Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Niki- That is the age ole question “What are parents to do.” I have to keep reminding myself he is not like me. He didn’t have a job until he was 17 (I babysat at 10). He didn’t drive until 17 (me 15) he is going through things that typical teens go through but at 18 verses a younger age. I just keep trying to guide him I have really been pushing the trade school aspect.
    @LaurieK- Be safe those ice storms are no joke.
    @Tanya- Congrats on no fast food. I like stating every day to hold yourself accountable. Older cars are annoying I just put $3,500 into mine this year because I can’t afford a car payment plus part of that is one shop butchering the repair so I had to have it done twice.
    @Jennbo- Try not to get frustrated just do what you are able to each day.
    @Melifornia- Congrats on no fast food and enjoy the lake
    @Goin s td- Your dealing with a lot and it is okay to vent. Keep your head up god will find a way to help you through
    @Karen- MIL and my mom might- I will say your MIL is relentless though.
    @Hansea- Thanks for the weighing compliment, it is still a work in progress but I am learning that labels aren’t always right and where I get confused is for example with turkey bacon label say serving size 1 slice (14g) but food scale 14g is 2 slices so which is it I am supposed to eat?

    AFM- It is going to be a wonderful day it is my normal Tuesday read with Massimo and then I will be volunteering at Read Across America (something about Dr.Seuss) at a local elementary school for the afternoon. I have decided being a small blizzard is anywhere from 600-800 calories that I will no longer support DQ. I have a sign at my desk telling to reject any DQ offers from co-workers. Because I accepted yesterday and had to eat on the run cause of class I was over by 500 yesterday for the first time in awhile.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @hansea .. thanks, I wasn't eating snacks; pretty much never do; but I did way overeat at mealtime. That's something I've noticted ... my meal portions are out of whack again and I'm overfilling myself. Gotta stop that!

    @ereilly ... no, I'm Russian. However, Polish and Russian food are nearly identical, as is Ukrainian food and many other cultures in that part of the world. My mom used to make the donuts for us during Fat Week ... for us, the week before Lent starts. We also called them Pazcki, but with a Russian pronounciation ... the Polish is just more common in the US, especially in WNY. Funny thing though, when I was a little girl and my family was emigrating to the US, we were on the 'immigration transport line' ... it took about a year ... and my mom made friends with a Polish woman who I adored. I started only speaking in Polish and everyone in my family had to speak Polish to me or I wouldn't respond. I was about 4-5 so the words were pretty simple ones. LOL

    @Skinnyjeanz ... I think your MIL is deranged in some way ... is it possible she having heart or brain illness? I remember a doctor telling us once that people with certain heart conditions have a hard time with temperament ... and my father, after he had a stroke that wiped out a lot of his short-term memory capability, had delusions and garbled long-term memories that really tormented him. Then, that friend with Alzheimer's drove a wedge between herself and her daughters during the past few years ... which was all disease related.

    @goinst ... please check into getting some in-home assistance for your husband. Perhaps his health insurance has some support for in-home care, or if you have Long-Term care insurance then it, because .... he needs more care than you can always provide and YOU need time-outs so you can keep up your own health, both physical and mental. The illness your husband has is extremely dibilitating as it progresses into the final stages and he is too miserable to be able to think of anyone but himself. I am so sorry for both of you.

    AFM ... came in at calories yesterday, but did not walk outside as we were having snow. Got one filing cabinet organized.
    My Tuesday Goal is to deep clean the counters area of my kitchen, and wash the floor.

    Have a good day everyone. Tomorow is colonoscopy prep day ... not looking forward to that.
    Follow-through, Niki
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @2ledbetter…I was never a fast walker even when I was thin. My short little legs don’t move that way. :neutral_face: I do about a 3.0 on the treadmill unless I’m doing the C25K. I don’t think you need to worry about speed, just walk what you can and length and speed will get there.
    @Holly…Yesterday we hit the mid 40s here and today the wind is howling outside and only 11 as a high. I wish the cold weather would motivate me to clean house. As far as your son, does he need to you to help motivate? If I could live for free somewhere and get food covered, I’d probably not be motivated to do anything other than chill as well. Maybe you need to charge rent of some sort (nothing huge, you don’t want him to be financially strapped) but enough that he has to get some sort of job. (As I say this, I do realize I’ve never had a child old enough to deal with this so what I’m saying could be totally off. :smiley: ) My husband’s parents said they could live at home for free if they were going to school, but if they weren’t in school, they had to pay rent and have a job.
    @Nikki…sorry to hear about your friend. I’ve watched Alzheimer steal some of my family away. It’s such a hard thing to watch and then the double up of cancer as well. Hopefully it moves slowly.
    @Tanya…I’ve had a vehicle that had a heating problem. It worked fine when it was 15 degrees or warmer, but when it got lower than that the lines would freeze and no heat would come out. We discovered it when we drove 6.5 hours to my parents for Christmas. We took turns lying in the back of the blazer in a sleeping bag having the 80 pound dog lay on top of us. Then when the driver’s feet and hands would freeze, we’d switch. After that we stuck close to home.  Good luck with the rest of winter.
    @Lori …Michael and I had a 2 year separation. Every time I would get to the point of wanting to actually file divorce, I didn’t have the money to do so. When I had the money, something in my heart told me not to. About 1 ½ years into our separation, Michael finally admitted to being an alcoholic, went through treatment and asked me to come back. My family was frustrated with me at the time, but I’m so glad I stuck with it. I know that’s not the answer for everyone, but I hope you and your husband can figure out a way to work it out. Even if it means not getting better himself, at least supporting you.
    @Robin…that made me giggle about the gross areas.
    @Laurie…your stamina amazes me. Great job!
    @Tracy…I’m so sorry to hear about the struggles both you and your husband are having. Is there someone that could come in while you are gone? That might make both of you feel better – he’d have someone else to talk to you…you could get out and take care of your needs to. Maybe a couple hours a day? Robin had a great suggestion and it was something we used in rehab when Michael was being treated for alcoholism. The counselors had us spend some time writing a letter to our loved ones. Then we had to read it (we were with another counselor during the reading) to them and they were not allowed to respond. They just had to take it all in and then we went back at a later time and discussed it. That kept it from becoming a “defensive” moment for either of us.
    @Karen…We call it Tippy cup here and I had never heard of it until I went to WeFest a few years ago. (WeFest is a 3 ½ day country festival that you camp on farmland and they have concerts from 10am – midnight each day…lots of beer consumed!!). I rocked at it and we took 2nd place in a tournament in our campground – fun, fun! We did about ¼ of a cup each time we had a turn.

    AFM: Met all my goals yesterday – whoo hoo!!! My sister was having a tough pregnancy day so she didn’t join me at the gym. In the past, I had used that as an excuse not to go. But I got that swimsuit on, went to water aerobics and then spent another 30 minutes on the treadmill. I’m tired today, but a good tired. Hopefully she’s feeling better today and we can do a lifting session tonight. My goals for today:
    • 75 oz of water
    • Stay within calorie goal
    • Pick up girl scout cookies
    • Thorough cleaning of my Living Room (including dusting, vacuuming and watering plants)
    • Lifting session at the gym

    How my March Goals are going:
    • Cardio – 1/3
    • Lifting – 0/2
    • Water – 2/5
    • Calories - 2/6
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hello! I’m sorry I've been absent, so many things on my mind lately—saw my doc for follow-up on another matter yesterday, he didn't like the look/feel of my Achilles so having another MRI tomorrow morning. <<sigh>> I’m really behind in reading, again. :frowning:

    @Susan~I think it’s a great idea to just concentrate on your diet right now, exercise and the like will fall into place when you’re ready.

    @Tracy~Hooray, for getting to water aerobics yesterday even without your sister—I’m afraid I would have found it too cold to get into a swimsuit! :wink:

    @Laurie~I’m sorry about the yucky weather and that the system thru here last week dumped on you. We’re expecting more freezing rain/sleet Wednesday afternoon. Ugh, I’m so ready for Spring. In Texas we usually only have one or two bad weather days in the winter (we’re used to horrendous Spring storms), so a week of it is just crazy!

    AFM~Not much to report, just a lot on my mind lately and a lot happening at work. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so my friend and I can get our walk in.
  • jennbo83
    jennbo83 Posts: 62 Member
    @kah68 - I hope your Achilles heals quickly!

    @tlh0407 - That's great that you went to the gym despite your sister not being able to go and great job with meeting all of your goals! I am thinking I want to start doing daily/monthly goals for myself.

    I am still frustrated with my shoulder but trying to focus more on my eating habits. I have found that I am starting to like foods I never would have ate before. Such as items labeled "light". I often never liked the taste and now I think they are great! For example. I had completely cut out cheese from my diet for awhile because it was a major trigger food for me. I would have different kinds in excess with crackers or bread and jams. So, I cut it out. I recently started allowing myself to eat one of the light cheeses that comes in a little disk? Just on occasion. Not everyday. Of course I just spaced on the name of it. But anyway, my point is I never would have eaten the light one. I never would have liked it. I also used to use a lot of salt on my vegetables. Now too much salt is gross to me. I don't care for the taste anymore. For vegetables I will add pepper or a no salt seasoning or eat plain and it's great! I find it interesting how my taste buds are changing. I like it. It makes this process of eating right easier. :)
  • kelmomto3
    kelmomto3 Posts: 62 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well today!

    @kah68 - I hope your Achilles heals quickly! I also hope everything is going okay with work.

    @jennbo83 - Focusing on eating habits is a great thing! Isn't it kind of awesome but kind of strange when we discover how our taste buds change?

    @tlh0407 - I hope that your sister has a better pregnancy day tomorrow. Good on you for completing your goals for the day!! I always think it is so motivating when I exercise when i'm not feeling like it. It makes me more determined to be committed to the process.

    @NK1112 - I'm not a fan of walking in the snow either. I'm too worried about my knee giving out on me. I think it's great that your daily goals expand past just weight loss -- but includes house chores too!

    @mnwalkingqueen - I love ice cream too! I don't know if I could handle DQ being offered at my work on a semi-regular basis. I think it's great that you decided to ban it. Just remember to be kind to yourself. Slips happen.

    @hansea47 - The late night snacking has been a problem of mine too. I actually went to bed at 7:30 last night because I didn't want to be tempted to eat something. I don't know what it is about browsing the internet while eating something at night or watching tv while snacking.

    AFM - I've been doing really good staying at or under my calories. I've also been getting in a half hour of exercise a day with Zumba on my XBox. I've also been experimenting with Kickboxing and Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. The scale however, has not moved one way or another.

    NSV - My boss said that i'm looking fitter! I've been really trying hard and can tell a little bit in my clothes. So, I know something is happening. It's just not being reflected on the scale for whatever reason.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited March 2015
    @jennbo83~Thanks! It’s been said that our taste buds change every 5 –years, but I also think that when changing over to a healthier lifestyle we are more apt to trying new things—discovering a whole new world in the process. Are you talking about the Laughing Cow and Babybel cheeses? :heart: them!

    @kelmomto3~Thanks to you also. My Achilles is a chronic problem but I’m hopeful that one day I can put it behind me. Hooray that your boss has noticed the changes in your body — my boss is oblivious, although he saw me eating something one time and asked me if I was allowed to have that. Are you kidding me?! I just told him it was healthier than the 32-oz soda he buys for himself every afternoon! :wink: :lol: I think clothes fitting looser is a better indicator of the changes in your body—you’re building muscle and muscle is more dense than fat and weighs more. So kudos to you on those changes, you'll see changes in the scale soon too! :smiley:

    @Holly~DQ, oh how I love a blizzard—they are calorie hogs though. I treat myself to one (kids size) every summer—no more! :wink:
  • jennbo83
    jennbo83 Posts: 62 Member
    @kah68 - Babybel! That's it! :)
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @jennbo83‌ - I've bee thinking of adding babybel & laughing cow, but I've been doing so well with my "fats" metric that I hate to mess with it. I did buy a 4-oz pkg of goat cheese (love it!) but I haven't decided how I'm going to use it yet! Do you think it would freeze well?
    - @everyone - thanks for your comments and care- I don't know what I'm going to do but my DH does need help; I just don't know if he'll accept it.
  • jennbo83
    jennbo83 Posts: 62 Member
    @goinstd12 - I don't know if it freezes well. I've never tried it. :) I do however love goat cheese. :smiley:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    No fast food today. I am planning on making a quinoa veggie casserole but am exhausted today so it may be tomorrow. I will cook the quinoa today at least. I'm having so much neck pain today that the pain meds are not helping at all. I just cracked open a cider so I hope the alcohol does the trick. When I first had my back injury there were days I had to have a vodka cooler to numb the pain when the meds didn't help. The chiropractor at the physio clinic left abruptly a week and a half ago, so I've been without adjustments for 2 weeks, and I'm sure the increase in pain has something to do with that. I see the new chiropractor tomorrow... finally. I am really looking forward to some relief again.

    @Robin... Right now I'm eating snacky things... yogurt, nuts/seeds/raisins, cheese, crackers. I have homemade lentil soup in the fridge, I make sandwiches, salads, scrambled eggs on an english muffin. When I'm on my game, I make my meals from scratch, make a batch and put in the fridge to eat throughout the week. Occasionally I will eat freezer meals like Beef and Broccoli but cook long grain rice, or hash browns with scrambled eggs.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @goins - I've had goat cheese, as originally purchased and wrapped, in my fridge for a month or more with no problems. Love the stuff myself. Actually, I kind of remember that I liked it even better after it mellowed in the fridge all that time ... slightly more acidic than sweet, and I don't much like sweet food unless it's dessert.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    @goinstd12 I feel for you and your hubby. COPD is a lot to deal with. Most people don't realize how it feels not to be able to breath. One of my best friends had it, she used to tell me she had a choice she could eat or she could breath, but not both. She also lost a lot of weight. I assume your husband is using the supplements like Ensure or Boost type things. My friend's Doctor also ordered Pulmonary Therapy for her and that really helped her a lot. Is there any chance you could get something like that set up for him?? It involves doing simple exercises using some basic equipment and he would have to go some where for it, so that might get him going a little bit. Also, the more he does for himself the better although it's very hard not to do wait on someone hand and foot when they are having such a hard time. I'm praying for you both.

    Have a busy evening so have to get going. Will check in later if I have time.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @MountMary -Barb -I'm picturing you being very busy bent down low to the ground listening for crocus and daffodils trying to push their way out of the ground. Am I right?

    @Iowaoly and @OtherNewbies - welcome - hope to chat with you more after I catch my breath! Hope you're enjoying the challenge of this new lifestyle. And seeing how @Skinnyjeans is basically just a drunk in pajamas :D:D:D (Karen-jkg!)

    @Melfornia -any chance you can get that cabin again for us Midwesterners so we can have a face-to-face relaxation time?

    @Niki - oh no the dreaded Colonoscopy Prep - thats worse than the colonoscopy itself - I never make it through drinking all that liquid. I do those tests every 4 years - and hate that prep, so my sympathies for a late nite tonight, my friend!

    And @MNQueen - never having had kids, of course I have advice, don't worry about quiding him, just give him the basic 3 choices: get a job and pay reduced rent at home or full rent if he moves out (without you agreeing to co-sign anything for him) , stay home for free and attend some kind of school, or join a branch of the service and get schooling for free. The same choices made historically by every person in history before he ever existed.

    AFM -Drs.appts,, Pharmacies, HardwareStores, and Grocerys today, then home to dust horribly thick layers and just toss the rags away after.
    Am taking my busy day and calling it quits for my exercise. You folks east of me prepare for one heck of a stiff wind coming your way. It spun me around quite unexpectedly today!

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kah- I hope the achilles problems can be resolved quickly.

    Skinny- Push for the scan so you can get to the extent of the problem and on the path to healing. I am currently having more freezing rain, but it should turn to plain rain tonight as the temperatures rise above freezing. Good luck with PARCC. Are your students taking it on the computer or paper/ pencil? PARCC starts next week for us and each grade has a week to complete the tests both ELA and Math. I am curious to see how this test plays out and how many connectivity issues we have with the computers and the networks.

    Holly- I also love a DQ blizzard but I have learned to order the mini. Still a lot of calories but better than a small and just as good.

    Jenn- Try to get an x-ray of the injured area.

    Tracy- I understand what you are going through with your husband since I witness my mom dealing with my Dad. When she plans to go out, she will prepare him some snacks and a drink and then tell him when she will be home. Check out the department of aging and see if they have some programs available to help you and your husband out. It is extremely difficult to watch our loved ones decline in their health and fitness levels. There are times that I want my Dad to step up to the plate and take responsibility for his actions and to help himself.

    The weather this week is going to be lousy. Tonight is freezing rain/ rain, tomorrow is rain with temps in the 40's, then comes Thursday. SNOW and the forecasters are predicting 4-6 inches for this storm. If we get this amount, then it will be our largest snowfall at one this season. I am so ready for Spring to come and Winter needs to say So Long, Farewell- need to say good bye (Sound of Music).

    Exercise Plans
    Sunday- Rest
    Monday- Triathlon
    Tuesday- Rest
    Thursday- Shoveling SNOW or gym
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- Swim

    Hope everyone has a good HUMP DAY.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited March 2015
    @Laurie - reading your post I actually did start singing the Sound of Music sound in my mind to your words! Gosh, I hope that forecast of the heavy snow is wrong! I hate to think of you shovelling again! Hope you get to go to the gym instead!

    If anyone has been following my blog, I posted another one, here it is:
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Howdy MFPeeps!
    @jennbo83‌ - A large part of working toward good health is to listen to what your body is really saying. Right now what is it telling you? Hungry? Tired? Hurting? Healing? Just learning to listen is a big step.

    @Ellen - Thank you for your message. I too am thinking a separation may be in order. I am not making any decisions today. I am not yet ready for that.

    @melifornia - How is the lake? I am absolutely green with envy.

    @Lauriek70‌ - How is your school system going to handle the extra days off?

    @GOINSTD12‌ - I feel for you. I like the suggestion someone had of looking into getting extra help. You both need it.

    @ereilly311‌ - Re: Plantar fasciitis - Yes, I highly recommend the cortisone shot. I know I would not have recovered this well without it.

    AFM: Second lesson with the swim coach tonight. I had a coach all to myself.
    Hubby and I went to the counseling session together yesterday. It was a huge blame game. On both sides. I am having a hard time picturing how to get past these hurdles. Still not sure I want to. I am so very tired of being let down. Not sure I want to continue to let that happen. Not sure I can trust that he is willing to give me what I need to feel loved.

    March Goals
    Logging - 3/3 Yippee!
    Fitness - 3/3
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Crocuses would be great @Robin I have just been a bit under the weather this week, but I am coming around.
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ Thanks for your PF tips. I have pretty decent insurance, but unfortunately one of the few things it doesn't cover is orthotics. My podiatrist told me I can get away with the Dr. Scholl's ones, but I just need to switch them more often. Hopefully when I get my taxes back I can get some real orthotics. I just need to make sure I wear them all the time, because that's when I can really feel it is when I don't.

    @hansea47‌ I surprisingly wasn't too sore today, but after eating lunch my exhaustion hit me! I ended up coming home after work and taking like an hour and a half nap. Great job on avoiding the late night snacking! I am having that battle tonight. I ate dinner and am still hungry. I had a banana so that wasn't too bad.

    @NK1112‌ that's a funny story about your mom's Polish friend. I always tell everyone I'm half irish and half polish, but I also have some english and russian in there too. On my mom's side of the family, my grandfather's parents were from Russia, but I believe his mother was from part of Poland that was occupied by Russia.

    @cblue315‌ Sorry you're counseling session didn't go as well as you hoped, but I'm glad to hear your hubby went. At least you got that from it, since you weren't sure he would even go in the first place.

    AFM - As I wrote above, I actually wasn't too sore today like I thought I would be. But I ended up exhausted after lunch. I should be in bed right now but I'm still up haha. I was bad for lunch today and went with a coworker of mine to pizza hut buffet. I figured I could handle it since I had so many extra calories from yesterday, but I really can't think that way. I went to the gym again tonight. I didn't get my full workout in because it took a little longer than I thought, and I needed to get up to the school to let my girls in at 6:45. One of the moms is a trainer and has been doing a conditioning program for us. So I also did that with them. I think I will be sore tomorrow for sure from all the arm stuff I have done so far.

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a quick check in to post yesterday's results. Rain, wind and cold blew away my walk and dinner out with friends put me 200 calories over for the day, but I'll make that up before the week is out!

    1. At or under calories 6/7 days every week and at or under as a weekly average. 2/3

    2. Walk at least 6 times per week, at least 3 miles each walk. 1/3

    3. Note daily calories and miles in calendar and weight on Thursday morning. 3/3

    4. Check in here every day if only to read the posts and keep current on the thread. 3/3

    2015 Mantras:

    Live like someone left the gate open (Live Joyously)