate, weekly loss goal ... after continuing on the bottom of that page, it asks if you'd like to have others join ... then it gives you what it calculated. What you're claiming happened goes against the way the system forces new members to set things up.

  • Even if you use it correctly, MFP can give you some seemingly bad numbers.

    I calculated you at at least 1582 calories, so I think you are under-doing it. Use a BMR calculator online.

    There are some help files on MFP that explain it more. One key is that it is 1200 minimum for women.

    One thing helpful for me is that I carb cycle. I allow myself more carbs / calories the day of my lifting workouts and much less so on my cardio days. I have a creatine drink and half a protein bar about an hour before my workout when I lift and that gives me the energy to lift heavy and to failure.

    Doing some researching tonight and I see this now. Don't they call it zigzag or is that something else? That makes sense! After doing what missiontofitness suggested it is showing calorie intake of 1700. That should definitely give me more energy! I'm not a fitness guru! My sil told me about this app, so I got it. I filled in the info but apparently got it all wrong. I am looking at it more in depth tonight and no doubt will hopefully get it. Thanks for being so informative and kind. Wish everyone could take note that's posted here tonight.
  • JimFsfitnesspal
    JimFsfitnesspal Posts: 313 Member
    seraphinos wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    I'm pretty sure you did know that thouhg, because this is what the website does as you are creating your account. The entire set up of your account is basically putting in your stats and your weight loss goals. Which then spits out your caloric intake goal.

    Yes it did! But I didn't know it would suggest what calories to eat...or at least it didn't for me.

    It does for everyone. You bypassed it, deliberately set a low caloric intake, then wondered why you lacked energy.

    Ok thanks for "knowing" what I did or didn't do.

    It's a guided setup. During setup it asks for basic info ... height, weight, birthdate, weekly loss goal ... after continuing on the bottom of that page, it asks if you'd like to have others join ... then it gives you what it calculated. What you're claiming happened goes against the way the system forces new members to set things up.

    Please give her (and us) a break. It was either a simple mistake or a glitch / bug with MFP.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    It's a guided setup. During setup it asks for basic info ... height, weight, birthdate, weekly loss goal ... after continuing on the bottom of that page, it asks if you'd like to have others join ... then it gives you what it calculated. What you're claiming happened goes against the way the system forces new members to set things up.
    she doesn't want to hear the truth.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    edited February 2015
    seraphinos wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    I'm pretty sure you did know that thouhg, because this is what the website does as you are creating your account. The entire set up of your account is basically putting in your stats and your weight loss goals. Which then spits out your caloric intake goal.

    Yes it did! But I didn't know it would suggest what calories to eat...or at least it didn't for me.

    It does for everyone. You bypassed it, deliberately set a low caloric intake, then wondered why you lacked energy.

    Ok thanks for "knowing" what I did or didn't do.

    This is what shows up when you create your account (I entered in random numbers for the set up)


  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    seraphinos wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    I'm pretty sure you did know that thouhg, because this is what the website does as you are creating your account. The entire set up of your account is basically putting in your stats and your weight loss goals. Which then spits out your caloric intake goal.

    Yes it did! But I didn't know it would suggest what calories to eat...or at least it didn't for me.

    It does for everyone. You bypassed it, deliberately set a low caloric intake, then wondered why you lacked energy.

    Ok thanks for "knowing" what I did or didn't do.

    It's a guided setup. During setup it asks for basic info ... height, weight, birthdate, weekly loss goal ... after continuing on the bottom of that page, it asks if you'd like to have others join ... then it gives you what it calculated. What you're claiming happened goes against the way the system forces new members to set things up.

    Please give her (and us) a break. It was either a simple mistake or a glitch / bug with MFP.

    Why should I give somebody a break when they admit to setting their caloric goals below the minimums and claim to have magically bypassed the setup process? Her choice to manually set her intake at 1000 was a deliberate action ... not a glitch.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    seraphinos wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    I'm pretty sure you did know that thouhg, because this is what the website does as you are creating your account. The entire set up of your account is basically putting in your stats and your weight loss goals. Which then spits out your caloric intake goal.

    Yes it did! But I didn't know it would suggest what calories to eat...or at least it didn't for me.

    It does for everyone. You bypassed it, deliberately set a low caloric intake, then wondered why you lacked energy.

    Ok thanks for "knowing" what I did or didn't do.

    It's a guided setup. During setup it asks for basic info ... height, weight, birthdate, weekly loss goal ... after continuing on the bottom of that page, it asks if you'd like to have others join ... then it gives you what it calculated. What you're claiming happened goes against the way the system forces new members to set things up.

    Please give her (and us) a break. It was either a simple mistake or a glitch / bug with MFP.
    The only glitch that occurs is when MFP sets everyone's goal to 1200 regardless of maintenance needs.
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    edited February 2015
    Some people have nothing better to do than prove moral superiority over strangers on the internet.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    Some people have nothing better to do than prove moral superiority over strangers on the internet.

    No. Some people like honesty. You, with your rapid change from an inappropriate meme to this post obviously lack integrity.

  • JimFsfitnesspal
    JimFsfitnesspal Posts: 313 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    I'm pretty sure you did know that thouhg, because this is what the website does as you are creating your account. The entire set up of your account is basically putting in your stats and your weight loss goals. Which then spits out your caloric intake goal.

    Yes it did! But I didn't know it would suggest what calories to eat...or at least it didn't for me.

    It does for everyone. You bypassed it, deliberately set a low caloric intake, then wondered why you lacked energy.

    Ok thanks for "knowing" what I did or didn't do.

    It's a guided setup. During setup it asks for basic info ... height, weight, birthdate, weekly loss goal ... after continuing on the bottom of that page, it asks if you'd like to have others join ... then it gives you what it calculated. What you're claiming happened goes against the way the system forces new members to set things up.

    Please give her (and us) a break. It was either a simple mistake or a glitch / bug with MFP.
    The only glitch that occurs is when MFP sets everyone's goal to 1200 regardless of maintenance needs.

    Actually there is a known bug with MFP right now in that it does NOT do that.

    Yes, you did not know... yet you give her grief for it and then you say "sorry, I did not know".
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    seraphinos wrote: »
    Ok so-first let me say I am not trying to starve myself. I am new to MFP and put in 1000 calories. I need to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not a nutritionist so that is why I am guessing. Obviously it wasn't right which is why I am on here asking in hopes someone who knows more than I do-can guide me as to what I should be doing. That's all.

    Thanks for trying to be positive. I appreciate it and wish anyone who can't be that way would just keep comments to themselves as I personally am not wishing for sunshine up my bum-as Ana said. BUT what good does a negative vibe to for anyone? No good.

    Thanks for your input!! It's appreciated!

    Right here is the problem. If you allowed MFP to figure your calories, based on a reasonable goal of loss, it would give you a decent number and you wouldn't be feeling weak.

    I didn't know it could do that... Now I do. Thanks to missiontofitness.

    I'm pretty sure you did know that thouhg, because this is what the website does as you are creating your account. The entire set up of your account is basically putting in your stats and your weight loss goals. Which then spits out your caloric intake goal.

    Yes it did! But I didn't know it would suggest what calories to eat...or at least it didn't for me.

    It does for everyone. You bypassed it, deliberately set a low caloric intake, then wondered why you lacked energy.

    Ok thanks for "knowing" what I did or didn't do.

    It's a guided setup. During setup it asks for basic info ... height, weight, birthdate, weekly loss goal ... after continuing on the bottom of that page, it asks if you'd like to have others join ... then it gives you what it calculated. What you're claiming happened goes against the way the system forces new members to set things up.

    Please give her (and us) a break. It was either a simple mistake or a glitch / bug with MFP.
    The only glitch that occurs is when MFP sets everyone's goal to 1200 regardless of maintenance needs.

    Actually there is a known bug with MFP right now in that it does NOT do that.

    Yes, you did not know... yet you give her grief for it and then you say "sorry, I did not know".

    The funny thing is that there are pictures of how the setup is working tonight ... and they support the position that counters yours.

This discussion has been closed.