Starting on 3/1/15. Who is with me?

tellicampi Posts: 13 Member
edited March 2015 in Getting Started
Today I begin my journey. I am looking for some friends on MFP so we can keep each other accountable. If anyone is interested - join up. What do you have to lose?


  • sh3llbell
    sh3llbell Posts: 14 Member
    ok... why not.. want to lose 5 kgs (11lbs).. that said, have wanted to lose 5 kgs for about 18 months so clearly need motivation and need to be accountable ... what's your number ??
  • jimic78
    jimic78 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm also in, I've got a lot more weight to lose though
  • TimeaDeborahh
    TimeaDeborahh Posts: 322 Member
    Yes!! I need to get back on track!
  • I'm with you. I need to lose about 6 kilos in 12 weeks.
  • ambercat88
    ambercat88 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm getting started today too - let's do this!
  • marshamars
    marshamars Posts: 2 Member
    I am in! I need to lose 25 lbs...ugh! Anyway, I have my youngest son's wedding to be ready for in May so I need the support and encouragement! Let's do this, we got this, we are going to be successful and we are going to be an inspiration to our family members! May the challenge begin! Happy Sunday to all! :smile:
  • mirandaa1985
    mirandaa1985 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm in! I have 29 lbs to lose. My husband is away for training (Army) until April 1 so I'm hoping to lose 6-8 lbs by the time he comes home.
  • TT1215
    TT1215 Posts: 2 Member
    Definitely! Just had a baby a few months ago and was back to pre-pregnancy weight 6 weeks following. I'd now like to lose about 75 lbs. In it for the long haul.
  • DavidBong
    DavidBong Posts: 3 Member
    Today I begin my journey. I am looking for some friends on MFP so we can keep each other accountable. If anyone is interested - join up. What do you have to lose?

    I am in!
  • Starting today! Looking forward to hearing success stories and tracking ,y progress-accountability is key! Good to luck to all!
  • lizjordan2112
    lizjordan2112 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!
  • Im in too im trying to go for burning at least 3500 calories per week fingers crossed to lose two lbs per week and maintaining cardio for 12 days straight one day off also using the hiit method :) anyone else
  • Linandra
    Linandra Posts: 10 Member
    I am new today .. so lets go !
  • tellicampi
    tellicampi Posts: 13 Member
    sh3llbell wrote: »
    ok... why not.. want to lose 5 kgs (11lbs).. that said, have wanted to lose 5 kgs for about 18 months so clearly need motivation and need to be accountable ... what's your number ??

    Thank you everyone for the support! I have about 60 pounds to lose. I don't have a particular date in mind to reach my goal. For me, this will be a marathon not a race.

    I have found it easier to break my goal down into smaller more manageable portions. This helps tremendously when I am feeling overwhelmed about trying to hit my bigger long term goal.

    With that said, for the month of March I am looking to lose ten pounds. I don't think I'm setting the bar too high. I feel like I should be able to meet this goal.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Jynxi
    Jynxi Posts: 26 Member
    Im in!! Starting over today, everybody can feel free to add me if they choose :-) The bigger the support system the better!!
  • I'm with you! Still need to loose 16kg till summer ;)
  • mountain01
    mountain01 Posts: 65 Member
    We all have a journey
  • I am in. Need to lose this weight. About 60lbs
  • :D:D:D feeling excited about it. I know I can do it ;)
  • rdmoore85
    rdmoore85 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm in as well