What do you consider YOUR perfect size?



  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Are you in the UK? Have you ever actually seen a size 4? I have lived here all my life and not ever, not once seen a size 4 anything for sale. Ever.
    TK Maxx. Asda. They exist.

    I've seen some UK size 4's (US 0's) in Gap, G21 @ Asda & Miss selfrige. They are teeeeeeeeeeeeny tiny!!! They must only have been introduced as a size in the UK in the past couple of years. Before that, the smallest was a 6.

    I am 6'1" and have been a size 16+ my entire adult life. I was a size 12 at 15 (about 5'11") and my hips/ribs were showing so I must have a large build.

    I would like to get down to a small 16 (with the odd 14 thrown in here and there!) I got down to this size a few years back and people assumed I was 2 sizes smaller than I actually was.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Are you in the UK? Have you ever actually seen a size 4? I have lived here all my life and not ever, not once seen a size 4 anything for sale. Ever.
    TK Maxx. Asda. They exist.

    I can't say I have ever been to Asda, but none of the TK Maxx stores I have been to do a 4. None of the designers in Selfridges or Harrods or any of the major London dept stores do a 4. In anything. A UK 6 is a US 0. My little sister wears a UK 6, and finds it very hard to find clothes. In the States she buys a 0 or even 00.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Are you in the UK? Have you ever actually seen a size 4? I have lived here all my life and not ever, not once seen a size 4 anything for sale. Ever.
    TK Maxx. Asda. They exist.

    I can't say I have ever been to Asda, but None of the TK Maxx stores I have been to do a 4. None of the designers in Selfridges or Harrods or any of the major London dept stores do a 4. In anything. A UK 6 is a US 0. My little sister wears a UK 6, and finds it very hard to find clothes. In the States she buys a 0 or even 00.

    TK Maxx have size 4 stuff on their website, quite a good selection. I haven't shopped in Asda for clothes either. I used google.
  • Kcham817
    Kcham817 Posts: 106 Member
    I was happiest in a US 6 or 8, however this time around my goal is to be much more toned.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I'm happy with my overall size right now (US 6/8), but once I get rid of the remaining midsection "padding," I think a 4 is realistic for me, given that I have a small frame.

    And I'm glad you asked about size and not weight. Size has been a much bigger motivator for me than weight throughout this process. And it's not even about the number. If you had asked me a year ago, I would've said I'd be ecstatic if I could wear an 8 or a 10. I was still wearing 16/18 at that point. I remember ordering a pair of size 12 jeans (for later) and getting them in the mail and thinking "They're so tiny. I'll never fit into those." Proving that I can do more than I thought I was capable of has really kept me going. I am learning not to underestimate myself and not to see someone else's standard as my own.
  • twiggyrr
    twiggyrr Posts: 22
    I would like to be a US 4-6. But would also be happy with an 8.
  • NanoReefDiver
    NanoReefDiver Posts: 153
    US size 4 (my baseline being American Eagle- I like online clearance shopping too much!)
  • WildWayz
    WildWayz Posts: 68 Member
    My initial goal is to get back to how I looked when I was 18.
    I was about 18 stone there.

    When I was 16, I was about 16 stone and looked like this:

    I currently look like this:

    So for now, my ideal goal is to hit around 18st - then see if I can get it down to 15st - depends on how I look and feel.

    PS - That is hairotica (my Wife) next to me :)
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I be happy wearing a size 12 US.
  • CarliBez
    CarliBez Posts: 19
    I am 5'6 and pear shaped. My initial goal was a "perfect 10 (UK)", but that sort of doesn't work on a pear. I am completely content with my UK8 top and UK10 bottoms.

    However, I was ECSTATIC the other day when I had to exchange a UK10 for a UK8 because it was too big!! I think it may have just been the cut of the shorts, but it has changed my perception a bit, maybe, one day with some toning, I could be a UK8 at the bottom too...

    Anyone else who found themselves with the wrong size perception? It took me a while to even realise that a 10 top is too big for me now, my boyfriend had to point it out.

    I think it's encouraging that so many have met and even surpassed their goals, congratulations on the HARD WORK!!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    ummmm size 7/8
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Anyone else who found themselves with the wrong size perception? It took me a while to even realise that a 10 top is too big for me now, my boyfriend had to point it out.

    Yes, I had that problem a couple of months ago. I kept buying pants that were too big, and I didn't realize it until I went into a store one day, and they estimated that I was 2 sizes smaller than the pants I was wearing at the time. I just thought they weren't very good at guessing sizes, but I tried on the pants they suggested, and they were right.

    It's funny because I'll also find a top that I really like and wear it for a month or two, and then it starts to look weird on me, and I can't figure out why. Then I realize it's because it's too big. I'm finally getting the hang of buying my current size and a size smaller when I find something I really, really like, especially jeans.
  • farewellantic
    My perfect size is about 170 pounds. I have a great butt and I have very muscular legs also a strong ish upperbody. If I weigh less than 170 I start to look sick. so 170 is great to me. :)
  • rjanson
    rjanson Posts: 6 Member
    How many sizes bigger/smaller is an American size compared to a UK size? x

    1-2x bigger.

    So a size 6 in Canada is = 8-10 UK.

    I know this is what clothes companies say, but it's actually more like 2-3 sizes. When I am a 10 (at 22-27) I am a US 5 in most brands, 6 in some. I would say a 6 is a large 10. Nowhere near a UK 8. A US size zero is a UK 6, which is the smallest size there is here.

    It's kind of funny how sizes start at a 6 in the UK, who started that? Seems silly to ignore 0-6. Then again, wonder what size North American sizes first started with? Macy's history info anyone? Surely they never started with a 0. Size 0 and 00 have only existed in the last few years, at very most 10yrs so does that mean XS people didn't exist in 1960? I think the sizing movement towards xs and xxs at least in Canada is due to immigration over the past 20 years. Asian countries are the largest portion of immigrants and with much smaller builds, I would presume the clothing manufacturers just adapted. That and girls are dressing older and older for their age. Girls age 12-14 can be found in Stitches trying on club-wear and super-mini's and due to their frame they are size 0's.

    The sizes have got bigger. In the 60s a UK 10 had a 24 inch waist, now a 10 is a 28 or even 30 inch waist, and a 24 inch waist is a size 6 (US 0). I have noticed it even in the last 10 years. I was a size 10 at 18 with a 25/27 inch waist (depending on what I had just eaten!), and am a 10 now with a 29 inch waist. I don't fit the clothes I wore at 22, even though they say the same size. I do fit the clothes I wore at 27, though (pre babies), which is good enough for me!

    This, and sizing in general is just all over the place!

    I have a friend who is 5'5 and 104 lbs, so very slender. She came to visit me in the US, and we went to a store with small sizing (i.e. I would normally wear 1-2 sizes larger) and she fit into a pair of size 0 jeans!

    So for her birthday last year, I ordered her a size 10 UK jacket she wanted... she actually had to return to the store and exchange it for a 12 UK. And she's quite narrow-framed/small-chested.

    I bought four UK size 14 dresses last week. One fit perfectly, and this was a brand that is normally 'small'. Woo! But... then I tried on the others. One was fine in the waist/hips but obviously made for someone with a chest the same size as their waist - completely flattened my top half. One fit okay, but the top was a little too loose, and so I returned it. The last was TINY! I actually doubt my friend would've been able to fit in it. I managed to do the waist up (and I have a reasonably large waist), but the bust was for someone 4-6 inches smaller, and the hips - wow!

    Tops I find very strange. Either they're ridiculously baggy (and I'm very top-heavy) or ridiculously tight (made for a boyish figure).
  • brndpark
    brndpark Posts: 18
    It is not the number anymore, it is how a feel in my clothes, do I have confidence.Tired of trying to get to that best size and then staying there, never happens, start gaining back. At this point I think a size 16 is doable, but 14 would be nicer. I will never be a 12, to hard to maintain. I did it once for a year, and then gained 50 lbs back in the nextr 3 years...it sneeks up on you. I strarted out in size 20 and 22, I am now in a size 18 and very happy. a sixteen can work but 14 will be a bonus. I am 51 and 5' 5. I think that i can be a little chunky,, but dressed properly can look very nice. Clothes can make you feel good about yourself no matter your size. some people just need fashion sense.
  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    well my jeans has been size 18 for so long now im a 10.but i would love my perfect size to be a 8 .
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I am 5'5" and i think i looked and felt best at a size 7, when i was down to a size 5 it was too small and my bones stuck out in my hips. This is U.S. sizes i am refering to. :)

    Same. :)
  • remaho80
    remaho80 Posts: 126 Member
    Currently I'm a size 6 or 8, but ideally I'd like to be back to a size 4. That was the size I was before having children. I wasn't even in shape at that time, so possibly even a 2. It's been about a decade since I've been a size 2!
  • StudentLeah
    Hi, new here.
    But I would love to be a size 12. I don't want to be a small girl. I love my curves, I just have a few too many at the moment! :) But I'm working on it. So 12 isn't unrealistic, it'll be challenging but I'm going for it.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I have no freaking clue anymore! I'm 5'8.5" and haven't been smaller than a US size 9 in the past decade. Depending on my level of exercise, I can be a size 7 at 145lbs or a size 9 if I'm a little more squishy. So I'm guessing a 6/7 at my goal weight and toned?