Low carb dieters!



  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Its totally necessary for a healthy lifestyle though. @ndj1979‌

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Its totally necessary for a healthy lifestyle though. @ndj1979‌
    LOL yea no ...

    I don't eat clean and my blood work comes back nearly perfect at my yearly physical...

    so, wrong again ..

    but feel free to come back for another round...
  • jennibean40
    jennibean40 Posts: 43 Member
    Sweetheart you're hilarious, and its been fun. But you can do rounds with yourself, bc thats all your doing is talking in circles. You have your OPINION on the matter.. and i have my results on the matter. In the end its about what works best for the individual. Hope your fitness journey is a great one.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Sweetheart you're hilarious, and its been fun. But you can do rounds with yourself, bc thats all your doing is talking in circles. You have your OPINION on the matter.. and i have my results on the matter. In the end its about what works best for the individual. Hope your fitness journey is a great one.

    So his results are just an opinion and yours are fact?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    2. keto/low carb is "superior" for fat loss/weight loss. No, it is not.

    except when it is, like in http://press.endocrine.org/doi/full/10.1210/jc.2007-0692 (offered above to demonstrate the opposite) where the lower carb weight loss was greater "weight loss was correspondingly greater (6.3 ± 2.2 vs. 4.4 ± 2.6 kg in 4 wk, P < 0.01)" aka 1 lb/week greater. Both diets were restricted carbohydrate compared to baseline. More restricted was better for weight loss.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    edited March 2015
    yarwell wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    2. keto/low carb is "superior" for fat loss/weight loss. No, it is not.

    except when it is, like in http://press.endocrine.org/doi/full/10.1210/jc.2007-0692 (offered above to demonstrate the opposite) where the lower carb weight loss was greater "weight loss was correspondingly greater (6.3 ± 2.2 vs. 4.4 ± 2.6 kg in 4 wk, P < 0.01)" aka 1 lb/week greater. Both diets were restricted carbohydrate compared to baseline. More restricted was better for weight loss.

    "However, loss of fat mass was similar on the HF-LC and MF-MC diets in both studies."
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    2. keto/low carb is "superior" for fat loss/weight loss. No, it is not.

    except when it is, like in http://press.endocrine.org/doi/full/10.1210/jc.2007-0692 (offered above to demonstrate the opposite) where the lower carb weight loss was greater "weight loss was correspondingly greater (6.3 ± 2.2 vs. 4.4 ± 2.6 kg in 4 wk, P < 0.01)" aka 1 lb/week greater. Both diets were restricted carbohydrate compared to baseline. More restricted was better for weight loss.

    But not fat loss

    " However, loss of fat mass was similar on the HF-LC and MF-MC diets in both studies."

    Weird how that was left out
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Sweetheart you're hilarious, and its been fun. But you can do rounds with yourself, bc thats all your doing is talking in circles. You have your OPINION on the matter.. and i have my results on the matter. In the end its about what works best for the individual. Hope your fitness journey is a great one.

    I'll take math and science over how you "feel" every day...

    Bc at end of day you are calorie restricting even if you don't know it
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    yarwell wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    2. keto/low carb is "superior" for fat loss/weight loss. No, it is not.

    except when it is, like in http://press.endocrine.org/doi/full/10.1210/jc.2007-0692 (offered above to demonstrate the opposite) where the lower carb weight loss was greater "weight loss was correspondingly greater (6.3 ± 2.2 vs. 4.4 ± 2.6 kg in 4 wk, P < 0.01)" aka 1 lb/week greater. Both diets were restricted carbohydrate compared to baseline. More restricted was better for weight loss.

    But not fat loss

    " However, loss of fat mass was similar on the HF-LC and MF-MC diets in both studies."

    Weird how that was left out

    Yes, weird....
  • ShawnaDrew
    ShawnaDrew Posts: 59 Member
    Mistizoom wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Go here:

    For some reason people have issues with anyone who isn't exactly like them.

    X2, please join those of us who eat low carb on the group JPW1990 linked to.

    x3 or whatever its at now. I stopped reading the comments after this post. I have been doing low carb for over a month now and it has made a HUGE difference for me. I am type 2 diabetic and overweight (obvs) and I have lost 10lbs and my seriously uncontrolled blood sugar is almost in the normal zone. I cut out Potatoes, Rice, Pasta and Breads. I only miss them a little, but finding veggie replacements for them is super easy! I eat lots of veggies, meat, healthy fats, a little fruit, dairy etc. I haven't had a cheat day yet, and don't plan on it because of how great I am feeling.
  • ndj1979 wrote: »
    A 500 calorie diet is totally unacceptable for me... haha! I enjoy food. Also doesnt such a radical restriction of calories force your body to burn muscle as well as fat? Kind of counterproductive...

    say what..??

    500 calorie deficit is extreme??? that is one pound a week loss which is considered "normal weight loss"..

    how do you think you lost weight on keto? The weight did not magically disappear. You were consuming less than you were burning - CICO = calories in vs calories out…

    I think she meant you said 500 calorie diet, instead of deficit!
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    ShawnaDrew wrote: »
    Mistizoom wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Go here:

    For some reason people have issues with anyone who isn't exactly like them.

    X2, please join those of us who eat low carb on the group JPW1990 linked to.

    x3 or whatever its at now. I stopped reading the comments after this post. I have been doing low carb for over a month now and it has made a HUGE difference for me. I am type 2 diabetic and overweight (obvs) and I have lost 10lbs and my seriously uncontrolled blood sugar is almost in the normal zone. I cut out Potatoes, Rice, Pasta and Breads. I only miss them a little, but finding veggie replacements for them is super easy! I eat lots of veggies, meat, healthy fats, a little fruit, dairy etc. I haven't had a cheat day yet, and don't plan on it because of how great I am feeling.

    I x4 this.

    Those of us with certain medical conditions need to eat LCHF for weight loss to occur unless we are at dangerously low calorie levels. If you arent finding weight loss happening on a regular diet even tho you've been accurate in measuring and weighing food, see your doctor. It really does weigh on your self esteem and your motivation to lose weight if you cant do it like everyone else and you dont know why. Rule out a medical condition especially if you dont feel you can stick to a LCHF diet for life otherwise.

    LCHF isnt a quick fix for anything but is often necessary for some.
  • jennibean40
    jennibean40 Posts: 43 Member
    Ok 1) i never said low carb was superior. Feel free to back check. I simply said it worked better for me.
    2) ANY diet intended for weight loss will require deficit calorie intake. The DIFFERENCE is i tried a low CALORIE diet without regulating carbs and lost abt 2-3 lbs over a month. This included working out.
    On a low carb diet i have lost 6lbs this week alone. SOME is likely water weight. But it is undeniably faster, easier for me, and you can feel free to check out the health benefits associated with low carb.
    Im not knocking your method. You CAN LOSE WEIGHT on low calorie alone. But for you to sit there and try and discount the studies done showing low carb is relevent is like me saying i dont believe calories exist.. lol its ridiculous.
    Scientist have such a minimal understanding of how and why the human body works anyway, so of course there are many theories and "results" out there. In 10 years they will "know" something else that discounts what we believe today. The point is, you arent a nutritionist/doctor/or scientist as far as i can tell.. and for some pointless reason you feel the need to MAKE everyone agree your way is right and theirs is wrong. Well good luck with that. I HAVE.tried both diets. So have many many others. Its not a dilusion that my scale and body shows me. Those are facts.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    It's MOSTLY water weight that you lost. You're having unrealistic expectations it looks like.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ok 1) i never said low carb was superior. Feel free to back check. I simply said it worked better for me.
    2) ANY diet intended for weight loss will require deficit calorie intake. The DIFFERENCE is i tried a low CALORIE diet without regulating carbs and lost abt 2-3 lbs over a month. This included working out.
    On a low carb diet i have lost 6lbs this week alone. SOME is likely water weight. But it is undeniably faster, easier for me, and you can feel free to check out the health benefits associated with low carb.
    Im not knocking your method. You CAN LOSE WEIGHT on low calorie alone. But for you to sit there and try and discount the studies done showing low carb is relevent is like me saying i dont believe calories exist.. lol its ridiculous.
    Scientist have such a minimal understanding of how and why the human body works anyway, so of course there are many theories and "results" out there. In 10 years they will "know" something else that discounts what we believe today. The point is, you arent a nutritionist/doctor/or scientist as far as i can tell.. and for some pointless reason you feel the need to MAKE everyone agree your way is right and theirs is wrong. Well good luck with that. I HAVE.tried both diets. So have many many others. Its not a dilusion that my scale and body shows me. Those are facts.

    from page one of your post:

    "According to my research ketosis (the state the body enters during low carb diets) burns almost solely body fat... and since i dont restrict calories i still maintain normal energy and function levels. Have you had different experiences?"

    so yea you did say keto is superior and you did say that you don't restrict calories..

    if you want to walk back and admit those two statements are wrong then thats cool…

  • jennibean40
    jennibean40 Posts: 43 Member
    Um no. Nowhere in my statement does it say keto is superior. No where. Hahaha. You have such an active imagination. And yes i said dont restrict calories. Never denied i did. Perhaps a better way to phrase it is.. i dont purposefully restrict calories as a diet regime. I restrict carbs.. which results in lower calories *usually*. For example today i exceeded out my normal 1000-1200 range at around 1300. But still stayed well within my carb limits.
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    Um no. Nowhere in my statement does it say keto is superior. No where. Hahaha. You have such an active imagination. And yes i said dont restrict calories. Never denied i did. Perhaps a better way to phrase it is.. i dont purposefully restrict calories as a diet regime. I restrict carbs.. which results in lower calories *usually*. For example today i exceeded out my normal 1000-1200 range at around 1300. But still stayed well within my carb limits.
    I am 4'9 and can lose weight on 1300 calories worth of all foods. You realize that by eating your "normal" range of 1000-1200, you're creating a very large calorie deficit, right? Which will contribute to weight loss. I'd bet if you ate 500 calories over maintenance, yet stayed within carb limits, you'd gain weight.
  • pilateslady70
    pilateslady70 Posts: 4 Member
    Let me rephrase.. i dont keep track of calories. Any diet will restrict calories to some degree. If you go low carb.. you automatically cut out calorie high foods. So yes your calorie count goes down. But say i consume 1200 calories a day that include high carbs... my weight loss slows (practically stops) as compared to a 1200 calorie diet that is low in carbs and i lose .5-.6 lbs a day. The only difference is the carb count. Therefore the restriction of carbs is what helps the weight come off.

  • pilateslady70
    pilateslady70 Posts: 4 Member
    I am certified Fitness instructor and want to say that although you can go low carb and cut out fruit, but you are also losing important vitamins and nutrients your body needs to feed the brain and muscles and assist in proper circulation. Skinny does not mean healthy!!!!
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    People are not finding issue with the fact that you've chosen a low carb diet to get to your dietary goals. It's wonderful that you've found something that works out for you. I hope you continue to find more success with you dietary lifestyle change!

    The main issue is that you're claiming that your low carb diet does not equate to a restriction of calories, thus being in a caloric deficit. Which is not true. Truly, the only way to lose weight to to burn more calories than you consume, aka a caloric deficit. Low carb is simply one of many ways of achieving this.

    I personally find it pretty ignorant of you to claim that you won't be healthy if you don't adopt a "clean eating" lifestyle though. The people who you claim to be attacking you are people who've successfully lost weight without overly restricting themselves, demomizing food or eliminating an entire food group. I find that labeling a certain food as good or bad automatically puts you in the wrong mindset, truthfully.

    And this link is for people who think those that comment on the forums are quote "mean people."

    Dear Mean People of MFP

    I'm not trying to attack you. I'm pretty sure no one who has commented has. Please come with an open mind to the forums, everyone in the long run has been in the same boat of being overweight, and have found success in varied forms of caloric deficits. I hope that your decision of remaining low carb continues to win you success in weightloss and whatever other fitness goals you have.