

  • sybil1106
    sybil1106 Posts: 71
    I've been doing pretty well this past week. I've been staying under my calorie goals and I've been eating plenty of food. I've ust noticed the healthy stuff is way less than the crap I usually eat. I didn't realize how many empty calories I was eating by eating a small bag of chips or eating two cookies with my subway sandwich. Just by cutting that out I've been fitting into my clothes much easier. Baby steps ;P
    Plus I think all of this will help with roller derby tryouts on Sunday. Cross your fingers!!!
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    Username: Sam363
    First name: Sam
    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 138.6
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 125
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? 30 DS, 5 x a week, running 3x a week.
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! No, but I need to start looking!!

    What's DS?
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Username: Sam363
    First name: Sam
    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 138.6
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 125
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? 30 DS, 5 x a week, running 3x a week.
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! No, but I need to start looking!!

    What's DS?

    It's Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.

    I did another two JM's- Level 2 of 30 DS and Level 2 of Ripped in 30. Feeling great. It's super humid and rainy otherwise I'd go for a walk/run.

    Sybil- isn't it amazing how much you can eat when it's all fresh. I just ate a whole green pepper and it's only 25 calories. Mmm... And Good Luck with Derby Tryouts! Those practices are amazing workouts! I have a few friends involved in it.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    @Becky Awesome job! keep it up - you will be AMAZED at how quickly you improve with running. I used to hate it, the first time I went running last October I thought I was going to die after 2 ks, now I can happily run ten, it feels amazing when you see how far you've come!

    @ Sybil Great job on the eating, I definitely need to pick up the ball on this!

    My week is going well - missed my run on Monday but did a good one last night, think I need to be more focused in my strength training to get that definition I'm after, oh and water water water!

    How is everyone else going? xx
  • jannapurna
    jannapurna Posts: 49 Member
    This week has been great for me - feeling super motivated and energetic! I've done moksha yoga every day for 4 days in a row and I'm aiming to do at least 8 days in a row! My appetite is the lowest it's been EVER, too!
    Not ready for the bikini yet, though. Far from it.

    Sybil: I haven't had any junk food (with the exception of alcohol :drinker: ) for about 2 weeks and I honestly don't even miss those chips and candies! I do find it becoming more and more difficult to fulfill my minimum calorie intake, though...I never thought I'd be able to say that! Good luck with the roller derby tryouts!

    Becky: Keep up the running! I've been thinking about trying the C25k programme for a while; maybe next week I'll start it. I'm nervous, though, as that means I'll have to run in public! :embarassed:

    Fromaquizer: Is that you in your profile picture? You look great!

    Raquel: I'm going to check out that push-ups link. Thanks! I have to do them a lot for my kung fu training, but I still struggle with it so I could the extra training at home.

    Hello to everyone else!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Kicked some MAJOR exercise booty today and ate well too. This stomach pooch is shrinking before my very eyes :happy:
  • lynenz
    lynenz Posts: 29
    I would love to join this challenge!

    username: Lynenz
    first name: Lyn
    Height: 5'4
    Starting Weight: 139
    Goal Weight: 125
    What am I doing: 2nd round of 30 DS possibly every other day? Finishing up L3 now and lost inches. Starting C25K next week. And throwing in some pilates in there too.
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet? Not yet but can't wait to go shopping!
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Ooo I hope it's not too late to join this thread!!

    Username: Imwitha
    First name: Clarissa
    Height: 5'3"
    Starting Weight: 148
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 130
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Cardio 30 mins/5x a week. Starting 30 Day Shred on Monday the 16th. 1200 calories net daily.
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! Nope, the only bikini I own is one I bought a year about when I was closer to 160 pounds. Sure it fits now but hopefully won't by July 4th :)
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Awesome job keeping up with workouts everyone! Summer will be here before we know it!:) I got my HRM in the mail yesterday, ts a ft4 polar!!so excited to use it!! First I need to finish my last essay:)

    Hey question.. Are we weighing in on Sunday or monday? I'm getting excited:)
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I'm a few days late but can I join? I really need to have something to keep me going...

    username: Petithamu
    first name: Tiffany
    Height: 5'2
    Starting Weight: 159.9
    Goal Weight: 128 (115 is the end goal but I'll be happy to be 128 by July 4...)
    What am I doing: Spin class 2x/wk, yoga at least 1x a week and am contemplating on starting 2nd round of 30DS...
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet? Have too many bikinis hidden in the back of the closet that I have yet worn comfortably...
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Me too please I really really need this...

    Username: milileitner
    First name: Mili
    Height: 5'1
    Starting Weight: 130
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 119
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? 30DS, 20+ mins elliptical, 40+ mins walking every day. 1200 calories intake not eating back exercise.
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! No. I have never worn a bikini but THIS IS MY YEAR.
  • imogenboo
    imogenboo Posts: 63 Member
    Hey all! I'm a little late but does anyone mind if I join? This sounds like a fun challenge!

    Username: Imogenboo
    First name: Imogen
    Height: 5' 4"
    Starting Weight: 123.8
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 115
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? 30DS, 6 week 6 pack and walking more
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! A few, but I am going to go bikini shopping as a reward!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Kicked some MAJOR exercise booty today and ate well too. This stomach pooch is shrinking before my very eyes :happy:

    Yay for shrinking stomach pooches! Mine is also shrinking and it's sooooo awesome. :bigsmile:
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Kicked some MAJOR exercise booty today and ate well too. This stomach pooch is shrinking before my very eyes :happy:

    Yay for shrinking stomach pooches! Mine is also shrinking and it's sooooo awesome. :bigsmile:

    Great job guys!!! Remember this feeling the next time you want to eat crap when you're not hungry or skip exercising!:)
  • jocelynrinear
    Options is the challange. It'll probably take me about 7-8 weeks to complete, so it's a greAt time to start now! Even doing the challenge starting with girl pushups is great too.Whoever is interested we can all record our progress and motivate each other on here! Pushups work more than your arms! Sick core and legs WO too Look up all the benefits, it has "beach bod" written all over it!:) I just finished week one today with a partner! :) let's do this!

    I am doing this! Thank you for the challenge. This is a great idea!
    Thank you. :smile:
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Options is the challange. It'll probably take me about 7-8 weeks to complete, so it's a greAt time to start now! Even doing the challenge starting with girl pushups is great too.Whoever is interested we can all record our progress and motivate each other on here! Pushups work more than your arms! Sick core and legs WO too Look up all the benefits, it has "beach bod" written all over it!:) I just finished week one today with a partner! :) let's do this!
    I am doing this! Thank you for the challenge. This is a great idea!
    Thank you. :smile:

    you're welcome!! Its an awesome program, you'll do great! week two starts tomorrow :smile:
    dont give up if you cant do all of them right away, it's all about improvement!
  • carolewoodall
    carolewoodall Posts: 3 Member
    Username: carolewoodall
    First name: carole
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting Weight: 165
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 150 by end of July, hoping to book a holiday to Turkey shortly
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Walking with neighbour as doing "run for life" beginning of July, speed walking on treadmill and cycling at weekends.
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! Not yet, but have seen lots i like lol

    I'll be keeping track for the group with each of our weekly check-ins. If there's anything I've missed just shoot me a message and I've tried to friend everyone in hopes that you'll always see these check-in's and related messages. Thx!
  • mom2jacob
    mom2jacob Posts: 54
    First time in a challenge here so I will join in hopes to keep my motivation going!!

    So here's what I need from you this week...
    Username: mom2jacob
    First name:sherry
    Height: 5'7
    Starting Weight:173
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 163
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? c25k treadmill plus weight training and elliptical and stationary bike also some other aerobic exercises
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! yes and already went to the beach when i saw the pics my hubby took i could cry so I'm so ready to look good in a bikini again
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    So motivated today- I ran 24 minutes today (over intervals). I planned on stopping at 19 minutes but thought of posting more on here! Yay- motivation!! Nothing better :) Oh the bikini too!

    Raquel- let me know how that hrm works for you. I know it's quite the investment and I'm not sure if it's worth it. I haven't heard one negative but the money aspect just gets me every time.

    Keep up the great work everyone! Welcome to the newcomers!

    Getting an extra workout in today and tomorrow because I have a wedding on Saturday. It's at my favorite winery- YUM! I'm sure I'll be over on calories so I have to make up for it now!