Fast Breakfast?



  • samknopp
    samknopp Posts: 6 Member
    Awesome tips guys, thanks to you all!
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Bircher muesli/ overnight oats - 1tbsp chia seeds, 4 tbsp oats, 6 tbsp water/ milk & water, large dollop of yoghurt, small handful berries or a grated apple, and 1 tsp maple syrup (optional). Put all in a bowl/ jar, cover, and leave overnight. I like to add about 2tbsp of flaked almonds in the morning, and then eat. Really delicious, and a great quick breakfast/ breakfast on the go, plus there are tons of recipes out there if you search for 'overnight oats' (which seems to be the modern/ trendy name for bircher muesli :smile: )
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    prinler wrote: »
    How do you keep the eggs from sticking in your muffin tin? My tins are old, givin to me by my mom long ago. My egg muffins were a nightmare! I used some pam, what did i do wrong? Any help ladies?

    Silicone muffin cases can be great for egg muffins. I picked up some quite inexpensively a while back, and find them great for things like egg muffins, protein 'bars', or pretty much anything I want to make single serving sizes of, including when I want to do things like freeze individual sized portions of things like chili :smile:
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    I spoon 200gr of yogurt into a bowl, top with a handful of blueberries, sliced banana, a few walnuts and a drizzle of honey et voila.
    Alternatively you could make ahead some crepe style pancakes and reheat those and have them with some fruit.
    Banana bread from the freezer with a little peanut butter makes for a nice quick breakfast too.
    Or overnight oats of course.
    As for savory options: boiled eggs and avocado make a quick sandwich. Or you could freeze some breakfast burritos and heat one of those in the morning.
  • I love the veggie egg muffins, and I also put quinoa in mine. The silicone cups are a must with baking those, so if you plan on making them frequently they're a worthwhile investment. Otherwise I make a batch of burritos with veggies, scrambled eggs/egg whites and cheese, individually wrap them in parchment paper and foil, and freeze them. I grab one on the way to work and microwave for 2 minutes from frozen.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 507 Member
    I have done several different things. I make a museli, basically 2 cups oatmeal with 1 cup lowfat or nonfat milk. I add about 1 tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon or two of cinnamon, about 1/4 cup chopped nuts. Put it in the refrigerator over night. It lasts me 5 days. In the morning I add some yogurt. You can also add some cut up fresh fruit or fresh berries. If you don't want it cold, it can be heated in the microwave. Another one I have done is slow cooker steel cut oats. I found the recipe online. I made this a week ago Sunday and still have enough for another 5 or 6 days. Again, I add some yogurt, it can be eaten cold or warmed in the microwave. I have also made overnight oats, many recipes for this online as well. Either old fashioned oats or steel cut oats with some milk and/or yogurt. Make it up in small canning jars and keep in the refrigerator. In the morning you add fruit and/or nuts and go. This can be heated as well. Another quick breakfast is yogurt parfaits, layer yogurt with fruit and a little granola. If you make this ahead, leave the granola off until before you eat it or it gets soggy. I have found all of these online, there are thousands of recipes.
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Take a coffee cup and rub coconut oil on the inside. Crack an egg, add mushrooms, green peppers, spinach, and sausage crumbles. Nuke for 1 min 30 sec. Sprinkle cheese on top and head out the door.
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    Pampered Chef sells great little microwave pots that are perfect for cooking oatmeal or other things in. I make old fashioned oatmeal (oats and water) and just eat right out of the pot. Easy and fast. I add raisins, cranberries, or chopped apple before I cook it. Then add walnuts and a teaspoon of honey or fruit spread after cooking for a sweetener. Only need to clean the little pot and a spoon which I usually do later anyway.

    You could scramble eggs in the pot too, and microwave.
  • ValyssaRaptor
    ValyssaRaptor Posts: 6 Member
    These mini quiches are easy and pretty delicious!
  • jessjess210
    jessjess210 Posts: 91 Member
    prinler wrote: »
    How do you keep the eggs from sticking in your muffin tin? My tins are old, givin to me by my mom long ago. My egg muffins were a nightmare! I used some pam, what did i do wrong? Any help ladies?

    I use PAM With Flour, or PAM For Baking, it's one of those
  • I feel compelled to share my secret yummy egg breakfast, because it's so good, it's super healthy, 200 calories or less, and will totally fill you up. Low carb, high protein, and you can make it ahead of time. A good friend gave me this recipe years ago. I though it would be disgusting, but it is so good, even my picky husband and son love it and request it!

    I might start a cooking blog soon, and this basic recipe would definitely be on it!

    This is per person. You can make more and save it to reheat quickly.

    1 whole egg
    2 egg whites
    1 tsp. mayo
    2 tsp. parmesan cheese (grated or shredded)
    2 Tblsp. milk (or substitute)
    1-2 tsp. Uncle Dan's Ranch Dressing powdered mix (no MSG)

    Mix all ingredients, and pour the scramble into a pre-warmed pan. I like to use 1/2 tsp butter because it tastes good.

    Use a spatula to push/stir it around until it's fluffy and steamed.

    Now add veggies! I like to either use steamed asparagus from the night before cut up, or i put a handful of spinach over the eggs when they are finishing up and just stir it in, or even sautee a cup or two or spinach with mushrooms and then put with the eggs...

    I have even used this to create omelettes with tons of veggies or even shredded chicken....can add feta cheese, swiss, anything.

    Let me know how you like it!
  • ButByGrace that sounds like something yummy to try! thanks for sharing. :)
  • genericuser138
    genericuser138 Posts: 15 Member
    Nutella on a wheat wrap with a banana or whatever fruit is laying around. I also pre make Oates. I use 2 cups any flavor kefir 1 cup old fashioned Oates and 2 tablespoons chia seed. You can also add 1 cup of freah fruit. Mix it in a mason jar and let it sit over night. That makes like 3 breakfasts somewhere between 300 and 400 calories each.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    How much time do you people have in the morning?
  • taymam
    taymam Posts: 55 Member
    I try to stay low calorie for breakfast and lunch so I can eat whatever my family eats for dinner.
    In the morning I either have

    Greek yogurt berries and granola
    Thin Rice cakes peanut butter and a coffee
    A slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana.
  • CatLover22974
    CatLover22974 Posts: 16 Member
    edited March 2015
    Raspberries, Greek yoghurt, and a sprinkle of granola is one of my favourites; or a piece of rye toast with avocado spread on it.
  • TraceyKakes
    TraceyKakes Posts: 37 Member
    I make overnight oats! Plain Greek yogurt with chia seeds, rolled oats, some almond butter and frozen organic cherries. Sooooo yummy. I make a weeks worth at a time in little cute canning jars and they're a grab and go breaky after yoga!
  • Joemke15
    Joemke15 Posts: 2 Member
    sw0312 wrote: »
    Half an avocado mashed on Sarah Lee multigrain 45 cal toasted bread (add whatever spices - I do cayenne, red pepper flake and garlic powder) with half of a grapefruit I section the night before. It is quick and filling. About 165 cal.

  • Joemke15
    Joemke15 Posts: 2 Member
    That sounds good
  • jodiehoyles1
    jodiehoyles1 Posts: 3 Member
    davidcliff wrote: »
    Those eggs in the muffin tin sound awesome!
    These are lovely I also add sometimes yellow and/or orange pepper, feta cheese, bacon, parsley