Starting 30 Day Shred Today!! Who's with me? 5/11/2011



  • abbymeg
    abbymeg Posts: 4 Member
    Can I join too? I've had the DVD for a while, but now I've seen some amazing pics on here of people who've done it, I'm going to start today.
  • Ok ladies. I did day one yesterday. I also did a 60 minute Zumba class. What I like about 30ds is that my HRM showed me in a fat burn for 15 minutes... which is great!!! I am feeling it a bit today, but not too bad. I really want to do the full thirty days. I still plan on doing my regular classes too. Adding an extra 20 something minutes right before bed shouldn't be that hard!!
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    Ok ladies. I did day one yesterday. I also did a 60 minute Zumba class. What I like about 30ds is that my HRM showed me in a fat burn for 15 minutes... which is great!!! I am feeling it a bit today, but not too bad. I really want to do the full thirty days. I still plan on doing my regular classes too. Adding an extra 20 something minutes right before bed shouldn't be that hard!!
    I'm doing the same. Probably still going to do kickboxing tonight and Zumba. I'll get that 30DS in! I have you guys to hold me accountable. It's only 20 minutes....the hardest 20 of my life. :sad:

    Summer here we come ladies! I also took measurements last night and ugh. :embarassed:
  • I meed to do measurements. I always forget to do that but would be very curious to see. Wish I started that 15 pounds ago!!!
  • Danielle_07
    Danielle_07 Posts: 6 Member
    hello. I am interested in joining the 30 day shred.. I need to shed some lbs The disk is called 30 day shred and you can get it at walmart or do you have to order it???? Please let me know so that I can get started on it asap. Thank you sooooo much.
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    hello. I am interested in joining the 30 day shred.. I need to shed some lbs The disk is called 30 day shred and you can get it at walmart or do you have to order it???? Please let me know so that I can get started on it asap. Thank you sooooo much.
    Walmart, Target, Although, if you want it fast, I say you just go to the store. Mine took forever on amazon!
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    I meed to do measurements. I always forget to do that but would be very curious to see. Wish I started that 15 pounds ago!!!
    oh me too! i just measured yesterday!
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    Can I join too? I've had the DVD for a while, but now I've seen some amazing pics on here of people who've done it, I'm going to start today.
    You can do it! It's never too late.
  • mrsfeuer
    mrsfeuer Posts: 69 Member
    I just started this yesterday!
  • Are you guys doing it in the morning or evening? Mine will alsmot always be at night after my girls go to bed. I would love to pretend I will get up in the morning and do it... but 530am is already bad enough for me!!!
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Absolutely you can join!

    I usually do it while my daughter naps.

    Finished up D2L1. Now I think I'll go for a nice trot on the treadmill.
    Say goodbye to your fat *kitten* ladies and gentleman(is there a gentleman?). We're on our way to gettin 'em gone!
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    Ok ladies. I did day one yesterday. I also did a 60 minute Zumba class. What I like about 30ds is that my HRM showed me in a fat burn for 15 minutes... which is great!!! I am feeling it a bit today, but not too bad. I really want to do the full thirty days. I still plan on doing my regular classes too. Adding an extra 20 something minutes right before bed shouldn't be that hard!!

    I bought a HRM and used it for the first time last night while doing my JM workout. When you say you were in a fat burn for 15 minutes, do you mean you were in your target heart rate zone? My summary says that of the 25 minutes I was working out, I was 'in zone' for 20 minutes, with avg HR of 125 and max HR of 209. I'm still learning!
  • Hi there ladies..It is too late to join? I did level one this morning..I was waiting on my DVD from Amazon =)
  • abbymeg
    abbymeg Posts: 4 Member
    I did day one of Shred as well as cross trainer. I'm scared that I won't be able to move in the morning! Most of me hurts at the moment.
  • sassycurlzss
    sassycurlzss Posts: 47 Member
    Day 2! Ouch!! This get any easier? Lol
  • sassycurlzss
    sassycurlzss Posts: 47 Member
    i don't wanna die every time I have to sit on the toilet seat tomorrow. ;)

    I hear ya or should I say feel ya! I make sure I go before it gets too bad because it takes me forever to sit down! Lmaf!
  • sassycurlzss
    sassycurlzss Posts: 47 Member
    It's never too late to join in! I'm so glad to see everyone checking in! I'm going to do my JM Shred with weights (kettlebell) tonight after work.
    How do you like shred it? I've been doing it for three weeks now I've started level two because level one was getting easy (except the squat jump rotations, I can't keep up :( )
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    Came home today, napped and did DAY 2! It still hurts. Now for some kickboxing and maybe some zumba! Not going to lie, I almost quit but, I was like I'm not about to go post on MFP that I quit! Heck no. :laugh:
  • bethanna91
    bethanna91 Posts: 63
    omgahhhh, jillian is sooo mean!! lol!
  • caitiecait
    caitiecait Posts: 8 Member
    Day two was tough. I did it with my partner today, because she wants to tone up and she thought it was tough too. It was great to have a buddy this time though, and even better knowing I could come here to check in.
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