Post here if you want more friends!



  • Hello, newbie here feel free to add me!
  • Kasymira
    Kasymira Posts: 88 Member
    Pick me!!! :)
  • Add me! I'm doing well so far, about a month in, only down a few pounds but dropped three dress sizes!! But my motivation is starting to slack! Could use some positive vibes :)
  • Hi just joined and looking for friends.
  • EvolvedGorilla
    EvolvedGorilla Posts: 3 Member
    Will yall be my friends????
  • ms_cass
    ms_cass Posts: 12 Member
    I'm back after not using MFP for a while. And it sure does prove it works. Love to have like minded ppl on here as a friend for extra encouragement & motivation. Feel free to add me
  • I'm looking for people to help me out with support and workout ideas.
  • chipgraff
    chipgraff Posts: 101 Member
    Always looking for supportive new friends on here. Only thing is I tend to actually get to know my friends on here on a one-on-one basis, so if you're looking for a great friendship with lots of support, I'm game, all are welcome :) Also, if there's anyone from New Jersey on here like I am, it'd be great to hear from you especially lol.
  • rubenveee
    rubenveee Posts: 12 Member
    Hello everyone im looking for friends and support im 23 from cali in my first month of mfp
  • j1cmpbll
    j1cmpbll Posts: 30 Member
    Add me ladies and gentlemen!
  • 22 year old from Canada, feel free to add me :D
  • midstrength_13
    midstrength_13 Posts: 2 Member
    Fitness professional on here to track my diet and exercise regime. Happy to help keep people motivated.
  • ash2692
    ash2692 Posts: 20 Member
    I need friends!! Feel free to add me! :smiley:
  • fluffybookworm
    fluffybookworm Posts: 11 Member
    23 michigan just signed up tonight. I need friends!
  • Sansan1984
    Sansan1984 Posts: 14 Member
    30 from canada feel free to add me :smiley: cant go wrong with extra support!
  • Add me girls :) I keep my diary open and I am currently doing intermittent fasting along with Kayla itsines bbg.
  • riotproofster
    riotproofster Posts: 4 Member
    5th day on MFP! Already seeing a huge difference in how I think/behave around food, but it's not easy! Let's help each other and keep the motivation up!!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    always up for meeting new people..feel free
  • Hello
  • Count me in I NEED FRIENDS.