Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    loveby30 wrote: »
    Was sick yesterday so did nothing :( I'll just have to make up for it as I get better - hopefully this weekend.

    Just for Today
    JMBR phase 1 wo1 - Done
    30 min of additional cardio done
    Weigh and measure everything/ No processed food!!! done
    Stay under calories goals done

    Good luck everyone :)

    Just for today
    JMBR phase1 wo2 - At lunch
    30 Min of additional cardio or workout
    Weight and measure everything/no processed food
    stay under calorie goals

  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 3/4
    1. log :)
    2. do at least 40 minutes cardio :):) Did 50!!

    I am pretty excited. Just put a down payment down on a new motorcycle. BRAND new. Gonna pick it up Saturday.

    Just for Today 3/5
    1. log
    2. do strength training at gym
    3. make smart choices when enjoying happy hour with co-workers

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I did not make it to the gym yesterday & I ate over my calories. :( wasted too much time in the morning messing around. I am dressed this morning and will go after my coffee NO MATTER WHAT!

    Just for today, I will
    1. Eat 1200 calories
    2. Weigh, measure & log
    3. Weights & run at the gym
    4. Drin 3 litres of waater
    5. Be patient. I did not gain the weight in a day, I will not lose it in a day
  • rfroggett87
    rfroggett87 Posts: 7 Member
    This is such a good idea. I am really struggling at the moment so taking goals one day at a time will hopefully help me!

    I have a dinner out tonight so today I will:-

    1. Not have chips with my dinner.
    2. Not have alcohol with dinner.

    I managed to stick to yesterdays. Today I will:-
    1. not give in to my sore throat / cold and still go swimming.
    2. not go and get a hot sandwich like I want to and stick to my pre-made lunch.
  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    sucampbeN wrote: »

    Just for today I will:

    1. Only eat the meals and snacks I brought to work and not be tempted by junk
    2. Not go over my calorie allowance
    3. Do some stretching to improve my flexibility

    I didn't do the stretching. Managed the other 2 goals.

    Just for today I will:

    1. Only eat the meals and snacks I brought to work and not be tempted by junk
    2. Not go over my calorie allowance
    3. Do some stretching to improve my flexibility
    4. Get to the gym
    5. Do some studying
    6. Go to bed before 11pm
  • ColeyBear1104
    ColeyBear1104 Posts: 91 Member
    This sounds like such an uplifting routine, I'd LOVE to join!

    Just for today: 3/5/15

    1. Log EVERYTHING I eat
    2. Don't think negatively about my body, but celebrate my successes.
    3. Complete my T25 workout knowing I gave my all!
  • ColeyBear1104
    ColeyBear1104 Posts: 91 Member
    nm212 wrote: »
    This is just what I need right now! Thank you for starting this!

    1) I will log everything honestly today (even if some of it is bad...)
    2) I will go to the gym and exercise
    3) I will eat healthy the rest of the day! Fruits and Veggies
    4) I will weigh myself tomorrow, even though I don't want to :'(
    5) I will not use my break-up as an excuse to eat out of self pity
    6) I will try not to worry and eat out of anxiety
    7) I will go to therapy (no shame in this game! lol)
    8) I will not beat myself up if I don't meet all these goals today
    9) I will be grateful for what I have
    10) I think I said it all!

    Good for you! You are amazing. Depression and anxiety is not fun to talk about and very difficult to deal with. Going to therapy for it is even harder. I applaud you!
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    For today I will stay on calorie goal and not go to bed full.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    You all are an inspiration!

    Today I will fit in a walk, 30 mins.
    Drink more water.
    Keep on tracking.
    Meditate for 15 mins.
    Be grateful.
  • mkl76
    mkl76 Posts: 7 Member
    Oops! Well yesterday did not log what I ate with my auntie. Had a dessert. And later at night found my partner had made a lovely fish lasagne with garlic bread. Did not log that either. BUT did not think Sod it all because I had slipped and binge on chocolate later so for me that is a win!

    Just for today:
    Log everything I eat
    Do not give up and binge if I go over my calories.
  • apennock
    apennock Posts: 49 Member
    apennock wrote: »
    Great thread idea! Love the baby step mentality!

    Just for today, I will:
    Go to the gym for a run after work, even though I'm stuck here 9 hours :smile:
    No snacking after dinner :smile:
    LOG EVERYTHING :smile:

    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    Ended up leaving a half hour early and coming in early this AM so I could get to the gym last night and still cook dinner at a decent hour.

    Just for today...
    Drink 72 oz water
    Log 3 miles on the treadmill (even if they are slower than I'd like)
    No junk food at work
    LOG EVERYTHING - lies of omission on my log are only lies to myself!!

    Have a great day! :smiley:
  • CampMom10
    CampMom10 Posts: 30 Member
    3/5- Log every bite I eat, no matter what!
    - Eat my first meal before 10 AM, and last before 7 PM (work is kicking my bum right now, and before I know it, it is 2PM, I am hangry, and my students are suffering!)
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Just for today 3/5

    1. log what I eat (even if it's not the best!)
    2. do 1 hour of power yoga and some dance practice
    3. Be gentle and loving with myself. I've gained a few pounds this winter, but I'm barely over my goal range, my clothes still fit and I'm still 20+ pounds lighter than I was at this time last year. I can get rid of those couple of vanity pounds with no drama and no self-loathing.
  • landfish
    landfish Posts: 255 Member
    I got up at 5:15 to go to the gym today for my final hard workout of the week.

    I will eat with intent today and accurately log everything I eat.

    Now, off to the gym.
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    My February was a "maintain" month - hadn't planned it that way but that's how it turned out. Into day 5 of March, and though I am eating my planned meals during the day, the candy jar keeps calling my name and my activity has been low, so..

    Just for today:
    1) I will do my exercise activity as planned
    2) I will NOT eat any candy or sweets
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    mkl76 wrote: »
    Oops! Well yesterday did not log what I ate with my auntie. Had a dessert. And later at night found my partner had made a lovely fish lasagne with garlic bread. Did not log that either. BUT did not think Sod it all because I had slipped and binge on chocolate later so for me that is a win!

    Just for today:
    Log everything I eat
    Do not give up and binge if I go over my calories.

    Yes, this is a WIN!
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Just for today 3/5

    1. log what I eat (even if it's not the best!)
    2. do 1 hour of power yoga and some dance practice
    3. Be gentle and loving with myself. I've gained a few pounds this winter, but I'm barely over my goal range, my clothes still fit and I'm still 20+ pounds lighter than I was at this time last year. I can get rid of those couple of vanity pounds with no drama and no self-loathing.

    Thank You Thank You Thank You for posting this. I too need to remember that, while I am not where I want to be, and I did gain a little, I am still lighter than I was. I can get where I need to be without beating myself up or feeling sorry for myself. I just need to keep doing what works for me and remember that I am already successful.

  • sbalcells1
    Good morning - just for today I will 1) log in everything 2) keep a positive attitude
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »

    So for Wednesday

    1. Take a walk. Around the office if that is the only option due to rain/sleet/snow Well the weather did not cooperate here. I did take the long way around the office a few times to get some extra steps in anyway.
    2. Log Everything I eat and no snacking after 10pm. I do have everything listed, but we ended up out for dinner, so I am not sure about the final calories. Perfect on the late night snacking though. :D
    3. Relax and do not overreact. I think this will be a day that requires patience. I can do that :D I'm glad I chose this. I ended up with a few work surprised that could have upset me, but I just took them in and kept on going.

    Thursday is here, and I plan to enjoy my day off. Just for today I will

    1. Take a walk. While I need to relax, I do not need to spend the whole day sitting still.
    2. Log everything I eat and no snacking after 10pm.
    3. Keep in touch with my parents. Dad is in the hospital for observation after a minor fall. They do not want to worry me, but they only live an hour away, so if they need help, I can be there relatively quickly.

    Have a Happy Thursday!
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    This thread is helping me hold myself accountable...typing out my commitments is seeming to make them stick! so TODAY I will:

    1. Win the girl scout cookie battle again!
    2. drink 3 big bottles of water
    3. Check 2 items off of my growing work todo list!