CHALLENGE FOR FEB 2015 -- Say "NO" to Late Night Snacking



  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Brenda8892 wrote: »
    Im late joining this group but love this idea!! For me, LNS is anything after 8pm. So last night, the 20th, ME - 1 LNS - 0. Here's to working on keeping it that way!!

  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Feb 23

    Me: 11*
    LNS: 12
  • I'm in, just ate a handful of grapes so I suppose it isn't too bad. 0-1
  • JustineElizabeth
    JustineElizabeth Posts: 54 Member
    Me: 12* LNS: 1
  • reitzjk8
    reitzjk8 Posts: 5 Member
    I would like to join.
    February 23
    Me: 1
    Lns: 0
  • superraachel
    superraachel Posts: 106 Member
    Me: 2*
    LNS: 2

    That was a snacky weekend, but I'm back at it.
    I have a mini vacation coming this week, but I'm planning on bringing food and making good choices.
  • laurahickman14
    laurahickman14 Posts: 84 Member
    One step at a time - looking to make more friends and share lots of motivation and tips with you all - the more friends the happier!
  • reitzjk8
    reitzjk8 Posts: 5 Member
  • ames_ks
    ames_ks Posts: 36 Member
    Me: 2 - LNS: 0
  • Me: 14*
    LNS: 3
    Thank you for all the support!
  • superraachel
    superraachel Posts: 106 Member
    Me: 3*
    LNS: 2
  • JustineElizabeth
    JustineElizabeth Posts: 54 Member
    Me: 14* LNS: 1 So tempted last night but, amazingly, was able to resist.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Feb 25

    Me: 13*
    LNS: 12
  • MeL 15*
    LNS: 3
    It's getting easier to steer clear of the kitchen now.
  • JustineElizabeth
    JustineElizabeth Posts: 54 Member
    Me: 15* LNS: 1
  • ames_ks
    ames_ks Posts: 36 Member
    Me: 5 - LNS: 0
    MeL 15*
    LNS: 3
    It's getting easier to steer clear of the kitchen now.

    Super! Way to go!!!
  • ames_ks
    ames_ks Posts: 36 Member
    Me: 15* LNS: 1

    Whoo hoo!
  • ames_ks
    ames_ks Posts: 36 Member
    Me: 14* LNS: 1 So tempted last night but, amazingly, was able to resist.

    Awesome! Way to stay on goal!!!
  • CenteredOne
    CenteredOne Posts: 14 Member
    Tonight and last night I did 'late night eating.' I saw from 'logging' my food that I had 'used up' all my calories for the day. I was hungry so ate another 500 calories anyway..After 10pm is the time when my cravings are greatest
    ALOT of calories going down. Don't want weight to go 'up' so need to be accountable.
    So I commit for this coming night no eating after 10pm...
  • Tonight and last night I did 'late night eating.' I saw from 'logging' my food that I had 'used up' all my calories for the day. I was hungry so ate another 500 calories anyway..After 10pm is the time when my cravings are greatest
    ALOT of calories going down. Don't want weight to go 'up' so need to be accountable.
    So I commit for this coming night no eating after 10pm...

    There has been a lot of good advice in this thread so far:
    Cleaning up and the mentally shutting down the kitchen
    Making tea instead of eating
    Eat a filling/healthy evening meal so you aren't tempted to snack
    Keep busy!
    Go to bed earlier
    Track all your late night snacks