RillaVanilla's 125 lb loss thread



  • Very well said! And I feel for ALL of us trying to stay on track and how the negative comments hit us and hurt us. We are all human and that is not an excuse. I am new to this site but look for support on my journey too
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    tlbevins1 wrote: »
    Very well said! And I feel for ALL of us trying to stay on track and how the negative comments hit us and hurt us. We are all human and that is not an excuse. I am new to this site but look for support on my journey too

    Awesome! Glad you could relate. Welcome to MFP... it's a great community if you hook up with like minded people who are here to make our lives better, but also acknowledge that sometimes it's hard and we need a hand up. <3
  • New. trying to figure out how to join blogs an groups. Looking for support. Big journey ahead
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Having a super *kitten* day. Woke up feeling cranky... STILL no TOM so I'm sure it's all very hormonal... Everything is annoying today and I have a short temper, so the hubs and kid drove to the ferry line up to hold our place and I walked the 40 minutes there. Felt slightly better... Till we had all our dental appointments and found out it's going to cost like $800 to get everyone's teeth fixed... There goes our holiday in September, which I'm super bummed about. Trying not to take out my frustration on anyone...
  • Oh man that stinks. I am fortunate to have insurance. I can relate to mood swings. As I age , 40s now, it is worsening. Bet it felt good to walk, must be nice temps there. Here very cold. 16 degree at the moment.
    I am proud I made it to workout today :) and walked at work too yeaaa...MFP says I get extra 600 calories but don't think I will use them tonight
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    @tlbev2015 Yup... the joys of self employment... looked into getting an insurance plan, but the monthly premiums came to more than we spent out of pocket, so not worth it.. Nice job on the walking! It's sunny, no wind, and the temp was around 50 F/10 C, so no complaints. Still feeling pretty angsty, but I am working a nice treat into my net calories so have that to look forward to. Sugar always calms the angries when I feel like this... cherry ice cream drizzled with kahlua should hit the spot. :wink:
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    I want chocolate, or pie, or ice cream, or licorice ... and am sitting on my hands so I don't grab the car keys and run to the corner gas station's mini mart. If there was any milk in the house I'd make hot chocolate from the baking cocoa that's in the cupboard.
  • hi!
    so glad your doing well, I'm on the same journey. I'm 36 and I started at 320#, I'm at 293# in the last 5 weeks. I've definitely decided enough is enough. I have 3 children and a devoted husband and both I and they deserve better. bottom line is I've been lazy and didn't really care what I ate and how much of it.
    I've totally changed my diet, it takes a lot longer every day to make healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner but I'm commited. I have fruit shakes all the time, healthy snacks and to tell you the truth I don't feel hungry most of the time. I have my moments but I hang in there. I haven't had junk food in over 5 weeks and I do feel better.
    I also started started the gym 3 weeks ago, I go every morning at 5 am to do some cardio then weight lifting Monday thru Friday. at first it was tough and I loath that elliptical but I push myself. my legs are a lot stronger that they were when I started. I've tried the treadmill but always feel dizzy when I get off.
    my goal weight is 150 and I'm determined to get there no matter how long it takes. I've always been a little over weight until I went to college and everything went down hill from there. I want that look and feel great. I'm so far away but a little each day. WE can do this!!!
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    NK1112 wrote: »
    I want chocolate, or pie, or ice cream, or licorice ... and am sitting on my hands so I don't grab the car keys and run to the corner gas station's mini mart. If there was any milk in the house I'd make hot chocolate from the baking cocoa that's in the cupboard.

    Herbal tea!! That's what I do when I'm having cravings... also chlorella supplements help.

  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    @alexamedina1 Well done on a great start! Kudos to doing those early morning workouts... I'm SO NOT a morning person, so the thought of trying to do the gym that early doesn't appeal at all... We're very close in age and weight, so it's nice to have you along for the ride, as I know we'll relate to each other a lot!
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    I'm having a much needed jammie day at home with my kid today. They have 2 PD days off this week, so it's nice having him here... I could do without the video game noise though... :wink:

    Nothing else new to report... Still staying below my net calories, still getting my protein in, keeping my carbs lower, working on the fat, doing something active everyday... Could do a LOT better on plain water intake but I do drink a lot of decaf fluids... Still no TOM.
  • I miss the a.m. exercise. Did that long ago when started work at 7:30, now I start at 6:00 so changed to going right after work 4 days a week. Now No excuses and won't be tempted after I am home to stay home.
    Made my first goal ...down 5 lbs... yeaaa me :)
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    @tibev2015 Congrats on making 5 lbs down! :smiley:

    Today was a self care day. Had a horrible sleep last night, the hubs was restless and kept waking me up, I had that thing happen where you jerk yourself awake cause you think you're falling... followed by nightmares... sheesh... I was relieved when morning came! LOL We used to have a spa connected to our salon, so one of our estheticians who became a good friend came by today to give me a pedi and face waxing (super hairy due to PCOS so I do this regularly) as a trade for getting her highlights done by the hubs... Had a nice visit and feeling pampered now... She's going to start coming over once a month, which will be nice.

    Otherwise, not much to report... still working the plan... How's everyone else doing this week?
  • Good day. proud to say I've made it to Curves for workout for 3 weeks now; M,W,F,Sa :blush:
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    tlbev2015 wrote: »
    Good day. proud to say I've made it to Curves for workout for 3 weeks now; M,W,F,Sa :blush:

    Well done!! That's a huge step towards making it a habit. :smiley: It's almost 6 PM and I still need to do my 9 min of activity today. I took yesterday off because I was so sore in my hips and lower back from my 40 min brisk walk on Monday. I'm going to watch a show with the hubs tonight and do the stationary bike while we're watching.

  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Okay... needing some practical feedback this morning from those of you who are number geeks like me!

    On January 22nd I got up, peed, and weighed naked at 290 lbs. Then that afternoon I had my first pre-op consult with my surgeon and his scale read 295 lbs after eating two meals, fully clothed with jeans on, and a possible scale discrepancy. I've been using it as my starting weight because it was the weight taken at the bariatric surgeon's office at my first consult and that's the weight they will be going off of going forward.

    Let's look at my results using my home scale weigh ins... each total is the grand total I've lost, not a weekly loss.

    Jan 22, 290. Starting weight
    Jan 26, 288.8, Total loss 1.2 lbs
    Feb 2, 290.8 Total gain 0.8 lbs
    Feb 8, 290.5 Total gain 0.5 lbs
    Feb 16, 287.9 Total loss 2.1 lbs
    Feb 20, 289 Total loss 1 lb

    So essentially in the last month I've lost 1 lb if you don't count the extra 5 lbs from the surgeon's scale. My main question is... would you tweak your macros/calorie goals in this scenario? And if yes, how?

    Here's some actual daily macro averages over the course of a full week (I weigh and measure EVERYTHING so it's as accurate as the database and package labels can be)...

    MFP Macros to lose 1 lb/week: Carbs: 246 g/day, Prot: 99 g/day, Fat: 66 g/day,
    Cals: 1970/day

    Jan 23 - 29, Carbs: 240 g/day, Prot: 84 g/day, Fat: 124 g/day,
    Cals: 2459/day, Exercise: 6 min/day

    Jan 30 - Feb 5, Carbs: 210 g/day, Prot: 98 g/day, Fat: 145 g/day,
    Cals: 2420/day, Exercise: 8 min/day

    Feb 6 - 12, Carbs: 185 g/day, Prot: 84 g/day, Fat: 111 g/day,
    Cals: 1904/day, Exercise: 10 min/day

    Feb 13 - 19, Carbs: 136 g/day, Prot: 103 g/day, Fat: 110 g/day,
    Cals: 1869/day, Exercise: 11 min/day

    As you can see I'm lowering calories each week, increasing activity as much as I'm able with my back and hip issues, eating less carbs, more protein, and slightly less fat. The one glaring thing when I look at my stats is my fat intake is almost double what it should be. I'm worried that in order to remove the fat, I'll be replacing those calories with carbs, which is the only thing I'm low on, and that's not great for someone with insulin resistance. Geez is this a fine balancing act!!

    Another variable is my menstrual cycle. It's not particularly regular as I have PCOS... TOM was due to start on Feb 15th and is still MIA, which means I'm likely retaining a lot of water, so may have a big whoosh once he's been and gone.

    Do I just keep doing what I'm doing? Or change it up? And if yes, how?

    Week 5 Stats:

    Feb 25: 288.1 lbs, Down 0.9 lbs this week, Total of 1.9 lbs
    Feb 20-25: Carbs: 167 g/day, Prot: 96 g/day, Fat: 92 g/day,
    Cals: 1735/day, Exercise: 17 min/day

    MFP Macros to lose 1 lb/week: Carbs: 246 g/day, Prot: 99 g/day, Fat: 66 g/day,
    Cals: 1970/day

    I'm well below my goals on everything but fat still. Exercise goal this week was 9 min/day so I almost doubled that.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    So I pretty much half my calorie intake, exercise almost everyday for 5 weeks straight, and lose a grand total of 1.9 lbs in those 5 weeks. And people wonder why I get discouraged and give up after months and months of similar results?! I feel like smashing my scale today.

    Don't worry, I'm not giving up, I still want to feel fitter... Also, keeping perspective about TOM being a real *kitten*... today makes day 48 of my cycle... a "normal" woman without PCOS has 28 day cycles... Nice, right? :neutral_face:

    Got my workout in already today and it HURT but I pushed through... I'm determined that I'm going to keep taking action till I see results.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    edited February 2015
    Disclaimer: This is a rant, not asking for advice on how to "fix" it. There is no cure. No I'm not pregnant, I had a tubal ligation.

    People who have never experienced this hormonal hell that is PCOS have no idea what torture it is to live in my skin sometimes. I hate feeling so emotional, annoyed, and irritable for no good reason. I hate the zits, makes me want to hide out alone in a dark room until I'm back to "normal". I hate the bloat and feeling extra fat, wearing clothes feels like torture, I just want to wear comfy jammies 24/7. I hate the never ending headaches, the restlessness at night, the lack of sleep, the fatigue. I hate the intense cravings that make me feel mentally unstable (thank God there's nothing in the house that appeals to me). I hate the heartburn every time I eat... I don't know what to do about it, but if TOM doesn't show up in the next 24 hours I'm seriously contemplating going to my doctor to get some progesterone to make it start. I haven't had to do that since my mid 20's... The last three years my cycles were pretty darn regular, 35-37 days, but now since I started trying to lose weight, ironically the last one and this one have been the longest cycles I've had in years... GAH!!! I'm convinced my hormones are directly linked to my allergies. I have the worst hay fever I've had in years, and coincidentally my hormones are not functioning correctly now...
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Sorry guys... I'm done talking about TOM now. LOL Moving on...

    Fridays are busy days, I work at the salon we own (the hubs is a stylist, I do all the business related stuff), I have a standing lunch date with my favourite auntie, I do a marathon grocery shop for the week when we close the salon... I'll get loads of walking in, and will be exhausted and sore when I get home tonight... I'm good with that. :smiley:
  • LubGunther
    LubGunther Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you so much RillaVanilla!!!!!!!! I love that everything in moderation is OK...whenever I start trying to cut things out of my diet I get insanely rebellious and want to go out and eat bucketfuls of them.

    Thanks again for your response!