Carb Flu (for low-carbers only please)



  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    If you can get off sugar (ALL sugar) for 3 days you'll be suprised at how short the flu can be. Keep an eye on "diet" products - sometimes their sugar alcohols can be high (so you think you're doing good, but you're actually consuming sugar). I don't know about you, but once I'm off sugar, ALL my carb cravings go away (chips, crackers, breads - not so appealing anymore). One thing I've heard is to take Emergen-C if you get headaches, etc. during that 3 day withdrawl.

    Also, keep an eye out for hidden sugars. Read ALL labels. You'd be surprised at where you'll find sugar - salad dressings, seasoning salts, spices, etc. Sometimes, something with hidden sugar can send me into a spiral of cravings (and then only sheer willpower to hop back on the wagon will help).

    Keep an eye out for things with these ingredients (they are all sugar):

    1.Barley malt
    2.Beet sugar
    3.Brown sugar
    4.Buttered syrup
    5.Cane juice crystals
    6.Cane sugar
    8.Corn syrup
    9.Corn syrup solids
    10.Confectioner’s sugar
    11.Carob syrup
    12.Castor sugar
    13.Date sugar
    14.Demerara sugar
    17.Diastatic malt
    19.Ethyl maltol
    21.Fruit juice
    22.Fruit juice concentrate
    25.Glucose solids
    26.Golden sugar
    27.Golden syrup
    28.Grape sugar
    29.High-fructose corn syrup
    31.Icing sugar
    32.Invert sugar
    36.Malt syrup
    37.Maple syrup
    39.Muscovado sugar
    41.Raw sugar
    42.Refiner’s syrup
    43.Rice syrup
    45.Sorghum syrup
    49.Turbinado sugar
    50.Yellow sugar

    That's just awesome! Thank you so much! I think you've just inspired me to do at least 3 days with Zero sugars. It won't be easy, b/c I hate plain water, but i can put lemon juice in it, i won't die. I will re-evaluate in 3 days. Amazing at all the different kinds of sugars. and tototally understand why being off sugars(toxic) helps with the bread cravings. bread is just sugar in a different form! lol it's all the same to the body.
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I meant sugar free gum, I still allow myself gum to stop me from nibbling all day. It works for me!
    I had headaches, body aches, no energy at all
    that doesn't sound good.

    It's AWESOME!

    I don't recommend chewing gum. I'm a gum lover, fo'sho, but the sugar in it does not help long term. You really have to go cold turkey and put your foot down. Grind it, I tell ya! Grind that little foot!

    WHOLE 30. Try it. It's massively helpful with compliance in the very least.

    I would recommend allowing yourself bacon & butter, though. Life without those two is just... PAINFUL.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I am hoping I can go low carb again. I had my gall bladder out in December, tried low carb in March but my poor liver just can't seem to process the extra fat that comes with a low carb diet. And before anyone suggests "eat all lean protein", I'm not open to that suggestion, either. Too much protein is also hard on your liver. Plus, I really can't eat just a can of tuna, it needs mayo. And chicken for every meal? Bleh. :laugh:

    I think what helped me get through the cravings is just the knowledge that one cookie or other treat would blow my carb count for the whole day. I wasn't willing to blow my hard work for the whole day at 8:00pm because my body/brain decided it needed something sweet. I remember standing there looking into my pantry several times over the weeks and finding nothing that I could really eat (my family enjoys their carbs!), vowing to hit the grocery store in the morning and just walking to the fridge to get a glass of water. You can do it, it's really just mind over matter.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I went on what to me is low carb diet and my thyroid freaked out again. When I drop below 150gram my body goes into a hyperthyroid state and I start to gain like crazy.
  • Only two suggestions: one is to eat very frequently- every hour if need be to help with the cravings. I agree- dont count calories, just focus on what is going into your body for now. Also, I dont know if you use "Splenda", but if you do I switched to "Stevia" when I was having terrible cravings and couldnt figure out why- apparently it does affect blood sugar levels so it can be a problem. With the Stevia I have hd no problems at all!

    Good luck! If you can get through it it does get much much better!!!
  • gcineas
    gcineas Posts: 121
    im "new" to consciously low carbing and I thought i would ask --- is it bad to eat things like sweet potato?

    As an anecdote whenever I low carb I lose weight. I don't normally low carb on purpose and it was after reading this post that I realized why I haven't been losing weight- I just normally live off of TONS of canned tuna and vegetables. Then I started following the MFP guidelines on fat protein and carbs and I havent lost a pound- I started to gain weight. Then after reading a few threads and going through my diary I realized that I was eating way more carbs in this "lifestyle" than my normal lifestyle.

    Anyway, just wanted to say you can do and chew lots of gum :). I have four packs sitting in my desk drawer!!!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Hi there.

    I have cleaned up a couple of comments on this thread, I am not issuing any warning on this occasion but can I please remind everyone of the rules particularly number 4

    4) Do not attack/slam/insult other users. The forums are here so that members can help support one another. Attacks or insults against each other takes away from the supportive atmosphere and will not be tolerated. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. It really is as simple as that to keep the boards running smoothly and that is surely what the majority of us want.

    Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

    Best regards,
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I make a lot of the high carb dishes but a low carb way so I trick myself into thinking I've had the carbs.:laugh: I take recipes I see on TV on the net, etc and low carb them. I also make a great bread made from all ground flax seed that is all fiber so the only effective carbs are in the eggs. I make little rye muffins out of them and they help when I have a carby craving. I also find if I up my veggies like zucchini in dishes it helps me feel less carb deprived not sure why but I make a stir fry type thing with ground chicken, chopped onion, celery, and zucchini and add taco type seasonings like chili powder and onion and garlic powder and chili lime Mrs. Dash and then top with cheese and that is yummy. For lasagna or Italian type cravings I make a low carb lasagna, George Stella has a great recipe that I love but I make it with ground chicken instead of beef since I'm allergic.

    Hang in there and do not beat yourself up over your slips. We are not perfect and we have to get rid of our all or nothing attitudes towards dieting. We are in this for the rest of our healthy lives so we will slip but we can get back up and do it again just in a different way. My best advice would be to research low carb recipes it is the comfort of the foods you are looking for not necessarily the carbs and you can learn to make your favorites in a lower carb but great tasting version.:bigsmile:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I have found a few tricks that might help, depending on the things that you like to eat. You can use things like almond flour, flax meal, Parmesan cheese and even crunched up pork rinds to bread chicken, pork or fish. I sometimes use all four along with a little garlic and onion powder. It makes a tasty breading that has very few carbs.

    I've also added crunched up pork rinds to meatloaf instead of breadcrumbs and used plain tomato sauce on top instead of ketchup. My husband didn't even notice the difference. Each slice had about 3 or 4 grams of carbs. You could probably use this trick with meatballs, too. Serve them with spaghetti squash and a lower sugar sauce and you'll think you're eating a high carb meal when you aren't.

    You can make a really tasty and versatile muffin out of flax meal, an egg and a little butter. It cooks in the microwave in one minute. You can add all kinds of things to it (chocolate, cinnamon, onion and garlic powder, lemon extract) to give it different flavors. You can also cook it in different sized bowls or cups. I once made a savory "muffin", cooked it in a bowl so it was large and thin, sliced it in half and made a grilled cheese sandwich out of it. Yummy!
  • NanRunsOnPaleo
    NanRunsOnPaleo Posts: 55 Member
    The hardest part to transition over to the low-carb lifestyle (whether it be paleo/primal/atkins/southbeach etc) is getting over the initial carb flu. I know I struggle every week trying to get over this hump. I do so good for a week, and then mess is up, I fall to the cravings for sugar. Once I mess up, it's such a struggle to get back on track. Ofcourse the good is outweighing the bad right now b/c I'm losing weight, but I would love to get over this once and for all! I want the cravings to be completely gone! I feel like I'm just in this horrible cycle. For those of you that have gotten over the initial parts and made it to where I'm trying to go, do you have any advice or tips on how to do this? any suggestions??

    ***If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*** aka if you are not here to answer my questions and offer real advice then don't comment.

    Kim, I TOTALLY hear ya and that is exactly what happened to me last week. I was on SUCH a sugar binge that it had me craving sugar nonstop. This also applies to grains.... it's like "once you pop, you just can't stop". And it is always hard to get right back on track.....

    I know when I was eating regular carbs [grains..yes whole grains] and then started primal once last year and again not too long ago, the initial day or two would be very dragging for me. Headaches, weakness, fatigue, sleepy.....

    I'm in your same position with the struggles of falling to temptation and then trying to get back up.

    Stay strong!

    P.S. I highly advise that next time you or any of our Paleo pals [including me!] feel like posting a topic on similar matters should probably state in the subject line "For Paleo/Primal people" instead of low carb. It'll save ya a lot of unnecessary drama and unwanted feedback ;)

    You know 'traditional' folks will find ways to bash us or act like they know a thing or two over you.

    "What works for you may not necessarily work for me". -> Some people fail to believe that because they're so wrapped in their own little bubbles.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I'm not low carb, but I do try to watch my sugars. I discovered that upping my protein helped a lot with the cravings for sweets. Just a thought though :-)
  • NanRunsOnPaleo
    NanRunsOnPaleo Posts: 55 Member
    LOL, I LOVE your cat pic hahaha.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Hi there

    I have already issued a friendly warning on this thread.

    While I understand that you asked for low carbers advice only it is a public forum and anyone is free to post. The post that is being slammed the most was not abusive or offensive and the name calling that was directed at that poster was unnecessary and has now been deleted.

    This is a support board, you may not always agree with other people and debates and discussions are welcome, personal attacks are not.

    I'm now locking this thread before it turns into a flaming match.

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
This discussion has been closed.