20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    Your soup looks awesome! I am going to try it with my new Nutribullet! The Red Wings won (in Overtime), but that was a YAY, and I lost a pound, so good birthday even though I ended up with pizza for dinner, instead of the spinach salad I was intending to have.

    Events conspired to make us late getting to the game, so the four of us just split a pizza. Not the best choice, but there weren't any good options anyway.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    yay the RED WINGS WON. If the 4 of you solit a pizza it shouldn't have been too bad.

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I ordered the 10 day green smooothie cleanse book and some detox tea. I will go into this well prepared with all the veggies and fruits as well as getting myself mentally prepared to push through the rough spots. I will let you know when I begin and how it goes. Wish me luck, as I know I could use a detox. Hubby and I enjoy our coffees in the morning and nice wine with dinner. I'm looking forward to feeling more energetic and leaner at the end. Weight loss will just be an added benefit. :-)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    tenpets wrote: »
    I ordered the 10 day green smooothie cleanse book and some detox tea. I will go into this well prepared with all the veggies and fruits as well as getting myself mentally prepared to push through the rough spots. I will let you know when I begin and how it goes. Wish me luck, as I know I could use a detox. Hubby and I enjoy our coffees in the morning and nice wine with dinner. I'm looking forward to feeling more energetic and leaner at the end. Weight loss will just be an added benefit. :-)

    Becky I just order the 20 20 diet by Dr. phil and it has lots o smoothies meal plan in it. I need to find one for my lunch.So I am going thru Phase 1 now . it last for 5 days.
    No added salt only garlic, cinnamon and I done forgot what the third season Better do some more reading.

    <3 Marie
  • MsLadyPirate
    MsLadyPirate Posts: 51 Member
    edited March 2015
    Well I am back, It seems like when it rains it pours with my family. I hope this latest crisis is the last for a while. Anyway I have skimmed through almost two weeks of posts, Wow everyone seems to be doing so well. Congrats to all the losers! To those that are having challenges I am with you. Just keep trying!
    I am down 1.2 lbs since I last reported in. I have my doubts that I will make the 20 by Easter, but I will keep working at it.
    SW: 200
    CW: 192.6
    EGW: 180.0
    UGW: 140
    7.4 LBS Lost since 1/1/15
    Valerie in Arizona
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I don't know that I'll be able to reach the 20 lbs. by Easter either, but let's not worry if the numbers aren't perfect. We'll be sliding right into the 4th of July. :)

    Belinda, I wouldn't worry about a couple pieces of pizza, you still lost a pound! I ate a bunch of cake and tortilla chips last weekend and I lost a pound too, I think when it happens every once in a while the body isn't sure how to respond to it, so it either doesn't do anything or loses a little. Which is fine with me!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I heard if you eat healthy 90 %of the time you are Ok.
    you girls are doing great. never give up
    Valorie Good seeing you back. Missed you.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning Everyone.
    Wow what a roller coaster ride with this weather. We had a beautiful day yesterday at 82 degrees and today we have sleet and a temp of
    28 right now. Ready for spring to arrive!!!!
    Welcome to our new posters.
    Belinda, Glad your team won. Don't worry too much about a little pizza on game night.
    Looks like an inside day for sure!!! Will get in some exercise and do some laundry.
    Have a great day.

  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    tenpets wrote: »
    I ordered the 10 day green smooothie cleanse book and some detox tea. I will go into this well prepared with all the veggies and fruits as well as getting myself mentally prepared to push through the rough spots. I will let you know when I begin and how it goes. Wish me luck, as I know I could use a detox. Hubby and I enjoy our coffees in the morning and nice wine with dinner. I'm looking forward to feeling more energetic and leaner at the end. Weight loss will just be an added benefit. :-)

    You will do fine...I don't even crave sugar anymore. That was my downfall...turns out most of the so called healthy choices I was making had way too much sugar added to it.

    The first couple days were the hardest for me. Hopefully you can do the full cleanse ( 3 smoothies a day) you will have a much greater weightloss if you do. I lost 10 lbs and was happy with that but if I could have done 3 smoothies vice 2, it would have been even greater.

    If you want to see others that have done it, there's a Facebook group also for that book, the results of some people are absolutely amazing!

    Good Luck!

  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Well today is my weigh in day...

    SW 191
    CW 165.6
    GW 135
    Total loss since Dec, 20.6 lbs

    Well, no weight loss not weight gain this week.

    My activity level has changed since I've gotten back home. I was so used to taking a gym class during the workday while in DC but I can't do that now. I've been working out everyday but not the same way as I was.

    I need to start a new routine here. Hopefully I see some loss next week.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    It'll just take your body a few days to catch up and get used to the new exercises. I'm sure you'll see some results next week. :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Loser Friends

    The Town came this afternoon and we HAVE WATER YA WHOO!!

    Back to normal feels really good. Since we got home from our trip my hubby and I are on South Beach again to get rid of the vacation weight. My weigh in day is tomorrow so we shall see how much work I need to do to get back before we left.

    I am doing cleaning today so that will be my exercise for today.

    We still have a month to get our weight off so don't be discouraged. Lots of you are starting some new plans, please share with us how you are doing.

    Until tomorrow.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    whoopee Shirley finally got water. I know how happy your are.
    Shirley I was looking at a new plan but I change my mind too restricted 1-1-1 plan is more my speed. So easy to stick to.

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Woohoo Water! I know you must feel such relief! So glad for you.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Yay!!! Shirley has water! WhoHoo! (*)
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Shirley- So happy your life can get back to normal.
    Cristina- Great job!!
    Things are looking better. Ice is melting.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Happy Friday, losers!

    Exactly one month from today, April 6, we will be posting our losses and heading into our new 4th of July challenge! Many of you have met the challenge, and even if maintenance is on your horizon, we still want to cheer you on. <3

    Early congrats to you who weigh today and have a loss. For those of you who don't, it's okay. It just doesn't happen every week, and the scales are evil! >:)

    Gym day for me. How are you going to move and groove today?

    Have a good one, all and stay strong!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning this place. And a great morning it is. Went and weighed on the wii and he had a good smile. I was up 6 or 7 times peeing. It's no wonder I had a 2 lb loss I was floating in my own pool of water lol.

    I have a goal with myself to lose 5 lbs a month this year and I blew the first two months. Aiming for a 5 lb loss for March want to accomplish at least one month.

    Thanks for caring I got a good start to my week. My week starts on thursday. Tops is wed. And I did not have a pig out when I come home with a gain. I just said ok smarten up and next week you can have a loss.

    So got 10 min. of balance on the wii this morning. I have an appointment with my foot doctor this morning at 9 so that will get me out. More than likely stop for coffee somewhere. And now for breakfast. Guess 1 toast with cheese.

    See you all lighter.
  • CathleenOL
    CathleenOL Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a bit late joining, but I would like to be down 10 pounds by Easter. I'm also looking for some mfp friends! I'm back to mfp, after about 5 months away. My weight is up and my doctor would like to see my blood pressure a bit lower. I have a re-checkup in 6 weeks. My blood pressure has never been up.... But,, I have been eating like *****,, so it makes sense. I'm 29, 5'1 and 143.6lbs. I feel my best at 125lbs. I joined Crossfit in January and I'm absolutely loving it - my main issue is food..
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    tenpets wrote: »
    I ordered the 10 day green smooothie cleanse book and some detox tea. I will go into this well prepared with all the veggies and fruits as well as getting myself mentally prepared to push through the rough spots. I will let you know when I begin and how it goes. Wish me luck, as I know I could use a detox. Hubby and I enjoy our coffees in the morning and nice wine with dinner. I'm looking forward to feeling more energetic and leaner at the end. Weight loss will just be an added benefit. :-)

    You will do fine...I don't even crave sugar anymore. That was my downfall...turns out most of the so called healthy choices I was making had way too much sugar added to it.

    The first couple days were the hardest for me. Hopefully you can do the full cleanse ( 3 smoothies a day) you will have a much greater weightloss if you do. I lost 10 lbs and was happy with that but if I could have done 3 smoothies vice 2, it would have been even greater.

    If you want to see others that have done it, there's a Facebook group also for that book, the results of some people are absolutely amazing!

    Good Luck!


    I do plan to do the full 3 smoothies a day with snacks between that are allowed, if needed. I've been home ill for the last two days and today I'm no better. I've spent the past two days pretty much in bed all day. Good thing yesterday and today are snow days, so I didn't have to use sick time.

    My book is to arrive tomorrow, but I have to feel better before I can begin. Can't look at food right now. I hope to feel better by the weekend, get out to the store and buy what I need for the smoothies and snacks, and begin on Monday. We'll see how fast I get better from this upper respiratory/stomach bug.

    I will have to check out the FB page for this cleanse. I'm really excited to try this. My daughter loves making smoothies for her family.

    Have a great day and weekend, everyone!

    Becky, in snow covered MD!