Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited February 2015
    I was naturally thin my entire life. Then I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease and anxiety/panic disorder my senior year of high school.

    I began medications for both… Humira, Gabapentin, Prednisone, Remicade, Lexapro, Prozac, Celexa, Cymbalta, Klonopin, Ativan, Effexor, Zoloft, to name a few.

    I rapidly gained 111 lbs within the past 3 years due to the medications. I've basically doubled in size.

    I want my body back.
  • ebtaylor137
    ebtaylor137 Posts: 32 Member
    I've made this "resolution" many times, but I hope this time it's for real. I'm still new this time though. My aha this time was just the final realization that my eating's out of control and it's the reason I'm overweight. I just realized that yeah, I'm obese, and it's not going to get better and probably will only get worse if I do absolutely nothing about it. For me, my health is actually tied to my weight. I want to be able to do anything I want, activity-wise and not worry if I'm able to or if I'm too big, and I want to live a good long time with a great active life. Finding exercise I actually love is key to this, and I'm loving running!
  • JoRolleNola
    JoRolleNola Posts: 152 Member
    Tired of being tired of ... tight pants, avoiding the mirror, wishing I had the same body I had at 17, of being jealous of thinner people, etc, etc.
  • brookiebrooke87
    brookiebrooke87 Posts: 9 Member
    When I started having a hard time putting on and tying my shoes....
  • lizardrn95
    lizardrn95 Posts: 14 Member
    Not really an "a-ha" moment. I was always thin as a teen and young adult. But three kids later, in my mid-40s, I found myself 30# heavier than I was when I met my husband, and always feeling self-conscious about how I look. I miss the days of never giving my appearance a second thought when I put on an outfit! I'm doing this to lose those 30#, but a nice side benefit is how exercise makes me feel strong and powerful--totally a mental thing, and I LOVE it!
  • dizinnss
    dizinnss Posts: 7 Member
    when I had to go to store and buy jeans a size bigger.......that was my red flag...
  • SarahKhristan
    SarahKhristan Posts: 134 Member
    A few years ago, I had gained so much weight that I literally had nothing to wear. My husband and I were planning on going to a NYE party. I tried on probably everything in my closet. Nothing fit. Even my "gym clothes" looked terrible. I stood in my bedroom, naked, and looked at myself in the mirror and cried. I hated what I had done to myself.

    After squeezing myself into jeans and a sweater we went to the party. The one singular photo taken of me looked TERRIBLE. That sure didn't help.

    So of course New Years Day followed, I joined MFP and learned a WHOLE lot about myself and about leading a healthier life.
  • Emi1974
    Emi1974 Posts: 522 Member
    I noticed that some days I was panting from standing and talking at the same time.

    I had a fall and although I had something to drink and the floor was wet, once I came to myself I blamed it solely on my weight.

    I started having troubles getting up from chairs or bed without having to rock before getting up.

    I couldn't turn in bed from one side to the other without pain in my back.

    I couldn't bend down and tie my shoes without pain and breath holding.

    Knees started hurting especially walking up stairs.

    I hated myself every day. I was sad every time I looked in the mirror.

    So many more reasons....
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    vada44 wrote: »
    I got tired of seeing all the cute clothes but noticed how they looked quite different in a bigger size.

    This is so true!!
  • schafer_stacy
    schafer_stacy Posts: 16 Member
    edited February 2015
    because I don't like the way I look in the mirror... I want to be comfortable being more active in the warmer months... and most of all I want to FEEL sexy so I can BE sexy for my man. he's 6 years younger than I am and I don't want to feel like his "old lady". Also, just a few months ago I was the same weight as the day before I gave birth to my first son, it was the biggest I had ever been and it was a little depressing...
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    because I couldn't fit into my summer shorts. Was going to Mexico in the winter and had no shorts that fit. Trying to find shorts at stores in the winter is not so easy!
  • jenlo1971
    jenlo1971 Posts: 49 Member
    There were stores that I typically bought all my clothes at when I was slender. I slowly put on weight over the years and slowly began shopping at different stores to incorporate the larger size to the point in which I was not entering the cute, trendy stores at all ( even tho I could probably still fit in a few things in there at the top of the size range). I went back into those stores a few months ago with my teenage daughter and realized how much I liked shopping there in the past and was saddened that I couldn't just walk in there and buy things without trying them on as I once might have. Silly reason I know- but it just hit me why should I be sad about that? I don't HAVE to be this weight rather it is due to poor eating and lack of regular exercise.
  • 1JoshG
    1JoshG Posts: 120 Member
    dougl004 wrote: »
    My story is a little funny. I was sitting in my chilly office with a small jacket on. I leaned back to yawn and a button from my jacket popped off and flew accross the room. That was my AH HA moment. What was yours?
    I looked at the scale and was depressed for awhile before the decision. A week ago I started having mild chest tightness and tingling in my left hand. This was probably due to my wife's medical issues stressing me out, but I instantly thought of heart problems. I decided then and there to change my habits and work towards losing 40+ lbs.
  • aksteve777
    aksteve777 Posts: 184 Member
    I hated being called "big steve" being judged for my size and not who I was...Im down over a hundred and know that heavy people are treated poorly....not nice.
  • ntinkham88
    ntinkham88 Posts: 130 Member
    Looking at wedding photos! Can I go back and redo that day? LOL
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    Saw my ex Girlfriend at a wedding and she looked hot, I looked gross (had put on about 40lbs)...not the impression I wanted to leave

  • lindadprice
    lindadprice Posts: 150 Member
    My original story for wanting to lose weight was my freshman year of college I gained at least 15 pounds and didn't notice. My dad made a comment to my brothers about me getting fat and than I noticed my weight gain. I've been up and down on the scale since.
  • beverlyjlarson
    beverlyjlarson Posts: 104 Member
    nattyy264 wrote: »
    I lost a lot of weight last August. Bought a hell of a lot of new clothes. Chucked all my big clothes. And Iv now put on all my weight again with a wardrobe full of new clothes I can't wear!!! So instead of buying new clothes that fit. Im squeezing myself into my new clothes. And working hard to get back to where I was in August

  • beverlyjlarson
    beverlyjlarson Posts: 104 Member
    nattyy264 wrote: »
    I lost a lot of weight last August. Bought a hell of a lot of new clothes. Chucked all my big clothes. And Iv now put on all my weight again with a wardrobe full of new clothes I can't wear!!! So instead of buying new clothes that fit. Im squeezing myself into my new clothes. And working hard to get back to where I was in August

    same thing happened to me. I lost 40 pounds and gained it back +some. I feel tired and sore all the time. I can't stand the thought of going shopping for a whole new wardrobe every time I lose my motivation. This is it, I'm changing
    my lifestyle and not looking back.

  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    Another reason I was motivated to get healthy was realizing I was wearing XL jeggings and they were stretched so far you could see right through them. Not a good look.